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Wrestling Draft 2014 Wrestling Draft 2014

02-18-2014 , 01:01 AM
First 2 Picks

"Handsome" Jimmy and "Luscious" Johnny Valiant

WWE Hall Of Fame Bio
Originally Posted by WWE Hall Of Fame
Loved or hated, together or on their own, "Handsome" Jimmy and "Luscious" Johnny Valiant were two of the biggest names in sports-entertainment for over two decades. Some consider the Valiant Brothers the premier tag team of the 1970s. With their bleached blond hair, rugged ring moves and overall flamboyance, the Valiants were revolutionary, giving fans a taste of what sports-entertainment would look like in the future.

Jimmy was first to enter the sports-entertainment world, debuting in 1964 after training with fellow Hall of Famer Verne Gagne. Johnny followed soon after in 1967, and together they won several regional tag team championships. The Valiants entered WWE in the early 1970s, and at times they seemed unbeatable. Together, the pair captured the World Tag Team Championship in 1974 and held them for just over a year. Later, a third brother, "Gentleman" Jerry, joined them, teaming with Johnny to once again win the World Tag Team Championship in 1979. The Valiants were just one of the dozen tag teams that fellow 1996 Hall of Fame inductee Captain Lou Albano guided to the World Tag Team Championship in his career.

After the Valiants parted ways, Johnny redirected his efforts into managing. After managing Hulk Hogan in the AWA in the early 1980s, Johnny came back to WWE. In 1985, Johnny managed the Dream Team (Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake) to the World Tag Team Championship. Dino Bravo and Demolition also spent time under his tutelage, and Johnny was known to do color commentary for WWE broadcasts as well. In 1989, he moved back to the AWA, where he managed Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos to the AWA Tag Team Championship. When the AWA closed, Johnny went into semi-retirement.

Jimmy, on the other hand, stayed in the ring. He left WWE and headed to Memphis, Tenn., where he had a lengthy rivalry with Jerry Lawler, before moving onto the NWA in the mid-1980s. Rechristened as "The Boogie Woogie Man," Jimmy was one of the most popular wrestlers in the southern United States. His lengthy rivalry with Paul Jones is still revered as one of the greatest of all-time; Jimmy fought Jones and his seemingly never-ending stable of associates for years, and both Jimmy and Jones had their heads shaved by the other during the course of their war. After moving back to Memphis later that decade, Jimmy moved into semi-retirement in the early 1990s.

After their careers ended, both men stayed active. Jimmy opened up a training school in Virginia, while Johnny parlayed his natural charisma into a career as an actor and stand-up comedian. He has appeared as a guest star on several series (including Law & Order and The Sopranos), and his one man show "An Evening with Johnny Valiant" was critically acclaimed in his adopted hometown of New York City.

For their accomplishments in the world of sports-entertainment, Johnny & Jimmy Valiant were rewarded with the highest honor: induction into the WWE Hall of Fame in 1996. Fittingly, they were inducted by British Bulldog & Owen Hart, who were the reigning World Tag Team Champions at the time.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Dylan
Thanks guys!

Early Years: Tag-Teams

The Bulldogs win the tag-team tournament and are the first champions of Texas Championship Wrestling. They win in a pretty dominate fashion and quickly get over positively with the crowd. They have a heated feud with the team of Taz and Bam Bam Bigelow. They hold the titles for a long time but eventually lose them to Taz and Bam Bam. These two teams reign supreme as the top tag teams of the company for several years. Both teams fued with other teams but for the first three years they are the only two teams to hold the titles.

