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Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread

03-09-2013 , 11:59 PM
For my last pick I will take a 1991/92 face Big Boss Man.

My card:

The Rock (c) vs The Ultimate Warrior
Obv huge draw but a **** match in which Rocky retains

Vader (c) vs Samoa Joe
For the US title Samoa Joe takes the belt in a hard fought match. Another easy ****+ match

Hansen vs Brody
The bloody brawl to end it all. Two tough bastards beat the **** out of each other. Also a ****+ match.

El Generico vs KENTA
Dream match coming true for many fans. Easy ****1/2+ match.

London/Kendrick vs MCMG vs Headshrinkers (c)
Headshrinkers have been the dominate tag team cheating to beat both teams but the challengers work together to get them out in the first 7-8 minutes and we have a quick sprint match that lasts another 12-16 with London and Kendrick getting the upset.

Rude vs Goldust in a no dq, falls count anywhere match
The end of a fierce feud in which Rude wins with a low blow after a 20 minute match that goes all over the arena.

Shane Douglas vs Big Boss Man
Two mediocre workers do their thing to get the crowd going.

Another idea I had was a 4 person tournament between Hansen, Joe, Brody, and Vader but nawwwww.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
My card:

The Rock (c) vs The Ultimate Warrior
Obv huge draw but a **** match in which Rocky retains
Crowd heat should be awesome for this one and I'd be morbidly curious to watch it myself. For as crappy as he was, Warrior at his peak actually did tend to be in good matches in the big events. Watchable action + hot crowd = I like the main event a lot. Grade: A-

Vader (c) vs Samoa Joe
For the US title Samoa Joe takes the belt in a hard fought match. Another easy ****+ match
Like I don't find find myself looking forward to watching the show because of this match, but I bet it delivers. Grade: B+

Hansen vs Brody
The bloody brawl to end it all. Two tough bastards beat the **** out of each other. Also a ****+ match.
This would be great. No doubt about it. Grade: A-

El Generico vs KENTA
Dream match coming true for many fans. Easy ****1/2+ match.
Lack of familiarity prevents me from grading this one.

London/Kendrick vs MCMG vs Headshrinkers (c)
Headshrinkers have been the dominate tag team cheating to beat both teams but the challengers work together to get them out in the first 7-8 minutes and we have a quick sprint match that lasts another 12-16 with London and Kendrick getting the upset.
I liked this better before you added the Headshrinkers into the mix. Now I'm more meh on it. The London/Kendrick vs. MCMG stuff should produce a lot of good spots though. Grade: B

Rude vs Goldust in a no dq, falls count anywhere match
The end of a fierce feud in which Rude wins with a low blow after a 20 minute match that goes all over the arena.
Meh. Love me some Rick Rude but when I think of Goldust fighting all over the place I think of that AIDSfest with Piper at WM XII. Did he have good brawls as Goldust? I don't know, this match just doesn't do it for me. Grade: C+

Shane Douglas vs Big Boss Man
Two mediocre workers do their thing to get the crowd going.
This match may make me wish I was watching Kofi Kingston. Grade: C-

The main event and Hansen-Brody are matches I wouldn't miss. And again I would expect Vader-Joe to deliver. Couple of clunkers for me that also wouldn't help sell the card, but there are enough highlights here that I like it overall.
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03-10-2013 , 12:13 AM
Maybe I just wanted to write a faux Damien Sandow promo:

Wednesday Night Wrestling:

[We return from commercial with Team Rhodes Scholars, Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes in the ring.]

Sandow: Please allow me to beg your indulgence for a moment; I am here to help you all. I am Damien Sandow, "The Intellectual Savior of the Unwashed Masses" and this is my partner, "The Essence of Mustachioed Magnificence" Cody Rhodes...and we are Team Rhodes Scholars, the number 1 contenders to the World Tag Team Championships!


Sandow: Silence, please! We are pleased to announce that Team Rhodes Scholars will finally be given their rightful opportunity to garner the World Tag Team Championships from those misguided miscreants, The Fabulous Freebirds, and lead the USA Pro Wrestling universe out of an abyss of self-imposed moral decay.


Sandow: You simple-minded ignoramuses, I request your silence! We are here to usher in a new era of enlightenment, which you so desperately yearn!

[Boo! Sandow shakes his head in disgust. Cody Rhodes whispers something in his ear and then takes the microphone.]

