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12-17-2009 , 01:59 AM
So weird, i was just thinking about how i haven't enjoyed wrestling for a good while now. And how this thread of people talking about wrestling, was more entertaining than the product itself. I've barely been watching any at all recently, only things mentioned in a good light in this thread(So barely any really).

I guess i don't think i'll ever fully shake off being into wrestling, WWE trained from the age of 8-9 years old, brought up on a diet of Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Just like McDonalds, WWE groomed me from a young age (and thank god it was just them). But just when i was seriously considering quitting this habit, they go and sign my all-time favourite wrestler, Bret Hart. What are the chances?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Edge34
I can't see Bret working on SmackDown, and obviously that's where the Hart Dynasty currently reside. I have tickets to Raw in Minneapolis on January 11, if Bret's there it would be absolutely sick (and last year's DX reunion leading into the Jericho/HBK ladder match was pretty good itself). Having Bret back would be sick, but with the pops he's going to get, it would pretty much turn DX (especially HBK) uber-heel, wouldn't it?
Its all but guaranteed he will be working as a manager of the Hart Dynasty.

It all comes down to what they want Bret to do. I can easily see him having a role not too dissimilar to Vicky, having some on screen pull in how SD is run but mostly just managing HD, doing double duty working on Raw and SD a lot if and when they feud with DX.

I also agree it would be hard getting him over heel, but given Triple H is going to be turning heel before Mania to feud with Shawn them getting some heat isnt such a bad thing and working tweener vs tweener isnt so bad, i mean Cena gets booed, DX getting some boos isnt as bad as it would be a decade or two ago when ppl cared more about that sort of thing. The difference is Cena has a squeaky clean constantly good guy gimmick, him getting any boos is the polar opposite of his character, DX and the two who make up the team have always been tweeners and can easily slip into either role without harming their characters.
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12-17-2009 , 03:02 AM
I thought Bret was too damaged physically to wrestle, especially after his motorcycle accident.
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12-17-2009 , 03:26 AM
Me too but I heard he is going to work 1-2 gimmick matches. No clue how he is gonna pull that off unless they mean him wrestling a diva in a evening gown match
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12-17-2009 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
Me too but I heard he is going to work 1-2 gimmick matches. No clue how he is gonna pull that off unless they mean him wrestling a diva in a evening gown match
Its not going to happen. He is 52, retired due to massive brain trauma and suffered a stroke that set his life back several years due to his bike accident where he landed on the back of his head.

He wouldnt be the first to make such a decision, but he has repeatedly said he will never get back in the ring to wrestle as its not worth the risk. He said he wanted to be remembered for the peak of his career before it was cut short than afterwards when he put on a half arsed show risking his life for a quick buck.

Plus tbh i dont think WWE would let him wrestle if he wanted to given just how broken down his body is. The last thing they want is for him to take a suplex wrong (he is almost exactly a decade out of practice) and die in the ring or suffer another stroke or other brain injury. They are responsible for the death of one Hart, no way they take even a fraction of a chance on Bret dying in their ring too.
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12-17-2009 , 03:46 AM
Trust me I agree with you. was just passing along what i read
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Its not going to happen. He is 52, retired due to massive brain trauma and suffered a stroke that set his life back several years due to his bike accident where he landed on the back of his head.

He wouldnt be the first to make such a decision, but he has repeatedly said he will never get back in the ring to wrestle as its not worth the risk. He said he wanted to be remembered for the peak of his career before it was cut short than afterwards when he put on a half arsed show risking his life for a quick buck.

Plus tbh i dont think WWE would let him wrestle if he wanted to given just how broken down his body is. The last thing they want is for him to take a suplex wrong (he is almost exactly a decade out of practice) and die in the ring or suffer another stroke or other brain injury. They are responsible for the death of one Hart, no way they take even a fraction of a chance on Bret dying in their ring too.
cmon now, thats not true and you know it.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by HulkHogan81
cmon now, thats not true and you know it.
Well....they kind of are responsible. The safety device was altered the day of the show. Someone from WWF had to give the approval for that.

