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Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows

04-23-2012 , 10:31 AM
I haven't checked anything, but he must've got a bunch of main event spots on house shows. Maybe there was a big babyface vs DX house show run?
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 11:11 AM
Global Championship Wrestling

Gordon Solie solo to open the show. He explains in a way that I can’t match about recent headline news happenings in wrestling; including how long time world heavyweight champion Antonino Rocca has lost the belt to Nick Bockwinkel after a 60 minute match was allowed to go on an extra 10 minutes for an unknown reason. “I have been inundated with phone calls asking me if this decision is indeed permanent, and let me just say: A controversial finish, but one that is set in stone and finalized. Once again, the new world heavyweight champion, ending Rocca’s 2 year run with the belt, is Nick Bockwinkel.

Right now, GCW, being truly a global enterprise, has one of the top wrestlers in all of Mexico, Dr. Wagner Jr., facing off against Koji Kanemoto, one of the top young stars in Japan. Let’s see who can control the tempo, and exploit the style of the other, most effectively“:

(I can’t imagine how amazing that would be with Solie calling it)

Jim Cornette comes out with a huge smile on his face. He just can’t stop glowing. Solie has a look at him and claims “I suppose you are pleased that Rocca has finally been defeated for the title”. Cornette goes on a long rant about how Rocca is just an acrobat that can’t wrestle who made fun of Cornette for no reason, while Nick Bockwinkel is a genius and master wrestler with real class. Solie replies: yes, but remember that the champion gets a rematch, a chance to win back that top prize in this sport that was once his. Let’s go to these pre-recorded from the former champion, Rocca.

Rocca cuts a classic good looking charismatic nice guy face promo, about how he will get back the title due to living right, hard work and determination. “There are two kinds of people in this world” says Rocca “those who do things the right way, and those who take every shortcut”. He claims that Bockwinkel is a “small time crook; a minor criminal”, and that a criminal that spends so much time in the mirror is twice as easy to catch.

Solie: And now, let’s take a look at the official GCW top ten list:

Checking in at 10, Dr. Wagner JR
Number 9, the wild devious youngster, the so called “Macho Man”, Randy Savage
Number 8, Eddie Graham
Number 7, one half of the World Tag Team champions, Bill Watts
Number 6, Riki Choshu
Number 5, the other half of the Tag champs, Verne Gagne
Number 4, the world television champ, Terry Gordy
At Number 3, his highest position in his brief career, Harley Race
Number 2, Antonino Rocca, the former heavyweight champion
Number 1 is the U.S. champion, Bill Longson

And of course, the undisputed world heavyweight champion is Nick Bockwinkel

Cornette again has a huge smile on his face. Cornette “I have a man who isn’t on that list, but will be at the very top of it very shortly. A man who knows how to wrestle, who doesn’t just have 2 moves, a very dangerous man. I have brought him in from Japan to conquer the bigoted, prejudiced GCW. Japan now owns a huge part of America, just like this man will soon own GCW. He is the most unique, the most devastating weapon I’ve had in my arsenal in a long time. Cars are not the greatest Japanese import, this man is. You will be in absolute awe later on in the show; watch it and believe it.”

Solie “Later on we will indeed see this man in action. We will return after this short break.”

Let’s get to the ring; the television championship on the line:

The following contest is set for one fall, with a ten minute time limit, and it is for World Television Championship.

Ladies and gentelemen, from Woodward Oklahoma, weighing 210 pounds, Dr. Jerry Graham

Cornette: This man is appropriately called a doctor, because he is surgical in the ring.

Solie: He appears to need a doctor; namely a psychologist.

The match is mat wrestling, with some power moves and big bumps from Gordy. It ends at the 10 minute time limit just as Gordy is hit with Graham’s finisher the diving knee drop. Graham thinks he has won after covering Gordy for a few seconds, and then with crazy rage in his eyes goes after the ref and starts choking him, but Gordy makes the save from behind! From the back comes Eddie Graham, and the Grahams pummel Gordy down for a significant time until it cuts to commercial

After a break, Cornette is nowhere to be seen and it’s Solie solo. “Let’s immediately go on to the next match; you have to see this man to believe him“:

Cornette comes out with Muta to the ring. Solie is in some awe and explains it all with precision and grace.

Solie and Cornette sell Muta as awesome, but debate whether he truly has the experience to be a world champ yet.

“Our next guest is a rising star in GCW:”

Solie: “Harley Race, a man on quite a winning streak, perhaps soon in line for a title shot”.

Harley: “I am here today to deliver a challenge. There is a man running around with a hair full of product, who spends more time grooming then he does training, going around saying he is the greatest wrestler in the world. Nick Bockwinkel, you may have the title, but I’ve overcome every challenge I’ve faced. This, what is talking to you right now, is the Rolls Royce of wrestling. I am the best; I dare you to get off your backside and prove me wrong-hop in the ring with me anywhere in the world. Let’s see who the best man in professional wrestling is today”.

Solie: The Main Event this week is a masterpiece. One half of the tag champs, vs. one of the up and coming stars of wrestling.

Savage comes out to the ring, grabs the mic from Cappetta and cuts a promo reminiscent of his style in the early 80s (think half WWF Savage, half Mankind).


And now, his oppenent, hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing 215 pounds, this is, the two time NCAA wrestling champion, and currently one half of the tag team champions, Verne Gagne!

The match is a ~15 minute one, carefully choreographed by Gagne and Savage beforehand. 13 minutes in, Gagne is on the floor, and Savage nails the double axe handle from the top knocking Gagne shoulder first into the table. Gagne somehow starts to struggle to make a comeback, but Savage wins with a handful of trunks. He immediately gets up and drills Gagne some more, then goes outside and grabs a monitor, and smashes it into the shoulder of Gagne. Bill Watts comes down and makes the save, grabs the monitor while it is down, and time runs out as Savage is outside the ring in the entrance way pointing at Watts and Gagne as "Born in the USA" plays.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by littlekeed
I'm not foolish enough to go after a promotion that has Hogan, unless they are ******ed enough to not make Hogan champion.
You're probably not gonna like who I have pencilled in as my inaugural world champion, lol.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by teejayC
Lol. The Rock was the number one guy for what, two years at a push. I have four guys (Gotch, Lewis, Londos, Hogan) who were the biggest draw in all of wrestling for at least 10 years, as well as Buddy Rogers who was the number one heel for 15 years and a huge draw in his own right. Not to mention guys like El Santo, Big Daddy and Rikidozan, who are all the biggest wrestling stars of all time from their respective countries, all of which have large wrestling fanbases.

I mean you might rival my company for the first few years, but by year 15 Hogan will still be going strong and we'll just be entering Gotch's prime (who is the only wrestler in history who can be argued as a bigger star than Hogan), while you'll be so desperate for ratings you'll have to bring back Dwayne Johnson to stand in the ring for 25 minutes every week and talk about twitter.
Don't you have Vader and Lesnar too? If you time your fed right and have Hogan and Vader both be heels at the same time, and give Lesnar the Goldberg push, then have Lesnar go over Vader, then go over Hogan at your biggest PPV your company could seriously run almost everyone out of business.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 12:36 PM
I haven't even considered where Vader or Brock will fit into my company's timeline yet. I'm still frantically trying to line the careers up of all my guys who will be around for the duration so I can start writing my first show. All I know is that I'm going to have a crap load of top tier main eventers around the middle of my 25 years.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 12:39 PM
Prediction: Frank Gotch will be as over as Dan Severn.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 01:02 PM
The 'timing' of usage of wrestlers aspect is odd. It's not like WCW had Goldberg since it's inception in the late 80s, waiting frozen in a vault, to be unfrozen whenever a trump card needed to be played. In the actual world, wrestlers come along when they come along; sometimes you get a lot of talent all at once, sometimes the well is dry for awhile.

