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Wrestlemania 31 Thread Wrestlemania 31 Thread

03-30-2015 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
I hate reigns as much as anyone
why would anyone hate reigns?
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Wolf'
why would anyone hate reigns?
jealousy obv
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Wolf'
why would anyone hate reigns?
I have it on good authority that it's because we hate our lives.
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 12:26 PM

Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Wolf'
why would anyone hate reigns?
Because hes black
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
Because hes black
Odds of people taking this seriously greatly increased due to the unemployed used car salesman from Iowa avatar.
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 01:05 PM
I enjoyed that last night. Still marked out when NWO came out to help Sting. Felt like a 14 year old. Thanks for that. It was a much, much better show than anyone here could have imagined.

Yes the Sting match was a train wreck but it was never going to be a classic. It was always gonna be one you had to switch your brain off to and hell just enjoy it for what it was.

Great booking in the main event. Lesnar booked very strongly. Seth is a class act in the ring so I'm happy enough with him having the belt if Lesnar doesn't.

I legit thought Nash had tore his quad when Gunn ran / fell into him.
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
I'm assuming you haven't watched the last few raws leading up to wrestlemania but this was very much built to be a wcw vs wwf feud. It's the reason why nwo came out to help sting despite them being enemies for many years in wcw.

Sting has no history in the wwe and has no future in the wwe. HHH is a legend, is a current top real life executive and a mainstay in the main event scene either as an authority figure or as a wrestler. There's no reason why sting should go over HHH.
In Sting's only promo, he kind of said he's not fighting for WCW though. It's all in the distant past. And while the NWO helping him because they technically were "outsiders" from WCW and Clique members opposing each other didn't make much sense, I'm still fine with how it all turned out. Who was the other choice to help Sting? The 4 horsemen? Lex Luger who might be in worse shape than Scott Hall now? Maybe Goldberg if they could have gotten him.
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Wolf'
why would anyone hate reigns?
Seems to be an irl douche
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Wolf'
why would anyone hate reigns?
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
Seems to be an irl douche
Give a example?

Originally Posted by Dylan

don't get why he is a irl douche from this?
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Wolf'
Give a example?
well that bit where he shoved the fan earlier today might be one
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Wolf'
Give a example?

don't get why he is a irl douche from this?
At work and on phone so didn't watch video but there's been a number of interviews with the guy where he comes off as a complete jackass. Just not very likeable and basically has no redeeming factors in the ring to get people to overlook his irl attitude.
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
well that bit where he shoved the fan earlier today might be one

Or how about don't get in the guys way?
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 01:48 PM
Still finding it hard to believe that Tyler Black just main evented Wrestlemania and won the belt.

Looking back, it probably shouldn't be such a surprise. They booked him as the inaugural NXT champion, put him in the shield, and gave him a programme with John Stewart. Perhaps the whole Reigns debacle was just a red herring to throw fans off the scent and put the finish over even stronger?

Still haven't actually watched the broadcast yet, pretty inconsiderate of the WWE to air the show at 1am GMT.
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by OneOut
In Sting's only promo, he kind of said he's not fighting for WCW though. It's all in the distant past. And while the NWO helping him because they technically were "outsiders" from WCW and Clique members opposing each other didn't make much sense, I'm still fine with how it all turned out. Who was the other choice to help Sting? The 4 horsemen? Lex Luger who might be in worse shape than Scott Hall now? Maybe Goldberg if they could have gotten him.
Yeah initially it was built as a "sting hates authority figures" storyline but it absolutely shifted into a wcw vs wwf thing over the last few weeks. I didn't agree with it because it's obviously dumb but Stephanie and HHH made sure to bring it up in every single promo. Then the sting video package started off with "I tried to save wcw but I failed etc" and basically the entire pre show was talking about whether sting could finally stick it to wwe after all these years, blah blah.

You're right that they had no choice but to use nwo there but my point was that the fact that nwo and dx ran out during the match is evidence that wwe viewed this feud as a wcw vs wwe thing. Otherwise it makes zero sense for those guys - especially nwo- to be out there.
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 02:03 PM
And WWE's reward for this rather positive Mania is....a massive drop in the stock price. Of course that is due to business side announcements.
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
well that bit where he shoved the fan earlier today might be one
where exactly did he shove the fan entrance?
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Wolf'
where exactly did he shove the fan entrance?
In the very first shot you see of him coming down the steps. Of course according to some people Reigns should have stopped everything including his music and politely escprted the gentleman back to his seat and then started everything up again. Some people are so ridiculous
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by therightdeal

I legit thought Nash had tore his quad when Gunn ran / fell into him.
I thought so as well, because he grabbed right for it. But then after seeing him up and fine, I assumed it was just a shot at the smarks who always break his balls about tearing quads. Nash isnt one to shy away from playing ribs on the fans
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
Yeah initially it was built as a "sting hates authority figures" storyline but it absolutely shifted into a wcw vs wwf thing over the last few weeks. I didn't agree with it because it's obviously dumb but Stephanie and HHH made sure to bring it up in every single promo. Then the sting video package started off with "I tried to save wcw but I failed etc" and basically the entire pre show was talking about whether sting could finally stick it to wwe after all these years, blah blah.

You're right that they had no choice but to use nwo there but my point was that the fact that nwo and dx ran out during the match is evidence that wwe viewed this feud as a wcw vs wwe thing. Otherwise it makes zero sense for those guys - especially nwo- to be out there.
Im going to take a shot in the dark here. I think the NWO/DX feud may have been a last minute audible because maybe something happened to either Sting or HHH. I dont think this was something planned out well in advance because of the added no DQ stipulation that wasnt mentioned up until the start of the match. Maybe one of them injured something or caught the flu, or something. It just looked like they had that schmoz so that they didnt have to work all that much in the ring.

As for why DX and NWO. Why not? Tons of fanshave been saying for years "I wish we got to see DX vs NWO." Or something to that effect, so why not give to the fans the best way possible. I dont know just an idea
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 02:54 PM
Cool pic.

Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 03:11 PM
Just so it doesn't get forgotten in the wake of the ME:

Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 03:25 PM
It was the first time because of the shock factor but in gif form it looks pretty stupid.
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
03-30-2015 , 04:56 PM
That Sting Debut Video brought back a lot of memories for me watching PPVs with my friends and trying to keep it quiet, lol. I remember when Kurt Angle won his first title and I was the only one of my friends cheering for him. I was around that age, maybe a little older, and was told to keep it down from my friends parents, lol.
Wrestlemania 31 Thread Quote
