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02-18-2011 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Ha, was gonna post that its probably already up on youtube.

This, right here, is why piracy will never go away

Morrison's mic work is a bit meh. He has the in ring skills of HBK though imo. If you were talking about the best pure athletes who have worked in the ring HBK and Morrison are two names that truly justify inclusion in the conversation.

I cant hate on people who tip Miz to be the next Rock. If only the dude wasnt "that idiot off [whatever the show was called]". The big test for Miz in the future is being a face. He has never been a face (that can recall anyway). Its funny you mention Rock's debut, cos Miz's first promo was posted in this thread a while back and he was just pure terrible, flubbed his lines, stumbled over his own words and the delivery was so monotonous. Now he is one of the best mic guys in the company and he isnt even close to peaking yet.

Ted DiBiase has a strong future ahead of him, but he hasnt really done anything of note yet. His mic work is also leaving a lot to be desired which is shocking considering he got his own movie. He really needs a new gimmick, perhaps with a face turn, cos right now he is just languishing in the midcards with no sign of moving upwards. Ignoring the draft, within the time of Summerslam they really need Ted to be ready to take the US title off Daniel Bryan who deserves to be in the main events.

As for the next Rock, ADR really is the man right now. If he had been working in the WWE for 2 years then everyone would be giving him such credit. He will be in a future WWE movie and he will be branching out and promoting the company on talk shows and media appearances and stuff, esp if he goes over at WM. His story is so god damned interesting (3rd generation, worked as a luchidor face around the world, did MMA, was a pure athlete that represented Mexico on the national level at amateur wrestling IIRC) and he has zero problems talking in English (and i assume Spanish too ). I think he and Miz are the two names id tip to transcend WWE itself whilst producing some great wrestling inside of the company. Significantly i cant see either of them going the way of Cena and going stale which is basically the only thing that stopped Cena from being "the next Rock" imo.

That said, in the last three years ive watched every SNL and Cena is the only guy i can think of who has had a part on the show. But id say he is more "the next Hogan" if anything.
I didn't mean the next Rock per se because to be a true megastar you have to be an original. I meant that the WWE is stacked with young talent that's very green who's the guy who is gonna improve and breakout outa nowhere, similar to the rock.

If anyone thought Rocky Miavia was gonna become who he became they were deemed nuts.

ADR doesn't count because he's already an experienced main eventer in other parts of the world. If WWE was smart they'd ditch that stupid gimmick and focus more on his mma and amatuer abilities, maybe instead of mexican JBL we can get mexican Angle.

So my question wasn't meant who's the next rock, but who do you think out of all the young bucks is gonna surprise everyone and break out as a star in the near future out of nowhere like the rock.
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02-18-2011 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by samjjones
I lump The Miz and a guy like Edge in the same category. Two guys who should never really be "main event" level, but are solid upperish-card guys who can work the mic pretty effortlessly, and are always entertaining. The thing that helped Edge get over the top was the Lita/Hardy stuff, but that was serendiptious for him professionally.

The ADR gimmick is essentially a rehash of JBL's gimmick, but that is a time-honored great heel gimmick, and can work pretty much indefinitely. And ADR is 100X the worker that JBL was. He has a lot going for him.

I change channels when Johnny Nitro comes on. Outside of the occasional sick spot, I find him incredibly un-entertaining. He's basically Shelton Benjamin.
Edge never being a main eventer? Wat? I guess Jericho was always an uppermidcarder too. I'm just saying cuz outside of jericho I think edge has been there best guy for the past 5 years. Ima just assume that saying Edge didn't earn or deserve his main event spot is a level. Edges career progressed perfectly and is a great main eventer. But you're probably leveling me.

ADR is a good talent. He still shouldn't have won the rumble and maineventing WM, too much too soon. And to be quite frank I don't ever see him getting over as a top heel with the average american audience.

And then saying Morrison is like Benjamin, is that a compliment or insult? Benjamin was great untill he dyed his hair gold (whos ever idea that was got the job done cuz it helped bury him). I say give Morrison some public speaking training have some of the vets work him on his promos and you have the next big star, bigger than Miz, bigger than ADR. It's not just his spots, but everything he does is so crisp and fluid in the ring. And he has a superstar look moreso than anyone in the WWE.