Rhodes: Such wanton disrespect! I guess I should not be surprised to find such ill regard for intellectual superiority in this bastion of backwards society. After all, Georgia's flagship institution of higher learning is represented by a bulldog...a beast known for drooling, slobbering, and flatulence, which, from looking around the arena tonight, are probably Atlanta's three favorite pastimes.

[Rhodes and Sandow share a laugh, and Sandow once again takes the microphone.]

Sandow: Profanity, beer, and a disregard for decency and decorum are in the running, however!

[Rhodes and Sandow share another laugh, as the crowd boos.]

Sandow: I request your silence once again! Please! Team Rhodes Scholars, as the humble lieges of taste and decency, will lead all of you out of the abhorrent, insipid miasma that has enveloped you for far too long under the leadership of the Fabulous Freebirds.


Sandow [resigned]: As Voltaire stated, and I quote, "There are truths which are not for all men, nor for all times." And, I, an avenger for class and intellectualism, feel that you mouth-breathing heathens may be such men, and now, may be such a time!

["Badstreet USA" hits the speakers and the crowd ERUPTS as the Fabulous Freebirds appear atop the entrance ramp, led by Michael "P.S." Hayes with a microphone in hand. Hayes with Terry Gordy and Buddy Roberts flanking him, walks and talks his way to the ring.]

Hayes: So, let me get this straight...I didn't bring my thesaurus with me tonight, but from all of your pontiferating...

[The camera shows Sandow and Rhodes dramatic outrage of Hayes' mispronunciation.]

Hayes: I reckon that you're calling us out. Well, there's a way we go about that sorta thing down here in Atlanta, Georgia, and it takes a lot less words then you guys are a-usin'. The Fabulous Freebirds have always been in the business of rockin-n-rollin and kicking ass...and, I may have to confirm with my business partners, but I have a feelin' business is about to pick up!

[The crowd roars as Hayes discards the microphone and he, Gordy, and Roberts jump into the ring. Sandow and Rhodes have a momentary advantage with some punches, but Terry Gordy quickly reverses the momentum on Rhodes and hits him with several right hands before charging with a lariat that sends Rhodes to the floor. Damien Sandow tries to retreat from Buddy Roberts but runs right into a DDT from Michael Hayes, which he oversells and pops right back up to his feet and into the arms of Buddy Roberts who plants Sandow down again with a DDT of his own. Cody Rhodes quickly pulls Sandow out of the ring before any more damage can be done.

The crowd goes nuts as The Fabulous Freebirds celebrate in the ring. Sandow and Rhodes yell into the ring as they regroup and retreat up the ramp.]
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 12:40 AM
I'm drunk but I want to take good ol' JR if he is still on the board. I'll make my other pick/s tomorrow and do a writeup shortly after.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 12:45 AM
Once In A Lifetime

Main Event - Legend vs Legend
Muhammed Ali w/ "Classy" Freddie Blassie vs Lou Thez

The Baddest man on the planet vs one of the greatest wrestling legends of all time. This match doesn't need the title to be the most important match on the card. Muhammed Ali is probably the biggest draw in this draft and Lou is considered one of the best of all time in the ring, especially given the time he competed..

Unstoppable Force vs Immoveable Object
Hell In A Cell for the World Title
Brock Lesnar vs Mankind (c)
Brock is just returning from his ufc championship reign and tearing through the backstage locker room, the only person willing to stand up to him is the toughest man alive, current world title holder, Mick Foley. This will not be for the feint of heart.

Laddar Match for the US Championship
Razor Ramon vs Dolph Ziggler (c)
My attempt to recreate the 5 star ladder match between Shawn Michaels and Razor. Dolph is basically a baby Michaels as is so this should convert pretty well IMO

Tag Team Title Match
New Age Outlaws vs Demoliton (c)
Demolition has destroyed all comers in the tag team division, thus, the outlaws looking to find any advantage they can get attack Axe backstage with a spike piledriver on the concrete during the most recent tv taping. Will Demolition be able to continue their dominance over the tag division? Or will the outlaws underhanded tactics be just what they need to overcome the defending champoins?

#1 Contenders match for the world Title
Batista (heel) vs ADR (face)
Meh build, but this should be a decent in ring match considering ADR's work we've seen with the Big Show. Both men should leave this match looking good.

