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Strangest hand directly witnessed? Strangest hand directly witnessed?

01-27-2012 , 06:37 PM
In my local 1/3 homegame:

1. Two hands in a row a guy was called down in big pots by the same player who held A high. Both times guy mucked his cards holding bottom pair, with the A high being shown after the muck.

2. I walk into the poker room to see 3 players all in on a Ad6d4d board. Qd10d vs 7d9d vs 66. One other guy had folded to all the action on the flop holding AxKd (?!?!). He held onto his cards and ofc the board runs out Ah, Kh.

3. Twice on FTP I have gotten it in with AdJd on all diamond flops against three opponents, each holding a set, leading to a quadruple up for hero.
01-28-2012 , 12:05 AM
Not sure if this can be categorized as strange necessarily...

Playing 1/2 at Motor City Casino late night. Young guy sits at the table, hammered. I've never seen someone so blitzed, which is saying a lot because I've done my fair share of hardcore drinking/partying. The kid can barely speak, let alone know what's going on within the game. Says he just came from another casino where he won $10,000. Who knows.

This hand then occurs. Action is on him and while he is slurring his words you can clearly hear him say, "I raise, but all I have are pocket 7's." Most of us at the table laugh and he gets warned. A couple callers. Flop is Kxx r. Again, he makes it known that all he has is the pocket pair but he has to bet. Gets 1 caller. Turn is another K. He leads and gets called again. Obv dude calling him down has a K. River, however, is a 7. Table can't stop laughing. He leads out and is eventually called. Sure enough, he has pocket 7's for the boat while opponent has trip K's.

It isn't long before he is asked to leave as he's been warned numerous times and is slowing down the game. As he's getting up to leave, I mention the movie "The Usual Suspects" and wonder if we (well, at least that one guy) just got Kinted ... as in Verbal Kint. Table got a laugh out of it and we moved on.
01-28-2012 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
Online forums are that way ---->

Just sayin'.
01-29-2012 , 01:55 AM
Royal flush dealt on the flop last week. not sick or anything but I definitely just boosted my post count.
01-29-2012 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by dedmau5
Online forums are that way ---->

Just sayin'.
I hear ya... it just sucks/HURTS when it goes down like that
01-29-2012 , 12:57 PM
final board:

v1- BB(~$400): 7 limps around pf, he raised to 12, all call (standard 1/2 game...)
v2 - HJ($550): never raises, only calls every street
hero - CO($525): 55
v3 - button (~$200): all-in on turn

v1 shoves river, v2 calls...
so i'm already deciding what kind of chip tower i plan on building since this is now a 4-way all-in pot on a double paired board...

v1: instamuck (wtf?)
v3: ace high flush
v2: says "quads", i reply "yeah"...he wasn't asking, tables KK
table erupts because:

BBJ: $150k

and then...
min qualifying losing hand: 8888

edit: meh, probably more of a gross cooler than weird, but whatever.
01-31-2012 , 03:40 AM
1/2 heads-up on a cruise ship, we're getting raked up the ass but we're having fun. Villain is the only other guy on the ship who knows how to play, has about $100 and I've got him covered. I've got AQo on the button. I raise to $8, he 3-bets to $25, I call. Before the flop is dealt, he announces all-in blind (it's binding). Board is Q84. I snap call and he turns over AJ.
01-31-2012 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
1/2 heads-up on a cruise ship, we're getting raked up the ass but we're having fun. Villain is the only other guy on the ship who knows how to play, has about $100 and I've got him covered. I've got AQo on the button. I raise to $8, he 3-bets to $25, I call. Before the flop is dealt, he announces all-in blind (it's binding). Board is Q84. I snap call and he turns over AJ.
02-01-2012 , 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Seriously. If it was a home game I'd never play there again
02-01-2012 , 06:03 PM
That's not at all strange. He flopped a flush. You flopped TP. Big whoop.

Bad beat stories are not interesting. Hell, it's not even that bad of a beat.
04-16-2012 , 04:20 AM
Had the weirdest 2 live hands ever (by a distance) at the weekend. The first of the two hands is limped, there are 5 or 6 limpers. Flop comes down 66Q rainbow, or something like that and UTG vigorously checks, unfortunately for him, he exposes a card, the 6 of diamonds!! Not too surprisingly, lots of checks. Next card comes and it's another 6, so he makes quads, everyone folds other than one guy who stays in for a laugh, rivers a blank ;-)

In itself that's pretty weird but the very next hand the person who exposed the card is talking about how bouncy the table is and that's how his card was exposed and just when his final card comes down he hits the table again, this time, both his cards are exposed, pair of 4's. Rule is that he can't raise but he can call. 2 or 3 people limp, flop comes down and there's a 4, lots of checks!! Turn and river are blank and he wins that pot.

