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#20,000 #20,000

08-15-2012 , 10:53 PM
POST #20,000

This might get zapped like the pointless off-topic ones that IRM puts up, and if it does then so be it. I’m going to narcissistically make it its own thread anyway.

My mind is a weird and tortured place where you probably never want to be, and yet here I am to force you to either be subjected to it or actively avoid it. Without any further ado, my thoughts about everything in the world.

*If you want your favorite wrestler to hold a title less than six months after his debut, then you are part of the problem. The impulse for instant gratification has ruined wrestling. It has also ruined society as a whole.

*Wallypop, you have the best music taste in the forum aside from me, but you need an avatar change more than I need a change of underwear.

*If you celebrate when the first snow of winter arrives, **** you in the ass with a big rubber dick. It’s bad enough to put up with that absurd weather without having a bunch of happy ****ers running around celebrating that it’s falling from the sky. Hey guess what, dip****s? YOU’RE NOT IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ANYMORE. Yes, back then it was great to have a snow day off from school. In the adult world, people have places to be, and if you’re celebrating snow you’re essentially saying that snowmen and pretty landscapes are worth the death, destruction and chaos that snow causes. You are therefore completely ridiculous. “It’s not that you’re mad that you had it bad. It’s that you’re that pissed that so many others had it good.” – Melvin Udall, As Good As It Gets

*Burdz, your funny percentage makes Mario Mendoza blush.

*If more than 1% of your Facebook status updates are political, you are a pile of AIDS. Stop it immediately. If a person isn’t volunteering themselves for political discussion, or has never asked you for your opinion about politics, spoiler alert: they do not ****ing care about your views one bit. Stop being an attention whore. I don’t care how right or wrong you are in your stance.

*IRM, I’ve grown to appreciate you as one of my favorites, though I’m very confused as to why you just willfully accepted a new screen name after 2p2pocalypse. Also, your ability to follow through is brutal and you should be ashamed of yourself.

*LOL Canada.

*EMc, it’s an odd thing, but when you switched avatars from Revis to Laurinaitis I truly started just visualizing a person 20 years older making the posts from your account. I dunno.

*Football commentators who ****ing marvel at why the quarterback dumped the ball off to a receiver 7 yards downfield on 3rd and 10 should be strangled to death right after being fired. Like seriously, WTF. Most of those guys are former players even! How do they not understand a concept like this??

*Phill, verbosity is not a virtue.

*On the subject of ridiculous sports clichés, commentators who don’t understand the very basic concept that you can’t change X without changing every factor that comes after it should take a bath with a toaster. Runner gets caught stealing, emptying the bases --> batter hits a double into the gap --> announcer promptly says that the runner getting caught stealing cost the team a run. Are you ****ing serious?

*Teejay, here’s a pro tip: people who invoke “freedom of speech” with regard to the practices of a private company are intellectual contemporaries of Hank Williams, Jr.

*Speaking of the greatest musical genre on earth, Brad Paisley is better than every artist that dnkyhunter listens to combined.

*Judy, I struggle with your very existence, because the amount of disrespect I have for your posting abilities is nearly matched by my respect for your ability to take tons upon tons of **** from us. Hard not to give it up for that.

*This goes out to all of you: if you have ever uttered the phrase “whatever doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger” and have meant it, I want someone with post-traumatic stress disorder to come to your home and whack you with a crowbar. It would be a fitting punishment.

*TBE, you love me and you know it. But then again, you also love Yokozuna so I don’t know how to take the whole thing.

*Bathroom humor is not even remotely funny, not ever, and shame on everyone who helps perpetuate it as a continuing concept in society.

*Amp, where the **** did you go, dude? Funniest man on the forums and generally quite likable too, even if your ideas on booking are ten levels of ******ed.

*If you hate on romantic comedies for being formulaic, but then turn around and love sports movies, you are ridiculous.

*Diet Sunkist is the most enjoyable soda on earth.

*Fans across America hate athletes far more for being cocky and arrogant on the playing field or court than they hate them for being violent criminals off the field. This is full-on insanity. If you are guilty of feeling this way and holding these standards, look in the mirror and then smash it over your own head.

*Ginger, getting genuinely tilted for WWE’s mock knighting ceremony not being true to how England does it has to be one of the weirdest instances of tilt in forum history.

*LeBron James, having severely broken the hearts of both Cleveland and Oklahoma City within a short period of time, may be the greatest antihero that America has seen since Michael Corleone.