Last edited by Pharoah00; 02-18-2011 at 04:43 PM.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-18-2011 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Pharoah00
ADR is a good talent. He still shouldn't have won the rumble and maineventing WM, too much too soon. And to be quite frank I don't ever see him getting over as a top heel with the average american audience.
He is already over as a top heel.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-18-2011 , 05:52 PM
The craziest thing about Rocky turning from a pile of nothing into possibly the greatest of all time is that he got totally mishandled right from the beginning, pushed down the fans' throats even though he wasn't was like drafting a blue chipper and then immediately making him start at QB for the Cleveland Browns without giving him a supporting cast or any preparation at all. That type of thing can completely kill a career.

To extend the analogy though, getting put in the Nation of Domination basically turned out to be the equivalent of Brett Favre heading from Atlanta to Green Bay. Instant fit, new life, Hall of Fame career. Thank goodness his talent didn't end up getting wasted.

Last edited by LKJ; 02-18-2011 at 05:53 PM. Reason: Rocky is way more likable than Favre.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-18-2011 , 08:48 PM
Lol at saying Shelton's Gold Standard gimmick with the gold hair was a bad idea. Though im 90% sure it was borne out of Demolition Man which i just watched tonight, so theoretically i could be biased (im 100% sure im drunk, though i dont think that is playing into it). While it wasnt main event standard the gold standard stuff was easily upper midcard. Its a joke they couldnt do anything with Shelton and had to let him go.

Edge is amazing. The true test of a talent is the ability to produce quality with all but the lowest dregs of the talent pool and Edge has this in spades. I dont think comparing Miz to Edge is an insult at all.

Similarly i dont think a Morrison to Shelton comparison is that insulting. Both had bad mic work, both were in epic tag teams and both never quite got over the hill to hit the very top despite epically good ring work.
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02-18-2011 , 09:34 PM
For some reason, Booker T's "What the hell?" after Vicki fired Edge had me laughing.
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02-19-2011 , 12:13 AM
Calling Morrison's and Shelton's ring work "epically good" is a bit of a reach. Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, those guys are epically good.

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02-19-2011 , 01:10 AM
wtf is going on with this Ziggler thing? I assumed it was just storyling stuff, but he's kinda going on and on on his twitter (well, talking as if he's actually fired, and then hating(friendly smacktalking?) on a couple people) and referencing going to TNA:

note: line break in between each tweet

HEELZiggler Dolph Ziggler
First of all, I can't believe that I got to live my dream for this many years and actually come to do it pretty damn well!

Even though I used to caddy around and actually went through a rigorous gymnastics and cheerleader training I thought we made it work!

I got to make a lot of friends and a couple of enemies, but no matter what, every time I stepped through that curtain, especially these

Last 2 years, I felt like a champion, I lived to go to work each day and try to steal the show like no one else could!

No matter what happens in the coming weeks and months, I appreciate the fact that my hard work and countless hours studying and learning

Paid off! I was in the world title picture as a legitimate threat, and appreciate that I got that chance! Most don't!

I hope this youth movement continues, and I hope its just not to build young guys up and have the mainstays dominate and not pass the torch

There is a ton of hungry young talents and they LOVE their jobs, just like I and did! Hopefully they get their chance!

I hope to see zack ryder, trent barretta, curt hawkins and some others get their chance, bc they love what they do, and remind me of why

I got into this business! Hopefully Wrestlemania will not be a look back into the attitude era an have all the young guys watching backstage

I love the wrestling business, and maybe its time to take that next step into the danger zone, brazzers are u hiring??? Haha

I'm sure the door is always open, and I know I busted my ass every damn day I worked for this company, and no matter how doughy and truly

Annoying the miz is, he's obviously onto something (2,000 tries later)! Daniel bryan couldn't draw a dollar with a green crayon! I love

Hating on him! He got carried to one of (actually THE best match of the year) and john morrison is nothing but a pretty boy doing ballet

I will see all of u again, SOMEWHERE! And now its time to make an impact and spike someone else's ratings! U know me, I'd rather be in Dixie

Thank you dolphans for ur support! And know I loved pissing everyone off and stealing their show! I will truly miss this more than anything
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 01:31 AM
scratching my head after reading those tweets
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 01:37 AM
He's not listed on the SD or RAW rosters.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 01:39 AM
Thinking about it, prolly just a switch to Raw. Hates on Miz/Morrison/Bryan - all Raw stars. While theres the obvious allusion to TNA with the spike comment, he could also just be talking about a normal spike in ratings.

