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Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread

03-04-2013 , 04:34 AM
Got a little bored tonight to I put together a promo for my upcoming PPV, I'm going with the name "Class Warfare" at this point, but that may change. I adapted some Dusty Rhodes promos and interspersed them with some of the promos from the Triple H vs. The Rock promos from Judgement Day in 2000.

Class Warfare 2012

[Fade up.

Dusty Rhodes is writhing in pain in the ring, his blood-covered hands covering his right eye. Triple H stands over him, an arrogant smirk across his face.]

Tony [hysterical]: Triple H! Triple H! This is going too far now...he...he could have ended Dusty Rhodes career! Where is the medical staff?! Someone get out here and help Dusty Rhodes! He...he...he might be blind! Triple H has gone too far this time! I can't help but wonder if this is the end of one of the great careers in wrestling!

[Cut to Dusty Rhodes wearing a light blue USA Pro Wrestling t-shirt, he has large sunglasses over his eyes, his right one covered with a large bandage.]

Dusty: This is Dusty Rhodes, "The American Dream," and I've been, uh...doing a lot of thinking here these past few days. There's something more involved here then, uh...winnin' and losin'...maybe more than a career...maybe even more than a legendary athlete, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes.

[Cut to Triple H in the ring.]

Triple H: Six weeks ago...a man...a fat, old man said that he wanted a shot at MY World Heavyweight Championship. This fat, old man, who's more qualified to be bent over with his asscrack showing under a sink than the World Heavyweight Champion, thinks he has "earned" the RIGHT to have a shot a MY Championship. Well, Dusty wanted to play "The Game," now you know that we'll play by MY rules!

[Cut back to Dusty Rhodes.]

Dusty: I been battered...I been beat...I been' I been cut, brother. But, ALWAYS, I rised up on my two haunches and rised up BECAUSE I am "The American Dream."

[Cut back to Triple H.]

Triple H: You call yourself "The American Dream," Dusty Rhodes...and maybe there was a time when a fat, old plumber's son could be the World Heavyweight Champion. That time has passed, Dusty Rhodes. THIS BUSINESS is now about the greatest athletes in the world, the greatest competitors in the world, going toe to toe...let the best man win...and I, Dusty Rhodes, am the King of Kings.

[Cut back to Dusty Rhodes.]

Dusty: But, this, Triple justa little too heavy! shoulda made it a point, Triple get botha them! Don't just take one! Don't take one limb...don't take one arm...don't take one ear...and don't take one eye! Because I'm breathin'. I'm breathin' and that's the scary part for you. You gotta live with me breathin', baby!

[Cut back to Triple H.]

Triple H: You want your shot at me, Dusty Rhodes, here is how it is going to be. Class and me...Ironman Match. 60 Minutes, Dusty Rhodes...let's find out who the real man is.

[Cut back to Dusty Rhodes.]

Dusty: Listen here, Triple H...I'm breathin'. You understand? I'm breathin'. If they hafta carry me to the ring in a wagon...if they have to drag me to the ring...I'm breathin', Triple H. You shoulda got it done! It was violence for the sake of violence, but now, Triple H, I'm gonna turn it's gonna be my violence, my lightning bolt, my fire, my thunder! An eye for an eye!

[Cut back to Triple H.]

Triple H: 60 minutes...most falls wins. Can you go the distance? Can you hang, Dusty Rhodes, for ONE HOUR?

[Cut back to Dusty Rhodes.]

Dusty: One hour will not be enough time for the-a butt-whippin' that I'm a gonna give ya!

[Cut back to Triple H.]

Triple H: You will look into my eyes, Dusty Rhodes, and you will see that I AM THE GAME..and I AM...THAT...DAMN...GOOD!

[Fade out.]
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 04:47 AM
Wow very good stuff yankeys. I hope everyone does stuff like that with their card. I'm going to take write-ups like that into account when I vote for who has the best card.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 10:20 AM
Gonna pair bockwinkel vs my pick, dean malenko
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 10:51 AM
I said earlier that I wouldn't pair two guys who have faced each other before. Technically these guys did face off in the early 90s but Rick Rude did not face...

