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WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion

01-10-2012 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by antidan444
I haven't watched a single wrestling thing since mid-September and may never again.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 06:20 PM
She hates rasslin'.
on this horrible note i just asked my mrs. to watch those two with me tonight and may just take her vote for this match up.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 06:22 PM
Ahahaha, Rock/Stone Cold in a massive walk.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
A fantastically hot crowd. An incredibly dramatic match. Amazing commentary by JR and Paul Heyman. An epic heel turn. Rock vs. Austin at WrestleMania XVII absolutely has it all.
Not much more needs to be said.

I vote Austin/Rock.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 06:45 PM
the obvious (and awful) blading job rock does knocks this down a good 2.5* for me. in running for worst WM main event ever.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Chargers In 09
rock/austin is easily one of the GOAT and probably will be my vote later
Originally Posted by Chargers In 09
the obvious (and awful) blading job rock does knocks this down a good 2.5* for me. in running for worst WM main event ever.
I'm so confused.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 06:51 PM
yeah obvious level attempt is obvious. just trying to justify it not winning for a second.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 06:53 PM
Haha. You could probably safely have it both ways by voting against it and watching it advance anyway.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 07:58 PM
Just watched the 10 man tag and the Rock/Angle match for the first time. The 10 man tag gets my vote and it's not really close. For some reason I just didn't really get into the Rock/Angle match. It was a very good match obviously but the 10 man tag seemed to matter so much more. I have a few details that I didn't like in both matches (this is nitpicking at its finest obv):

- In the 10 man tag I didn't like the fact that no one saved Austin when Bret was destroying Austin's leg. When Austin destroyed Owen's leg all the other guys where involved in a brawl so no one could help him. However when Austin's helpless in the corner, it takes way too long for one of his teammates to make the save.

- In the Angle/Rock match I think Rock kicking out of the Angle Slam (or whatever it is called) after crashing face first into the exposed steel in the corner is just a bit too much superhero like for me. I don't mind people kicking out of each others finishers every once in a while, but not after hitting the exposed steel in the corner face first. Obviouslve the ending was pretty bad when Angle didn't kick out of the rock bottom.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 08:44 PM
Rock/Austin is one of my favorite matches ever.. gets my vote..

Lesnar/Taker was still great though.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 09:07 PM
Just watched both and I get sucked into Taker/Brock way more than Rock/Austin. I think Taker/Brock is right on par or better with regards to work rate and putting on the better match in a vacuum. However, the crowd, the star power, austin needing to win to prove to himself he wasn't a washed up star makes it > than HiaC. Also WM X-7 led to a cage match between Rock/Austin the next night and the formation of the "Two Man Power Trip" and started an awesome reign for Austin. After the HiaC match Brock lost at Survivor Series to the ****ing Big Show in a tremendous 5-8 minute match (seriously possibly the best short bout involving heavyweights).
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 09:21 PM
I had never seen Taker/Lesnar before, and I was impressed. Just a brutal, brutal match. Lesnar couldn't have gone over any stronger, and it's unfortunate that he didn't have the passion for the business, or he would have been one of the all-time greats. Also, it's amazing how young he looked -- not even ten years later, he looks like he's aged at least twice that.

Looking back on Rock/Austin, I can't believe how much of the impact was taken away from the match by how the rest of that year unfolded. By the end of November, EVERYTHING that was accomplished in that match had been undone by the terrible Invasion angle. Austin's insecure heel character was brilliant, but after Survivor Series, it was basically back to the same old beer-drinking, bird-flipping, mudhole-stomping redneck. And then he was done pretty much for good not even a year later.

