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Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament

09-27-2014 , 08:46 PM
1k ante
2k bring in
5k/10k limits

We have ~6 hands left of Stud 8 before we go back to Hold'em. I'm UTG+1 when the game switches. Avg chips is t62k - I'm short with 26k and the seat next to me is only stack shorter with t13k. I have the least experience at the table (maybe 2nd least.)

Seat 1: xx xx A ___ Seat 1 raises to 5k
Seat 2: xx xx K ___ Seat 2 folds
Seat 3: xx xx K ___ Seat 3 folds
Seat 4: xx xx 10 ___ Seat 4 folds
Seat 5: xx xx Q ___ Seat 5 folds
Hero: 2 3 5 ___ ?
Seat 7: xx xx 3 ___ ?
Seat 8: xx xx 2 ___ Seat 8 brings in for 2k
Seat 9: xx xx 4 ___ Seat 9 folds

I ended up picking this spot to go for it and got it all in against seat 1 and seat 7. Was this a good spot or should I have looked for a better one? I was pretty comfortable going for it here but figured I would see what others thought.

Thank you for any input.
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
09-28-2014 , 01:55 AM
I'd definitely shovel as many chips into the pot with this hand as I could.
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
09-28-2014 , 03:54 AM
I just call 3rd.
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
09-28-2014 , 10:45 AM
The reason I raise is if we call we only have 21k behind and there is already 21k in pot, so it seems like we have committed ourselves to pot even if we brick off. I migh be incorrect about that.

Raising also has advantage of getting pot heads up which definitely seems like a good thing if we're going to be all in for tournament life.
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
09-28-2014 , 06:12 PM
I don't agree with committing ourself to a pot in a tournament when it isn't necessary. Our hand has no immediate showdown value, but plays excellently muti-way, and we under represent our hand. The only thing I feel uncomfortable about is that the A range will be wider than anybody elses range that will be opening in front of you, and while punishing that range sounds enticing in theory, he will still always have at least 40% equity and we have 5 high.
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
09-29-2014 , 12:42 AM
Thank you for the feedback so far.

oscillator - if I called the 5k and it was raised by the 3 (10k) and re-raised by the A (15k) after, would you release the hand at that point?
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
09-29-2014 , 03:14 AM
We are never folding this hand.

The point is to find the optimal way to play the the ranges we deem fit for a situation without jeopardizing our tournament life if at all necessary. Sometimes that means raising a complete to isolate because our hand plays better heads up, and the table is passively calling 1 bet, but folding to two. My initial post wasnt intended to infer that we are always playing passively, I mean to say that it's important to know when to choose to conserve a bet instead of just flipping our equity.
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
09-29-2014 , 02:00 PM
just calling third is the right play.
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
09-29-2014 , 03:39 PM
You still have enough chips to hang on a bit if you call and miss and would rather have everyone else that could call, as if you bink on 4th, you'll have a monster to get it in with then.

These spots are critical in Stud trnys, think about gaining the most chips, not getting it in with a top-% holding, this is not Holdem or a cash game.
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
09-29-2014 , 04:09 PM
I'm glad this thread is here as I am playing horse tournament in November. Will have to think some more about these spots.

Is our plan going to be to fold 4th if we brick regardless of what ace catches?
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
09-30-2014 , 07:13 AM
Def just like calling 3rd. We want as many people in as we can get. I'm typically peeling 4th HU but it depends on player/ICM implications too.

Tbh OP it seems like your issue in this spot is that you don't realize how strong your hand is, not the proper way to be playing it. This is in the top 2% or higher of hands in this game. In general I would rather get dealt this hand than aces. You can't play it like aces, but this hand makes a lot of money.
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
09-30-2014 , 01:07 PM
who was in seat 9?
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
10-01-2014 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by SGspecial
who was in seat 9?
Greg Jamison - He took 1st.
Stud8 Late in Live HORSE Tournament Quote
