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01-11-2013 , 07:47 PM
Problem it is taped so far in advance. The last aired NXT was filmed early December, 2 weeks before Big E got called up. 3MB had formed and Jinder/Drew were feuding a week later on NXT. They just finished taping up to 2/6 today.
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01-11-2013 , 07:55 PM
ok that makes sense, i thought it was taped more recently than that but that explains some other "wtf is this ****" backstage stuff with Big E.
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01-11-2013 , 08:06 PM
I was wondering why Big E was fighting the Shield on NXT today. LOL
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01-12-2013 , 01:10 AM
are mania tickets sold out now?

feel like going while theres still some of the actual roster i care about aka punk n only punk
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01-12-2013 , 03:40 PM
Mick Foley to be inducted into Hall of Fame:

Very good choice obv .
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01-12-2013 , 10:00 PM
Apparently Bill DeMott was future endeavored from being the head trainer and Monty Kip Sopp replaced him.
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01-12-2013 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by teejayC
Mick Foley to be inducted into Hall of Fame:

Very good choice obv .

solid i guess.
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01-13-2013 , 02:41 PM
I know I've posted a bunch of these lately but Kayfabe News has just been killing it:
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01-13-2013 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Bigdaddydvo
I know I've posted a bunch of these lately but Kayfabe News has just been killing it:
After this milestone, Crusher says his next goal is to win a match via submission by using an abdominal stretch.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-13-2013 , 08:14 PM
I've definitely seen a WWE match end with a sunset flip, probably a Bret Hart match since he's won with every specialty pin in the book
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01-13-2013 , 08:18 PM
Monsoon: "Highly unlikely you'll pin anyone with a side headlock. In all my years I've never seen anyone pinned with a side headlock."
Heenan: "I've pinned a couple of guys with it."
Monsoon: "You?"
Heenan: "Sure, I could beat you a million different ways. I once had a guy give up during instructions."
Monsoon: "Will you stop it?"
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-13-2013 , 08:23 PM
Never gonna get used to LKJ being green. What has the world come to
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01-13-2013 , 08:26 PM
I definitely underestimated the level of reaction it would get...
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-13-2013 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Monsoon: "Highly unlikely you'll pin anyone with a side headlock. In all my years I've never seen anyone pinned with a side headlock."
Heenan: "I've pinned a couple of guys with it."
Monsoon: "You?"
Heenan: "Sure, I could beat you a million different ways. I once had a guy give up during instructions."
Monsoon: "Will you stop it?"
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-13-2013 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
Never gonna get used to LKJ being green. What has the world come to
Monsoon: Will you be serious?
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01-13-2013 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I definitely underestimated the level of reaction it would get...
i don't get it at all but i have no idea what happens outside of this forum and a small sliver of OOT.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-13-2013 , 10:19 PM
Brain was so incredible
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01-13-2013 , 11:14 PM

Great Heenan & Monsoon Moments

Monsoon: (Referring to Koko B. Ware's bird, Frankie) "Those birds can live to be twenty-five or thirty years old"
Heenan: "Not in my house"
Monsoon: "I'm sure"
Heenan: "If he was in my house he'd be in a Shake'n'Bake bag; do you like your parrots original or extra crispy?"
Monsoon: "Will you stop?"

Monsoon: (Referring to a match in progress in Texas) "Well, we'll be right back with a fight that's taking place very near where a big fight occurred many years ago"
Heenan: "You know why there were only 220 Mexicans at the Alamo?
Monsoon: "Why?"
Heenan: "They only had one car"

Heenan: "Do you know what Koko B. Ware's mom's name is?"
Monsoon: "What?"
Heenan: "Tupper"

Monsoon: "That was an illegal move!"
Heenan: "No it wasn't."
Monsoon: "Yes it was!"
Heenan: "No, it was a legal move, it was a Greco-Roman Hair Pull."

Heenan: There's gonna be a lot of trouble there in the Macho household.
Monsoon: What are you talking about?
Heenan: Well, he's been reinstated, right? He can wrestle again.
Monsoon: Yes.
Heenan: Who's gonna do the dishes?

Heenan: Right here in Jim Louis Arena.
Monsoon: Joe Louis!
Heenan: Joe Louis, sorry.
Monsoon: Who's Jim Louis?
Heenan: Who's Joe Louis?

Heenan: There's a beautiful section of Tupelo...18 trailer homes...those are Tupelo condominiums.
Monsoon: Will you STOP?
Heenan: That's the good part of town...notice there were only 38 cars up on blocks.

Heenan: Don't touch that referee, Perfect!
Monsoon: Why? A disqualification will save his title.
Heenan: O.K. Then nail him!

