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The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT!

11-08-2019 , 04:58 PM
Since nobody mentioned it, the ratings for AEW were pretty discouraging. A big drop for the main demographic when there was less significant competition going on (no World Series etc.).
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-08-2019 , 05:39 PM
Such a good heel.

The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-08-2019 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by antidan444
Since nobody mentioned it, the ratings for AEW were pretty discouraging. A big drop for the main demographic when there was less significant competition going on (no World Series etc.).
AEW's 18-49 #s were slightly higher than the week previous. NXT closed the gap sharply in all categories though.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-08-2019 , 08:45 PM
OK I miswrote. And it would be stupid to compare this week's numbers with the debut show. But I do think the 18-49 trend overall is cause for at least a little concern.

I finally got a chance to watch the first half-hour of Dynamite this evening (before work picked up). Unpopular opinion: The Cody promo is being massively overrated. It's a bit of an apples-to-oranges comparison because one was recorded and the other was live, but Cody's promo setting up his match with Dustin was much better IMO.

I thought the PAC-Trent match was quite good. AEW has generally had very good opening matches.

Last edited by antidan444; 11-08-2019 at 08:49 PM. Reason: I don't think the Cody promo was bad by any stretch. It was just, say, a 7 more than a 10.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-08-2019 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Wrestling fans are so used to mediocrity that they don't know how to react to the superior product that AEW produces.
I disagree with this, WWE isn't the only wrestling around. Promotions like NJPW, Lucha Underground and RevPro etc have been doing awesome stuff for years and is why guys like Omega and the Bucks have massive fan bases without ever being in the WWE. AEW didn't cause the current boom in wrestling, they're a product of it. If it wasn't for NJPW being as good as it was a few years ago then AEW probably wouldn't even exist.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-08-2019 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by antidan444
The Cody promo is being massively overrated. It's a bit of an apples-to-oranges comparison because one was recorded and the other was live, but Cody's promo setting up his match with Dustin was much better IMO.
I feel the same way but didn't want to post it and be the one downer. I really don't rate Cody's promo as highly as others. If "you stupid dick" is considered a great line then the bar is really low atm. Comparing it to Hard Times is a massive stretch as well. Hard Times is Dusty in a studio going hard for 3 mins and no break. Cody's was in an arena with lines designed to get pops out of the crowd so he could pause and look around. Cody's was very much a current WWE style promo but it had swear words so it's cool now.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-08-2019 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by El Kabong
I feel the same way but didn't want to post it and be the one downer. I really don't rate Cody's promo as highly as others. If "you stupid dick" is considered a great line then the bar is really low atm. Comparing it to Hard Times is a massive stretch as well. Hard Times is Dusty in a studio going hard for 3 mins and no break. Cody's was in an arena with lines designed to get pops out of the crowd so he could pause and look around. Cody's was very much a current WWE style promo but it had swear words so it's cool now.
Yup. I had to go back and watch it a second time because I thought I had missed something tremendous the way it was being talked about. It was fine, but it wasn't ground breaking or anything.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-08-2019 , 10:51 PM
What have NJPW's ratings been with the target demographic?
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-08-2019 , 10:55 PM
Not remotely a fair question given the reach of AXS TV isn't nearly as large (among other factors). But El Kabong isn't wrong, The Elite guys (specifically Omega) became stars in NJPW and without that there's no AEW.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-08-2019 , 11:35 PM
I could post this in the AEW-specific thread, but this thread is more active so I'd rather do it here ...

Which directions does AEW go at Full Gear?

The title match now really intrigues me. I personally thought two weeks ago there was no way in hell Cody was winning. I still don't think he should, mind you: I'd leave it on Jericho for the time being, A) because I generally hate short title reigns, but more importantly, B) the Inner Circle gets almost totally neutered without the title. Jericho should win dirty to set up the obvious Inner Circle vs. Elite War Games match at the next PPV. However, this new stipulation about Cody never getting another title shot if he loses throws a bit of a wrench into things. There's always ways to get around that (for example, the champion says he wants to waive that and face Cody anyway). Still, that stipulation makes me think it's significantly more likely that Cody may win.

Omega-Moxley? Omega just should not be taking any more losses, he's already looked weaker than he should be with losses to Jericho and PAC. This is supposed to be the best wrestler in the world, according to the AEW announcers, but if you're a fan who's just getting to know Omega through AEW, that claim would seem laughable. However, AEW also needs Moxley in the main-event picture.

