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**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** **Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread**

04-07-2013 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
So who is Cena defending against? Rocky is clearly gone indefinitely now. Lesnar or Punk could do it, but both just lost and the word is that Vince is done with Cena/Punk for now. I think it probably has to be Lesnar again. I don't know who else can step in.
Plus Punk is probably taking time off to rest and heal, he's not advertised for live events following Mania or Extreme Rules.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 11:31 PM
also everyone thinking we've seen the last of the rock clearly haven't heard the expected main events of WM30
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
It's a strange feeling watching Dwayne make his rounds postmatch and thinking good riddance. Unquestionably one of my all time favorites growing up and he brought nothing memorable to a 2+ year return. A ****ty run in to finish a mania, two less than mediocre matches with Cena, one less than mediocre match teaming with Cena, and two mediocre at best matches with Punk is what he left us. It sucks.
You're being very kind to those Rock-Punk matches.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 11:36 PM
And FWIW no I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Rock, but I'll be surprised if he appears on WWE TV again for at least 8-9 months.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 11:37 PM
Twitter is awesome entertainment, knowing there are people out there who actually believe stuff like this:

It's Che.
@TheRock @JohnCena brilliant match one that will live on for years!!!
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
You're being very kind to those Rock-Punk matches.
They were not good at all. But they were better than the Cena ones and so if I call those less than mediocre I gotta word it better somehow.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 11:39 PM
There was a clear sendoff. Is it possible he comes back eventually? Sure. But I doubt it's in the next year or two.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 11:46 PM
Not sure where the WM2 stuff started, but Bundy was chosen as Hogan's opponent mostly on the basis of being more widely known, as it was still kind of the "territory years" and Bundy was coming off a main event run in Mid-South and previously had feuded with the Von Erichs and was Fritz' opponent in his last match. Piper was from the LA territory originally, so that would have also made sense. Hogan/Bruno couldn't really happen because face/face matches almost never happened back then and also Sammartino was one of the old-school types that thought the world champion should be a great technical wrestler.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 11:48 PM
Henry should be the choice to fued with Cena. He just squashed Ryback, so he should be the number 1 contender. Naturally they'll probably just have Big Show or someone fued with him instead though.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
And FWIW no I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Rock, but I'll be surprised if he appears on WWE TV again for at least 8-9 months.
He's already signed on for WM 30, possibly to face Brock.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-07-2013 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Bedreviter
He's already signed on for WM 30, possibly to face Brock.
Well then, lol me.

**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 01:03 AM
I'm going to sleep.... No wait I kicked out....
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 01:33 AM
Kind of rooting for this forum's collective head to explode and have Rock use his rematch clause at WM30, Thrice In A Lifetime
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 01:50 AM
scanning the results. looks like i picked a good ppv to miss
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 04:27 AM
Scott Hall killing it via twitter.

Will save my rant for later.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 05:01 AM
not sure why people are complaining....

rock/cena had seriously less potential than khali/hornswoggle. at least with the latter there is at least one guy who can sell just a little, and the match will be shorter. i dont know why people would actually expect anything other than complete and utter terribleness out of rock/cena 2

i turned it off after the rightful main event punk/taker (saw a tiny bit of hhh promo), and enjoyed the ppv because of that. any problems with shield/rko and henry/ryback were overcome by who won, y2j was good, and swagger/adr wasnt too bad relative to its build.... at least zeb got the heel promo right.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 05:05 AM
ftr i didnt deliberately miss h/laser... i might go back and look at it later
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
This matchup wasn't even this bad a year ago.
wow, is this actually possible?

i almost want to watch it now
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 05:49 AM
Just finished this and a couple of thoughts:

What happened to The Bellas match?
Undertaker/Punk was surprisingly (to me) good although not dramatic at all.
Lesnar/HHH was bad and Cena/Rock was hilariously bad.
Much like Orton losing last year to Kane, Ryback losing to Henry was a pleasant surprise.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 07:15 AM
Just read through some of the feedback on F4W. The crowd was dead for a couple of reasons -- first, that there were apparently thousands of seats with an obstructed view, a lot of them pretty expensive. Second, it was so cold that the fans could never really get into it, it dropped into the 40s for most of the show. Someone speculated that the weird white stuff on HHH for his entrance was residue from the smoke machine that condensed on him because it was so cold. I can't see them ever going back to a northern city for an outdoor Mania.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 07:51 AM
Where to begin with last night?

The match order was terrible. Hell No should have started the show with their fast pace and uplifting finish. Shield 6 man had a much more meaningful build and should have gone on later with the heels winning (even if they're smark friendly).
The video montages of Cena and Rock were a massive slap in the face for anyone that had already purchased the PPV.
Where were the backstage skits and interviews? They normally do an awesome job of getting almost all the roster some facetime behind the scenes. A little reward and recognition for people like Cesaro, Maddox, Vicky G, Santino, 3MB etc. who work hard all year round. Plus they're normally entertaining and they do a good job of breaking the flow.
Having the 3 huge matches back to back to back was disastrous for keeping the crowd engaged. They needed to have Undertaker and Punk go from the 90min mark of the PPV like HHH and Taker did the previous two years. Then they needed to get Tons of Funk in between HHHBrock and RockCena.

So many own goals it's almost like they haven't done one of these before.

As for match quality it's pretty much what we expected, but they could have been a little more creative and adventurous. For instance how in the hell wasn't there a Ricardo vs Zeb Colter beatdown spot? The crowd are dying to see Colter get his ass kicked and this is the big payoff event.

A really poor card, a poor build and a poor execution. This is the 3rd worst Mania for me after 11 and 9.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by True North
Just read through some of the feedback on F4W. The crowd was dead for a couple of reasons -- first, that there were apparently thousands of seats with an obstructed view, a lot of them pretty expensive. Second, it was so cold that the fans could never really get into it, it dropped into the 40s for most of the show. Someone speculated that the weird white stuff on HHH for his entrance was residue from the smoke machine that condensed on him because it was so cold. I can't see them ever going back to a northern city for an outdoor Mania.
so cold there? Was it Miami, um no, but it wasn't really that cold there at all.......
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 08:44 AM
Outdoor arena is going to make it sound like the crowd was quieter than they actually were.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 09:22 AM
In possibly the worst news to come out of a lackluster Cena-Rock match......this is now a shirt.....http://
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
04-08-2013 , 09:30 AM
^ what is "rtime" please, something to do with Edge??

Good post a few up from Joediego - also where was America the beautiful? They didn't show anyone performing it on the PPV stream, apologies if in preshow.
**Official Wrestlemania 29 Thread** Quote
