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04-05-2012 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by yankeys316
I may be misreading the point of your post, but I think it's a great way to elevate heels. They're supposed to be cowards; it's a defining trait of a heel.
Man, it would've been great to have during the Attitude Era, having someone like Lesnar or Eddie come down with the briefcase after the face Champion lost a match, just wail on them with a steel chair, bust them open, hit a finisher or two, then cash the briefcase in and win it. Still cowardly for taking advantage, but at least they destroy the champion themselves, and definitely get more heat for it while looking strong, too.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-05-2012 , 05:01 AM
MitB has become a cliché. They were trying something differrent with Bryan, but nah. Everyone is cashing it in the same way. So everytime a champion gets a beatdown the crowd is chanting for a MitB cashin. The allure Edge had is gone.
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04-05-2012 , 05:18 AM
what else are they supposed to do to get the title on heels? let them actually win a match? come on.

mitb cash-in is a thousand times better than the ridiculous stipulations they come up with otherwise. "ok randy orton has no history of getting DQ'd, but we'll make this match so that if he is DQ'd, he loses the title. then we'll have him DQ himself for no reason. and we'll give the belt back to him at the next ppv"
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-05-2012 , 05:22 AM
so many ways... there was a long time before mitb that they had to answer that question

MitB has become a cliché.
bank cena and adr and let adr challenge someone straight up and suddenly unpredictability is back
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04-05-2012 , 07:40 AM
look who we have to thank for one of the coolest finishers ever

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04-05-2012 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by master3004

Much better than whatever the hell that was after Raw, that guest writer was terrible.

Also those fake palms trees were ****ing huge. Much bigger then they appeared watching it.

EDIT: I see he still found a way to soapbox about Funkasaurus being racist.

Last edited by Daer; 04-05-2012 at 10:24 AM.
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04-05-2012 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Daer
Yes! Yes! Yes!

Also those fake palms trees were ****ing huge. Much bigger then they appeared watching it.

EDIT: I see he still found a way to soapbox about Funkasaurus being racist.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-05-2012 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Pharoah00
They could always have a surprise out of no where type of win for some up and comer like Dean Ambrose or Tyler Black(Seth Rollins)
They could also have a surprise/out of nowhere win for HHH or Khali, that doesn't mean it would make any sense.
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04-05-2012 , 11:53 AM
Lol, Johnny Ace being responsible for creating the F5 with Brock is an awesome piece of trivia.

Re: heels and the case, the problem isnt MITB or even how the heels use it to cash in on prone opponents, the problem is that after they win they tend to be booked like ****.

Miz booked like **** inc barely beating Lawler = terrible title reign
ADR booked like **** inc taking the belt off him quick to "make Cena look strong" = terrible title reign turned into two terrible title reigns
Punk booked like **** as a face not beating anyone clean iirc = terrible title reign
Punk booking himself writing his own promos feuding with Jeff Hardy in his second cash in = awesome title reign (that ended **** against Taker though, lol)
Bryan being booked really well (we dont know how much input he had) = awesome title reign (that ended **** against Sheamus though, lol)

Even Edge's cash in on Cena created a 21 day title reign, people strongly overestimate how good his MITB reign was. His second MITB reign was better ending at 70 days due to a pectoral tear that made him vacate.

Moving outside of MITB for first tile reigns we have Sheamus who won at TLC and then dropped at the EC for a 70 day entire unconvincing first run. Jeff Hardy in 2008 had his first world title run lasting 41 days before Edge beat him for the title. Khali got a 61 day title reign defending once by losing via DQ then he lost the title at the next PPV in a triple threat involving Batista and for no reason whatsoever Rey Mysterio (i remember not understanding why Rey was in that match at all other than to just give Batista an easy pin, i dont recall if he did or not though).