*Dylan, you once said that Austin v. HHH was better than Flair v. Steamboat. It’s important that nobody in this forum ever, ever forget that you said that.

*80% of being a real man is based on your ability to spend 99.8% of your life acting like you’ve been there before. And no, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve been there before; don’t misunderstand what the word “act” means, please. If you don’t have emotional control, you’re not a man. You’re some sort of a halfsie.

*People don’t remember this, but moorobot was a hated figure from when he first stepped into the forums, because one of the first things he did was say how great it was that Nash came back at SummerSlam last year. Also he really thinks that disrespectful mockery of Arn that the nWo did was funny. I’m glad he has rehabilitated his image since then, and now it’s pretty much just IRM that mocks him. Tpir still sort of wants to also though, I think.

*If you have ever ordered a steak at more than medium rare, you are disrespecting a cow by devaluing its life. Be embarrassed.

*PJ, I am sincerely impressed by your ability to deny just how awful the fanbase of Chicago sports is. It’s like 150,000 GREEAARS running around.

*The Golden Era was an age of wrestling where everything hit a peak and a sustainable model of greatness was followed without overextending itself. The Attitude Era was essentially like something that just swooped in, tapped out all of the world’s vital resources, and then flew away and left a desolate world in its wake. It was awesome while it lasted, but we are paying an eternal price for it.

Anyway, it has been an enjoyable run to 20,000, and it is a pleasure to share a forum with you all.
#20,000 Quote
08-15-2012 , 10:57 PM
excellent poast. some points are spot on. some, not as much. but very good read.

congrats on 20k
#20,000 Quote
08-15-2012 , 11:03 PM
was going to post a thread title 3,057

started out with this

POST #3,057

This might get zapped like the pointless off-topic ones that JKL puts up, and if it does then so be it. I’m going to narcissistically make it its own thread anyway.

My mind is an awesome and fancy free place where you probably always want to be, and so here I am to force you to either be subjected to it or actively avoid it. Without any further ado, my thoughts about everything in the world.

*If you want your favorite wrestler to hold a title more than six months after his debut, then you are part of the problem. The impulse for delayed gratification has ruined wrestling. It has also ruined society as a whole.

*Wallypop, you have the worst music taste in the forum aside from JKL, but you shouldn't change your avatar.

then i got bored
#20,000 Quote
08-15-2012 , 11:03 PM
Congrats. Hope I am still around for 40k
#20,000 Quote
08-15-2012 , 11:12 PM
btw, i just alerted Amp that his presence has been requested to this thread.

#20,000 Quote
08-15-2012 , 11:12 PM
antidan really needs to attend.
#20,000 Quote
08-15-2012 , 11:16 PM
Oh damn, I meant to write something about pouring one out for antidan. I liked that guy.
#20,000 Quote
08-15-2012 , 11:43 PM
noobs itt
#20,000 Quote
08-15-2012 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S
noobs itt
how many posts does bulletproof monk have?
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:12 AM
Oh LKJ, I save my worst humor for you. Let's get drunk and do stand-up sometime
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:14 AM
Okay. Can we do it in different cities from each other?
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:16 AM
Congratulations on 20k!

Is the Judy part about me? If so I have been working on my posting upon the request of everyone. Has it been a little better? lol.

Congrats on you're 20k posts LKJ
- Barack Obama
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:29 AM
The Judy part is about wesrwood. With time and restraint, maybe you too can one day earn a derogatory nickname.
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:34 AM
I will never understand the hate LeBron James gets. Maybe from Cleveland I can understand. But everywhere else? **** off.

LeBron is beyond a shadow of a doubt my favorite athlete. And yes, this occured after "The Decision" I looked at all the hate he was getting and became a fan just to piss people off. I've always enjoyed cheering for the heel, anyway.

Anyway, congrats on 20k posts, LKJ. During my short time here, I've always appreciated the insight on your opinion. Rather than just having an opinion to throw in everybody's face, you back it up. I find that cool.
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:34 AM
i'm not even known here.... excellent....
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:35 AM
I've like to say this, man. Thanks for beating the ego out of me with your words and your presence, man and hope your next 20k posts would be full of good jaw-dropping stuff.
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by dnkyhunter31
how many posts does bulletproof monk have?

but thats not my only other account, probably have another 1k on others combined
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:40 AM
LKJ has made the Wrestling forum what it is today. Plus he runs the best SHEEPs on 2p2.
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by Dylan E08
I will never understand the hate LeBron James gets. Maybe from Cleveland I can understand. But everywhere else? **** off.