However, there may not be a sensible alternative to doing it this way.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Prediction: Frank Gotch will be as over as Dan Severn.
Probably less, Severn actually won a few real fights.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 01:05 PM
I'm not sure that being less over than Dan Severn is within the laws of physics.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 02:56 PM
Episode #4 of Texas Championship Wrestling:

Angle, Shane, and Stephanie all make their way out to the ring as the crowd boos extremely loudly.

Shane McMahon: They say you can't fool all the people all the time, but last night we fooled everyone. At the Deadly Games, TCW finally got the champion that it so longly deserved. A champion who will bring honor to TCW, a champion who we all can be proud of, our corporate champion.

As Shane hands the mic to Angle a chant of "You Sold Out" begins.

Kurt Angle: You people can chant that all you want, but anyone in my situation would have done the exact same thing, it's true, it's damn true. We can't risk the TCW title falling into the hands of a buffoon like the Big Show, or a degenerate like CM Punk.

A "CM Punk" echos through the arena.

Stephanie McMahon: Chant his name all you want, CM Punk will never ever be TCW champion again.

A "**** You Stephanie" chant begins.

Kurt Angle: You're right Steph, because I'm never going to lose this...

Mike Tenay: Punk! CM Punk is here!

Michael Cole:What's he doing here? He shouldn't show his face around here after last night...

The three in the ring look like someone just shot their dog, quickly Shane's frown turns back into a smile.

Shane McMahon: So Punk, are you here to congratulate the new champion?

CM Punk: Angle I'll get to you later, but first you and I have business to take care of Shane! Last night you screwed me Shane, and I'm not the type of man to take that lightly.

Shane McMahon: No Punk, I didn't screw you, you screwed yourself. You honestly think I would ever allow my company to have a champion like you?

CM Punk: Here's the deal Shane, you give me a match with you are I make your life a living hell.

Shane McMahon: Is that a threat?

CM Punk: No it's a promise.

Shane McMahon: Will my answer is no! You will not be having a match with me.

CM Punk: So be it, watch your back Steph...

The segment ends with Punk leaving the ring. When we get back from commercial Ben Dover is already in the ring as Evolutions music hits..

Randy Orton vs. Ben Dover: Orton dominates Dover through out the short match. It ends with Orton punting Dover for a knock out victory. After the match ends Orton grabs a mic.

Randy Orton: Goldberg you learned last night what happens when you mess with Evolution. I would understand if you never want to show your...

The crowd pops as Goldberg sprints to the ring. Goldberg quickly spears all three members of Evolution.

Goldberg: Evolution you're next!

The Goldberg chants continue as he exits the ring.

Mike Tenay: No one has been able to beat Goldberg in a match yet, but challenging the entire group of Evolution seems like suicide.

Michael Cole: Yeah but he doesn't seem worried in the least.

Kofi Kingston vs. Albert: Kofi comes out to a very positive crowd reaction, Albert then comes out to mostly boos. The match gets under way with Albert having the upper hand. Kofi counters a move and starts to get some offense in but it's short lived. Albert gets Kofi up for the Albert Bomb when...

Mike Tenay: What... what's going on?

Michael Cole: That's Paul Bearer, and he has that monster with him again.

Bearer and the monster enters the ring and flames come out of the ring posts. The monster then grabs both Albert and Kofi by the neck and hits them with a double chokeslam. He then kicks Albert out of the ring and throws Kofi out with ease.

Paul Bearer: I told all of you that I had a plan. I told all of you that I would be laughed at for the last time. I told all of you that I would destroy the Ultimate Warrior. Let me introduce to you the man who is responsible for all of this, KANE! You see Kane is going to destroy TCW from the inside out. He's going to rid it of fakes like the Ultimate Warrior until Kane and I are the only ones left standing. There will be a path of destruction everywhere we go. And there is no one who can stop us.

Out comes Matt Borne with a clown mask similar to Pennywise from the movie It.

Matt Borne: Bearer you say you're done being laughed at, well this is no laughing matter. See I've been laughed at my entire life, and now I'm the one doing the laughing hahaha. Do you know what happens to a kid who never had any friends growing up, a kid who's father would rather spend time at the bar than with his own son? Do you Kane? Well it's like that old saying... that that doesn't kill you simply makes you stranger.

Borne takes off the clown mask and reveals his face to be half painted in clown make-up.

Matt Borne: I've never been giving anything in my life. Growing up I was given nothing, and here I didn't even get a qualifying match in the tournament. But that's all fine, they make think it's a joke but the real joke is going to be the one that I play. See Kane you took out the Ultimate Warrior, you put yourself on the map, and for me to put myself on the map I must do the same. So I'm offering you a challenge, at the next PPV, me vs. you inside the place where we both feel the most at home, HELL IN A CELL!

Paul Bearer: Clown you may all think this is one big choke, but getting inside Hell In A Cell with my monster Kane is no laughing matter. We accept, but don't be surprised if the night ends with everyone seeing the tears of a clown.

Matt Borne: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Borne just laughs uncontrollable as he makes his way into the back.

When we return from commercial Big Show is standing in the ring.

Big Show: Stephanie, you screwed me last night. And I will not leave this ring until I get what I deserve, and that's my title shot against Angle! So you come out here right now and give me my title shot!

Instead of Stephanie coming out Shane and Angle do.

Shane McMahon: You're right about one thing Big Show, you were screwed last night, but it wasn't by us, it was by yourself.

Kurt Angle: You honestly think they would chose and over grown gorilla to be there champion instead of an Olympic hero?

Big Show: I don't no anything about that, but what I do know is that if I don't get my title shot in 10 seconds both of you are going to get the WMD.

Shan McMahon: Kurt is very tired still from his grueling battles, so he is not ready to compete tonight. But this is what I will do for you, if you can win this gauntlet match, I will give you a title shot against Kurt at the next PPV. And here's your first opponent.

As Rikishi makes his way to the ring Shane and Angle head to announce table and kick out Tenay and Cole.

Shane McMahon: Oh you are in for a treat ladies and gentleman, for tonights main event you will get to listen to the world class commentary of myself and the TCW champion, your olympic hero, Kurt Angle. Kurt how do you like the Big Show's chances in this match?

Kurt Angle: He can't really do much worse than he did last night, it doesn't matter either way, no one is taking the belt from me.

Rikishi enters the ring and Big Show quickly hits him with the WMD for the quick three count.

Shane McMahon: It's fine that's only one guy...

Viscera comes into the ring and the same thing happens, Big Show hits him with the WMD and gets the quick three count. The crowd is really hot at this point.

Kurt Angle: Shane I thought you hand picked these guys, what is going on? Please tell me this last guy will beat him.

Shane McMahon I... I didn't expect him to get through both Rikishi and Viscera...

Kurt Angle: Who's the last guy???

Kurt Angle: No, this most be some type of joke...

Bourne jumps from the top rope and Big Show catches him by the neck, he then hits him with the Show Stopper for the victory.

Jen Eric: Your winner and number one contender for the TCW title, the Big Show!

Kurt Angle: What.. what just happened? I have to face the Big Show?

Shane McMahon: How can this night get any worse?

The camera cuts to the back to show Punk and Stephanie in a room. Punk has her up on his shoulders preparing for a GTS.

CM Punk: My demands have changed Shane, I still want my match with you, but if I win I want a shot at the winner of Angle/Big Show. Or else Steph is going to sleep.

Shane McMahon: Fine Punk, fine you have your match, just don't hurt Stephanie.

CM Punk: Oh Stephanie is going to be fine, but they same can't be said for you and Kurt.

Shane and Kurt turn around and Big Show hits both of them with the WMD.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Prediction: Frank Gotch will be as over as Dan Severn.
Predict whatever you want, I'm working off the cold hard facts which state that Gotch was not only the biggest star in wrestling, but in all of sports. According to the rules of the draft, that carries over.

Originally Posted by mflip
Probably less, Severn actually won a few real fights.
I'm not sure what to say to this. Gotch has been known to win the occasional real fight too.