I think Hangman is going to beat PAC (which I don't like since I think PAC >>>>>> Hangman, but they need to start establishing Hangman as a legit player and I think PAC has already done that), and then PAC is going to wind up involved somehow in Omega-Moxley ... maybe not in deciding the outcome, but after the match is over.

I don't really care much about the women's title (though I wouldn't take it off Riho) or the tag title triple-threat match (rooting for the Luchas).

Those are my thoughts. Different opinions?
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-09-2019 , 12:59 AM
Like you, I thought Jericho was 100% to win. I think he should still keep the belt. However, they have booked themselves into a fun spot where Cody has all the momentum of a great babyface and the stipulation. If I had to pick someone, I'd say Jericho wins via shenanigans. Cody also mentioned "the match beyond" or something referencing War Games in his promo so it's clear that's where The Elite and The Inner Circle are going at the next ppv.

I think Mox takes that match. Mox can't be losing his first match and even though Omega did win last week, I think they'll continue this losing spell for him. I think he could go losing a bunch of matches until Jericho loses the belt and then he gets redemption on Jericho and then a huge showdown with Mox again.

I'm not really interested in Hangman at all. I'd like to see Pac win to continue to give him something to ***** about wrt getting a title match some day.

Women's title and Tag Titles seem thrown together and not excited for those. Though I'm sure the tag match will be great.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-09-2019 , 01:09 AM
I think AEW is playing with serious fire having Omega keep losing. Omega is primarily an in-ring master. He didn't get to the top through promos. He got there through kicking ass in the ring. He's the kind of guy who can be hurt quite a bit by too many losses. That's my opinion.

On the other hand, it would be completely stupid to set Moxley up with his exact preferred style of match, and then have him lose.

So, yeah, Omega is going to lose. But I hate it. I think AEW is shooting itself in the foot.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-09-2019 , 02:23 AM
It doesn't matter who wins or loses that match. It's an unsanctioned match!
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-13-2019 , 09:15 PM
This Garza-Rush match is spectacular.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-13-2019 , 10:36 PM
This has been the best episode of AEW so far imo. I love that everyone has a storyline. Moxley/Darby is a good feud, Awesome Kong is going to be the best part of the women's division, Cody is by far the best face in all of wrestling, Jericho and MJF were both great on the mic, Pac/Hangman was super solid, Orange Cassidy showing up during the Young Bucks/LAX fight was hilarious, and the main event hasn't even happened yet. Great episode.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-13-2019 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Dylan
Cody is by far the best face in all of wrestling
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-13-2019 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by El Kabong
Who would you put ahead of him? Disclaimer, I only watch WWE, NXT, and AEW.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-13-2019 , 11:01 PM
Ouch that dropkick
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-13-2019 , 11:05 PM
Holy ****
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-14-2019 , 12:29 AM
Both shows were great this week.

Jericho is a god damn national treasure.

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The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-14-2019 , 12:29 AM
And that NXT main event. Sheesh

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The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-14-2019 , 12:56 AM
The Jericho tantrum to close the show brought me back to his original WCW heel turn that set his career on fire. I remember going from not caring about his matches to loving him and Ralphus. Ironically, now he looks like Ralphus.

Was almost ready to give up on AEW, but this was their best effort in weeks. Liked almost everything they did, especially if they're gonna push this Scorpio Sky guy after pinning Jericho. If not, it was stupid.

NXT made that Dominic guy into a monster tonight, which is gonna be tough if they're looking to make him a big thing now cause spelling his name is gonna be a task.

Quality efforts by both shows tonight.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-14-2019 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Dylan
Who would you put ahead of him? Disclaimer, I only watch WWE, NXT, and AEW.
I don't break it down by face/heel but here are my current unbiased wrestler rankings across all organizations (not just AEW).

#5 Jon Moxley
#4 Nick Aldis
#3 MJF
#2 Cody
#1 Le Champion Chris Jericho
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-14-2019 , 04:26 AM
Speaking of good faces, it was funny that Dakota Kai was doing all of the "I'm being really nice to you" acts that typically preface a heel turn swerve, but it turns out she actually is just a very nice person.

If Kay Lee Ray is going to be in NXT full time, that women's division just got even more comically stacked. And they still have like five others in NXT UK who would be strong adds.

I forgot to DVR AEW but I'll have to check out the MJF promo.

Last edited by SarcasticRat; 11-14-2019 at 04:45 AM.
The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
11-14-2019 , 04:44 AM
Haven't watched anything but saw this clip on twitter with Scarlet Bordeaux

Had no idea WWE signed her.

The Wednesday Night Wars!!!  AEW Dynamite vs. NXT! Quote