Owen still had to agree to use it though.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by HulkHogan81
cmon now, thats not true and you know it.
He did a stunt using unsafe equipment.

His family sued the company and won $18 million.

They are responsible anyway you decide to cut it.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 12:18 PM
At least let Bret slap the sharpshooter on Shawn one time!!!!
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 02:13 PM
Ugh can we not turn this into a argument about Owen's death?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 02:23 PM
not an argument, jus dont throw WWE under the bus for something they arent responsible for. thanks.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 02:38 PM
Since we are a bit dead for discussion topics right now, here is a q for y'all. What is your thinking on the current WWE stuff with Mickie James:

Personally i thinks its pretty damn disgusting, i mean seriously, she isnt remotely fat and its way over the line.

Here she is discussing it on twitter and being very diplomatic given how upset she clearly was when that happened in the above vid:

Even ignoring that she is not fat, has been loyal to the company for several years and that she is one of the best female workers the company has it sends entirely the wrong message. I mean she is getting heat for pursuing a country music career on the side, but this is just wrong.

Hopefully she does the smart thing and becomes a Knock Out instead of a Diva. TNA would snap take her back and its not even close.

There was a Dixie interview just before Mania this year when she was asked to comment on Vince saying TNA is behind the times and PG is the way forward in the industry and she just turned it around and asked what was so PC about Orton beating up Vince and Stephanie and then HHH breaking into Orton's home and trying to kill him with a sledge hammer. PG wrestling, the age of women and old men being beaten up, of violent house invasions and of making your top talent cry by personally abusing them in the ring. This is pretty much the reason people need to watch Impact live and Raw online on Jan 4th.

Last edited by [Phill]; 12-17-2009 at 02:43 PM.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 02:54 PM
Reminds me of when they had a whole angle around how huuuuuge molly holly's ass was.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 02:55 PM
I fast forward through all womens wrestling, occasional I'll oggle maryse for a bit, but thats all. I could care less about any of this stuff, that being said, the Porky Pig thing at the end made me LOL.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
Reminds me of when they had a whole angle around how huuuuuge molly holly's ass was.
According to Molly it wasn't even supposed to be an angle. It was just an insult by Trish, but King RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN with it.

Didn't Striker make a Mickie=fat joke on Raw?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 05:35 PM
She used to be the best women's wrestler for a bit, and they've just killed her. This feud is pretty bad, and them wanting to push others like Jillian or Kelly Kelly is pretty bad. Gail Kim was huge in TNA, now she's doing nothing in WWE. They need to let the true Divas wrestle, especially if they really wanna make this PG, not just show off the hot ones they have insulting other divas
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 05:56 PM
I take it Michelle McFool can do whatever she wants because she's nailing the Undertaker. Otherwise it's just going to be a steady diet of Kelly Kelly and Maria and some Maryse, whoever they consider the best-looking Divas, regardless of their wrestling ability. Having two women's titles is ridiculous and they need to be unified and have the champion defend on each show. I Gail Kim but unless she starts taking it from behind by HHH or UT, she should just quit and go back to TNA, because she will never get pushed in WWE because she's not a young blonde whore.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 06:39 PM
Since we're on the topic of Bret Hart, I read something interesting today regarding the infamous Survivor Series match, "the Montreal Screwjob". Some of the info may be new to some of you and it explains why Bret refused to lose to Shawn Michaels at the time.
The stuff about Shawn and the British Bulldog really paints an ugly picture of HBK. Really interesting read.