Originally Posted by moorobot
The 'timing' of usage of wrestlers aspect is odd. It's not like WCW had Goldberg since it's inception in the late 80s, waiting frozen in a vault, to be unfrozen whenever a trump card needed to be played. In the actual world, wrestlers come along when they come along; sometimes you get a lot of talent all at once, sometimes the well is dry for awhile.

However, there may not be a sensible alternative to doing it this way.
This is a decent point. Ok fair enough, I'll just have everyone debut at the start of my company. Brock was in developmental for a year and a half though so I can keep him there then have him make the big impactful debut a year in or whatever.

In other news, the April 23rd edition of my weekly show has been cancelled. The first episode will air April 30th.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by teejayC
Predict whatever you want, I'm working off the cold hard facts which state that Gotch was not only the biggest star in wrestling, but in all of sports. According to the rules of the draft, that carries over.
You forgot to start the post with "Lmao."
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 08:57 PM

Oh LKJ if you ever need to kill five minutes, here's Vader squashing Antonio Inoki in his debut.

Last edited by teejayC; 04-23-2012 at 09:07 PM.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-23-2012 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by teejayC
Predict whatever you want, I'm working off the cold hard facts which state that Gotch was not only the biggest star in wrestling, but in all of sports. According to the rules of the draft, that carries over.
My only problem with that is Gotch was competing in basically a completely different sport. Did they have promos back then? Can he work a modern style? I intentionally avoided everyone after the 1970s and even then put a lot more value on 1980s and beyond guys because I know they can work the modern style.

Anyways, since I know this isn't actually applicable, if this was real and you failed to make Hogan champ, I'm immediately calling him or his agent and promising him the belt almost on arrival. There isn't a company out there that didn't improve financially for at least four years with that strategy.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-24-2012 , 12:19 AM
For whatever reason you seem to think that our companies will be operating in the present day. I was under the impression that we aren't operating in any specific time period and each guy just gets the drawing power and skillset (so if they were a great worker for their time, they're a great worker here) from their actual career and that we don't have to account for adapting to the times or whatever. I mean, if we were operating in the present day with a modern crowd then Hogan wouldn't get over nearly as much as he did either, but you seem to be championing him.

You raise a valid argument as to whether Frank Gotch would fit into the wrestling world of today, but it's beyond the scope of this draft. As for promos, he was one of the biggest stars in America; I'm sure he can mutter a few words about he's gonna kick the heel's ass and have the crowd eating out the palm of his hand.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-24-2012 , 02:06 AM
I'm going to debut my company soon. The first event is going to be promoted as a special one time tournament, which then will evolve into a federation. While you guys are worried about imaginary gate revenue, I'm worried about the artistic flow and story that I want to tell with my card.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-24-2012 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by Pharoah00
I'm going to debut my company soon. The first event is going to be promoted as a special one time tournament, which then will evolve into a federation. While you guys are worried about imaginary gate revenue, I'm worried about the artistic flow and story that I want to tell with my card.
To be fair, when writing these things this is all you should care about. Personally, I find the business aspect of the wrestling industry a lot more interesting. In 20 years the business went from extremely competitive to a monopoly. That's fairly astounding for any industry.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-24-2012 , 06:48 AM
My focus was always a mix. I was always willing to forgo some level of objective greatness with my roster as I drafted it (though I think I achieved a pretty solid level of it anyway) in order to make sure that I had a cohesive roster that I had knowledge of and could write for effectively. It comes back to the same thing I've said several times: simply amassing great talent isn't enough. That's been proven many times in the wrestling industry. You have to know how to use it in order to have a great and successful company. I feel like I know how to harness the potential of the guys that I have, and would probably be a bit lost with trying to utilize a decent chunk of teejay's roster.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-24-2012 , 08:11 AM
I must admit I got a bit fancy towards the end and now I'm left having to do a bunch of further research before I do any write-ups, but I just couldn't bring myself to draft mediocre guys who I know a lot about while there were still guys floating about who were given lengthy NWA title reigns during Thesz's prime. I have no idea why I picked certain guys though, Dr. Bill Miller probably being the most clear example of this. I do think the best way to go about a draft like this is to amass as much talent as possible and worry about how they work together later though.

Btw after considering moorobot's post I've decided that everyone's career will start ticking from the beginning of my company. I will start some people from the very beginning of their careers though and keep them in developmental for a few years while others will start a few years into their actual careers. It means I have to debut Brock like a year and a half in which changes my plans considerably, but it gives me a clearer idea of what I need to do so I should start getting my writeups out there in the next couple of days.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-24-2012 , 08:43 AM
Having said all that, I have really enjoyed all the research I've done throughout this draft. It's basically just an exercise to build your own federation and really you can do it however you want. Some people like to draft as many of their favourites as they can, some like to draft as many great workers as they can, some like to go for a particular niche or style etc. Like I've said, I personally enjoy doing the research and finding out more about all the classic old timers, and trying to objectively draft the best collection of stars throughout wrestling history as I can. I do think I fell of the rails a little towards the end though.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-24-2012 , 01:05 PM
Without a doubt, I've had a lot of fun researching for these drafts. Even moreso then the old timers, I've enjoyed finding out more about Japanese wrestling.

I was pretty surprised how I came to enjoy women's wrestling as I had been watching it on and off for 25 years and never got into it. It's amazing what one elite performer can do to change your mindset about something.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-25-2012 , 04:34 PM
My write-up is taking a little longer than I had hoped it would, but I've changed directions a few times. I have my first two shows written up; pretty barebones so far with the thin roster; but I have some ideas starting to form. I probably won't go chronologically throughout, but I will start that way.

3-18-1960: Pro Wrestling New Orleans presents "Friday Night Wrestling"

[A green and a gold wrestler sprite appear approaching each other from either side of the screen. The two figures lock up until the gold sprite gains an advantage and slams the green figure down creating an explosion. The explosion leaves the gold-outlined green letter “Pro Wrestling New Orleans” logo in the center of the screen. The screen goes black as “Presents:” appears. A crowd chants each word as it appears on screen: “FRIDAY” “NIGHT” “WRESTLING!”

We cut to a shot at ringside where the host of WKRC News’ “Neighborhood Round-up” segment, Carl Fine stands in front of the ring in a black suit with a red tie that’s partially hidden by a huge red-headed microphone held at his chin. Members of the crowd can be seen still shuffling into their seats, and workers are inspecting the ring behind him.]

Hello and welcome to Friday Night Wrestling! I am your host, Carl Fine, and everyone out there in TV land is in for a special, special treat as you’re witnessing the very first episode of Friday Night Wrestling here tonight. For those of you who are new to the idea of professional wrestling and of Pro Wrestling New Orleans especially, you do not want to turn your dial now, as we have some of the biggest wrestling stars in the world today appearing tonight in what will be some of the most intense competition you will EVER see! And for you veteran Pro Wrestling New Orleans fans who aren’t one of the twelve-hundred and eighty people in this jam-packed arena tonight; you know that you are going to see the first-class wrestling that you’ve come to expect.

Before we get on with our first match of the evening, we must mention that this night wouldn’t be possible without the sponsorship by Southend Oil & Gas, your first stop for all of your car’s service needs, and of course, WKRC, featuring New Orleans’ number one rated news program.

[We cut to a wide angle view of the arena, and then focus in on Bobo Brazil walking down the entrance aisle wearing red trunks and boots with a white warm-up jacket on. The crowd is very divided with the black fans cheering him while the white fans are mostly booing.]

CF: There is Bobo Brazil, from Little Rock, Arkansas, one of the most well-known wrestlers in the world. Look at him, a monster of a man!

[There’s a barely audible announcement introducing the competitors to the crowd and going over the rules, including the standard ten-minute time limit.]

