*Anything worth sharing?
I got fired because of attendance problems. I just stopped caring. Lots of **** going down with my parents, plus issues with the gf.
The day she left me, I went into work, hit the casino floor and just felt like ****. I met her on my game 5 years on that day.. So I went home. They told me that if I left, I'd be fired. They kept their word.
*If not, how about "What are some typically fireable offenses?" and "Any funny firing stories about other people?"
Most dealers have to **** up pretty big to get fired. The most fireable offense is probably for getting into it with a customer (talking back basically). Next popular I would say is attendance type stuff.. Calling in too late, patterns of going home on certain days and just too many points for going home sick.
FMLA's were "extremely" popular. They allowed you to take like 60 days a year off (no excuse needed, just say FMLA and you go home). Everyone had one back then.
I'll give you guys some specific stories about dealers getting fired a little later. I have a couple of good ones
*How much does a typical dealer know about card counting? Are there special trainings on card counting?
Dealers aren't taught anything about card counting. Some floor supervisors are taught, but it's not common at all.
I would guess that of all casino gaming personnel, maybe 2-3% know how to count.
A friend of my fathers, a veteran card mechanic, taught me a very basic count system.
(I like blackjack tournaments.. lots of bad players in those. I've cashed in a couple.)
I found over the years that most dealers know about as much as the players do (if that). They're also some of the biggest degens you'll ever meet. Most of the dealers that I knew liked to gamble (obv some more than others).
My father got a job for a friend's wife at Arizona Charlie's, when I worked there.
She had this cigar smoker on her table. She bent over and waved the smoke out of her face and then had the nerve to fan her hand in front of the guy's face (as to blow the smoke back at him).
The guy threw a fit and she got fired.
This woman was a degen video poker player.
When they fired her, she went and sat down at a vp machine. She started playing.
When I left work she was still there.
When I came into work she was still there.
I leave work again.. Still There!
She lost 5 grand over 2 days.. on the same machine.. in the same clothes (her uniform).
Her husband left her (and her $60k in cc debt) about 3 months later.
She tried to hit my dad up for a couple hundred one time and he told her "if you ****ed me every day, I still wouldn't loan you 40 bucks. GTFOH!"
Last edited by stu+stu; 11-16-2011 at 04:27 AM.