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Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread

02-20-2012 , 01:16 AM
Bryan won a steel cage match against both Henry and Big Show, and he just won an elimination chamber match. To the average fan those are credible wins, Sheamus is obviously the favorite because of backstage politics but I don't think he's a huge favorite.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:18 AM
logically there should be no reason sheamus goes over for the title. he hasn't been legit in the title picture in a long ****ing time, hasn't even chased the belt. just random squashes and the occasional hornswoggle promo. so randomly he's gonna get the WHC?

at this point though it seems like it'll be:

1. sheamus goes over via big show interference
2. sheamus DQ'd via big show interference. leads to triple threat with big show, sheamus and bryan where sheamus goes over and leads to big show v bryan
3. sheamus DQ'd via big show interference. leads to triple threat with big show, sheamus and bryan where bryan goes over, sheamus isn't heard from again and big show v bryan for a while
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:19 AM
At what point does Sheamus join the N.W.O. ?
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by mkind0516
Edit: In before Bryan fanboys flame me for calling him the worst booked champion ever. Notice there's a major difference between worst booked champion and worst champion.
Nah I would flame you for being condescending and wrong and I am not even a fanboy. He is being booked like a heel coward champion and killing it. Makes me think you don't watch Smackdown actually so no real point in arguing with you. He definitely has a few wins along the way too. At least watch the show some before you try and slap WOATs on things.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
logically there should be no reason sheamus goes over for the title. he hasn't been legit in the title picture in a long ****ing time, hasn't even chased the belt. just random squashes and the occasional hornswoggle promo. so randomly he's gonna get the WHC?

at this point though it seems like it'll be:

1. sheamus goes over via big show interference
2. sheamus DQ'd via big show interference. leads to triple threat with big show, sheamus and bryan where sheamus goes over and leads to big show v bryan
3. sheamus DQ'd via big show interference. leads to triple threat with big show, sheamus and bryan where bryan goes over, sheamus isn't heard from again and big show v bryan for a while
No Vince hates non finishes at Mania and I really doubt he's going to continue Bryan/Show after Mania.

Logical finishes:
Bryan wins and they have a rematch at Extreme Rules.
Sheamus wins and they have a rematch at Extreme Rules.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by PJo336
At what point does Sheamus join the N.W.O. ?
probably right before bragging rights
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:23 AM
No, no, no, no Sheamus can't go over. Daniel Bryan is going to kick his head in, never loose the title, put 5 star matches with Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, and Ziggler.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by mkind0516
But really the biggest reason is Shaemus is HHH's boy and nobody holds titles for more than 3 months. Slam dunk title change.
Can't really say much to this though. HHH loaning Sheamus his king's crown and chain mail hoodie seems like the biggest slam dunk ever at this point.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Pharoah00
No, no, no, no Sheamus can't go over. Daniel Bryan is going to kick his head in, never loose the title, put 5 star matches with Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, and Ziggler.
Fwiw idk about a 5 star match but I could see Bryan/Sheamus stealing the show at Wrestlemania if given the proper time.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Dylan
No Vince hates non finishes at Mania and I really doubt he's going to continue Bryan/Show after Mania.

Logical finishes:
Bryan wins and they have a rematch at Extreme Rules.
Sheamus wins and they have a rematch at Extreme Rules.
Sheamus and Beaker vs. Bryan and Animal vs. Swagger and Gonzo in a Kermit on a pole match plz.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
logically there should be no reason sheamus goes over for the title. he hasn't been legit in the title picture in a long ****ing time, hasn't even chased the belt. just random squashes and the occasional hornswoggle promo. so randomly he's gonna get the WHC?
To be fair, DB was basically a jobber for 3 months and then just happened to show up when Big Show was knocked out to snap become champion. Plus, didn't Shaemus' first title win against Cena come right after a feud with Jerry Lawler? Not exactly unprecedented for illogical booking patterns.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:30 AM
Actually I think Daniel Bryan could put on some GREAT matches with Swagger. I wouldn't mind it if they were midcarders and had a US title feud, but the wwe is lacking in talent is so much, they don't have a choice.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by mkind0516
To be fair, DB was basically a jobber for 3 months and then just happened to show up when Big Show was knocked out to snap become champion. Plus, didn't Shaemus' first title win against Cena come right after a feud with Jerry Lawler? Not exactly unprecedented for illogical booking patterns.
Well he showed up with a money in the bank case that he won so that helped. And if you are calling that illogical, again, you must not watch very much. That is kind of what heels do with their MITB cases. See: Kane, Edge, Punk.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by mkind0516
To be fair, DB was basically a jobber for 3 months and then just happened to show up when Big Show was knocked out to snap become champion. Plus, didn't Shaemus' first title win against Cena come right after a feud with Jerry Lawler? Not exactly unprecedented for illogical booking patterns.
i dunno. wrestlemania historically hasn't been the place for random title wins. most of the ppl who come in as challengers and win have had a lot of chase preceding
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:35 AM
Also lol that Lawler had a WWE title shot at EC against Miz last year. Totally don't remember that horse****. Vince having a fetish with that pederast should not be held against Bryan and Sheamus though.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by Chargers In 09
Federal holiday? 22nd anniversary of Flair vs Steamboat @ Chi-Town Rumble or is it actually something else?
Most provinces get this one. Family Day!

No, seriously. Family Day.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:29 AM
calling bryan the worst booked champion ever when a little over a year ago miz was booked to narrowly beat jerry ****ing lawler with the help of alex riley at a ****ing ppv is wrong imo
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:35 AM
Are we sure Lawler is to blame for all the blueboy that comes out of his mouth? I feel like Vince might've made him say everything Vince wants to get across through his headset on commentary as punishment after he quit/got re-hired in 2001. It's been all downhill from there.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S
calling bryan the worst booked champion ever when a little over a year ago miz was booked to narrowly beat jerry ****ing lawler with the help of alex riley at a ****ing ppv is wrong imo
+1, everyone is booked weak for their first title run, I mean Hulk Hogan didn't even defend the WWF Title at the first Wrestlemania, what a burial that was!
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
Are we sure Lawler is to blame for all the blueboy that comes out of his mouth? I feel like Vince might've made him say everything Vince wants to get across through his headset on commentary as punishment after he quit/got re-hired in 2001. It's been all downhill from there.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Hmmmmm, very interesting stuff there. So how come Lawler is not as passionate as his commentary as he was in the 90s and the mid 00s? I read somewhere that he just commentates for the easy money and all of that stuff. If he gets released, then he gets released.

So to sum this all up, who has the better leverage, Mcmahon or Lawler?
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 03:22 AM
Don't know who has more leverage, but since we know that Lawler has the cajones to quit on Vince, and since the evidence seems to point to him not being in great need of money...I'm just not willing to absolve him for his bull**** commentary on the basis of Vince potentially leaning on him. If you have that kind of power as an employee, then the ultimate decision is yours.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 03:29 AM
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 03:30 AM
Predictable promo is predictable

I guess he cant say much else but meh, excited to hear the exact same thing on raw!

in between the cena and rock video packages we saw tonight that is
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
02-20-2012 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by El Kabong
Whoa, Jericho really looks like Gordon Ramsey in that video as oppose to the similar resemblance.
Elimination Chamber PPV Discusion Thread Quote