CF: Don’t know if you caught that out there in TV land, but it’ll be Bobo Brazil taking on Jackson Jefferson tonight. As I said, Bobo Brazil is one of the best wrestlers in the world right now, and, of course, he’s a major star especially in the Midwest where he’s been wrestling for close to a decade. His opponent tonight will be New Orleans’ native Jackson Jefferson; a young wrestler who has been working with Pro Wrestling New Orleans now for almost two years. I’m sure this is a real treat for him getting to wrestle one of the real pioneers of wrestling for the Negro community.

Brazil is in red trunks, and Jefferson is in yellow as they tie up in the center of the ring. Bobo takes control with a side-headlock on Jefferson, who reverses into an armbar…Brazil reverses the armbar and takes Jefferson to the mat with a leg sweep and he has Jefferson pinned to the mat with a wristlock…great back and forth action here so far.

Jefferson sits out, taking the leverage advantage away from Brazil, and now both men are back to their feet and back into a collar-and-elbow tie-up, a very common neutral grappling position for you new fans out there in TV land. Bobo gets the advantage again and whips Jefferson into the ropes and Bobo catches him and now he’s got him in a bearhug!

I’d like to take a brief moment to thank our sponsors here tonight…Southend Oil & Gas, mention “pro wrestling” and get thirty-five cents off your next oil change! And WKRC, the home of New Orleans’ number one rated news program, every weekday at 6:00 p.m.

Back to the action, Jefferson has fought his way out of that bearhug and has hit a flurry of dropkicks that have backed the big man down. Jefferson goes back on the offensive charging at Bobo, but Bobo sidesteps Jefferson and pushes him hard into the corner…and Bobo follows that up with an elbowsmash right to the back of Jefferson’s head…Jefferson had to think that fell from the sky!

Jefferson is flailing wildly with haymakers, nowhere near Bobo Brazil with any of them. Bobo finally gets an opening and steps into Jefferson’s range and blocks a wild right hook and takes control of Jefferson and…OH! There it is! The world famous Coco butt from Bobo Brazil the devastating head butt that has fallen hundreds, if not thousands of victims claims another victim. Brazil covers for the pin, and picks up the victory. Valiant effort by the youngster, but Bobo Brazil is too big, too strong, too experienced…and boy is it a treat to get to watch him here on Friday Night Wrestling!

Let’s pause for a commercial break, but we’ll be back with more wrestling action!

[Commercial break.]

CF: Hello and welcome back to “Friday Night Wrestling” presented by Pro Wrestling New Orleans, the only professional wrestling organization serving New Orleans and southern Louisiana all year long.
Let’s get right to our next match of the evening, as both competitors are already in the ring, ready to go.

[We cut to see the ring announcer introducing the competitors for the next match-up but are mostly treated to a mixture of feedback and a collection of unintelligible syllables.]

CF: I apologize to all of you out there in TV land, as it seems we’re having some problems with the in-ring microphone. It’ll be “Babyface” Don Jardine in the green trunks coming all the way from Toronto, Ontario, Canada against Alberto Rivas in the red and white trunks who is from Plano, Texas. Both of these are very young wrestlers, and it should be quite a treat to get a look at what the next generation of wrestling superstars might look like.

Jardine and Rivas tie-up in the middle of the ring; Jardine uses his height advantage to get leverage on Rivas and works an armbar onto Rivas. Jardine standing almost 6 foot 5 inches tall and weighing close to 300 pounds should definitely have the size and power advantage over the smaller Rivas. Jardine takes that armbar maneuver to the mat, and you can see the pressure on that elbow…he might get Rivas to submit!

While we have a moment, I’d like to thank our sponsors, Southend Oil & Gas, from transmission replacement to oil changes and from tune-ups to fill-ups; Southend Oil & Gas can handle all of your automobile service needs. And, WKRC, watch the number one rated news program in New Orleans every weeknight at 6:00 pm.

Back to the match, Alberto Rivas has managed to escape that armbar maneuver by Jardine and is now on the offense with some kicks, trying to keep his distance from the big man. Jardine fights his way through a kick and sets in a headlock on Rivas…Rivas pushes Jardine into the ring ropes…and WHOA! A big elbow to the forehead of Rivas from Jardine sends him down hard to the mat…that was reminiscent of the famous “Brainbuster” elbow that one of the men in our Main Event of the evening, Johnny Valentine, has made famous.

Jardine staying on the offensive with an elbow drop to the chest and he’s going to try to get the win right here…one count…two…. Rivas manages to kick out just in time. Rivas springs to life with a dropkick, and another dropkick from Rivas…Rivas charges off the ring ropes…and HUUUUUGE slam from Jardine as he puts an end to Rivas’ rally, and now it’s Jardine taking a trip to the rope’s and DOWN with a big leg drop across the chest…and a quick cover…one…two…annnd three! And “Babyface” Don Jardine picks up a big win in his young career!

Don’t forget fans, you want to stick around later tonight for our Main Event as Johnny Valentine, one of the best wrestlers in the world today will be taking on a great young wrestler from Tampa, Florida Terry Morgan.

[We cut to ringside where a standing Carl Fine is holding a microphone with the towering “Babyface” Don Jardine standing by his side smiling and waving to the fans around the ring.]

CF: A rare treat for those of you out there in TV land, as the winner of our last bout, “Babyface” Don Jardine is here with me for a quick word. First of all, congratulations, Don…a great win for your young career against a fellow talented young wrestler in Rivas.

DJ: Thank you, Mr. Fine. You’re right about Rivas; he gave me all I could handle and then some; I consider myself somewhat lucky to have escaped with a victory in that one there.

CF: Indeed. You’re all the way from Toronto; a real hotbed for professional wrestling, what do you think of New Orleans and the wrestling action here as well?

DJ: New Orleans is a great city, and everyone has welcomed me with open arms. It was tough to leave home, but I couldn’t have landed in a better spot. These are the best wrestlers in the world right here in Pro Wrestling New Orleans, and I’m just excited that Mr. Stawt saw something in me and is giving me the chance to prove myself against great wrestlers like Alberto Rivas.

CF: We spoke a couple days ago, and you were really excited to see one of your wrestling heroes; what’s it like to be wrestling on the same card as Johnny Valentine?

DJ: Yes, yes…Johnny Valentine is one of the best in the world, and we up there in Toronto were always excited when he was coming to town. I can’t wait to watch the match as I’ve heard a lot of great things about Terry Morgan as well.

CF: Thank you to “Babyface” Don Jardine for joining us after an impressive victory over Alberto Rivas and we’ll be right back after a short commercial break.

[Commercial break.]

[We return and go right to the ring where two wrestlers are standing at opposite corners with the ring announcer in the center holding a microphone. The microphone issues have evidently been fixed as we get the introductions clearly.]

RA: Our next match is scheduled for one fall with a ten minute time limit. To my right, in the east corner, standing 6’3” and weighing in tonight at 265 pounds from Indianapolis, Indiana Al Andrusi! And his opponent, in the west corner, standing 6’1” and weighing in tonight at 275 pounds, from Robbinsdale, Minnesota…Larry Hennig.

[The crowd cheers for Hennig as he takes a step forward and waves.]
CF: Fans decidedly behind the Minnesota native, Larry Hennig, tonight. He’s been wrestling with Pro Wrestling New Orleans now for two years and has become a local favorite.

Hennig and Andrusi come together in the middle of the ring, and Hennig quickly takes control with a headlock…Andrusi reverses into half-nelson…Hennig twists out of that and is met with a hard overhead forearm smash to the neck area and then a second one. Andrusi locks on a headlock and he’s going to try to wear down Hennig.

We’d like to thank Southend Oil & Gas for sponsoring tonight’s “Friday Night Fights,” remember to mention “pro wrestling” and save thirty-five cents off your next oil change, and of course, I’d also like to thank WKRC, every weekday at 6:00 the number one rated New Orleans news program, featuring meteorologist Bob LaFontaine.