He seems like the kinda guy who would have a lot of fun with this. Hopefully thats all it is, but it definitely has been interesting regardless.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 01:43 AM
This is obv just wishful thinking but I'd love it if:

Rock replaces DZ in Elimination Chamber, wins WHC, faces ADR at Wrestlemania. Imagine the ADR/Rock promos between now and WM. They could also shield Rock's chamber so nobody knows who it is until released, just to build tension. Rock would be released last, do like 1 rock bottom/people's elbow and win the match (very little in-ring effort for Rocky)
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by bonsaltron
This is obv just wishful thinking but I'd love it if:

Rock replaces DZ in Elimination Chamber, wins WHC, faces ADR at Wrestlemania. Imagine the ADR/Rock promos between now and WM. They could also shield Rock's chamber so nobody knows who it is until released, just to build tension. Rock would be released last, do like 1 rock bottom/people's elbow and win the match (very little in-ring effort for Rocky)
Why is this a spoiler? Smackdown has aired. And btw he doen't deserve to go one on one with the great one
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by Pharoah00
And btw he doen't deserve to go one on one with the great one
I mean, if Rocky came back for just one match, it shouldn't be against ADR, at least not right now...but you're never going to convince us that we're all overrating ADR.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 02:47 AM
so anybody else have their Mania tix yet ? gonna be gettin stupid in the ATL !!

Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 02:47 AM
Possibly Dolph failed a drug test, and was fired?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 02:59 AM
It would be really odd for them to put him on the books, regardless of how short, as world champion if they knew that they were actually releasing him.

Those tweets must be a work.
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02-19-2011 , 03:05 AM
yea i mean really nothing on any site, probably getting outplayed atm
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 03:14 AM
oh btw the EC ppv look pretty f bad
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 04:09 AM
Yeah, IMO Dolph is just working his fans big time here, actually think that's a really awesome use of Twitter and one of the main reasons the WWE has embraced it so much, because it lets them take kayfabe to the nth degree.

There's no way WWE would fire one of its brightest rising stars IRL without a ridiculously good reason, and if they did there's no way they'd have it played out with a "YOU'RE FIRED" angle on TV. I can't remember them ever doing that before. They'd cover up his disappearance and pretend he never existed instead of making his dismissal part of a main event angle.

I'd say it's likely Dolph will go to RAW and probably face Bryan at WM for the UST. Possible show-stealer right there.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 04:25 AM
Didn't Batista leave the same way, except he quit instead of fired?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by bonsaltron
Didn't Batista leave the same way, except he quit instead of fired?
That was similar but different. They had months of angles leading up to him finally snapping and quitting, rather than just doing it in one week. Plus I have no idea whether he ever Tweeted in kayfabe about his retirement, probably not.

Ziggler is more comparable to someone like Mr. Kennedy - if he was getting fired for real, he'd just disappear, and he'd disappear just AFTER a PPV, not two days before one. If they'd fired him for real, who would replace him at EC? They wouldn't have a replacement ready.

Ziggler will be back, probably on RAW, very soon. In the meantime...

Let's just enjoy Christian returning to win the title on Sunday.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 05:11 AM
seriously tho, stone cold vs. rock was the greatest beef in history. loved when stone cold locked the rock in the room with the rattlesnake. and also came through with the beer truck and hosed everyone down.

jeff hardy is definitely the craziest wrestler. no one could flip off a ladder like that dude. he's like mick foley on crack.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 05:14 AM
mick foley vs undertaker in that cage match was the craziest wrestling i've ever seen on WWF/E ainec

wait stone cold locked the rock in a room with an actual rattlesnake? cant find it on youtube
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
02-19-2011 , 05:37 AM
i'm pretty sure that happened if my memory serves me right. undertaker/yokozuna casket match was pretty legendary too.
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