LeBron is beyond a shadow of a doubt my favorite athlete. And yes, this occured after "The Decision" I looked at all the hate he was getting and became a fan just to piss people off. I've always enjoyed cheering for the heel, anyway.

Anyway, congrats on 20k posts, LKJ. During my short time here, I've always appreciated the insight on your opinion. Rather than just having an opinion to throw in everybody's face, you back it up. I find that cool.
"The Decision" was a lot for me to get past. I hate that kind of shameless attention whoring; I've slung more venom at Brett Favre than I have at most athletes, and "The Decision" was worse than any single instance of Favre's attention-whoring behavior.

With that said, I had no choice but to embrace LeBron James and the Heat during this year's NBA Finals. I went full heel and turned my FB profile picture into LeBron for a week and a half. As a former Sonics fan, I absolutely could not stomach watching the Thunder take it all. So, after rooting against the Heat previously, I fully jumped on board. Dwayne Wade was the hardest to cheer for...I think his personality is easily more grating than LeBron's.

I assumed that I would just hold my nose over the Heat temporarily as I rooted for them over the greater evil, but quite frankly I still feel indebted to LeBron for crushing OKC so thoroughly. I don't really think that I have plans to go back to hating him now.
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:48 AM
Do all Seattle fans share your thoughts on The Thunder?

Im from CT our only pro team left us but I was too young to care plus it was hockey.

I do despise the Patriots for using us to get Gillette Stadium
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
"The Decision" was a lot for me to get past. I hate that kind of shameless attention whoring; I've slung more venom at Brett Favre than I have at most athletes, and "The Decision" was worse than any single instance of Favre's attention-whoring behavior.

With that said, I had no choice but to embrace LeBron James and the Heat during this year's NBA Finals. I went full heel and turned my FB profile picture into LeBron for a week and a half. As a former Sonics fan, I absolutely could not stomach watching the Thunder take it all. So, after rooting against the Heat previously, I fully jumped on board. Dwayne Wade was the hardest to cheer for...I think his personality is easily more grating than LeBron's.

I assumed that I would just hold my nose over the Heat temporarily as I rooted for them over the greater evil, but quite frankly I still feel indebted to LeBron for crushing OKC so thoroughly. I don't really think that I have plans to go back to hating him now.
Seattle needs the Sonics back. Although DWade is also one of mah bois, I see where some of the hate comes from. Dude flops and bitches to the ref all the time. Shut up and play ball. You get more than your fair share of calls throughout the game.

It's easier to admit that I jumped on the Heat bandwagon here in Canada because nobody really cares. It's 24/7 NHL. I was planning on keeping it hidden here until you said something.
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
Do all Seattle fans share your thoughts on The Thunder?

Im from CT our only pro team left us but I was too young to care plus it was hockey.

I do despise the Patriots for using us to get Gillette Stadium

Too young to care? I'm 21, and I love my ****ing Whalers. You should be ashamed.
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
The Judy part is about wesrwood. With time and restraint, maybe you too can one day earn a derogatory nickname.
Nice, thought that was a jab at me.
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by wesrwood
Do all Seattle fans share your thoughts on The Thunder?

Im from CT our only pro team left us but I was too young to care plus it was hockey.

I do despise the Patriots for using us to get Gillette Stadium
Yes, I'm pretty representative of our region. I have to admit that I got some joy out of reading this bitter headline during the playoffs. Misery loves company, after all.

Being a Seattle fan is a truly bitter pill to swallow. Just awful.
The Seahawks have sucked far more often than they've been good, and the one time we make the Super Bowl we have any legitimate shot of winning wrongfully stolen from us.
We have our entire basketball franchise wrongfully stolen from us.
Our baseball team had one run of being really good for a number of years, including a 116-win season, and yet we have never so much as made the World Series. It's suffering upon suffering upon suffering.

You can imagine why I ****ing despise Red Sox nation for somehow convincing the country to do hands across America for the BoSox back when they broke their world series drought. Give me a ****ing break chowder nation, you bunch of jackasses. Your city is always winning a title in something. You don't know the first thing about suffering as a sports city.
#20,000 Quote
08-16-2012 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Dylan E08
Although DWade is also one of mah bois, I see where some of the hate comes from. Dude flops and bitches to the ref all the time. Shut up and play ball. You get more than your fair share of calls throughout the game.
To be fair, my distaste for Wade does not nearly match my endless supply of venom for Manu Ginobli, who is even more guilty of everything you just said. **** that guy.
#20,000 Quote