Back to the action in the ring, you’ve been watching Larry Hennig really turn the tide in this match up as he has grounded Andrusi with a leglock. Look at the pressure Hennig has across the knee and hip areas of Andrusi…I don’t know if you guys out there in TV land can hear it, but Andrusi is screaming in pain every time Hennig puts another stretch in that leg.

Now Andrusi is trying to kick his way out, slamming those boots to the face of Hennig, who finally gives up on the leglock. Both men to their feet…Andrusi drives a knee to the stomach of Hennig, doubling him over and then an overhead forearm slam to the back of the head sends Hennig down to the mat…Hennig tries to get up but Andrusi drives another forearm into the back of the head…Andrusi goes to the ropes and goes for a kick to the face of Hennig, who ducks out of the way and sweeps the legs out from beneath Andrusi and he goes right back to that leg. Standing leglock now applied by Hennig, stretching out that knee again and putting a lot of pressure on the back and neck areas as well.

For those of you out there in TV land who want to join us here at the Southend Arena live for this great wrestling action, please call 555-4334 to order your tickets…if you’re enjoying this show at home, then trust me that you want to be a part of this experience!

Larry Hennig still controlling this match-up with Al Andrusi as he has managed to do some real damage to the leg of Andrusi; it appears. Andrusi trying to get in some offense now with a back elbow, but Hennig shrugs it off and returns a forearm uppercut to the chin of Andrusi…he follows that up with a second uppercut…now Hennig goes to the ropes and delivers a big running forearm smash to the head of Andrusi! And, I think that knocked him right out!

Hennig goes for the win…one…two…annnd three and Larry Hennig picks up the win here in impressive fashion.

We’ll be back with a word from one of the men responsible for bringing professional wrestling to New Orleans full-time, Mr. Sam Stawt, after this commercial break.

[Commercial break.]

[We return to see Carl Fine standing in the ring holding a microphone standing next to tall man in a dark brown suit with a green tie that we can assume is the aforementioned Sam Stawt. There’s a hesitation as Stawt is looking off camera for a moment before nodding and looking into the camera.]

CF: And, we’re back, and as I mentioned before the break, with us right now is one of the men responsible for bringing professional wrestling to New Orleans on a year-round basis, Sam Stawt. First of all, thanks for joining us tonight, I’m sure I speak for all of the fans that have been appreciative of not only your efforts, but also the efforts of your partner Bill Michnuk in bringing professional wrestling to New Orleans and now, here tonight, we’re getting our first opportunity to deliver the great wrestling action that Pro Wrestling New Orleans is known for to television audiences.

SS: Thanks, Carl, you’re right; this is an exciting moment for myself, for Bill, and for all of the wrestlers in the back…we couldn’t say “thank you” enough to the all of the fans that have made this night possible. We also have to thank Gary and Lee Bahr over at Southend Oil & Gas for sponsoring tonight’s event and “Friday Night Wrestling” for the foreseeable future. And, of course, WKRC for giving us the exposure on New Orleans’ number one channel.

CF: With business out of the way (chuckle); what can you tell the fans here at the arena and at home about the future of Pro Wrestling New Orleans?
SS: I’ll tell you what, Carl, Bill and I couldn’t be more excited about the future of professional wrestling in New Orleans and southern Louisiana than we are right now. The live events have been amazingly well attended and the fans are great. We’re still working out the kinks on the television side of things, but we’re really excited that Southend and WKRC have promised to be with us for the long haul, and with those two things settled it’s up to Bill and I to find great wrestlers and bring them here to please these wonderful fans.

CF: Speaking of great wrestlers, you have two announcements on that front.

SS: Yes, I do, Carl. Two of the wrestlers here tonight, Bobo Brazil and Johnny Valentine, have already promised to return to New Orleans in the fall after their summer commitments up north. The fact that two of the biggest stars in American wrestling today have been that impressed with the organization and the fans of New Orleans just shows how great things are looking for us right now.

CF: Wow! Big news there, Johnny Valentine will be returning in the fall! The fans are definitely excited about that!

SS: Yes…yes, they are, and so am I. But, we’re not done…we’re still on the lookout for established stars and young potential superstars like we’ve seen earlier tonight in Don Jardine and Larry Hennig to keep Pro Wrestling New Orleans going in the right direction.

CF: What great news for all of the professional wrestling fans In New Orleans…thank you for joining us and sharing this great news with everyone here tonight on “Friday Night Wrestling.” We’ll be back with our Main Event of the evening after one more commercial break!

[Commercial break.]

CF: And, we’re back for our Main Event…let’s go to the ring for the announcements; it looks like both competitors are anxiously waiting.

RA: Welcome to our Main Event of the evening! This match is scheduled for one fall with a ten-minute time limit. To my right, in the east corner, standing 6’ tall and weighing in tonight at 239 pounds, from Tampa, Florida…Terrrrry Morgan! And, to my left, in the west corner, standing 6’4” and weighing in tonight at 255 pounds, from Washington, D.C…Johnnnnnnny Valentine!

[We hear our loudest crowd reaction of the night as the cheers rain down as Valentine steps out of his robe and waves to the crowd. Terry Morgan attacks as Valentine’s back is turned and the bell rings.]

CF: And it looks like Morgan was tired of waiting to get his shot at the wrestling legend, Johnny Valentine, as he attacks Valentine with his back turned. The crowd not liking that particular tactic as they’re jeering unmercilessly as Morgan attacks with forearm shots. All of you out there in TV land enjoying this action have to make the trip here to the Southend Arena; I’m sure that television isn’t doing this crowd reaction justice…the whole building is shaking!

Johnny Valentine battling his way back now…backhand chop across the chest…and another…and another one…listen to sound of his hand cracking across the chest of Morgan. Valentine with an Irish whip to the corner, and Morgan slams the corner hard. Valentine follows right in with running knee to the mid-section of Morgan. Valentine takes Morgan to the mat with a snapmare and then locks in a chinlock.

This looks like a simple maneuver to those of you out in TV land, but it’s definitely a hold that goes a long way into wearing an opponent down. The pressure on the neck and back…and you can see the way a great like Valentine uses his body weight and leverage so well.

I still can’t get over the news delivered to us just a few short moments ago by Sam Stawts that Johnny Valentine has already agreed to return to Pro Wrestling New Orleans in the fall. Getting to see one of the current greats In our sport like this is a real treat. Of course, he’ll still finish out the spring with us as well. And I can’t forget about Bobo Brazil either making the same commitment. We can only hope those two meet up in the ring at some point.
Morgan now fighting his way out of that chinlock, burying a couple elbows into the ribs of Valentine, and now he goes to the eyes…the referee admonishing him for that illegal move…and the fans letting him hear it as well. Morgan doesn’t seem to care though, burying his fingers once again into the eyes of Johnny Valentine, and now some quick punches to the face of Valentine…more illegal tactics from the young Terry Morgan. I guess Morgan doesn’t think he can play it straight against a great grappler like Valentine.

Terry Morgan goes to the eyes again, and then locks a headlock onto Johnny Valentine, who quickly pushes Morgan off into the ropes…OOH, back elbow to the chin and throat area there stuns Morgan…Valentine with a double-axehandle strike to the top of Morgan’s head, and now he’s setting him up for something here…grabbing the head and tights of Morgan and STRAIGHT UP HE GOES…look at the power and strength of Valentine as he holds Morgan up for a LONG time in that vertical suplex annnnnd DOWN he goes…vicious impact there.

Morgan springs right to his feet holding his back and you can see the pain in that area as Morgan tries to walk it off…and he walks right into Valentine…and THERE IT IS…THE FAMOUS BRAINBUSTER ELBOW TO THE FOREHEAD…MORGAN IS DOWN AND OUT…BRAINBUSTER…WHAT A DEVASTATING MOVE FROM VALENTINE!

