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03-29-2010 , 04:17 PM
no closing video package, just a slow exit by hbk
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03-29-2010 , 04:17 PM
Surprising. The ones they've done in the past few years were amazing. Oh well.
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03-29-2010 , 04:32 PM
nope, just went to black right after shawn left the stage

edit: forgot to click next page
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03-29-2010 , 04:40 PM
i was pissed about no video package too, always love that. WWE's production is soooo great, is unbelievable that TNA can't even approach it. WWE has the only people that know how to do it?
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03-29-2010 , 04:52 PM
I thought that Shawn going out to no music and watching his long exit, then simply fading to black, added to the chill factor. Totally got chills at that ending.
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03-29-2010 , 04:54 PM
since everyone else is giving their input on matches i guess i'll give mine:

tag match: this was meh. i was expecting a lot more miz v morrison than there was. i HATE r-truth...him standing there getting ready to jump through the ropes while big show was standing straight up staring at him and then actually jumping was pretty lol. considering i hate watching the big show wrestle and i cannot stand r-truth i'm really glad the match was as short as it was

triple threat: orton has already proven to be a failure as a face, and his antics definitely can't carry over. loved the cold-blooded psychotic heel, cold-blooded psychotic face doesn't do it for me. that said, the match wasn't really good...a whole lot of squash, then superman viper. they definitely missed a huge opportunity to have dibiase go over and have a legit feud where dibiase could potentially be carried into main event heel by summerslam. big fail here. match itself was mediocre at best.

MITB: i said after the match was over that i thought it was the worst MITB ever and was surprised nobody agreed with that...then i read amp's post and felt better about it. this was a terrible match. hardy hit a twist of fate on christian off the ladder....christian was up within 3 seconds and hardy stayed down for 2 minutes. kofi's stilts act was ******ed. so many botches. this was the first MITB where there was no real mark out moment, and this is supposed to be THE match where that happens.

also, MITB is supposed to be the platform for an almost main eventer to be propelled officially to main eventer...swagger was being buried for months and he wins this? in all probability he will cash in and lose (because i absolutely do not believe he can carry a belt atm) and if that's the case this was an absolute waste.

the match was terrible. 3rd worst of the night.

H^3/sheamus: the match wasn't that bad. i'm finally starting to come around on sheamus. woulda been better if there was a post-match beatdown by him though.

CM/RMJ: great match. i love punk and wish he went over, but RMJ is still a cash cow as a face for some reason. his wrestlemania entrances need to stop though. every single one of them are ****ing awful.

bret hart/mcmahon: terrible

jericho/edge: i don't get the hate for this match. i thought it was fantastic

bullfrog + 9: didn't care didn't watch

batista/cena: i knew there was 0 chance batista wins this, but wtf, have batista win this. him tapping out was ridiculous. considering how awful as workers i think cena and batista are individually, i thought this would be the worst match of all time not involving bret hart (pretty tragic he has that distinction now btw). DOUBLE NEGATIVE THOUGH! pretty good match considering who it was. can't wait for raw to open with THE CHAMP IS HERE! sgiosijogsdjiogsjiodgijosdgiojsdijgs. god

UT/HBK: fantastic match. i thought it was up there with last year's but apparently i'm in the minority here

overall: horrible PPV considering what they had to work with...and not just horrible compared to what the potential could have been, the PPV itself was just awful. 2 great matches, 1 good match, 2 "ok" matches and the rest was just throwaway. F
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03-29-2010 , 05:00 PM
Hardy didn't hit a ToF. Cole miscalled it because he's stupid. Christian hit an inverted DDT.
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03-29-2010 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
overall: horrible PPV considering what they had to work with...and not just horrible compared to what the potential could have been, the PPV itself was just awful. 2 great matches, 1 good match, 2 "ok" matches and the rest was just throwaway. F
Isn't F kind of a weird grade for a PPV with two great matches and a good match? Or were you meaning for that to be a grade at the end?