#1 Contenders Triple Threat Match for the IC Title
PAC vs Ricochet vs D-Lo Brown
This will be a spotfest to really get the crowd going. D-Lo moved pretty good in his prime so he should be able to keep up with the high flying antics of Ricochet and PAC.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 12:52 AM
Am I the only one struggling to see Austin/Race? It seems like it should be a great match-up on paper, but I'm just not seeing the characters' stories meshing well or the in-ring possibilities to be above mediocre.
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03-10-2013 , 09:26 AM
I will also take Dr. Death Steve Williams if he is still available.
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03-10-2013 , 12:28 PM
Do I owe any picks? Sorry I'm out of town this weekend so I'm posting from my phone.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 12:44 PM
You owe one last pick.
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03-10-2013 , 01:18 PM
I'll take Paul Bearer. I'll write my full card tomorrow.
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03-10-2013 , 05:26 PM
Jesse Ventura for commentary
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 05:57 PM
I'm a firm believer that a card/event requires something more than good matches and wrestlers to be a truly great show. It should advance storylines, introduce new ones, and provide some unexpected moments. I suggest everyone read the below summary to fully appreciate my card beyond the names of the wrestlers.

Disko's Card (color commentary by Jesse Ventura):

Sin Cara vs. Psychosis

Anyone who was a fan during the Monday Night Wars knows that Nitro's weekly cruiserweight openers were the perfect way to kick off a card and get the crowd going. Not much of a storyline needed here, just two great cruiserweights doing what they do best.

Winner: Sin Cara


"Double J" Jeff Jarrett (heel) vs. "The Model" Rick Martel (heel)

Going to use both of these great in-ring workers in their, in my opinion, peak heel phases: guitar swinging, cocky strutting, deborah-managed JJ's against vs Martel in his turquoise cardiga and giant arrogance cologne.

It's hard to build a great story in a heel feud but I'm using what, in my opinion was Martel's best work as inspiration: his WM match vs. Sean Michaels in the "no facial blows, battle for Sensational Sherri's love" match. Here, the two will be fighting over Deborah. The weeks and months leading up to this match will involve Martel courting Deborah.

Winner: Rick Martel

As stated in the intro, no card can be great without some sort of swerve, so I have the Model go over here after Deborah turns on JJ, hitting him with his own guitar.

DOOM vs. MnM (Mercury and Nitro) (champions) for the World Tag Titles

This might seem like a bad pairing with DOOM being much physically larger than MnM but that's exactly what I'm going for. I'd like to recreate DOOM's initial arrival into NWA/WCW. For those who aren't familiar, Woman basically made some ominous comments prior to a PPV that the Steiners would meet their "doom", then introduced the team at a PPV. If you're too young to remember, think something along the lines of Paul Bearer's ominous remarks regarding the arrival of Kane.

Basically, DOOM will be hyped up a month or so before the event by their manager/the company and will come in and completely obliterate their opponents. I'm thinking something like a 4-6 minute near-squash with Doom holding the initiative for 90% of the match.

Winner: DOOM (new tag champions)


Jerry "the King" Lawler (heel) vs. Randy Orton (face)

I want both of these guys in their peaks but with Lawler on the downward slope and Orton on the upward slope. I'm going for a "passing of the torch" kind of match, where Lawler continually dismisses Orton as a kid/rookie who hasn't accomplished anything and Orton, the up-and-comer, out to prove him wrong. A very even match but Orton goes over clear to signal a new wave. This is the type of win that catapults a young star's career.

Winner: Randy Orton


Nick Bockwinkle (champion) vs. Dean Malenko for the Intercontinental Title

Buildup will be similar to what we saw in Jericho/Malenko in WCW; basically, Bockwinkle cuts a bunch of hilarious promos ripping on Malenko's lack of character and Malenko is content to let his ringwork speak for itself. These two are among the best in in-ring ability, so there's no need for me to elaborate on what kind of match this will be.

Winner: Nick Bockwinkel (retains title)

Nick goes over clean in an epic, 30+ minute long match.


JBL (heel) vs. Eddie Guerrero (face)
- No Disqualification

Most of you already know what these two are capable of so I'll keep this one short. Both in their primes and both are main event/World Title-tier talents at this point of their careers.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero


John Cena vs CM Punk (champion) for the World Title

Hate for my main event to have the shortest write-up, but there's really no need to elaborate here. Basically going to recreate the awesomeness we've seen out of these two over the last few months. Punk comes in as champ but the babyface goes over clean.