During those three years the Rockers get more and more over with the fans. They have a series of great matches with the Bulldogs but never were able to capture the titles. The heel team of Taz and Bigelow cut promos asking the crowd why would they root for a team that's all style and no substance? The Bulldogs regain the titles from Taz and Bigelow and the Rockers go on a winning streak. The Bulldogs turn heel because of the crowd support the Rockers are getting. At a mid-level PPV Bischoff puts Shawn Michaels against the British Bulldog. Michaels wins in an amazing match. The next night Michaels cuts a promo saying that he beat Davey Boy and the Rockers want a match against the Bulldogs for the titles. The Bulldogs state that they will give the Rockers their title match but on one condition, if the Rockers lose they have to breakup and leave the tag-team division. Michaels and Jannetty agree and the match is set. The Rockers beat the Bulldogs when Michaels hits Dynamite Kid with Sweet Chin Music.

They go on to have a nice run with the titles but things eventually turn bad. Michaels starts to get very cocky and begins cutting promos saying that he is the reason the Rockers are the champions. Things blowup when during a match against the newly debuted Uso's, Michaels and Jannetty start arguing with each other and Jay Uso rolls Jannetty up from behind to win the titles. Michaels furiously attacks Jannetty after the match. Michaels leaves Jannetty bloodied in the ring. A feud follows between the former Rockers. Michaels comes out on top and traditions to the upper mid-card as a singles wrestler, Jannetty becomes a jobber to the stars for the most part. The Uso's are now the number one face tag-team in the company. The Bulldogs remain the number one heel tag-team until Dynamite Kid's tragic death. Davey Boy turns face as a singles wrestler as a result of Dynamite's passing.
Meh, I guess it works, though I'd prefer the Bulldogs turning heel after they get thrown over rather than while the Rockers are still chasing them. I mean honestly I just don't think Davey is a good or believable heel so I'm a bit resistant to heel Bulldogs but I see why you want to go that way.

I do like using Michaels in The Rockers before giving him the big push.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by moorobot
I've resisted taking a guy he needed to complete a tag team about a million times in this draft.
That's practically like just openly passing on taking Bruno directly.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 01:08 AM
Next Pick


Basically I want a guy who does crazy flips and ****

Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 01:17 AM
Titus O'Neal

I'm a fan, he's not the best in the ring, but dude is a legit good worker on the mic and has a good physique.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 01:18 AM
David otunga and tom Pritchard
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 02:40 AM
The Destroyer Dick Beyer
Lioness Asuka
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 06:59 AM
I will take Axl and Ian Rotten

Going to have a nice fed that can fill 5k+ seats with almost all mid card acts
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I will take Axl and Ian Rotten

Going to have a nice fed that can fill 5k+ seats with almost all mid card acts
You have two more picks.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 08:37 AM
Gonna do quick writeups for my new additions, starting with...

Ultimate Warrior

Some may see Orton as better value and maybe he is but to be honest I'm over the moon to have traded him for Warrior; I was actually going to take him in the spot I took Orton until he got sniped the pick before. Although it only lasted a few years, Warrior was an absolute mega face and was arguably more over than prime Hogan at his peak. Not known for being great in the ring but his high profile matches were often pretty good and some of my roster should be able to carry him to decent matches. I also really like his interview style and of course the guy oozes charisma.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 08:53 AM

Eddie Guerrero

Great in the ring, great on the mic, great charisma, great as a face or a heel. Eddie adds a lot of quality to my mid card, and will make the angles involving my Mexicans that much better. Can also have a main event run at some point. Was named most charismatic twice by WON as well as best on interviews once, feud of the year twice, and tag team of the year twice - once with Chavo and once with....

Art Barr

Him and Eddie were named WON tag team of the year in 1994, and Barr was also named best heel that year, as well as Eddie/Barr vs. El Hijo del Santo and Undrafted being feud of the year. "The Love Machine" had an amateur wrestling background so could obviously go in the ring. WWF, WCW, ECW and NJPW were all trying to sign the pair and it looked like they were going to become huge before Barr was unfortunately found dead at the age of 28.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 09:01 AM

The Iron Sheik

Despite Judy's claim that he is worthless to me, I was actually really chuffed to get The Iron Sheik in the rand. Competed in the olympics, former major world champion, great heel gimmick; he seems like a pretty great addition to me.