Valentine takes a step back into the ropes and comes crashing down on Morgan with a big elbow drop…one count, and a two…and three, and Johnny Valentine is your winner. Listen to these fans cheering on Johnny Valentine in victory.

Join us next week as Pro Wrestling New Orleans will bring you an all new edition of “Friday Night Wrestling,” I’m Carl Fine; thank you for joining us this evening.

[Fade out.]
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
04-25-2012 , 04:38 PM
3-25-1960: Pro Wrestling New Orleans presents "Friday Night Wrestling"

[A green and a gold wrestler sprite appear approaching each other from either side of the screen. The two figures lock up until the gold sprite gains an advantage and slams the green figure down creating an explosion. The explosion leaves the gold-outlined green letter “Pro Wrestling New Orleans” logo in the center of the screen. The screen goes black as “Presents:” appears. A crowd chants each word as it appears on screen: “FRIDAY” “NIGHT” “WRESTLING!”

We cut to a shot at ringside where the host of WKRC News’ “Neighborhood Round-up” segment, Carl Fine stands in front of the ring in a black suit with a red tie that’s partially hidden by a huge red-headed microphone held at his chin. Members of the crowd can be seen still shuffling into their seats, and workers are inspecting the ring behind him.]

Hello to everyone out there in TV land and welcome to “Friday Night Wrestling,” I am your host, Carl Fine! If you’re tuning in again from last week, then you know what you’re in for tonight; and if you’re a new viewer, then let me tell you what, you are in for some of the most intense wrestling action from some of professional wrestling biggest stars coming right into your living room!

We’re going to get right into the action, but first, we must thank Southend Oil & Gas for sponsoring tonight’s television production. Southend Oil & Gas should be your first stop for all of your automobile service needs. And, of course, a big thank you to WKRC, home of New Orleans’ number one rated news program!

And with that out of the way, let’s get to the action!

[We cut to the ring announcer.]

RA: Our first bout of the evening is scheduled for one fall with a ten-minute time limit. Introducing first to my right in the east corner, making his Pro Wrestling New Orleans debut, standing 6’2” and weighing in tonight at 252 pounds…Archie Gouldieeeee! And, his opponent in the west corner, standing 6’3” and weighing in tonight at 265 pounds, Al Andruuuuuuuuusiiii!

CF: As you heard, Archie Gouldie making his debut with Pro Wrestling New Orleans right here in this match. I spoke with Sam Stawt before the show, and he’s really high on this kid. Of course, Sam is well known up in Canada with a lot of contacts, and he personally went up to Alberta to check this kid out and obviously liked what he saw. He has a tough match-up in Andrusi though, who battled Larry Hennig in a tough loss last week.

Andrusi wants to test the kid’s strength early trying to bait him into a Greco-Roman knuckle-lock…and it looks like Gouldie is going to oblige…this lock-up is a real test of strength and leverage, even moreso than the collar-and-elbow variety that’s become the standard. The veteran Andrusi takes the early advantage in this test of strength, backing Gouldie up…Gouldie fighting back now…and he sends a knee into the mid-section and another one…and a third, and Andrusi lets go of the hold.

Gouldie follows up with a hard backhand chop to the chest of Andrus! I bet all of you out there in TV land could feel that one! Gouldie with a whip to the cor—no reversed by Andrusi, and he follows him into the corner with an elbow to the chin. Andrusi locks in a reverse chinlock, trying to wear down the youngster, test his stamina. Gouldie swinging elbows into the stomach of Andrusi trying to get out of it…and Gouldie is taking Andrusi for a ride! Big slam to the mat! Gouldie now stomping away at the fallen Andrusi…and Gouldie backs into the ropes…OH, big stomp to the head…and a cover…one count…two count…and yes, that’s three, and Archie Gouldie wins his Pro Wrestling New Orleans debut in an exciting contest!

We’ll be back with more action like that after this commercial break.

[Commercial break.]

CF: Hello and welcome back to “Friday Night Wrestling” presented by Pro Wrestling New Orleans, the only professional wrestling organization serving New Orleans and the surrounding communities all year long!

I’ve just received word that later tonight before his Main Event match we’re going to get a chance to talk to Johnny Valentine! What a treat that will be for me to get to talk to one of the real legends in the sport! And, what a Main Event that will be as Johnny Valentine is taking on Larry Hennig!

Speaking of great match-ups, don’t leave your seats now all of you out there in TV land, as this next one should be great as well, as hometown hero Jerry Ross is taking on the monster they call Bobo Brazil, who looked quite impressive in his victory last week. Let’s go to Johnny Miller with the formal introductions.

RA: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a ten-minute time limit. Introducing first, to my right in the east corner, standing 6’1” and weighing in tonight at 218 pounds, from right here in New Orleans…Jerrrrrrrrrry Roooosss! And his opponent, in the west corner, standing 6’6” and weighing in tonight at 270 pounds…Bobo Braaaaaaaaaaazil!

CF: Six foot six…wow! He looks like King Kong looking up at him in the ring! This will be a tough match-up for the hometown hero, Jerry Ross, but he’s a veteran, I’m sure he has some tricks up his sleeve.

Collar-and-elbow tie-up, and not much of a chance for Ross in that one, as Bobo Brazil just lifted him up and slammed him to the mat with one arm! Ross back up quickly though with a flurry of punches…referee warning him to open up those hands…closed fist punches are illegal for all of you out there in TV land that might be watching for the first time.

Bobo Brazil fights through the punches and takes hold of Ross…and Irish whip to the corner…and a big splash from Bobo Brazil in the corner…Ross might be in the third row after that one! Bobo wraps those big monster arms around the head of Ross and he’s going to put that body weight to good use wearing down the smaller Ross.

While there’s a short break in the action, I’d like to thank our sponsors here tonight…Southend Oil & Gas, mention “pro wrestling” and get thirty-five cents off your next oil change! And WKRC, the home of New Orleans’ number one rated news program, every weekday at 6:00 p.m.

Bobo Brazil had that headlock on pretty good, but Jerry Ross went to the eyes, and now he’s gouging that eye again…the referee warning him about it, but Ross continues to run his fingers into the eye again! Ross going back to the punches to the face again of Brazil. Ross backing into the ropes and comes in hard with a clubbing forearm blow, that barely fazes Bobo…Ross goes back to the ropes and another forearm shot! Still Bobo won’t back down! Ross goes to the well again…and that was once too many times as Bobo Brazil catches him and locks in that big bearhug!

I’m sorry fans, but we have to take a commercial break, we’ll keep the cameras rolling though, and you won’t miss any action!

[Commercial break.]

CF: And, we’re back Welcome back to those that stuck with us and for those joining us in progress, you’re watching hometown hero Jerry Ross trying to take down the monster from Little Rock, Bobo Brazil!

Bobo has that bearhug locked in pretty good; I wonder how Jerry Ross is going to fight his way out. Well, there’s one way…he jams his fingers into the eyes of Bobo Brazil, which has been Jerry Ross’ best offense so far against the big beast!

Jerry Ross bounds to the ropes and he’s gonna try the big forearm blow again, but Bobo Brazil blocks it! Bobo grabs the head..COCO BUTT…that devastating head butt! Bobo with the cover…one count, and a two…and three and Bobo Brazil will pick up the win here…tough loss for the hometown hero Jerry Ross.

WHOA, look out, it looks like Jerry Ross hasn’t had quite enough of Bobo Brazil as he’s leapt on the back of Bobo and is trying to choke him out! The referee is trying to peel Ross off, but he has a deathgrip around the neck of Bobo Brazil…I don’t know what has gotten into Jerry Ross! Bobo Brazil looks like he’s fading…WOW! Bobo just backed into the corner and poor Jerry Ross got crushed!

