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Official WrestleMania Thread Official WrestleMania Thread

10-09-2011 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by cab4656
I would love to see Schiavone open Raw Monday given the walk out of everyone else. Maybe I'm just nostalgic, but I'd mark out for "WELCOME TO MONDAY NIGHT RAW! THIS IS SURE TO BE THE MOST HISTORIC NIGHT IN THE HISTORY OF OUR SPORT!" If Schiavone just opened Raw and pretended like it was no big deal, it would really seem like something big happened and they had to bring in scabs and whoever they could find to announce.

WWE make it happen. One night only.

Different announcers, different refs, and only the superstars who didn't walk out + some random indie jobbers could really make this angle worthwhile.

But I know this won't happen. Things will be back to normal by 9:20 Monday night.
That would awesome, but I have zero faith WWE will do anything close to as good as that would be.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 12:53 AM
If they know anything about the current product/story lines a team of "Serious Biz" Schiavone and "Who Knows WTF He'll Say" Ventura could be epic for 1 night.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 12:54 AM
They could throw Gene back in the booth for a night. He's still around and hosts on demand stuff. Looks old as hell, but he'd fit the role of a good scab.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
They could throw Gene back in the booth for a night. He's still around and hosts on demand stuff. Looks old as hell, but he'd fit the role of a good scab.
Mean Gene and Ventura could be another good team for 1 night.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by cab4656
Different announcers, different refs, and only the superstars who didn't walk out + some random indie jobbers could really make this angle worthwhile.
As awesome as this would be, I think we have a better chance of Triple H doing the first ever Pedigree-athon Iron Man Gauntlet match where he wrestles for 2 hours giving out pedigrees to everyone who didn't walk out.

Just imagine....

Raw starts off with HHH coming out to cut a promo about the only people who are left on Raw are the ones who didn't walk out on him last week Cena, Punk, Big Show, Kelly Kelly, Eve, Orton (I didn't see him on Raw) and a single camera man. He of course then spends at least 20 mins burying the rest of the WWE roster.

"Tonight-uhhhhhh we are going to have the first ever Pedigree-athon Iron Man Gauntlet Match-uhhh and I-uhhh am gonna give the WWE universe-uhhh what they want. More-uhhhh of the King Of Kings. For the first time ever I will wrestle whatever is left of the WWE roster and whoever-uhhh pins me will become new COO."


HHH comes out in an awesome animal hide costume and his first opponent is Kelly Kelly!! As Kelly Kelly comes to the ring, HHH goes to the annoucer table and puts on the headset and proceeds to tell the audience how Kelly Kelly's weakness is bouncing off the ropes and he wonders how the Cerebral Assassin is going to use that to his advantage.

After Kelly Kelly does her intro dance or whatever she does, HHH goes back into the ring and pedigrees her within .43 seconds, slides out from under the ring, puts on a referee shirt and counts the pin.

etc..etc...until only Punk is left.

Punk comes out, it is approximately 10:35pm and announcer HHH goes back to the table and explains how Punk wants change and now he has a chance to get change and become the new COO after Triple H has wrestled the ENTIRE WWE roster and buri...ummm defeated them all.

Match begins...

Pedigree....pedigree....sledge hammer attack, 12 pedigrees in a row. Pin. Punk loses.

Out comes Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Xpac, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Chyna, and the corpse of Rick Rude to celebrate with HHH.

HHH then gives the Tag Titles to the Outsiders, Divas Championship to Chyna, IC belt to Rick Rude's corpse because no one cares about that belt anymore, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn get the United States Championship and defend it by doing the switch-a-roo the Bella Twins pulled to keep the Divas Championship. And the WWE Universe goes nuts when HHH declares himself WWE World Heavyweight Champion 4 Life.

It's now 10:42 and we get another 20 mins of HHH and his pals celebrating in the ring.

Raw ends.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:03 AM
new hulkster figure (huh?)

Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
We need something for the Rumble as well. Esp given we wont be able to bet on it like the last couple of years due to the poker sites shutting down.
The rumble is the one of the coolest things to make silly small bets on, please make it happen, paypal whatever, the random number picks thing makes the ppv 1000x more enjoyable.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
But they're clearly putting Cena over at WM. They wouldn't just have him go over Rock cleanly as a heel.

