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05-05-2011 , 11:16 PM
We should do one of those drafts again. It is WWE draft season after all (any excuse is a good one imo)
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-05-2011 , 11:18 PM
i tried to get interest to do it again but no one responded
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05-05-2011 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
lol my brother hates that guy. He doesn't move his arm in a circle, but just pulls his hand straight back and straight down.
Thats the one i believe, always ruins the match for me.

Also, how does this draft thing work?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-05-2011 , 11:56 PM
maybe my cm punk pick wont get as many LOL OMFGs now as it did then.

or maybe more...
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-05-2011 , 11:57 PM
also, does anyone have the link to the google doc from that first draft?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-06-2011 , 12:06 AM
Just watching IMPACT now. It has been on for three minutes and there have been 117 people in the ring, including Al Snow.
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05-06-2011 , 12:13 AM
Disagree TNA has a better roster than WWE.

Agree TNA has a great roster and should put out a product at least as good as the WWE creatively even if not at the same production values.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-06-2011 , 12:15 AM
Fortune is so awesome. Epic Roode promo redeemed the comically overbooked opening sequence. Who could have guessed that?
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05-06-2011 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Kane? I mean, I realize that WWE thinks that Kane is due for a heel or face turn every two months, but I have a hard time agreeing that he's due again.

And while Show can still show up on SD as a tag champ, he's a Raw roster member now. There's no way he's feuding over a singles belt there.
I was joking
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05-06-2011 , 01:13 AM
My late round snag of Ron Killings in that draft looks a little better lately
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05-06-2011 , 01:35 AM
in 4 a draft, lol at Mr. Irrelevant being the coach
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05-06-2011 , 02:09 AM
So are we just drafting or running a promotion after?
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05-06-2011 , 05:11 AM
If, like me, you've been craving your Jericho fix ever since Orton punted him in the head, then check out this video from 411, of Jericho appearing on Attack of the Show dressed as Thor, and playing the character to pretty hilarious effect throughout the show.[VIDEO]-Chris-Jericho-is-the-New-God-of-Thunder.htm
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05-06-2011 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by 4thstreetpete
horrible tastes in women itt
Well at least you are man enough to admit it.
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05-06-2011 , 02:09 PM
God, watching the opening of SD atm really makes me say
suck a ****ed up ending
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05-06-2011 , 04:45 PM
SmackDown recap, in spoilers for those for whom it hasn't aired yet.

- Duh-dummmmmmmmm........GO! Christian opens the show, big pop but probably could be better. He looks pretty pleased to finally have a belt on his shoulders. Or at least, one whose credibility wasn't ruined by having the letters 'ECW' written on it.

- Nice heartfelt promo there, seemed like genuine emotion when he talked about getting a text from Edge telling him to enjoy the moment.

- Mark Henry is here? I'm okay with this, he has more personality as a heel anyway. LOL, Christian reminding him the belt isn't made of chocolate...burn.

- Khali is here?!? Seriously? Hide your basketballs, Christian...he wants a title shot, etc etc, predictable much.

- I HEAR know who is out now, and the beard is growing nicely. I hope he goes the full Mike Knox. That'd be hilarious. Randy reminds us who he is - are there really that many people who don't watch Raw, OR PPVs?

- Orton gets the title shot after Teddy Long comes out and makes the fans choose. Christian looks like he's trying to hide being pissed about a title match tonight. Crowd loves Orton.

- Backstage skit with Khali, Runjin (who's now Khali's brother apparently...that family has some ****ed up genetics producing both a giant and a midget) and the new kid on the block, whose name is Jinder Mahal. He speaks with an American accent but also speaks fluent Hindi, and makes fun of Khali (after Khali leaves) for wearing a tutu on Raw. He says he's not condemning it, but finds it interesting, and then leaves. Huh. Where the hell is that leading? I wonder.

- LOBSTER HEAD! Sheamus is here for his SmackDown debut, and gets pretty huge heat, bigger than he has on Raw in ages. Nice to see.

- RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES! Josh Mathews calls Daniel Bryan "the Ryan Reynolds of WWE" - WTF? That makes no sense. Cole calls him a nerd and a a dweeb. Remember those little sugary sweets called 'Nerds' and 'Dweebs' from the mid-90s? That's what I think of every time I hear those words.

- Good match between Sheamus and Bryan, the two have good chemistry. Both made each other look good and Bryan got more offence than I expected. Finish was very cool.

- WHOOOAAH-OH! Cody's here. Very interested to see what they do with him now he's done with Rey. Cody channels Mankind and delivers yet another excellent heel promo, before he starts handing out paper bags again. The bag thing is genius. The crowd starts to chant "You are ugly!" which is pretty funny. They show one of Cody's helpers giving a paper bag to an obviously really hot girl in the crowd, which is also awesome. Cole calls for another bag for Booker, which makes this a triple dose of awesome.

- Onto more Corre breakup crap, they're making Barrett look like an idiot with stuff like what happened at ER, undoing all the work Nexus did for his character. Show is here. I would assume he and Kane will be dropping the belts soon, otherwise him being drafted to Raw would start to look slightly pointless. Who will they drop them to? There aren't any tag teams left!

- Corre is here, and Zeke has his Corre T-shirt tucked into his trunks in an even more ridiculous looking way than Gabriel did last week. Kane is here and Josh plugs the fight by saying that the God of Thunder has nothing on these guys. True in terms of size, but he has a massive ****ing hammer which would probably make a difference. He's also immortal, and not in the Paul Bearer sense either.