Fits very nicely into my women's division. Don't have too much to say about her really but pleased to have her.

Updated roster:

Daniel Bryan
Andre The Giant
Ultimate Warrior
Stan Hansen
Jushin Liger
Freddie Blassie
The Sheik
El Generico
Verne Gagne
Antonino Rocca
Giant Baba
Abdullah The Butcher
Bobo Brazil
Davey Richards
Dick The Bruiser
Riki Chōshū
Eddie Edwards
Eddie Guerrero
The Iron Sheik
Great Sasuke
Big Daddy
El Hijo del Santo
Art Barr

Trish Stratus
AJ Lee
Sherri Martel
Gail Kim
Cheerleader Melissa

Bobby Heenan
Jim Ross
Mean Gene Okerlund

Edit - Verne Gagne is still on the block btw.

Last edited by teejayC; 02-18-2014 at 09:12 AM.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 01:00 PM
Everybody here knows Vince McMahon. He has some great feud potential on my roster. Obviously vs. Heyman, but also against older wrestlers such as Thesz and Ole Anderson. Ole has an extreme amount of real life animosity towards Vince to this day over the competition between them 30 some years ago (which is why Ole is not in the WWE hall of fame, unless poor judgment would be sufficient). A lot of older wrestlers do not like Vince because they believe he has turned wrestling into a circus, gave away the secrets of the industry, ruined wrestling etc.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 01:52 PM
Added write-ups:

Johhny Valentine

I had 3 "equals" in terms of who I wanted the initial feud with Brisco to be, but once Kiniski was gone I decided to go with Valentine. He was a really great heel back in his day and became a face later on, which works well with my plans. I was always impressed with his ability to draw heat just from his methodical pace in matches.

Jim Brunzell

A tag team specialist with a very long career. Mainly just adding depth to the roster although his years with Greg Gagne were very high quality tag wrestling years.

Greg Gagne

His career was both helped and hurt by being in his father's AWA. I think he was an above-average technical wrestler who just worked better in tag teams, but he was pushed to the top of the card a couple different times. I may do a hotshot push with him that fails hard before Hogan comes in to save the fed, but I haven't worked it out in my head yet.

Dr. Wagner Jr.

Adding Pillman and Low Ki through the supplemental draft trades gives me a better foundation for a cruiserweight undercard, so I'm more than happy to add Wagner to it. I remember catching some CMLL matches in the late 1990's and he was always super-over and highly entertaining. I think his "bien, bien, bien!" Would translate to American audiences as well.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:21 PM
I'm gonna take Evan Bourne and Sara Del Rey. Writeups later.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:26 PM


My federation is slowly moving to an Attitude Era environment so these guys will fit in perfectly. They aren't particularly good at anything but their gimmicks fit well with the period of time I plan on using them in.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:27 PM
Beaver Cleavage ITT.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Beaver Cleavage ITT.
A brief reminder that the late 90s in wrestling were actually more 'aids' infested than today.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:44 PM
Yeah, there was a lot of hot garbage that went on during that time, great as it was overall.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:46 PM
I'll keep things moving along with

Reverend Slick


Buff Bagwell
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:48 PM
Ken Patera
Angelina Love
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Ken Patera
Angelina Love
the other day i was reading a website that tracked win-loss records of wrestlers. patera was like 1-50 or something hilariously bad some year in the mid-90s. ill try to find it.


some cool stuff on there
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:58 PM
TIL that Ken Patera is brothers with Jack Patera (the first Seahawks coach). Huh.

Anyway no real creative vision for Patera yet, he was mostly a BPA pick. Drew good heat, was a territorial champ, etc.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 04:00 PM
in 1996, shawn michaels went 121-4-1.

ahmed johnson was 79-7.

flair lost a lot while in WWF
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
02-18-2014 , 04:02 PM
****ing Ahmed. Not gonna score in that end zone.
Wrestling Draft 2014 Quote
