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06-29-2022 , 07:22 PM
Eddie and Claudio fighting each other cost the faces tonight?
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06-29-2022 , 08:06 PM
Orange Cassidy coming out to Jane was awesome. He’s said before that Paul Rudd in Wet Hot American Summer is the original inspiration for the gimmick.
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06-29-2022 , 08:25 PM
Oh hell yes. I’m all about Christian holding the leash of a monster Luchasauras.
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06-29-2022 , 08:31 PM
Lolllllll, FTRhausen.
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06-29-2022 , 09:52 PM
Fuuuuuuuucking hell
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06-30-2022 , 02:55 AM
B&G: At least it was better than the first one. Wasn't a huge fan of it. Though for some reason, I feel like I should watch it again. Knowing Tony, we'll now have 6 months of will he turn or won't he with Claudio, Eddie, and Mox.

Christian/Luchasaurus thing is fun. But not a fan of using death in an angle. Would rather just see Luchasaurus wrestle with Christian standing around than listen to him talk about death in promos.
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07-03-2022 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by NJPW
B&G: At least it was better than the first one. Wasn't a huge fan of it. Though for some reason, I feel like I should watch it again. Knowing Tony, we'll now have 6 months of will he turn or won't he with Claudio, Eddie, and Mox.

Christian/Luchasaurus thing is fun. But not a fan of using death in an angle. Would rather just see Luchasaurus wrestle with Christian standing around than listen to him talk about death in promos.
Agree with you normally, but Luke Perry was such a huge fan and seems like the whole family is on board so I think it works.
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07-14-2022 , 12:14 PM
Last nights dynamite was my fav in a number of weeks.

Only real complaint rn is too much JAS on a weekly basis.

I can only wait so long for Starks and Hobbs Mr Tony
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07-14-2022 , 04:29 PM
Was surprised they took the belts off the Bucks so soon, but I think it's a good title change. The tag division is so insanely deep right now.

Jericho's streak of being involved in the worst angle has to be closing in on a year. Although I'll admit I'm a bit curious about this shark cage and barbed wire everywhere thing.
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07-14-2022 , 04:53 PM
Very cool title change, especially because it was done in the way commentary always talks about— the belt holders weren’t even in the ring when the pin happened. I really like when they show stuff like that is still possible, such as OC pinning someone during commercial break PiP.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-15-2022 , 12:15 AM
Dynamites been quite good lately. My biggest AEW gripe currently:

'Swerve in Our Glory' has to be one of the worst names in tag wrestling history.

I cringe every time I hear it, and those guys should be embarrassed coming out to it.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-21-2022 , 05:44 AM
One of the worst Dynamites of the year and the Rampage card looks awful for Friday.

I am intrigued by the ROH PPV on Saturday though, lots of good workers.

I was reading some reviews and got a good chuckle from this one:

Tony khan finally figured out that tayjay are heels thank God. AEW needs Kenny omega and PenelopeFord back ASAP
Ahh yes, we desperately need Penelope Ford back.

But yah, there's a ton of upper card talent on the shelf right now: MJF, Punk, Danielson, Omega, etc.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-21-2022 , 06:16 AM
Darby/King was a fun little match. Though there was the finish where I thought Darby may have legit been killed. Then they show the replay and his head never touches the ground. It looked great.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-21-2022 , 12:04 PM
Show was good other than the overbooked main event.

Was really funny when Tay couldn’t get the lock open, so the JAS dudes squeezed themselves through the cage. Lol, can’t believe they still use actual locks on TV. Has that EVER gone smoothly??

“Chuck taught him that move” was such a great line from an upset Orange Cassidy. I like that we’re finally getting some closure on Yuta’s exodus from Best Friends.
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07-27-2022 , 11:14 AM
Going to the live show tonight. Hope it's fun!

The AEW Thread Quote
07-27-2022 , 11:26 AM
Guaranteed to be a good/great show with that card. 5 matches with 5* potential (well, maybe not Swerve v. Nese, but could still be good) and the Danhausen match should be fun regardless.

The AEW Thread Quote
07-27-2022 , 11:41 AM
The AEW Thread Quote
07-27-2022 , 10:10 PM
That was a really fun show.
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07-27-2022 , 10:30 PM
****ing great show.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-27-2022 , 11:51 PM
My first time seeing Rush wrestle and I thought he was fantastic in the ring and he carries himself like a star.
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07-28-2022 , 02:12 PM
This is a great gif. Can't wait to see Hobbs be a ruthless heel.

The AEW Thread Quote
07-28-2022 , 02:30 PM
That was such an awesome promo/moment. Losing the belt + that promo and turn should skyrocket Starks' stock, which pleases me greatly.

What do you do with Hook? I love the guy, but at some point doesn't he need to talk and have a match that lasts over 90 seconds?

Prob in the minority here, but heel Sammy is one of my fave characters right now and also digging the Acclaimed and Ass Boys stuff.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-28-2022 , 03:03 PM
HOOK has all the time in the world, no need to rush things. Him getting his dad’s belt and the show of respect to Starks was *chef’s kiss*.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-28-2022 , 03:09 PM
Yeah, I should've mentioned Starks as well. His sudden baby face promo was fire. The segment elevated all 3 guys which was great. But, as you mention, Hook sort of has a problem. I have a feeling that since him fist bumping Starks will solidify him as a baby face that Team Taz (Starks and Hook) go their separate ways and the FTW title just fades away which would get rid of the Hook has a title problem.

I really enjoy The Acclaimed and Ass Boys. Was a big fan of Sammy's at the start of the promotion and in the IC but just not interested now. I can't say I don't like him, either. I just don't pay attention when he's on screen.
The AEW Thread Quote
07-28-2022 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
What do you do with Hook?
Step 1: Have him run through some jobbers for awhile.

Step 2: Have him lose his first match to a top-tier guy like Moxley in a competitive bout.

Step 3: He starts doubting himself and goes on a losing streak, including losing the FTW belt to someone (doesn't matter who)

Step 4: Taz has an idea to get Hook's head back in the game. Send him to Japan for the better part of a year and have him temporarily join the United Empire.

Step 5: Big return as a credible main eventer.
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