Basically, long story short, WWE is terrible at booking first title reigns. Even with veterans who have been with them for the better part of a decade. MITB isnt really responsible for this.
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04-05-2012 , 12:05 PM
Wow that is a really long list of terrible booking and you didn't even mention Swagger's reign which was probably the worst of the lot and hurt him the most or Ziggler's which lasted a day.
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04-05-2012 , 12:27 PM
Thought Punk beat JBL clean at Summerslam for his first title reign, then pretty much forfeited it without getting pinned to keep him strong (somewhat?) even though he dived back to midcard after that.

RVD's reign was cut short because he got caught Evan Bourne-ing, and he had to drop two titles and get buried because of it
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-05-2012 , 12:48 PM
Yeah, forgot entirely about Ziggler and Swagger. WWE is just pure aids for first title reigns for some reason.
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04-05-2012 , 12:53 PM
However, it wasn't back in the 80's when they gave Hulk Hogan a first title reign of four years and a year-long first title reign to Randy Savage as well. The only weakly-booked world title run in that whole decade was Iron Sheik losing the belt after three weeks, and that was a deliberate transition from one babyface world champion to another back before face vs. face was done on a regular basis.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-05-2012 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
Thought Punk beat JBL clean at Summerslam for his first title reign, then pretty much forfeited it without getting pinned to keep him strong (somewhat?) even though he dived back to midcard after that.

RVD's reign was cut short because he got caught Evan Bourne-ing, and he had to drop two titles and get buried because of it
I dont remember the exact run but i do remember Punk looking really weak and at least one of his title defences was beating either Batista or Kane when the other came into the match to hit a finisher on them. Punk may have won the title clean off JBL, i dont recall at all. Him losing it by forfeit before some kind of multi way match (one of the Adamle four way things IIRC) was pure aids though.

RVD was known for smoking weed and they did (or still do) just pay fines when caught (i think Bourne got done cos he was smoking that fake weed chemical ****). RVD's big deal was he got negative publicity as he and someone else (Sandman or Sabu iirc) got pulled over by cops while carrying and it made some waves on TMZ or a similar website. I left RVD off cos its not really a fair comparison either way to bring him into the conversation but if he werent caught driving on a highway (no pun) while carrying and it got publicity he could have been a solid exception to the rule that first title reigns are booked weakly in the WWE.
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04-05-2012 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
However, it wasn't back in the 80's when they gave Hulk Hogan a first title reign of four years and a year-long first title reign to Randy Savage as well. The only weakly-booked world title run in that whole decade was Iron Sheik losing the belt after three weeks, and that was a deliberate transition from one babyface world champion to another back before face vs. face was done on a regular basis.
Oh yeah, my point doesnt really go further back than around a decade, possibly less (maybe more though if i cared enough to do research). Just that within the MITB age first reigns were always booked weak so its not really MITB that is causing it, its correlated not causational.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-05-2012 , 01:47 PM
the initial planned matches for WM29:

cena vs undertaker
punk vs SCSA
and your main event of the evening:
brock vs rock
for the wwe title

when discussing this plz ffs use spoiler tags
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-05-2012 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
the initial planned matches for WM29:

cena vs undertaker
punk vs SCSA
and your main event of the evening:
brock vs rock
for the wwe title

when discussing this plz ffs use spoiler tags

I also read that HHH/HBK is very likely as well.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-05-2012 , 02:01 PM
I like that whole thing. Depends how they set up the WWE title being involved in the main event, though.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-05-2012 , 02:03 PM
Really looking forward to the Punk heel turn before the SCSA feud starts (if it does indeed happen)
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04-05-2012 , 02:03 PM
4 year title runs were the norm when Tuesday in Texas was considered the 4th biggest PPV of the year.
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04-05-2012 , 02:06 PM
We should probably move this discussion to the spoilers thread, it's going to be too hard to keep posting in spoilers.
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04-05-2012 , 02:08 PM
I know im gonna be lonely on it but i have some bad feelings about the card, esp putting the WWE title in a Rock vs Brock match and i cant see how Cena vs Taker will work without a Cena heel turn (though it could be the perfect catalyst of a heel turn).
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-05-2012 , 02:08 PM
Tuesday in Texas was a one-time thing and was the 5th biggest out of five.