I mean, I'd love to see what you're referencing, but I think face vs. face is extremely likely.
In Rocks home town?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:12 AM
For sure in on any rumble pools. Was awesome last year
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by silviodante1
In Rocks home town?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Tomen
As awesome as this would be, I think we have a better chance of Triple H doing the first ever Pedigree-athon Iron Man Gauntlet match where he wrestles for 2 hours giving out pedigrees to everyone who didn't walk out.

Just imagine....

Raw starts off with HHH coming out to cut a promo about the only people who are left on Raw are the ones who didn't walk out on him last week Cena, Punk, Big Show, Kelly Kelly, Eve, Orton (I didn't see him on Raw) and a single camera man. He of course then spends at least 20 mins burying the rest of the WWE roster.

"Tonight-uhhhhhh we are going to have the first ever Pedigree-athon Iron Man Gauntlet Match-uhhh and I-uhhh am gonna give the WWE universe-uhhh what they want. More-uhhhh of the King Of Kings. For the first time ever I will wrestle whatever is left of the WWE roster and whoever-uhhh pins me will become new COO."


HHH comes out in an awesome animal hide costume and his first opponent is Kelly Kelly!! As Kelly Kelly comes to the ring, HHH goes to the annoucer table and puts on the headset and proceeds to tell the audience how Kelly Kelly's weakness is bouncing off the ropes and he wonders how the Cerebral Assassin is going to use that to his advantage.

After Kelly Kelly does her intro dance or whatever she does, HHH goes back into the ring and pedigrees her within .43 seconds, slides out from under the ring, puts on a referee shirt and counts the pin.

etc..etc...until only Punk is left.

Punk comes out, it is approximately 10:35pm and announcer HHH goes back to the table and explains how Punk wants change and now he has a chance to get change and become the new COO after Triple H has wrestled the ENTIRE WWE roster and buri...ummm defeated them all.

Match begins...

Pedigree....pedigree....sledge hammer attack, 12 pedigrees in a row. Pin. Punk loses.

Out comes Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Xpac, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Chyna, and the corpse of Rick Rude to celebrate with HHH.

HHH then gives the Tag Titles to the Outsiders, Divas Championship to Chyna, IC belt to Rick Rude's corpse because no one cares about that belt anymore, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn get the United States Championship and defend it by doing the switch-a-roo the Bella Twins pulled to keep the Divas Championship. And the WWE Universe goes nuts when HHH declares himself WWE World Heavyweight Champion 4 Life.

It's now 10:42 and we get another 20 mins of HHH and his pals celebrating in the ring.

Raw ends.
this is my favorite post in the thread. well played
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Curious to hear why you think so, I don't have anything against your pick to win, just interested to hear your insight.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by silviodante1
Curious to hear why you think so, I don't have anything against your pick to win, just interested to hear your insight.
It just seems like such a classic passing of the torch situation that I can't imagine why they would want to bring Rock back just to put him over their biggest star and then send him on his happy way, having officially buried this generation as being inferior to the Rock's (even though it is).
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:24 AM
Cena goes over at WM no questions asked. There is a 0 percent chance otherwise.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by Wallypop
Cena goes over at WM no questions asked. There is a 0 percent chance otherwise.
chance for a dirty win by rock imo. Cena getting screwed into the loss is possible (not by rock cheating most likely, more like gets beat up by awesome truth or something similiar)
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:33 AM
Wow, im def in the minority, I just think it would be kind of weird for him to make this little 'comeback'/semi-appearances, be inducted into the hall (from what i've been hearing), in his home town, wrestle a guy who it seems like he has some sort of minor legit heat with in the main event, and lose.
They would have to pay him an enormous amount of $, or he must have a major amount of love for the business.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:35 AM
Since we're talking about the future, what do you guys think the near future holds for Ziggler? Do you think he'll hold the US title for a good while to build it back up (similar to Cody with the IC title) or maybe jump up to the Main Event picture? Any chance for a face turn by kicking Vicki to the curb when she starts focusing more on Swagger's career etc?