- Holy crap, Zeke back body drops Show early on. Zeke is a beast. He then bodyslams him. Wow. Zeke wins the match, kinda out of nowhere after some Corre-ference and a Clothesline from Hell-type move. Didn't really have the impact JBL's used to, though. Corre surrounds Zeke, but Zeke walks off. Barrett says to the others that they won that match for him, so I'm guessing they're gonna beat him down later for his lack of gratitude, or something equally nonsensical.

- Rock birthday recap, meh. I love Rocky but this was excessive. Also LOL @ Mya singing "Happy Birthday, dear The Rock" - surely she could have just said "Rocky", that wouldn't have sounded half as ridiculous. "Go Heat, bitch" was pretty cool, though.

- Layla is here, and getting a mixture of heel heat and apathy. They need to give her new music because everyone thinks this one is Michelle's. She's up against Alicia Fox. Remember when she was Edge's wedding planner? This is sure to be a humdinger of a match...NOT! Hope we get some Kong action soon. Wow, Layla wins in like 30 seconds with a crappy neckbreaker.

- KONG! I mean, KHARMA! Some bitches are about to get killed. Her music is so awesome. Layla does the smart thing and runs away, Alicia does the dumb thing and attacks Kharma from behind. Alicia gets clotheslined (this is what injured her...didn't look like it was remotely Kharma's fault, Alicia just landed funny) and then hit with a sick Implant Buster, which must have hurt like hell if her shoulder got injured by the clothesline as has been reported.

- Corre confront Zeke in the locker room. Gabriel's hair is ridiculous. They jaw for a bit before Zeke wails on all three of them and throws Slater over a table. They brawl on the floor and Barrett THROWS a chair right at Zeke, ouch. Slater tips a huge vat of something onto him and Wade says "it's been a pleasure working with you, Zeke". That got Corre more heat than anything has in a while. Zeke face turn ftw I guess.

- Chavo is here! Joining the commentators for the next match, interesting. Sin Cara is out first, and he NAILS his entrance for a change. Looked awesome. His opponent is Tyson Kidd, lol, wonder who's winning. We get weird lighting again for Sin Cara.

- Chavo is subtlely criticising Sin Cara's style and talking about how he's using Guerrero moves - guess Chavo's a heel, I'd been wondering for a while. Booker mentions karate for the second time tonight - anyone who can kick is apparently a ****ing ninja or something. Chavo says Sin Cara is stealing Chavo's moves. Chavo steps into the ring, shakes Sin Cara's hand, and that's it for now. Interesting angle here, really intrigued to see Chavo in a real feud again.

- Plug for WWE's anti-bullying campaign. David Arquette sighting!

- Teddy Long is backstage, says he made the match for the WHC to keep SmackDown exciting. Fair enough.

- This match should be good, I'm looking forward to seeing how the result comes off on TV. They're talking a lot about the unfairness of having this match now, might work in Christian's favour. Booker said wrestling! TWICE! Future endeavours imo. We get special introductions for this, they're really putting it over.

- This match was really top drawer and the finish was awesome. It was exactly the kind of high quality match you'd expect from two experienced performers, and the crowd popped huge for the ending. Orton celebrates and leaves, and Christian then walks out in a state of shock. He sold his disappointment really well.

- Overall a really good show actually, I'm gutted Christian lost the title but it really makes me want to watch next week's show. Some really good matches this week and some strong angles in store. SmackDown is outshining Raw these days.

Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:49 PM
The fact that they lingered so long with that ending where we watched Christian walk out disappointed makes it clear that they'll go somewhere with this Christian vs. Orton thing. Gotta think one of them will turn.
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05-06-2011 , 05:02 PM
Not quite seen SD yet (its buffering now) but:

id expect this will lead to an Xtian turn and not an Orton one. Which tbh is kinda huge news for him as it puts him as SD's top heel. I also kinda doubt Zeke is turning face, but will probably break out as a singles star and will probably get a good push.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-06-2011 , 05:18 PM
Once you've seen SD I think you'll change your mind about Zeke.
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05-06-2011 , 08:02 PM
Big Show is doing an awesome job with Zeke. They have taken a guy who was green but had a good look in the ECW days, Regal gave him more training and Zeke is now going to be a main event monster pretty much in the role of Batista when he is broken off for a singles push and Show has done a huge job making him credible. This is how former champs should be used at the end of their careers.

When is the last time anyone got 3 on Show after a clothesline? Hell, when is the last time anyone rocked a suplex, back body drop, and a few scoop slams on him. Dude has redic legit power and i could see him getting shot to the absolute top once he is past the Corre.

Wow, the end of the Rock birthday ep was ****ing terrible. Glad i turned it off, lol.
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05-06-2011 , 08:12 PM
Im not really attracted to most black chicks. Nothing racist, i like me some asians, but anyway. Dunno why but Alicia is completely smoking hot. That bitch attitude body language as she struts down to the ring - it works.

Shes also one of just four on the roster to have a 5 star match, alongside Punk, Taker and of course Melina.

She also got completely flattened by Kong who clotheslined her like she got hit by a car. Then gave her an absolutely huge implant buster for added funtimes.
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05-06-2011 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by SharkTank43
My late round snag of Ron Killings in that draft looks a little better lately
pick #218 FTW

super steal of the draft.

and i got ricky steamboat in the 2nd round.


Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Im not really attracted to most black chicks. Nothing racist, i like me some asians, but anyway. Dunno why but Alicia is completely smoking hot. That bitch attitude body language as she struts down to the ring - it works.
This has been the only post of yours in this entire thread that i agree with you on. I'm not really into black chicks either but Alicia is smoking hot. I wanna tap that so bad.

And since it seems like I have the best taste in women itt, I shall share some pics of Alicia for you all to enjoy!

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05-06-2011 , 09:09 PM
Smackdown main event:

Still think its an uber sucky result. Good match though. See if they turn it into a good story i guess.
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