Jerry Ross comes out of the corner and falls right into the arms of Bobo Brazil…and a BIG SLAM. And it looks like Bobo Brazil isn’t done with Jerry Ross…I have to say that I think this abuse is totally uncalled for! Bobo bounds off the ropes and BIG leg drop across the chest of Jerry Ross...
Wait, there’s someone coming down to the ring now…IT’S…IT’S JOHNNY VALENTINE! Hopefully he’s here to put an end to this madness! Valentine takes a hold of Bobo Brazil and throws him to the corner…he’s pointing a finger to his face, but I can’t hear what he’s saying…Bobo shoves Johhny in the chest…Johnny shoves Bobo back…the referee gets between the two, but they’re still exchanging words! What an encounter this is! What a show of sportsmanship by Johnny Valentine to come out and save Jerry Ross from that savage beating that occurred long after the match had ended!

We’ll be right back after a short commercial break with that promised interview with Johnny Valentine…and of course, we still have our Main Event of the evening as Johnny Valentine will take on Larry Hennig!

[Commercial break.]

[We return to see Carl Fine standing in the center of the ring with Johnny Valentine standing next to him, sweat still coming down his face after his earlier encounter with Bobo Brazil.]

CF: Welcome back to all of you out there in TV land, I’m here with wrestling legend and superstar Johnny Valentine. First of all, I have to say that it was very heroic of you to come down and save Jerry Ross from that savage beating at the hands of Bobo Brazil earlier.

JV: Thanks, Carl, but there was nothing heroic about it; it just needed to be done. I’ve heard a lot of great things about Bobo Brazil and I was looking forward to seeing him in action, but I have to say that I lost a lot of respect for him with that display earlier tonight. I don’t know how they do things up North, but down here we take professional wrestling very seriously and we follow the rules. When the bell rings, the match is over where I come from, and if Bobo Brazil can’t play like that then he can go back to wherever he came from.

[Crowd cheers.]

CF: What was the exchange between you two? I saw you exchange words, but I couldn’t make it out.

JV: I just told him that if he was still looking for a fight he could fight me instead of a defenseless wrestler. I’m sure all of these great Southern wrestling fans know all about the old saying of “picking on someone your own size” and I told Bobo that I was his size.

[Crowd roars.]

CF: Wow…well, like I said earlier, very heroic of you to help out a fellow wrestler. But, enough of that, let’s look to the future, what do you think of your match tonight?

JV: Tonight’s opponent is a very tough young kid from Minnesota, and they grow them tough up there. I think they still live in igloos up there.

[Some laughter from the crowd.]

But, seriously, Larry Hennig is one of the best young wrestlers in the world today, and it’s an honor to get in the ring with him. I hope I can come out of it with a victory.

CF: Well, I certainly wish you luck tonight against Larry Hennig. That match-up will be coming up next fans; we’ll be right back after a quick commercial break!

[Commercial break.]

[We return and go right to ring announcer, Johnny Miller.]

RA: The following bout is scheduled for one fall with a ten-minute time limit and is our Main Event of the evening! To my right, in the east corner, from Robbinsdale, Minnesota…standing 6’1” and weighing in at 270 pounds…Larrrry Hennnnnig! And, his opponent, from Washington, D.C. standing 6’4” and weighing in tonight at 255 pounds…Jooooooooooooooooooohnnnnnnnnny Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaalentiiiiiiiiiine!

[Huge roar from the crowd.]

CF: Well, no doubt who the fans are behind tonight, especially after that heroic action earlier tonight saving fellow wrestler Jerry Ross from a totally uncalled for and brutal assault at the hands of Bobo Brazil following their match earlier tonight. Larry Hennig is usually one of the crowd’s favorites and had an impressive win last week, but this will be a much tougher match-up against the legendary Johnny Valentine.

Collar-and-elbow tie-up to start things off…Hennig takes the early advantage with a headlock, but Valentine reverses it into a half-nelson…Hennig with a reversal now into an armbar…and Valentine quickly reverses that and hip tosses Hennig to the mat and is quickly on him with a reverse chinlock.
Some great mat wrestling so far, surprised to see Hennig keeping up with Valentine! Hennig battles his way back up to his feet, and both men are back to neutral. Another collar-and-elbow tie-up and this time Valentine gets the early advantage twisting the arm of Hennig…Hennig powers his way back in control reversing the hold…hard elbow to the shoulderblade area of Valentine! And a second one, and Valentine is down to one knee now.

Listen to the crowd react to those blows! For those of you out there in TV land who want to join us here at the Southend Arena live for this great wrestling action, please call 555-4334 to order your tickets…if you’re enjoying this show at home, then trust me that you want to be a part of this in person!

Valentine reaches back and sweeps the leg out from under Hennig and sets in a scissor lock on that knee…Hennig close to the ring ropes though, and he wiggles his way underneath them to get a break. Both men back to their feet again…great back-and-forth action so far, I have to say that I’m very impressed with Larry Hennig.

Try to squeeze in a thank you to Southend Oil & Gas for sponsoring tonight’s “Friday Night Fights,” remember to mention “pro wrestling” and save thirty-five cents off your next oil change, and of course, I’d also like to thank WKRC, every weekday at 6:00 the number one rated New Orleans news program, featuring meteorologist Bob LaFontaine.

Hennig once again with the advantage out of the collar-and-elbow tie-up; I think he has a slight strength advantage in this match-up. Valentine reverses into an armbar, and a whip to the ropes…Hennig ducks a clothesline attempt and comes off the other way…WHOA, big forearm smash from Hennig sends Valentine reeling.

I’m sorry, fans, we’re going to have to get in one more commercial break…but I promise you won’t miss any action!

[Commercial break.]

CF: A welcome back to all of you other there in TV land as you’re witnessing this evening’s “Friday Night Wrestling” Main Event Johnny Valentine battling Larry Hennig!

Hennig took control with that big forearm smash before the break and is now working over the neck of Valentine with those big axehandle blows as Valentine struggles to his feet. Oh, Valentine blocks the axehandle and takes Hennig to the mat with an armbar…and he’s really stretching the arm of Hennig…lots of pressure on that elbow and shoulder with this maneuver. We’ll see if Hennig can find a way out of this one…Valentine, of course, is a master of this style of mat wrestling.

If I can just get one more mention of our sponsors for tonight’s show in... I’d like to thank Southend Oil & Gas, from transmission replacement to oil changes and from tune-ups to fill-ups; Southend Oil & Gas can handle all of your automobile service needs. And, WKRC, watch the number one rated news program in New Orleans every weeknight at 6:00 pm.

Hennig has worked his way up to his knees, but Valentine still has that armbar locked in. Hennig now getting some elbow blows in to give himself some room…Hennig with a big forearm uppercut that staggers Valentine backwards into the corner…Hennig charges in…no! Valentine ducks out of the way and Hennig slams into empty corner…Hennig staggers right into Valentine…and a BIG slam to the mat. Hennig trying to get back to his feet, but Valentine is right on him.

Johnny Valentine with a kick to the stomach, and he’s setting him up! STRAIGHT UP GOES HENNIG…aaaaand STRAIGHT DOWN GOES HENNIG!
Hennig somehow right back up, but Valentine is waiting…BRAINBUSTER…BRAINBUSTER ELBOW…and HENNIG IS OUT COLD!…and two…and THREE! YES…Johnny Valentine is your winner!

What a victory for Johnny Valentine against a very worthy challenger in Hennig!

Thanks again to Southend Oil & Gas and WKRC…tune in next week for more Pro Wrestling New Orleans action only on “Friday Night Wrestling.”