That being said, I vote for Rock/Austin pretty easily.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 09:58 PM
I'm going to say 10-man tag team match and Rock/Austin. The others were good, it just that the ten man tag had huge-ass atmosphere and Rock/Austin had this huge big-time tension to it.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 10:01 PM
I need to watch both matches again before I can vote, but at the end of Rock/Austin when JR says "they might as well just urinate on the Rock" I always lose my ****. It doesn't matter how stupid it may be or how many times I've heard it but the thought of Austin and Vince pissing on the Rock after they screwed him out of the belt is just hilarious to me for some reason.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-10-2012 , 11:23 PM
This is the first that I've seen either of these matches, as I didn't watch much wrestling at the time, and I'm probably going to get flamed for this post - but I'm voting Brock / Taker

I realize that Rock and Austin are super-duper mega stars, but this match just didn't do it for me. The first 80% is them just exchanging punches and blading, the next 15% is them exchanging sharp-shooter restholds, and then the end with Vince, which is difficult for me to understand how BIG of a heel-turn it was when the match is viewed in a vaccuum.

That said, the crowd was core-of-the-sun hot, which added a tremendous amount to it, and JR / Heyman were magic on the mic (although Heyman gives away the ending a bit by his "SCSA will do ANYTHING to win this match" over and over and over).

This is a all a bit hypocritical coming from a guy who voted FOR Macho / Hogan, but WMV was during a time when I watched wrestling, and thus I can appreciate everything that went into that match. With the WM X7 match, I didn't watch wrestling, can't really appreciate everything, and have to just take it for what I just watched.

Brock / Taker probably wouldn't go deep for me in this bracket (even tho I realize I'm not going to get a chance to vote again as Rock / Austin is going to route it), but it was a very enjoyable bloodbath with some good psychology with the UT's hand, and a cool finish. Hell, even Michael Cole (who I hate with a passion now) was really solid on the stick, as was Taz. I just wish Paul Heyman would have STFU, it got a little grating.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-11-2012 , 12:02 AM
I'd just like to interject with one vote for Owen/Bulldog Euro title, thought I posted but didn't.

The ladder match was awesome, yeah, but reading that HBK copped both the idea and the finish from Bret in Hart's book takes away from it a lot.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-11-2012 , 12:13 AM
I vote for the 10 man tag and Rock/Austin.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-11-2012 , 12:53 AM
I'm going to vote for Rock/Austin. It's the last match of the best era of wrestling ever. Heyman and JR in that short run was my favorite announce team ever. They are both just gold through out the match. The booking is a little much at the end with all the kick outs but it's still a really good match. Austin turning heel in Texas is just so awesome, I'm gonna go ahead and predict that Punk turns heel at Extreme Rules in Chicago next year in a similar fashion aligning himself with Johnny Ace.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-11-2012 , 01:26 AM
I did like the Brock/Taker match a bunch, but the Austin/Rock match is easily better.

vote: Austin/Rock
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-11-2012 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by El Kabong
As much as I love Macho and the commentary, HBK/Jericho is just a much more entertaining match so that gets my vote.
Same here, +1 votes. Macho/Hogan didn't hold up very well. Could be modernity bias but oh well.

Rock/Angle gets my vote for the other matchup and that one wasnt even close.
Same! Also +1 votes plz.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-11-2012 , 02:08 AM
lmao @ "Reason: She hates rasslin'" from Dan and never watching again. how much free time do you need to fire up some youtube clips once in a while? so disappointed. really want to go on a rant about marriages sucking horribly when one person is expected to cave in but it will just get chalked up to "sacrifice" or something equally lulzy.

WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-11-2012 , 02:10 AM
I'm just busy. Truthfully I don't miss it.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-11-2012 , 02:10 AM
need miz kid edited in that at the end.
WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-11-2012 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by antidan444
I'm just busy. Truthfully I don't miss it.
But but... you miss stuff like this:

WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
01-11-2012 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by antidan444
I'm just busy. Truthfully I don't miss it.
you can't leave us though you have to suffer through this awful nonsense too! lolol.

seriously though good luck etc. and congrats on bailing on wrestling and the wedding. WWE sucks so ****ing badly right now you have no idea. still giving you one of these though if you don't at least sneak away to check out Rock vs. Cena:

WBM Greatest Wrestling Match of All Time - First Round Voting + Discussion Quote
