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How many tables can u play?? How many tables can u play??

02-12-2012 , 03:27 PM
Hey fellas
I can play cash tables nl400 up to 16 on stars may be 3-4 more but than its pretty hectic for me...
but on ipoker (boyle) i could never ever play that many !!
obv not good cuz of my rakeback

so just wanted to find out how many tables u guys can play there??

thx for help
02-12-2012 , 03:48 PM
Ipoker is not very good to multitable on the best I can do is 9. Check the software forum to see if there is anything that can help you.
02-12-2012 , 10:42 PM
I can get the max 16 going. I stack my tables too.
02-13-2012 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by 3sixes
Ipoker is not very good to multitable on the best I can do is 9. Check the software forum to see if there is anything that can help you.
jeah i should thx man
02-13-2012 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by Torqued Up
I can get the max 16 going. I stack my tables too.
this is what i am looking for !! but its more than double work for me to do so than on stars or tilt eralier days may be im getting older or shouldnt smoke that much while playing
02-13-2012 , 06:20 AM
use to 40 table sit n goes on stars for 3 hours a day 5 days a week. Think I peaked out at 55ish when I was seeing how many I can handle at once.
02-13-2012 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by DonRolando
jeah i should thx man
I'm gonna try working with Stack and Tile today and if I find a layout that works I will let you know. I have tried stacking before and just kept timing out so I don't know how that other guy did it. What sort of layout you like playing with?
02-15-2012 , 06:52 PM
Thx for keeping me updated with that layout that should work fine... i have only tried ipoker vip table mod which is not really nice and helpfull.. didnt really look deeper into the software thread cuz had to go to my girly on valentines day (was a good idea to do so)
i will have a closer loot into it the next days but what i can tell u from that ipokertable mod lolinger thing that u can only choose between i think 2 layouts and the view of the chips which didnt really helped me out so far..
still a lot of things that dont work to be able to play minimum 9 tables easily..
no real highlighting, probs with my hud too, timing out almost everywhere and of course the typical ipoker software leaks 8wait for bb,auto post, i just saw the lobby waitinglist issue seemed to be better since 3-4 days seemed to have an update there...

so i dont really have a favourite layout i prefer cuz i never had big choices =)

i let u know if the software thread helps me more which i apologize and really praying for
03-09-2012 , 04:42 AM
IŽll sum up what is said in this thread :

-never play on any ipoker skin
-install a bot and youŽre absolutely a real player like all the other on ipoker

I am really mad at ipoker/playtech allowing bots and probably having their own

Never ever trustworthy

Just my 2 cents