[Fade out.]
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
05-12-2012 , 11:23 AM
Well thanks to the untimely 2pocalypse, all three of you who were following my product probably don’t much remember it at this point. In hopes that there’s still some interest, I’ll try to keep this thing alive. Here’s a quick recap for where things are at…

*Ric Flair went over dirty in the first match of the championship series against Bob Backlund, and match #2 of the best-of-7 series is in his backyard in Charlotte.
*Jerry Lawler, ambiguous in his face/heel status up until Friday Night Fracas, turned face by shaking hands with Chief Jay Strongbow after his semifinal match in the North American Title tournament and then solidified a ton of fan support by doing the “overcoming all odds thing” in finding a way to beat Bam Bam Bigelow in the tournament finals while bleeding and limping. He’s the inaugural LWA North American Champion.
*The Steiners beat The Eliminators to become the first tag team champions thanks to outside interference from a mystery man revealed to be Dan Spivey, as well as surprising help from Ron Simmons with the heel turn. Under Sunny’s guidance, this is the new Varsity Club (the Steiners obviously with the Big Ten wrestling history, Simmons being an All-American football player at FSU, and Spivey playing his football at Georgia).
*Paul Orndorff answered The Grand Wizard’s challenge to take on King Tonga (by the way, this is Haku…I probably should have just started right off by calling him Haku from the beginning) and beat him somewhat handily. The Wizard vowed that this thing was not over.

Alright, you’re refreshed and/or caught up on the main storylines. Next episode will post soon.

Also yankeys, the lack of Ed Whalen in your write-up made me sad, but I like what you're doing.
Best Federation Write-Ups and Weekly Shows Quote
05-12-2012 , 01:12 PM
Episode Seven: LWA Overdrive, Emanating from Louisville, KY

A video package opens the show, which highlights the Flair-Backlund match from Friday Night Fracas and shows the final sequence in which Flair used the brass knuckles to knock Backlund out and score the first pinfall of the Best-of-7 World Championship Series.

Mean Gene Interviews Ric Flair
Into the arena now, Mean Gene starts the show in the ring. He says, “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like at this time to bring out the winner of match #1 of the best-of-7 World Championship Series…The Nature Boy, Ric Flair!” Flair comes to the ring in a designer suit, grinning from ear-to-ear like the Cheshire Cat. “Mean Gene! Woooo! Isn’t it a lovely night here in Louisville?” Bob Backlund comes out to the ring to interrupt. Flair says, “Jack, this is my interview time. Don’t disrespect your future world champion by coming out during my time. But here…I’ll say everything that you want to say. You’re mad that I slapped you in the face a little hard at the end of our match, right? You’re mad that you couldn’t handle these. <holds up his bare fists> You want to say I took a shortcut? I say you’re damn right, pal. For 20 minutes, you stood toe-to-toe and wrestled with me. And just as I told you, I outsmarted you in the end. Don’t act like you didn’t know it was coming.” Backlund says, “That’s fine, Flair. I did know it was coming. Heck, I take it as a compliment that you felt the need to use a weapon to beat me since you knew you couldn’t do it any other way. I wear that as a badge of honor. But I’m not going to stoop to your level.” Flair: “You’re a sweet kid. You can have your old-fashioned principles. Myself, I’ll just go ahead and take the world championship. But as for needing a weapon to beat you? Son, I can beat you as clean as a whistle. You’ll see what happens in Charlotte this week. And just to show you what kind of man I am, you are hereby invited to my victory party later that night after the match.” Flair laughs and leaves the ring. Backlund, clearly seething underneath the surface but trying to retain a calm demeanor: “You’re in for a long series, Flair. You’d better brace yourself for that.”

Killer Kowalski (w/ The Grand Wizard) v. Capitulating Cameron
Entering to his eerie theme music, the Killer clearly strikes visible fear in the heart of Cameron. Caudle says, “That’s bad news for Cameron…Killer Kowalski can smell fear. And he doesn’t like it.” Kowalski puts in 100% of the offense in this quick match, ultimately finishing it by forcing Cameron to submit to the Kowalski Claw, a vice grip that he puts on his helpless opponent’s head. Schiavone resignedly says, “I have no idea who’s going to be able to stop this guy…”
Winner: Killer Kowalski

Tony Schiavone mentions that we are going to have a #1 contender’s match for the North American Title as the main event of this show, as Paul Orndorff will take on Bam Bam Bigelow for the right to be the first challenger to Jerry Lawler’s newly-won belt.

Update: Hosted by Gene Okerlund
Gene Okerlund recaps the results from Friday Night Fracas, showing highlights of the title win of Jerry Lawler, the title win of the Steiners and the accompanying formation of The Varsity Club, and the match between Flair and Backlund. He reminds everyone that match #2 of the championship series will be taking place this Friday in Charlotte, and that this would not be available on television or pay-per-view, so the only way to be a part of that match is to head on down to the Charlotte Coliseum and be there in person.

An enhancement talent is introduced, followed by this music…

Ron Simmons (w/ Sunny and Dan Spivey) v. Joey Joe Joe Jr., Shabadoo
Simmons comes out to considerable heat, with his new manager and apparent new stablemate in the Varsity Club in tow. With a newer and more aggressive attitude, Simmons makes quick work of young Joey Joe Joe and finishes him off with the Dominator for the three-count.
Winner: Ron Simmons

Tony Schiavone sends it to the Office of the LWA President Jack Tunney for a special announcement.

Jack Tunney Announcement
“It was unfortunate to see the first tag team champions crowned under such controversial conditions. Due to the extensive interference in that match, I am granting the Eliminators an almost immediate rematch with the Steiner Brothers for the titles. This will be held on next week’s episode of Overdrive. In this match, Sunny, Dan Spivey, and Ron Simmons will be banned from ringside, and if they interfere in the match in any way then the Steiners will be stripped of the belts.

On the subject of the North American Title: under the advisement of the LWA Championship Committee, I have selected four wrestlers to compete in a round robin pool to determine who Jerry Lawler’s first challenger will be for the North American Title. These men are Pedro Morales, Chief Jay Strongbow, Bam Bam Bigelow, and Ron Simmons. Thank you.”

Paul Orndorff v. Narcoleptic Nate
During this match, we get a PIP promo from The Grand Wizard, who says, “Paul Orndorff, my boys aren’t done with you by a longshot. Next week, King Tonga and his mystery partner are challenging you and a partner of your choosing to a tag team match. If you’re smart, you’ll decline this challenge…” Shortly after the promo wraps up, Orndorff slaps on the sleeper hold and puts Nate out for the submission victory.
Winner: Paul Orndorff

Gene Okerlund Interviews Jerry Lawler
Lawler comes out to a great ovation from an audience that has suddenly begun taking to him in a hurry. He thanks the crowd for their support and says that he never would have been able to overcome Bam Bam in the tournament finals if not for the adrenaline he got from the crowd in Chicago. He vows to take on every worthy contender to his belt, and looks forward to seeing who emerges from the Round Robin to become the #1 contender to his belt.

NA Title Round Robin Match #1: Pedro Morales v. Chief Jay Strongbow
This match is scheduled for one fall with a 20-minute time limit. Schiavone and Caudle stress just how important it is for each of these competitors to win the first match of the series, since falling to 0-1 already puts you out of control of your own destiny and gives you zero margin for error in your next two matches. The crowd cheers the entrances of both men, but it’s clear that Morales is the more over of the two. Time begins to wind down, and Strongbow makes a final push as Howard Finkel informs the crowd that there is one minute remaining in the time limit. Strongbow sets Morales up on the turnbuckle and appears to be locking him in to attempt a superplex, but Morales swings at him and knocks him off the ropes to the mat. Wasting no time, Morales comes off the second turnbuckle with a Caribbean Cannonball, and with what couldn’t have been more than 10 seconds to spare, he scores the pinfall. Morales’s record in the round robin goes to 1-0, while Strongbow’s falls to 0-1.
Winner: Pedro Morales

Back to Schiavone and Caudle to close out the show. Schiavone says that he has just received word that Paul Orndorff has accepted The Grand Wizard’s challenge for a tag match next week, and promises to bring a good partner to the dance. The announce team pushes how we’re going to get two great tag matches next week, with that match as well as the huge tag team championship rematch between the Steiners and the Eliminators as our main event. All of that, as well as highlights from match #2 of the championship series between Ric Flair and Bob Backlund, and much more on next week’s edition of Overdrive.
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