Winner: Cena (new title)
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 06:05 PM
Martel in his peak would prolly be face martel when he was awa champ
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
Martel in his peak would prolly be face martel when he was awa champ
I thought about that too but I loved his work as the Model in WWF. That match/story with Michaels was awesome imo. Also liked the blindfold match vs Jake too (as corny as that was).

perhaps i'm biased because i was too young to appreciate his AWA reign and the peak of my fandom was probably mid 90s.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 06:13 PM
Has everyone finished? Wanna reveal the 2 guys I wanted
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 07:16 PM
LKJ's Card review:

Rey Mysterio, Jr. v. El Santo
I know next to nothing about El Santo other than he's a Mexican legend. I have no problem at all with this opener, Mysterio is awesome and should go over.

Tag Titles: The Midnight Express (c) w/ Cornette v. The British Bulldogs
This is going to steal the show. It will be f***ing amazing. It'd be really hard to put together a better tag match.

No Disqualification: Killer Kowalski v. Sid
Bleh. I'm just not into this.

Antonio Inoki v. Owen Hart
Not digging this one, either, even though Owen is outstanding and this has the potential to be a very good in-ring effort.

Intercontinental Title: Chris Benoit (c) v. Antonio Cesaro
I didn't really like the Cesaro pick all that much (not that it was terrible), but this pairing is growing on me and should be good fun.

Gorgeous George v. Jimmy Snuka
I'm kinda meh on this one, too ... but I will say that I think the story and the pairing could work better than it is in my head. The match should be solid enough.

World Title: Shawn Michaels (c) v. Bruno Sammartino
OK, I get this concept, I get it's in MSG, I get Bruno kind of has to go over ... and that said ... I just personally think it's an absolute travesty that Bruno goes over, anyway. Yeah, Bruno, and this matchup with the storyline you're planning, it's going to be big box-office and I see the vision. I really do. But, man, I'd just so much rather see HHH/Dusty. Sorry.

There's enough "weak" spots (in quote marks because, again, it's just my opinion) that I think this falls a little short of a couple other cards. Although, again, from a money-making standpoint I definitely get your thinking.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 07:27 PM
Isolated's card review:

The Rock (c) vs The Ultimate Warrior
As a one-off, yes, please! I think this match would be very similar to both Hogan/Warrior and Rock/Hogan (no surprise there), which means, from a spectacle and storytelling/crowd reactions standpoint, it'll be awesome. As a mix of "doing business" and "match performance" it's probably my favorite main event.

Vader (c) vs Samoa Joe
OMG yes please! These two guys, both at their peaks ... I'm salivating!

Hansen vs Brody
More yes, please! Although I gotta say I would put at least a couple matches between this match and the Vader/Joe match given they're very similar. But Lord, do I love those first three matches!

El Generico vs KENTA
I would STRONGLY think of using this as the opener. Obviously a great match from a workrate standpoint. 4 for 4 right now.

London/Kendrick vs MCMG vs Headshrinkers (c)
As has been said, adding the Shrinkers to this is meh (and maybe worse). Maybe if this had a gimmick (TLC?) I'd be OK but regular triple threat tag matches also are meh. Anyway, that's your first swing and miss.

Rude vs Goldust in a no dq, falls count anywhere match
These are not the two guys I would want to see in a no-DQ street fight-type match. I also think Rude could be used in a higher-profile match whereas Goldust was never really a big star (I actually would use him as Dusty Rhodes from early 90s WCW days). Basically, if it involves Goldust, I'm probably not real interested.

Shane Douglas vs Big Boss Man
I actually think this match could be quite decent. Boss Man was underrated as a performer and Shane never completely got his due, either (although Shane often was his own worst enemy). It's not going to have a lot of hype and probably won't be fantastic so I can't oversell this match, but I do kinda like it.

I like the top of your card more than anyone's.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 07:34 PM
The Rude/Goldust thing is because Rude is supposedly a mans man and having a man like Goldust go after him would result in a violent feud imo. I added the Shrinkers because of my love for them and they could work short matches so I stand by that.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 07:34 PM
DarO's card review:

Main Event - Legend vs Legend
Muhammed Ali w/ "Classy" Freddie Blassie vs Lou Thesz
Yes, it will draw (probably huge). No, I would not want to see it. It's gonna be terrible. But enjoy the money you make.