I'd give the show a C+, only elevated to that level by HBK-UT.
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03-29-2010 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
hardy hit a twist of fate on christian off the ladder....christian was up within 3 seconds and hardy stayed down for 2 minutes.
I would just like to comment on this. If you re-watch this spot, Hardy didn't hit a twist of fate on Christian. It was Christian who hit a reverse DDT on Hardy. That's the reason why Christian was up in 3 seconds and Hardy was down for 2 minutes.

The announcing for this Wrestlemania was horrible and Michael Cole made another vintage mistake with this spot, calling that twist of fate.
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03-29-2010 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Peeparoonie
I would just like to comment on this. If you re-watch this spot, Hardy didn't hit a twist of fate on Christian. It was Christian who hit a reverse DDT on Hardy. That's the reason why Christian was up in 3 seconds and Hardy was down for 2 minutes.

The announcing for this Wrestlemania was horrible and Michael Cole made another vintage mistake with this spot, calling that twist of fate.
that's what i assumed it was and that's what it looked like, but i didn't think an announcer could botch the move that badly so i gave him the benefit of the doubt. my mistake

Originally Posted by LKJ
Isn't F kind of a weird grade for a PPV with two great matches and a good match? Or were you meaning for that to be a grade at the end?

I'd give the show a C+, only elevated to that level by HBK-UT.
i just cant' do that. i cringed through the entire bret hart "match," they somehow managed to botch the unbotchable MITB, it was just an awful PPV. an F is probably unfair, but still, ridiculously disappointing considering the card had the potential for epic
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03-29-2010 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Peeparoonie
I would just like to comment on this. If you re-watch this spot, Hardy didn't hit a twist of fate on Christian. It was Christian who hit a reverse DDT on Hardy. That's the reason why Christian was up in 3 seconds and Hardy was down for 2 minutes.

The announcing for this Wrestlemania was horrible and Michael Cole made another vintage mistake with this spot, calling that twist of fate.
Peeperoonie, you're on a roll man. After all this time lurking you're already at 4 poasts in only 1 day.
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03-29-2010 , 05:24 PM
I don't care if Jim Ross has an ass where his faced is supposed to be, get Cole the hell off RAW and PPVs
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03-29-2010 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by 4thstreetpete
Peeperoonie, you're on a roll man. After all this time lurking you're already at 4 poasts in only 1 day.
Lol, thanks I guess?

I'm just waiting for RAW to start. Should be very interesting with all the new storylines that are going to be made tonight. I'm predicting a Miz vs Christian feud for the US title.
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03-29-2010 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
I don't care if Jim Ross has an ass where his faced is supposed to be, get Cole the hell off RAW and PPVs
LOL no kidding!

btw when are you doing your wrestling podcast? would love to hear it.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
03-29-2010 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
i just cant' do that. i cringed through the entire bret hart "match," they somehow managed to botch the unbotchable MITB, it was just an awful PPV. an F is probably unfair, but still, ridiculously disappointing considering the card had the potential for epic
This show kind of reminded me of WM 13, which I thought almost entirely sucked...but Bret vs. Austin was an absolute classic, so I had to put it about at the C+ level on the strength of that match alone.
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03-29-2010 , 06:05 PM
Watching it again at the moment, and the question just pops into my mind: Why did they have Kofi do most of the more difficult spots and had Shelton barely do anything? Big mistake, as Kofi was botchotastic!
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03-29-2010 , 06:19 PM
And looking back at Punk/RMJ, still think it was very very good. Like others though, another 5-10 minutes would've been amazing. Some great spots and I really liked the finish.
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03-29-2010 , 06:33 PM
Son of a bitch. Id have won if i had put 1 confidence point on MITB like i knew i should have at the time. I was like "dude, did i just ship it i named every single match apart from the one no one but Mike named" but no and all because i never expected to do well in the pool at all when i made my picks. Ugh.