By Dave Meltzer

In that match, Hart was WWF champion and scheduled to defend against Michaels. WWF had been losing money until a few months earlier, and with Hart earning a $1.5 million guaranteed contract from WWF, McMahon asked if he could cut the deal or defer money until later. Hart refused, noting that he had turned down a $2.8 million per year offer from WCW in 1996 out of loyalty to McMahon, who offered barely half the money per year, but offered him a 20-year contract. McMahon said he would let Hart out of his contract to accept the WCW deal. Hart accepted a three-year WCW deal at slightly less, $2.5 million per year. As part of his WWF contract, he had creative control for the final 30 days, which was defined that on all booking matters, McMahon nor Hart had the power to make decisions, but that all decisions had to be agreed upon by both sides. McMahon wanted Hart to drop the title on November 9, 1997, in Montreal, to Michaels. However, several incidents in the preceding weeks caused Hart to refuse to lose.

The key was Michaels twice telling Hart that he wouldn’t lose to him or anyone, including a situation in the U.K. where Hart’s brother-in-law, Davey Boy Smith, was told he was going to beat Michaels in a PPV match from Manchester, England. At the time, Smith’s sister was dying of cancer and he went on television and dedicated the match to his sister. However, a week before the match, Michaels refused to do the job for Smith. McMahon overruled the booking team and sided with Michaels, who won the European title. Legitimately, Smith’s sister, who died several months later, was in tears.

McMahon came up with finish after finish, with Hart stating he wanted to lose the title to Steve Austin, although finally agreed to lose to Michaels later in the month (lost in the story, because a movie made about the incident tried to make it like Montreal was his last day, is that Hart was under contract for three more weeks, and Eric Bischoff had agreed to allow Hart to stay an extra week since the booking team believed he was going to lose the title on December 7, 1997, in Springfield, MA, in a four-way match, with Michaels, Undertaker and Ken Shamrock, where Michaels would end up as champion.

On November 6, 1997, McMahon and Hart reached an agreement that Hart would beat Michaels in Montreal, and in return, Hart would lose directly to Michaels via pinfall as the last two in the four-way in Springfield. However, Michaels called HHH and HHH told him that under no circumstances should he be losing to Hart, since Hart was leaving for the opposition. When Michaels told McMahon that night he wouldn’t lose, McMahon blew up, but at the booking meeting at his house, came to the conclusion that Michaels was the one staying and Hart was the one leaving, and the Montreal screw job idea took place. The night before the show, at a production meeting, McMahon didn’t let anyone know the plan for the next day, saying only that the main event would end with a DQ finish, and that the four-way elimination match for the title in Springfield would end up with Hart losing early, to either Undertaker or Shamrock, and whoever pinned Hart would then get pinned by Michaels to end the match, and that’s how Michaels would end up as champion.

McMahon told Hart in the dressing room in Montreal that he was winning via DQ, and then even agreed with Hart that he wouldn’t have to drop the title in the ring, and would just vacate it on Raw the next night. But by that point, the wheels were in motion on the screwjob and McMahon was just trying to get the match in the ring and would agree with anything Hart said to do so. It should be noted that at no point in the conversation about the finish that McMahon asked Hart to lose (Hart was wired the entire weekend because they were filming the “Wrestling with Shadows” documentary, which was a surprise because the original movie was going to end with Hart beating Undertaker for the title at SummerSlam three months earlier). Instead, Pat Patterson came up with a spot where Michaels would get Hart in the sharpshooter and Hart would reverse it. Instead, ref Earl Hebner, told just moments before he was going out for the match, was told at that moment to ring the bell. The key was that the finish had to look like Michaels was also unaware, although in fact, he was told the night before what was going down. The fear was that if Hart knew Michaels was in on it, Hart may lose his temper and attack Michaels for real, and the worst thing possible for the company was that its new world champion would get his ass kicked in a real fight on a live PPV.