Who can really resist a Goldust vs Rude feud? This one has money printed all over it.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 10:52 AM
Card so far (subject to change)

Cena vs punk, world title

Eddie guerrero vs JBL

Randy orton vs jerry lawler

Nick bockwinkle vs dean malenko

Need an intercontinental and tag match
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 11:17 AM
Just because I want an intergenerational match that I'm sure would yield a bunch of awesomeness, I've found an opponent for Chris Benoit.


Antonio Cesaro vs. Chris Benoit. Booked.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 12:06 PM
Before my last pick I was thinking I could get 2 of 3 among Jushin Liger, Dynamite Kid, and Antonio Cesaro...of course, LKJ takes the two I don't take.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 01:36 PM
Lkj, can you allow pms from my girlfriends account so she can play pog games? Thanks
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 01:38 PM
Haha is that legitimately your girlfriend? I thought someone just made a weird gimmick.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 02:14 PM
Yes it's fine
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 02:40 PM

I'm very curious now. But anyway, if a new account wants PM capabilities they need to go to this link:
and request membership. Then I can approve.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 03:23 PM
If my math is correct, daro is skipped.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 03:29 PM
Your math is correct.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 03:35 PM
I was trying to avoid taking old-school wrestlers, but it seems like there is just too much value here to pass up



Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 04:30 PM
Just got out of class, I'll have my pick up once I get home. It's gonna be a facemelter.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 04:56 PM


It might be a little early for them, but I couldn't risk Miz getting picked as a single wrestler and not being able to have the Awesome Truth. I know there run didn't last long, but that doesn't matter for this type of draft. Awesome Truth was legit one of the best things going in WWE until they were fed to Super Cena and Super Rock. I have the perfect idea for how to use them.

Undertaker vs. Sting - World Heavyweight Championship match
Sheamus vs. Roddy Piper Intercontinental Championship match
Daniel Bryan vs. Arn Anderson
Brian Pillman vs. ???
Awesome Truth vs. ???
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 05:05 PM
I've basically been building what I would hope to be "my Wrestlemania" of sorts, and generally that means focusing on the right now and how we got here. But, this is also an opportu nity to elevate someone for the future. With that in mind, my next pick is Kevin Steen. My plan right now would be to have him face his former mentor Terry Funk in a hardcore match in what would be the beginning stages of his "Wrestling's Worst Nightmare" gimmick.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by yankeys316
I've basically been building what I would hope to be "my Wrestlemania" of sorts, and generally that means focusing on the right now and how we got here. But, this is also an opportu nity to elevate someone for the future. With that in mind, my next pick is Kevin Steen. My plan right now would be to have him face his former mentor Terry Funk in a hardcore match in what would be the beginning stages of his "Wrestling's Worst Nightmare" gimmick.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 05:14 PM
How many picks to me? Not home
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 05:16 PM
SRM and DWetzel.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 05:16 PM

EDIT: Oh I thought he was asking how many to catch up on.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 05:22 PM
Due to multiple skips SRM is just on a two-hour clock.
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 05:34 PM


tazz is another guy who was so bad for so long lately that we forget he was actually pretty damn awesome as a wrestler

before he got injured and became a fat tub commentator, tazz put up damn solid matches with the likes of angle while becoming mega-over during his time in ecw. his debut still one of the top wwf debuts ever.

not exactly sure what i'll do with him just yet. either a triple threat with rvd and sabu or something on his own. we'll see.

card so far:

Hogan v Perfect for WHC
Edge v Jeff Hardy, TLC for IC title
Sabu v RVD in a hardcore match

also on card:
Kane, Tazz
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 06:33 PM


Christian is just another very solid worker who's capable of having a very good to great match with anyone, and with a decently long career arc to choose from as well. Basically, he's just a value pick. I guess I'll figure out how to match people up in the later rounds.


Stone Cold vs. Harley Race
Bret Hart vs. Ted DiBiase
Dudleys vs. World's Greatest Tag Team
Booker T vs. ???
Christian vs. ???
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 06:50 PM
Barry windham kofi Kingston
Official WBM Create-a-Card-from-Scratch Draft Thread Quote