Heenan: "Death never takes a holiday"
Monsoon: "Where do you get that stuff?"
Heenan: "These things just come to me. Sometimes I feel like I have two brilliant minds"

(During Von Erich/Warlord match)
Heenan: Warlord's a lot bigger.
Monsoon: Tornado's a lot quicker, Brain.
Heenan: Warlord's a lot stronger.
Monsoon: Tornado's a lot smarter, Brain.
Heenan: Now you've lied to the people.

Heenan: Gorilla, what's with you naming all the body parts?
Monsoon: I happen to have a knowledge about it. Why don't you try it?
(Skinner kicks a jobber in the stomach.)
Heenan: There's a kick to the uterus.

(Miss Elizabeth walks out to be interviewed by 'Mean' Gene Okerland,who is already standing in position)
Monsoon: "Wow, look at that. Beautiful."
Heenan: "I don't know, he's sort of going bald!"

Monsoon: "And DiBiase going to work on that damanged medial collateral lateral ligament of Hot Rod"
Heenan: "Yeah, he got him right in the cerbial-derbial part of the back"
Monsoon: "Will you be serious?!"

Monsoon: "And listen to the ovation for the Hulkster!"
Heenan: "You know, Hogan's music is my second favourite song of all time."
Monsoon: "I daren't ask - which one's your favourite?"
Heenan: "All the others are tied."

Monsoon: "Blatant choke there by The Warlord!"
Heenan: "I don't see anything"
Monsoon: "You need to see your oculist!"
Heenan: "There's nothing wrong with my feet."

Monsoon: "This place is going crazy! Look at the Hulkster pointing to all of his Hulkamaniacs!"
Heenan: "He's not pointing to anybody, he's showing off how high he can count!"

Monsoon: "And amazing agility from El Matador Tito Santana, through the ropes!"
Heenan: "You know what they call that move?"
Monsoon: "I don't know, Brain"
Heenan: "The Flying Jalapeno"
Monsoon: "Will you stop?!"

Monsoon: "Highly unlikely you'll pin anyone with a side headlock. In all my years I've never seen anyone pinned with a side headlock."
Heenan: "I've pinned a couple of guys with it."
Monsoon: "You?"
Heenan: "Sure, I could beat you a million different ways. I once had a guy give up during instructions."
Monsoon: "Will you stop it?"

Monsoon: "What would you do if you were the Hitman?"
Heenan: "Well, I'd have my agent buy the Title for me. And if that didn't work I'd waffle him out back with a tire iron. I'd get it some way, any way I could."

Monsoon: "We're live in 71 countries...England, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, and more."
Heenan: "Maybe even Newark."
Monsoon: "Newark?"
Heenan: "That's a foreign country. So is Indianapolis if you think about it. You know why they're chanting USA? There's a rumor Indianapolis is a foreign country."
Monsoon: (as if Heenan was being the most serious guy in the world) "It is not!"

Heenan: "Instead of being thrown out of the ring, he should've done the pitching."
Monsoon: "Who should have done the pitching?"
Heenan: "T-T-T-T-Ta-tanka. But then again if the Indians had better pitching they'd be a better team."
Monsoon: "Why don't you stop?"
Heenan: "Did you ever say hello to Tatanka?"
Monsoon: "Yes."
Heenan: "Did you do it properly?"
Monsoon: "Yes."
Heenan: "You said, "Hey-how-are-ya, hey-how-are-ya"?"
Monsoon: "He does NOT do that!"
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
01-13-2013 , 11:16 PM
I loved, "Can we hear anything? Are they saying anything to each other? No, just looking at each other. Two ugly people looking at each other, that's fun."
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01-13-2013 , 11:41 PM
Brain is my GOAT commentator.

Love his comment at the end of this

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01-14-2013 , 09:18 AM
Reading that Heenan stuff is amazing. You could NEVER get away with that today.
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01-14-2013 , 09:39 AM
i burst out at "kicked him right in the uterus".
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01-14-2013 , 12:46 PM
as someone who was way to young to hear either of them or even really know who they are now, some of that stuff is gold even in writing.

the sarcastic/level tone to some of it would be perfect for the older people like us who secretly hope heart attacks come in pairs (jks), whilst also being stupid enough to get the kids laughing.

shame we just have loller
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01-14-2013 , 08:08 PM
I remember the "Hey-How-Are-You?" one when it first aired. I was 12 or 13 and I laughed so hard I got lightheaded.

If I was to make a top 10 of wrestling figures with the most overall talent, Heenan would be on it. Maybe top 5, actually.
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