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**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** **Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread**

01-28-2013 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by teejayC
I disagree that the match wasn't awful btw.
this sentence is really confusing but i think i agree with you that it's not good (?). was boring, had dumb interference for no reason aside from punk mentioning later on that he already pinned rock etc etc. two botched moves in the last minute of the match + the last move being an elbow drop bring down the match by like 6*. -** for this garbage.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by EMc
The 14 month reign was for nothing now.
transitive property dictates the 14 month reign is to make rock look awesome by comparison thus cementing cena's legacy when he defeats him in twice in a lifetime, then a year from that in WM 30 in thrice in a lifetime
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
this sentence is really confusing but i think i agree with you that it's not good (?). was boring, had dumb interference for no reason aside from punk mentioning later on that he already pinned rock etc etc. two botched moves in the last minute of the match + the last move being an elbow drop bring down the match by like 6*. -** for this garbage.
Yeah sorry for the double negative. I agree with you obv.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:04 AM
I hate how people keep on trying to justify what WWE does. Face it, they're not all of a sudden going to improve, wrestling is dying a painful death. This is why Vince's dad didn't want Vince to be in charge, he knew what his intentions were. This is also why Vince won't let Shane be in charge, he knows Shane has good intentions.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
transitive property dictates the 14 month reign is to make rock look awesome by comparison thus cementing cena's legacy when he defeats him in twice in a lifetime, then a year from that in WM 30 in thrice in a lifetime
Godamnit I wanted to use the thrice in a lifetime line. Been sitting on it for a while.

A+ post though.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by EMc
You know, thinking about it, the WWE always slumps in a post peak situation when they try so hard to remain onto ME talent for too long and keep the old guard going, and then always will have a good peak when that new talent becomes ready.

After 1993 hogan they had a somewhat revolving door and got lucky that new talent kept coming into the ME scene, mostly because of injury. That is being lost right now.

If Cena were hurt in a way that HBK/Austin was, or decided to move onto bigger things like Rock/Bork, this PPV and build are so different (Ziggy prob wins rumble, punk likely retains) and you would have that going for you into this WM.

Instead, our bill is top heavy with retreads.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:05 AM
jeff jarrett is probably a pretty happy man right now anyway...
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Bob Graham
I hate how people keep on trying to justify what WWE does. Face it, they're not all of a sudden going to improve, wrestling is dying a painful death. This is why Vince's dad didn't want Vince to be in charge, he knew what his intentions were. This is also why Vince won't let Shane be in charge, he knows Shane has good intentions.
I don't think anyone's justifying anything. Just saying that this level of vitriol is more appropriate when there's a horrendous swerve or something, not when the results we hate but 100% expect come in.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:07 AM
I'm not gonna be one of those people who say I'm done watching, but WWE is seriously making it hard to continue watching. Cena and Dwayne winning is bad, but the way that they won is just so terrible.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Bob Graham
This is why Vince's dad didn't want Vince to be in charge, he knew what his intentions were. This is also why Vince won't let Shane be in charge, he knows Shane has good intentions.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:08 AM
Ok, now that I have absorbed everything that happened at once, I can think clearly again.

Aw, who cares, this is how I felt after everything happened.

**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:08 AM
i think the only way the E could have outdone themselves is if they closed this minus 5 star PPV with a montage of cena's pre-rumble promos (emphasis on yoga and blowup doll), rock's pre-rumble promos (emphasis on karaoke night), cena's RR win and rock/punk rest holds, all set to "one shining moment"
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:09 AM
It appears I've given the match way too much credit. Idk anything any more, **** The Rock.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I don't think anyone's justifying anything. Just saying that this level of vitriol is more appropriate when there's a horrendous swerve or something, not when the results we hate but 100% expect come in.
Yeah this. Trust LKJ to make my point better than I could.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:10 AM
All in all, I probably had a better time watching that ppv than anything else I could have been doing right now. Most of the enjoyment came from tearing the event to shreds in here, but still.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:11 AM
So Jericho had a pretty damn long run if that was just a one-off. Makes me hopeful that he has another Rumble-to-WM stint happening again this year.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:12 AM
Blastoff's posting skills >>>>>>>>>>>>> anything WWE can do
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I don't think anyone's justifying anything. Just saying that this level of vitriol is more appropriate when there's a horrendous swerve or something, not when the results we hate but 100% expect come in.
I wouldn't be annoyed if Vince wasn't a troll. He made Ziggler last a long time, but he didn't even finish top 2 so it was pointless. Then he made it look like Punk retained only to lose, couldn't he have just had Rock win and no Shield intefering? I think he winds us up on purpose for sure and that is the ultimate insult, you shouldn't treat your fans like that and you will lose them if you do.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:13 AM
Ode to WWE (set to Stay, Stay, Stay by Taylor Swift):

Aids, aids, aids.
I've been watching you for far too
long, long, long.
You think that it's funny when i'm
mad, mad, mad.
But I ****ing hate your stupid aids.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:13 AM
It may have been said, but in the storyline rock won the title with the "people's" elbow, and Punk has said the people don't matter, so I "get" that part, but hate seeing the reign end on an elbow.

I think a lot of the outrage comes from the fact that the majority of the people in this thread and on this board are long time fans. Regardless of what you think of CM Punk, you are disappointed with how a historic title reign ended in the sake of historical value. At least that's what I'm dealing with right now. I felt pretty up and down with Punk in the last two years since I've gone back to watching wrestling, and I loved The Rock in his day, but a strong part of me feels they deserved to have Punk to lose in either a hugely embarrassing way (yes, you can argue this was it), or after getting like 4 rock bottoms. To lose to the elbow (despite the "people" factor of it) is just largely disappointing.

/rant that's probably already been talked about anyway.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:13 AM
#2 being Jericho was incredible, Ill give them that
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:13 AM
It really seems like VKM tries to get smarks mad.

Last year they changed from Jericho winning the rumble to Shaemus because it was predicted by the internet or some crap. This year Cena is like a 99% lock and he wins! Where is our damn swerve!

I think most of the disappointment of a Punk/Rock match is not the result, but the fact that Punk had to pretty much carry Rock for 20+ minutes and the match was, for Punk, a pretty boring match, not bad by any stretch, but for Punk in the main event of a major PPV, not really up to his standard (willfully ingnoring his terrible match with Ziggler at RR last year, but that was LOL booking.)

I prob wasn't going to order WM, but I'm like 99.9% out now unless there is Punk/Austin, and that is not going to happen. I mean the main event was garbage last year, I don't particularly want to see it again.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by Bob Graham
I wouldn't be annoyed if Vince wasn't a troll. He made Ziggler last a long time, but he didn't even finish top 2 so it was pointless. Then he made it look like Punk retained only to lose, couldn't he have just had Rock win and no Shield intefering? I think he winds us up on purpose for sure and that is the ultimate insult, you shouldn't treat your fans like that and you will lose them if you do.
in his mind this keeps ziggler and punk stronger then otherwise
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:14 AM
Can EMc or PJo edit the upthumb icon to a downthumb? Thanks.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Dylan
I'm not gonna be one of those people who say I'm done watching, but WWE is seriously making it hard to continue watching. Cena and Dwayne winning is bad, but the way that they won is just so terrible.

This. Losing to one elbow after they teased punk could actually win was awful. If Rock had just gone over clean I'd feel better.
**Official Royal Rumble 2013 Thread** Quote