Survivor Series
(special Tuesday in Texas PPV)
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-05-2012 , 04:28 PM
WM 29 Title Match

From what I have seen, it seems Lesnar will be working a less than full time schedule. And we have seen the Rock comes and leaves for a few months and then comes back. So are we assuming that Brock wins the title at some point? I highly doubt they put the title on Rocky? And my next question is do we really expect WWE to keep Cena out of the title picture for nearly 2 years?

The way I see it we still have a least one more PPV between Punk/Jericho feuding for the title. And now we have Cena/Lesnar as a feud. In order to build Brock up as a beast, because lets face it, most of the target WWE audience, kids, have no idea who Lesnar is, he destroys Cena. And when Brock eventually wins the title, can we realistically expect a guy who he completely destroys (Cena) to be a legit contender? (in WWE land I suppose this could be the case)

Let's say that Jericho eventually wins the belt from Punk in May and maybe he holds onto the belt until SmmerFest, where he faces Brock and Brock wins the title. And Brock wins the title and holds on to it until WM29 where he faces the Rock? Maybe we get a Punk/Brock feud for a few months after that where Rocky tries to screw Brock but Brock still beats Punk and that sets up their WM match.

Are we really expected to "buy" every PPV, even though we know the title won't change, because let's face it if they announce Rock is going to be at WM again, they will probably do so months in advance.

I am just kind of rambling and I am not sure if this even makes any sense, but given the way WWE creative books things, I can't see how in the world this thing would be able to be booked in a way that makes any type of sense.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
04-05-2012 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Tomen
WM 29 Title Match

From what I have seen, it seems Lesnar will be working a less than full time schedule. And we have seen the Rock comes and leaves for a few months and then comes back. So are we assuming that Brock wins the title at some point? I highly doubt they put the title on Rocky? And my next question is do we really expect WWE to keep Cena out of the title picture for nearly 2 years?

The way I see it we still have a least one more PPV between Punk/Jericho feuding for the title. And now we have Cena/Lesnar as a feud. In order to build Brock up as a beast, because lets face it, most of the target WWE audience, kids, have no idea who Lesnar is, he destroys Cena. And when Brock eventually wins the title, can we realistically expect a guy who he completely destroys (Cena) to be a legit contender? (in WWE land I suppose this could be the case)

Let's say that Jericho eventually wins the belt from Punk in May and maybe he holds onto the belt until SmmerFest, where he faces Brock and Brock wins the title. And Brock wins the title and holds on to it until WM29 where he faces the Rock? Maybe we get a Punk/Brock feud for a few months after that where Rocky tries to screw Brock but Brock still beats Punk and that sets up their WM match.

Are we really expected to "buy" every PPV, even though we know the title won't change, because let's face it if they announce Rock is going to be at WM again, they will probably do so months in advance.

I am just kind of rambling and I am not sure if this even makes any sense, but given the way WWE creative books things, I can't see how in the world this thing would be able to be booked in a way that makes any type of sense.
My gut instinct was Rock wins the title in the back end of the year, like at TLC or the RR, then Brock wins the Rumble itself and then they set it up from there as you would expect.

Alternately flip the names, or else the Elimination Chamber comes into play to some variation which wouldnt surprise me either. Esp if the plan for Cena is to turn him to face Taker cos a harsh loss at the EC after he holds the title around the back end (say TLC to the EC) then Rock comes in to beat him in the EC then him losing his **** over it and turning heel then vowing to end the streak makes sense.

Whatever goes down I dont expect Brock or Rock to be near the title before the back end of the year simply because Brock's contract is 2 appearances per month till WM next year and Rock will be around even less yet they will want the WWE title being on TV as much as possible before then. But when we start the "road to WM" bull**** they can get away with it more as they start stacking the talent to build excitement. They just cant afford a long title reign with someone who wont be on TV much.

I also kinda doubt Stone Cold vs Punk will go down. I just cant see the value in turning Punk and they wont run it face v face, esp if the reports that Stone Cold refuses to do the story without Punk turning is true.
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