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03-03-2011 , 03:45 PM
That's some cold blooded **** there, if I were Hulk I'd respond by calling out Bret for working for the company that killed his brother.
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03-03-2011 , 03:58 PM
Hogan needs to give up, Bret aint ever looking like the bad guy in this one.
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03-03-2011 , 04:57 PM
Maybe they could have a Hogan/Bret Hart match.

Of course, it would look like this:
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03-03-2011 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Hogan needs to give up, Bret aint ever looking like the bad guy in this one.

When Hogan pulled his typical **** and prevented the Summerslam 1993 title match and didn't pass the torch to Bret (the fact it was planned to happen was made blatently obvious in a WWF Magazine cover and story), I was a seriously pissed off 13-year-old.
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03-03-2011 , 10:01 PM
Anyone else watching TNA for the lulz?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-03-2011 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by vikvaughn
Anyone else watching TNA for the lulz?
in real time? hells no.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-03-2011 , 10:20 PM
bret in lawlers corner makes no sense they had a long feud
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-03-2011 , 11:53 PM
Going to Raw Monday Night, Hope it's good
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-03-2011 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by vikvaughn
Anyone else watching TNA for the lulz?
i would not recommend this to anyone.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-04-2011 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by EMc
bret in lawlers corner makes no sense they had a long feud
They've also acknowledged being friends publicly many times since, with Lawler giving Bret original artwork both before last year's Wrestlemania and at the "Bret returns to MSG" show. I don't think it's that bad.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-04-2011 , 12:09 AM
Bret hart and Hulk Hogan are both overrated dickheads that had massive egos (flame away hart nuthuggers)
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03-04-2011 , 12:18 AM
Yes, the guy who is self described as The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be has an ego.

But he backed his ego up way more than Hogan ever did.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-04-2011 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Pharoah00
Bret hart and Hulk Hogan are both overrated dickheads that had massive egos (flame away hart nuthuggers)
Blah blah blah Hart can't draw/Hogan can't work. Neither matters because each was the most popular wrestler in the world at some point which, yes, turned each into massive marks for themselves, but everyone back then thought they were God's gift to wrestling.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-04-2011 , 03:04 AM
scott hall has a great story about staying at harts house one time on youtube, i cant libk it cause im using a phone, but it truly shows how some people can dislike bret.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-04-2011 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by silviodante1
scott hall has a great story about staying at harts house one time on youtube, i cant libk it cause im using a phone, but it truly shows how some people can dislike bret.
scott hall is not what i would consider a reliable source.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-04-2011 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by dnkyhunter31
scott hall is not what i would consider a reliable source.
omg no <3 for the 'bad guy'?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-04-2011 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by silviodante1
omg no <3 for the 'bad guy'?
na. he is on the charlie sheen list for me.

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03-04-2011 , 08:43 AM
All I have to say this morning is...


Plus, Sting's new outfit makes him look like this guy:


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03-04-2011 , 03:50 PM
^ pic reminds me of the time i dressed as Goldust for Halloween. Its the only pic i have and it doesnt do the costume any justice. My gf at the time was Marlena.

Last edited by ___SK___; 03-04-2011 at 03:50 PM. Reason: and apparently there's a cum stain on it.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-04-2011 , 04:18 PM
SD is up online now and I'm bored, so I'm gonna watch it and post my thoughts.

- Nice little opening promo by Edge. WTF, Drew is here? This is odd. Teddy Long also in the house.

- This is really clever, they're pushing the Drew face turn by giving him credit for Vickie getting fired, even a "Thank You, Drew" chant. Drew's losing his Scottish accent, I guess it's pretty standard that if you're a foreigner turning face you have to change your accent and start loving America.

- Edge releases the pin and locks in the Edgecator! I marked for that, that was great. Cole talks about Edge adding a new move to his arsenal, FU Cole, he invented that move 8 years ago.

- Rey is here...LOL no it's not, it's Cody in a suit with a Rey mask, that's awesome. I'm still a little disappointed that they haven't had Cody wear a Lucha mask and Rey get all upset about Cody dishonouring his heritage etc. Right now the feud has no real reason for Rey to care about Cody besides the beatdown last week, and Rey gets beat down all the time so that doesn't exactly make the feud intense.

- DON'T LOOK AT ME! Cody showing his chops on the mic here, impressive. Good camera work keeping it so close to his face, as well. Intense and and very high-quality promo by Cody there actually, this feud is becoming way more interesting over the past 2 weeks.

- Kane is chilling in the back as usual. They're not doing a good job of making Corre come across as the 'leaderless' group they're supposed to be, seeing as it's always Barrett who's at the forefront and does most of the talking, and Booker T just called Barrett 'the standout of the group'.

