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10-03-2011 , 01:48 PM
in fairness, good original vs evil clone is one of the worst angles there is. i remember undertaker v undertaker being one of the stupidest things ever, ditto for kane vs kane
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10-03-2011 , 01:53 PM
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
please god let this mean they're finally ready to trash the spinner belt
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10-03-2011 , 01:54 PM
Sure, but they are out there putting on a pretty solid match and the crowd is completely dead when a few of them arent trying to start a boring chant. I mean i get that the Mexican style is different to the brawling American style but they are jumping around like ****ing ninjas and at best you can say is those chanting boring couldnt recognise good ring work if it yakuza kicked them in the face.

I mean im not gonna defend the ****ty build to the match, but the crowd basically gang raped that match with their complete lack of reactions which would have improved the quality on its own. Crowd are important and the crowds now are generally terrible. If this isnt the wake up call for the company i dunno what will be.
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10-03-2011 , 01:57 PM
I like the white leather, i dont care that i associate it with the Knockouts championship, that is a really pretty belt.

I think the WWE proved in the last three (or more) designs they dont have a ****ing clue how to design belts anymore, but deciding to bring back old belts is pure money. They need to get the WWE belt on Cody after the draft next year and have him bring back the winged eagle belt and he will be over with the IWC for the rest of his life.
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10-03-2011 , 02:03 PM
turning on the lights during a Sin Cara match would be a good start
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10-03-2011 , 02:04 PM
I don't love the white leather, but it was used at times in the good old days. I remember Ultimate Warrior using the white leather, at least at times.
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10-03-2011 , 02:07 PM
yea that match was anything but boring so i dunno wtf that was about

nonetheless that match was such a stupid gimmick and i'm going to operate under the assumption that the crowd was turning on the sheer stupidity of it all (even though i'm likely wrong and the crowd was a bunch of tards)
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10-03-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Dylan
I wonder what they are going to do with Punk now. Presumably it will be ADR/Cena at Vengeance for the belt so where does that leave Punk? Does he team up with HHH or something to face Awesome Truth?
Punk will be busy as the third Sin Cara

As mentioned we've had taker vs taker, kane vs kane (although I never saw that) cara vs cara, I also remember doink vs doink. Are there any others?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 02:12 PM
Fwiw I'm down in nola and saw a lot of cm punk shirts on bourbon St last night and quite a few in the airport today
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I don't love the white leather, but it was used at times in the good old days. I remember Ultimate Warrior using the white leather, at least at times.
I'm 99% sure Dustin used it too. And was it Scott Hall that used the gold strap?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 02:40 PM
HBK busted them out as well. There were powder blue and hideous yellow straps that got rotated based on?? Seemed really odd to me as a kid.
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10-03-2011 , 02:43 PM
warrior also had a purple one at least on the WWF title, I think on the IC too tho
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 02:43 PM
This latest IC title that got dumped wasn't even that bad IMO, but I'm really happy to see the old one back more for what it signals than for the look itself.

But the look of it is superior too.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 02:51 PM
Dont remember Doink fighting Doink. I remember two Doinks, but never against each other.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 02:53 PM
Yeah, the IC belt was def the best looking, with the big gold plate WHC title a close second.

And yeah, i hope the change of belt design is a big signal from HHH that the IC title is going to be worth something again, similar to how he (allegedly) has been lobbying to make tag teams relevant again.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 03:14 PM
ok downpour finished. lol @ very first sentence from Cole "literally going through hell".

Spanish announce table is a total red herring. Vince is pushing this expansion to Mexican markets hard and they have to give them a legit desk once in a while. They even got a fancy Hell in the Cell marquee.

Props to Sheamus for doing one of his signature moves to the non-hard camera.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 03:36 PM
random HIAC spew:

* lol Booker burying Denny's.
* Kind of want to start a "kickout at 1" counter because I sense a theme developing just in this first match. (That is a good sign by the way, ducy?)
* Did the crowd all hit bedtime or something? They went from hot in the first match to instantly dead. Do they hate Mexicans? They did lame "dos" counts on two counts from the ref and the Cara v Cara match wasn't that bad. Can they really not see because of the lights? (I think all the vs. feuds are dumb but if Averno shows up there being 3 luchadores on Raw is kind of awesome.)
* Cole used to throw slime against a mirror. Gross?

Last edited by tpir; 10-03-2011 at 03:42 PM.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Dont remember Doink fighting Doink. I remember two Doinks, but never against each other.
Think your right, cant find anything about it
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 03:47 PM
However, face Doink certainly murdered evil Doink and then taunted his family for a couple of years by flaunting a terrible new gimmick that dishonored the memory of the previous great one.
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10-03-2011 , 03:57 PM
10-03-2011 , 04:05 PM
lol @ Brandon linking to the Grantland preview, losing credibility fast imo. First sentence botch? And why does everything on Grantland talk about god and the bible? I feel like I am being Jesus trolled even by Chuck Klostermann. I also have to kind of call-out Brandon for this as well:
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 04:22 PM
+1 at that moonsault spot. Im 99% sure i called it live in this thread that it was a brutal spot but its right that the commentary missed it and there was no replay to proof it to people watching at home. It was a big spot in the match and was treated as blink and you miss it.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
10-03-2011 , 04:23 PM
OK audience is definitely racist imo. Fans hating on Mark Henry and they definitely drowned out the crowd noise post-match.
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10-03-2011 , 04:27 PM
Racism is the new nWo ITT.
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