Anyway, Mania was alright, the womens match was pretty lolbad as always but nothing was standout terrible. The Taker/HBK didnt top last year imo but it was damn good and certainly the second best Taker Mania match. I agree with whoever said MITB was missing that one huge breakout spot but it had some good moments but given i named every match but that one i didnt have any huge shocks or anything.

Swagger winning MITB is great though, as ive said im a huge Swagger mark - btw, FU to whoever cant title a ****ing youtube video without spoiling the outcome. Knew i should have never looked on there for the MITB match whilst downloading the PPV.
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03-29-2010 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by ajohnson16
And looking back at Punk/RMJ, still think it was very very good. Like others though, another 5-10 minutes would've been amazing. Some great spots and I really liked the finish.
+1. Second best match of the night imo.

I also shockingly enjoyed the Cena match, he had some really cool spots and innovative counters in there and as ******ed as the U Cant See Me is the top rope version i marked on.

The signs in the crowd definitely won in that match though

Cena has to be heel turned when he takes time off after Summerslam for his back injury. Dude is struggling to get over face now but he could be absolutely huge as a heel.

Also as someone said i hope they use this opportunity to face turn the Hart Dynasty. Was thinking bout posting in the thread before the PPV that i was shocked they didnt get any use at all in the Hart return storyline then i watch the PPV and there they are giving a HUGE Hart Attack to Vince.
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03-29-2010 , 06:49 PM
How was there not one table spot in the MITB match? We had multiple announce-table spots but thought there was always a "someone jumps off the ladder onto a match" spot in MITB.

Also, if Cena goes full-heel, won't he just get cheered for finally not being a squeaky-clean face? I can't see him pulling a Jericho. Maybe if he Attitude-Adjusted some women and children..
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03-29-2010 , 07:02 PM
It will take some epic bastardness to get Cena over as a heel. I'm talking jumping a defenseless face. We're talking like FUing Hornschwaggle through a flaming table or something.
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03-29-2010 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by ajohnson16
It will take some epic bastardness to get Cena over as a heel. I'm talking jumping a defenseless face. We're talking like FUing Hornschwaggle through a flaming table or something.
heh? Turning Cena heel would be the easiest thing to do on earth. He's already halfway there.

All he needs to do is get on the mic and say "I have never forgotten, Cena sucks? I didn't screw the people, the people screwed the people"
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03-29-2010 , 07:15 PM
I'm talking the general portion of the fans, not the smarks. I think it'd take a lot of work to get him over as a heel to that portion (which has to be the biggest by far?).
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03-29-2010 , 07:22 PM
Well he is going to be out on injury soon anyway, he can just use a "why did you forget about me" type angle to get over coupled with "i dont need you" and "you all suck" type promos and it wouldnt be hard at all. He can come back and destroy whoever the crowd favourite is at the time (Kofi i assume) and help whoever the big heel of the time is (Swagger ftw) and we have a monster heel doing exactly what he has been doing for years only to the good guys instead.

The question is whether you want to do that to a guy who makes crappy movies that are only seen by the people he will be insulting whilst also bringing out three of these movies in the next 2 years.

An alternate is to create a tweener character, even slightly face leaning. The problem isnt so much that he is the good guy, he is the good guy who is always there to help the other good guys and he gets involved in stuff nothing to do with him. A shift to something like what triple H does where he is singularly focussed and doesnt give a **** about the next guy could stem a LOT of the hate of his goody two shoes butter wouldnt melt superhero boy scout gimmick he currently has. I mean when Batista turned heel and was beating down Rey the crowd on Smackdown were still chanting for Cena to run out for the save. He is almost like Superman hovering over the WWE Universe listening to every crowd and when he hears a girl cry "SuperCena, save me" he comes swooping in to save the day.

Last edited by [Phill]; 03-29-2010 at 07:31 PM.
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03-29-2010 , 08:29 PM
Man, I really hope we're getting one more HBK appearance tonight before he disappears indefinitely.
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