- I think they've finally found a version of Corre's music that works fairly well. Can't say the same for Heath Slater.

- LOL Booker just called him 'Koz'. He really is so bad it's funny.

- Pretty funny that Heath Slater's finisher is basically a Scorpion Death Drop. After all the talk about Sting they give his move to pretty much one of the worst guys they have.

- Christian returns next week! MTFO time.

- ADR is with Roberto, who's doing harmonies to warm up his voice, LOL. Some guy is also painting a picture of ADR. Weird.

- 'Taker returns (again) next! HHH kinda buried the rest of the roster with his promo last week, but HHH gonna HHH I guess.

- Wow, 'Taker coming out to the Johnny Cash song, 'Ain't No Grave'. I like this actually, pretty cool. As long as they don't get rid of the traditional UNDERTAKER'S DONG at the beginning, this works as his new entrance music. Pretty good, if slightly rambling, promo by 'Taker there. He's a really underrated mic worker, just because he talks so little, but when he does talk he comes across just as intense and intimidating as he's supposed to be.

- Kane vs Big Show tonight...ugh. They're plugging Sin Cara pretty hard too, looking forward to seeing him. Tag team with Mysterio one time?

- Michelle McCool wrestling in a medical protective boot cannot be a good idea.

- Looks like a botched Kane face turn vs Corre...Kane/Show/Diesel vs Corre at WM? Booker is soooo bad..."Kane is the Superman of the WWE". WTF?

- HBK's comments on the HHH vs 'Taker match are really putting it over. Would be delighted to see him as guest ref, because even though we all know the Streak isn't ending at the hands of HHH, HBK is the perfect choice of ambiguous ref. He has such a long kayfabe history of betraying his friends that it gives such an element of doubt to everything.

- Hahahaha, Cole is just such an awesome heel, "Watch what I do here! Watch how much of a man I am, slapping Jerry Lawler in the face!" Talking about how Swagger's gonna teach him all of his moves, it'd be awesome if he did actually break out the Vader Bomb or the Gutwrench Powerbomb at WM. Not that he'd do anything other than break King's neck, of course. LMAO, Cole and Swagger running around in circles in the ring together, amazing.

- Cena and Rock recap. That Rock promo was actually really good, even though he wasn't in the arena.

- Edge skit backstage involving the painter from earlier...he bends down, Edge kicks him really lightly in the ass and he collapses like he's dead. Really, WWE? IRL the guy would have just sat up and gone "well, that was un-called for". Not lain on the floor for like 10 more seconds totally motionless.

- The ring is full of Mexican flags, WTF? Aren't there two people in this contract signing? I think next week Edge should cover everything in Canadian flags just to even the score. Maybe get a guy to ring announce him in a super-Canadian accent. LOL Mexican national anthem, so ridiculous how this crap is okay in wrestling. WWE can sign Sin Cara to pander to its Mexican audience but they can't resist making people boo the national anthem?

- Hahaha, Teddy Long says "can this be the first ever contract signing to not end in chaos?" and the crowd shouts "NO!". Be funny if it was. Crowd chanting "USA", what an absolute bunch of ****ing idiots. There's a Canadian fighting a Mexican FFS. Maybe they're Teddy Long fans?

- Teddy Long legs it out the ring before they start fighting, LOL. Busted nose for Edge, looks nasty. ADR is about to break Edge's arm but CHRISTIAN IS HERE! MTFO. Pretty nice segment to end the show, Christian looks pissed.

- Anyone else think they're leading to a big WM swerve and Christian costing Edge the title?

Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-04-2011 , 08:02 PM
I mean I could honestly go without reading spoilers for SD again if we have tg45 and his notes, well done, good read
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03-04-2011 , 09:02 PM
so the "five second pose" mentioned earlier this week was for the house only?
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03-04-2011 , 09:34 PM
Bahahahahahaha at chanting USA USA for Edge vs ADR.

Americans, you never fail to lower the bar
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-04-2011 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Bahahahahahaha at chanting USA USA for Edge vs ADR.

Americans, you never fail to lower the bar
Hey, the Canadians send 'em down here, we get to keep them and call them our own.

PS: Thanks for Trebek.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-05-2011 , 12:03 AM
Wow Smackdown sucks

Might as well just call it Raw replay with a few 1 minute matches

Also, the only way Taker vs HHH can work is if HHH is about to win and Michaels costs him the match. HHH obvi cant win, and Taker going over clean is just way to predictable and devalues HHHs legacy a bit
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