A WM match between Ziggler/Swagger with face Ziggler could be really really good.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by silviodante1
Wow, im def in the minority, I just think it would be kind of weird for him to make this little 'comeback'/semi-appearances, be inducted into the hall (from what i've been hearing), in his home town, wrestle a guy who it seems like he has some sort of minor legit heat with in the main event, and lose.
They would have to pay him an enormous amount of $, or he must have a major amount of love for the business.
Eh, it's the same as when he beat Hogan. I can't fathom Cena losing that match
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Since we're talking about the future, what do you guys think the near future holds for Ziggler? Do you think he'll hold the US title for a good while to build it back up (similar to Cody with the IC title) or maybe jump up to the Main Event picture? Any chance for a face turn by kicking Vicki to the curb when she starts focusing more on Swagger's career etc?

A WM match between Ziggler/Swagger with face Ziggler could be really really good.
Don't want him turning face, he's too good of a heel, I def see him being in the ME picture after WM.

Edit: I would like to see that match at WM, don't matter to me who is face or heel.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 01:38 AM
Triple H stated earlier in a exclusive that John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton, and others will headline Monday night's Raw.

"Beyond that, I might not have referees, I might not have announcers, I might not have cameramen. Quite frankly, I don't know what's going to happen... We'll see what we come up with on Monday. Hell, they might all show up and I won't let anyone back in."
2-hour burial show is confirmed written and on-track.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 02:04 AM
Rumour has it HHH has asked creative to write a 2 hour one man play about how he is the reincarnation of Jesus, Buddha, Vishnu and L Ron Hubbard where it will tell his life story from the point of view of HHH doing impressions of people around him in awe of how amazing he is. Its going to be very very very racist and the final act has HHH pedigreeing the Devil and then delivering a promo to God about how he is replacing him. Then the angels walk out so he proceeds to speak to heaven's creative team, played by himself, about doing a one man play to the heaven universe about how awesome the heaven universe thinks he is. At one point in the play he puts on a wig and bra and then describes how he is jealous of himself working with Stephanie, played by himself in a different wig, and then he plays VKM and fires himself in a wig.

Dont worry, its all planned in advance. Cena, Punk, Kelly Kelly and Orton will play the parts of the turnbuckles and hold the ropes between each other. They have special instructions to not make eye contact with HHH or each other. That is why they didnt walk out on him last week.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 02:07 AM
Ziggler never turning face works for me. As would a Zig vs Swag match at WM, but id assume they will be in the tag championship picture still assuming the plan is to feud Awesome Truth with L. JeVishddha to blow it off at the big one.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 02:32 AM
Josh Mathews and Joey Styles will be working the booth.
Cameras angles will be used via fans cell phones.

Sheamus vs Big Show for the vacant U.S title.
Special announcer: lilian garcia.
Special Ref: Hornswoggle.

Kelly Kelly vs Steph for the vacant womens title.
Special announcer: Snoop Dogg.
Special Referee: Trish Stratus.

Randy Orton vs HHH
Special announcer: HBK
Special Referee: Bret Hart

One hour Iron man match Cena vs Punk for the vacant WWE championship.
Special ring announcer: Howard Finkle.
Special Referee: Roddy Piper.
Special enforcer: Chuck Norris.

MizTruth run in during the WWE championship match, take out Piper, Cena and Punk with plastic lead pipes, HHH comes running to the ring, gets a legit round-house kick from Chuck Norris, Styles knocks out Mathews with a stiff chair shot to the head, Hall and Nash enter the ring through the crowd, Ted Dibiase's music hits, he comes down to the ring w/virgil, BOOM! new NwO.
Raw goes off the air with backstage fan cams showing superstars from earlier matches all laid out due to the impact of the Norris round house kick.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 02:46 AM
Ziggler is awesome as a heel but he has too much of the "it" factor to never get a face turn.

He'll def be in the main event scene within the next few months.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-09-2011 , 05:28 AM
I'm not averse to a Ziggler face run at some point. But he is too good right now to turn.

It would be cool to see him in the main event but he is getting a lot of good air time right now so I'm not gonna complain. I guess he will eventually job the US title to Ryder and will be in the frame for the next MITB.
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