Hart ended up knocking out McMahon later that night in the dressing room, breaking his hand in the process. A movie, “Wrestling with Shadows,” chronicled the situation, although by today’s standards with wins and losses not meaning anything, the whole thing looks very silly compared with how it looked viewed through 1997 eyes
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by DonkOneMore
She used to be the best women's wrestler for a bit, and they've just killed her. This feud is pretty bad, and them wanting to push others like Jillian or Kelly Kelly is pretty bad. Gail Kim was huge in TNA, now she's doing nothing in WWE. They need to let the true Divas wrestle, especially if they really wanna make this PG, not just show off the hot ones they have insulting other divas
The fans voted for Diva of the Year Slammy online and chose Maria. This year Maria held no titles, had one match to win a title and spent like 10/12 months not working in the ring but she did valet for Ziggler for a bit.

In other words WWE fans are idiots when it comes to what they want from the Divas.

As for Gail, she has been nerfed because she worked for TNA and was a star there. She is only outperformed in the ring by Beth, Nattie (and its close) and maybe Michelle and Mickie on their good days. But she happened to be one of the biggest stars in the rival company so she is out in the cold for a while.

By biggest stars im including both men and women. Her feud with Kong was huge for the company and it snowballed into them having an extremely good womens division with several of the KOs being up there as being the worlds best.

And even they push The Beautiful People, lol.

ps, Jillian is certainly the most underrated womens worker in the WWE and possibly the most underrated of both sexes. Her finisher was a 450 splash and she used to be exceptionally good in the ring before they reduced her to a bad singing gimmick and a constant stream of 4 on 4 random heel vs face tag matches.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
The fans voted for Diva of the Year Slammy online and chose Maria. This year Maria held no titles, had one match to win a title and spent like 10/12 months not working in the ring but she did valet for Ziggler for a bit.

In other words WWE fans are idiots when it comes to what they want from the Divas.

As for Gail, she has been nerfed because she worked for TNA and was a star there. She is only outperformed in the ring by Beth, Nattie (and its close) and maybe Michelle and Mickie on their good days. But she happened to be one of the biggest stars in the rival company so she is out in the cold for a while.

By biggest stars im including both men and women. Her feud with Kong was huge for the company and it snowballed into them having an extremely good womens division with several of the KOs being up there as being the worlds best.

And even they push The Beautiful People, lol.

ps, Jillian is certainly the most underrated womens worker in the WWE and possibly the most underrated of both sexes. Her finisher was a 450 splash and she used to be exceptionally good in the ring before they reduced her to a bad singing gimmick and a constant stream of 4 on 4 random heel vs face tag matches.
Agreed, the fans are dumb, but then again how can they really vote for a good female wrestler when they have 0 good women's matches? I'm fine with them even keeping back Gail, but then push Beth and Natalya, last I read Beth was just squashing random divas each week on SD just looking powerful, when we already know she is. And Natalya isn't wrestling much either, but she's in the Hart Foundation, and with Bret coming who knows.
If Jillian is really that good then I guess push her, but her gimmick is just god awful and no one likes it at all.
A Mickie/Natalya feud on SD, and then put Melina against anyone really, but the 8 tag matches, and useless battle royal crap is awful.

"The Wrestling Observer is reporting that there are no immediate plans within WWE to use Bryan Danielson. He is currently down in Las Vegas training at the Xtreme Couture gym, and while he is under contract with WWE and is getting paid, he is apparently awaiting word from the company as to when he will be brought up to a roster. "



if only I had Directv lol, but that's a weak competition for monday's if that's really what they were planning
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by '[Phill
And even they push The Beautiful People, lol.
TBP are awesome.

except Lacey ldo
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 11:19 PM
I was at this weeks raw in Corpus and the crowd was definitely dead. That being said, I gotta say that the sound system in that building is really crappy and it was VERY hard to understand what was being said. Also, that Diva match was the dumbest thing i've ever seen. WWE hooked me up with some seats right behind lawler. Check me out at 2:41 and 3:40. I'm the guy with the bright orange ultimate warrior shirt and FTP hat.
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 11:45 PM
How'd WWE hook you up?
Official WrestleMania Thread Quote
12-17-2009 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by ajohnson16
How'd WWE hook you up?
i work for the building that hosted TLC and worked extensively with WWE
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