It was £1-£2, so of the two pots he won about £14, I'm pretty sure if he hadn't exposed his cards he'd have got at least £100, he could have got that from the first hand by itself.
04-18-2012 , 11:27 PM
Seneca Allegheny Casino 1/2 NL around 2005/05. Guy in early position raises to 10, mid, late and BB call. Flop comes Q,10,8 rainbow. BB checks, early bets to $35, MP raises to $70, LP 3 bet shoves, BB folds and the others call. All 3 flopped a set, don't remember who had what. There was about $1,200 in the pot including around around a $250 side pot that the dealer forgot about and pushed it all to the person that caught quad 10's on the turn. The players involved knew their chip counts going in and did not want to hold the game up by calling the floor and the other guy was a fish and was happy winning $1,000 so they just guesstimated and played on.
04-19-2012 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by m1l
It was £1-£2, so of the two pots he won about £14, I'm pretty sure if he hadn't exposed his cards he'd have got at least £100, he could have got that from the first hand by itself.
So he flops a big hand and checks forcibly you say? The 100 he didn't win won't compare to the future mini pots he'll be in when everyone else sees him check like he's trying to chop the table in two.
04-23-2012 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by boltyou
At my casino, if a player was all-in before the river, the player closest to the button shows first.
Despite of that, it's douchy of you forcing him to show first. Especially after you hit a miracle card on the river...
04-23-2012 , 04:40 PM
1/2 Live game early in the morning at the Showboat (yeah i know, only place we could get a free room was taj and I woke up early and gf wanted to sleep til right before checkout so I walked on over). It was the only game going at the time cuz afterall its 10am on sunday at showboat, so there were a few people hanging around watching waiting for another table to open.

Loose Russian Guy (RG) ~$300 vs newish young player (YP) ~$200

YP is utg+1 and raises to $11, couple callers, RG on the button pops it to $25, YP makes it ~$75, folds around to RG who looks at him hard for five seconds and makes it $150. YP insta shoves (which is just ~$50 more) and RG calls with this angered look on his face, YP flips aces. RG just silently looks down and holds his card, insanely dry board comes out (considering everyone is putting RG on big pair), 23T56. YP is out of his seat about to fist pump when you just hear "Well, I hab THE four", and RG flips over 84o.
04-23-2012 , 05:07 PM
******ed shyt I did in a hand this weekend:

3 limpers (5/10 game), SB completes, I check 89s in BB.
Flop: KQJ (with FD).... checked around 5-way
Turn: To ... SB and another dude open-muck(lol live poker), me and 2 others check.
River: Ao ... I just bomb 1600 into pot (they both tank call...)

One dude and the dealer burst out laughing.... because by betting so huge I "made" the pot get big and it maxed out the rake for the hand (to 30 Francs... Euro rake is huge ldo). Somehow, all I get back is a 5 chip and the dealer just laughs in my face.
04-23-2012 , 06:46 PM
Playing 1/2 nl few years back at the Plaza with a bunch of nits. Guy joins the table and buys in for max ($300). Every time he is in the SB or BB he shoves dark mostly winning the tiny limps and blinds.

Everyone else at the table is getting pissy about the guy ruining the game and rumbling etc. I am licking my chops to bust this guy.

About 30 minutes in i get AA under the gun ( as he is the BB). I raise pre and he says call ( rare instead of shoving), but before the dealer can even deal the flop, he blurts out all in. I say call as the dealer puts the burn out.

The flop is AQ7, I turn over my top set and the table starts chuckling at the imminent felting I am about to put on him, which they feel is justice for him messing up their game. lol. He is still dark.

turn is 5 river is 3.

Villian turns over cards one at a time first a 6 and then a 4 making runner runner straight in the dark for a $600 pot crushing my top set lol.

Whole table erupted and then talked bad about the guy for another 30 minutes until he left. I was sorry to see him go and left soon after as the game wasnt any good.

04-23-2012 , 07:30 PM
Harrah's Chester two weeks ago:

Guy to my left (seat 6) mid 40's mortally afraid of suckouts. Like, will telegraph made hands OTF when any sort of draw exists. Short of actually exposing his hand, has told several other players when he flopped 2-pair+ and just wants them to fold even if they're clearly going to call huge bets on a draw or with an overpair, etc.

This is relevant to the weird hand he plays with an older gentlemen who, along with his wife, is clearly sitting at a poker table for the first time and just having fun.

Older gentleman raises to $15 UTG, I call with SC's, seat 6 calls -- effective stack is about $300 @1/2.

Flop is 974 with two diamonds. I had 78cc or something, somewhat irrelevant. Older gentleman makes it $40, I fold, seat6 insta-shoves. Cue insanity. Older gentleman is mulling the situation when seat6 says, "I don't want you to call. I'm just here to have fun. I've got you beat."

Older gentleman, "Yea, you probably do. But I'm just here to have fun too."

Seat6, ", I'll show you. I'm not lying." Flips over 97ss for top two

Older gentleman, "Well, you weren't lying." Flips over red KK

Seat6, "See I told you, I'm not here to hurt anyone, just trying to have fun."

Older gentleman, "I suppose so, although you never know."

This goes back and forth for a few more rounds before the older gentleman...calls! Both players hands are exposed, before the call. The run-out is (of course) Ad, 5d, older gentleman rakes a 300bb pot with the nut flush.
04-25-2012 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by Altheimer
Live Stud 8 hand.

Every street is capped with 4 players all the way to 7th street. Huge pot.

After the last bet on 7th, a player declares "I think I might get all of this" and turns over...

4 down cards.

He had had a steel wheel (straight flush, A-5) on 6th street, and never looked at his 7th street down card. He therefore didn't notice that the dealer had inadvertently dealt him 2 cards stuck together on 7th street.

After a lot of argument, his hand was declared dead, and two other players (a 6-4 low and quad 10s) split the pot.
wow. winner.