Unstoppable Force vs Immoveable Object
Hell In A Cell for the World Title
Brock Lesnar vs Mankind (c)
I just can't buy Foley having any sort of chance here. Yes, he's tough as hell, but he's not a great athlete or a great (in-ring) wrestler ... or at least not nearly at the level of Lesnar (or any of the true in-ring greats). The match itself could be pretty good, but it's not really making me go, "YES!" ... and that's probably because I don't realistically see Foley having any chance.

Laddar Match for the US Championship
Razor Ramon vs Dolph Ziggler (c)
See, I'm not willing to say Ziggler is Shawn yet. Shawn was a lot more than amazing selling and athletic ability. He knew how to tell a compelling story in the ring, too, and the WM X ladder match was a compelling story. I don't think you can just slot Ziggler in and expect the same thing. That's underselling Shawn. Now, I still like the match itself and it could even be 4*. Just trying to be realistic.

Tag Team Title Match
New Age Outlaws vs Demoliton (c)
Honestly, I think both these teams are overrated. That said, face Outlaws were hugely over and Demolition did have a solid peak so it's not bad. I just don't view it as great. Solid enough. It'll probably be 3*.

#1 Contenders match for the world Title
Batista (heel) vs ADR (face)
Yeah, I can't get into this at all. Sorry.

#1 Contenders Triple Threat Match for the IC Title
PAC vs Ricochet vs D-Lo Brown
Ditto this, although spotfests are fun.

Probably my least favorite card.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 07:46 PM
Disko's card review (And I agree with you about storylines especially):

Sin Cara vs. Psychosis
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the WCW-style cruiserweight opener, although let's not knock storylines in an opener, either. Some of the best opening matches ever (like Bret/Owen at WM X) had both great wrestling and a great storyline. You can do both, you don't just have to say, "Let's pick two cruisers and stick them on first, job well done." Openers can be more. But that's nit-picking, this is very good.

"Double J" Jeff Jarrett (heel) vs. "The Model" Rick Martel (heel)
I'm not a fan of heel vs. heel, and not a fan of Double J's, either. I am, however, a fan of Martel and think he is another guy who was underrated. The ring work will be pretty solid, like 3.5* (I don't think Jarrett will give you better than that).

DOOM vs. MnM (Mercury and Nitro) (champions) for the World Tag Titles
Meh. Just can't get that excited for this. I wouldn't have picked Mercury and Nitro in a million years.

Jerry "the King" Lawler (heel) vs. Randy Orton (face)
I like the concept here, although Orton's "Legend Killer" gimmick was a heel one and worked really well that way, so I think pairing him in that role against a slightly declining, major face would have been better. But otherwise, I'd be looking forward to this one. I hope it's a bloody brawl.

Nick Bockwinkle (champion) vs. Dean Malenko for the Intercontinental Title
Putting Bockwinkel in a secondary title match feels wrong to me. Putting him in against Malenko also feels like a diss at him, and I wouldn't buy Malenko having a real shot. It'll be a very good match, though, no doubt about that.

JBL (heel) vs. Eddie Guerrero (face) - No Disqualification
Love it. Love it a lot. Although to be honest I might switch the matchups to Guerrero/Malenko and JBL/Bockwinkel (making Bockwinkel the pretty-boy face, even though that kinda goes against what he was known for).

John Cena vs CM Punk (champion) for the World Title
Don't have to say anything about this, it's fantastic and should be happening this year at Wrestlemania (sigh).

It's a solid enough card but I think there's better.

Last edited by antidan444; 03-10-2013 at 08:02 PM. Reason: It's actually better than solid, on second glance.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 07:48 PM
I think I'd actually go:

Bockwinkel (heel) vs. Lawler (face)
Malenko (face) vs. Guerrero (heel) for IC title
JBL (heel) vs. Orton (face)

But there's a lot of variations possible on that card and I'd think it over more.

Last edited by antidan444; 03-10-2013 at 07:49 PM. Reason: I should try to come up with alternate cards for every roster.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 08:00 PM
It seems everyone has picked. At the end I wanted to take Tito Satana and Don Muraco but if I did that I would have had nothing for Kofi
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 08:01 PM
Santana/Muraco is a very good match in and of itself.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by antidan444
Santana/Muraco is a very good match in and of itself.
Yea I like it but would have wasted a pick plus I think my 3 way dance will excite the crowd
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-10-2013 , 08:11 PM
I know I'd much rather have Santana in it than Candido.
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