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stud8 hand stud8 hand

10-18-2008 , 05:56 PM
Hollywood park. I just won a big pot with no showdown and post the $30 kill. I have (A2)4 and folded to aggro player who is only other baby he makes it 60 with 5. I make it 90 he calls.
I catch perfect 3 on 4th and he bricks T. He c/c. On 5th I have (A2)432 and he c/c with 5T7. On 6th I brick J and he has 5T78 with 3 diamonds now. Hmm. Anyway I'm first, I bet and he called. On the river I made 3s and 2s...
stud8 hand Quote
10-18-2008 , 07:03 PM
I like a value bet here as he is calling with any low + a pair or even a lone pair. two pair is on the smaller side of hands I am putting him on here.
stud8 hand Quote
10-18-2008 , 10:27 PM
definitely a value bet, he is calling down with any lone pair here.
stud8 hand Quote
10-19-2008 , 01:46 AM
I'm not seeing a lot of value in a river bet here. I find it pretty likely that the other guy has a made low. He's not calling fifth with a pair of Sevens and a Ten, is he? Maybe he raised third with an Eight in the hole, but I wouldn't think so. I just think it's too likely that he's free-rolling on you at this point.

I remember fondly a $30/60 stud/8 hand that I played about six years where I value-bet Treys-up on the river, but my opponent was a lot worse than yours.
stud8 hand Quote
10-19-2008 , 02:23 AM
Yep, unless he's awful betting seems pretty bad. On 5th he looks to be crushed, he must have something pretty decent to continue, and the 8d is a nice card for him.

Just ch/c and be prepared to lose.
stud8 hand Quote
10-19-2008 , 12:24 PM
I bet and he raised pretty quickly...
stud8 hand Quote
10-19-2008 , 12:29 PM
That's when you cry and fold. What is he raising there against your strong board unless he has a good read?
stud8 hand Quote
10-19-2008 , 05:28 PM
This is another, very close decision on the river.

What really makes your hand look strong, is your 6th street play. When you bet there, it says that you do have a made hand, and usually, you're either going to have a wheel/ or a straight 6, or AA and the draw. And, to a lesser (although very possible) degree, you'll also have the high, hidden pair, or a small pair+ the low draw. But, all in all, your 6th street bet announces a lot of strength, esp. against an aggro opponent.

Against a passive opponent, I am betting this river quite often as those types don't value raise no where near as often as they should. So I don't mind betting the 2 pair there for value. However, against someone who will value raise 2 big pair, trips or better...I am liking the river bet a lot less. I also feel, against an aggro opponent, that the likelyhood of him bluff betting the river when you do check is high enough for making the c/c on the river a very reasonable option.
stud8 hand Quote
10-19-2008 , 07:35 PM
To add: Because his board is not really threatening, he should expect you to be betting any and all lows at the river, which also means, that, he will be more liely to look you up with any pair and even when he misses his low draw. So, you do gain value there.

And, because this was live, I would be interested to know if you bet blind on the river, or if you squeezed and acted like you needed help/drawing. If you looked and then bet, it would look like you had a pair and then you improved.

Even thinking about it further, I still lean towards a c/c, though.

Side note: was this the 20/40 2-way kill game @ HP? If it was, did you remember if you played with a girl named, Robin? She's a regular in that game and always tells me how great the games are (she recently moved out there from NJ and always begs me to visit).
stud8 hand Quote
10-19-2008 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by blumpkin
I bet and he raised pretty quickly...
How'd you feel about that "value bet" then?
stud8 hand Quote
10-19-2008 , 08:01 PM
That doesn't mean that his bet was an error. But, if someone raised me in a flash like that, I guess I would be kinda sad.
stud8 hand Quote
10-20-2008 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
How'd you feel about that "value bet" then?
Fantastic, as it's very likely he would have paid off with one pair, like 77, and now we can be sure to muck.

This river is a clear bet.
stud8 hand Quote
10-20-2008 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Joe Tall
Fantastic, as it's very likely he would have paid off with one pair, like 77, and now we can be sure to muck.

This river is a clear bet.
I agree with Joe, which is why I bet and folded to the raise. The rest of the table pretty surprised I folded, which is why it's clearly the correct play. One player wasn't surprised and said "isn't it obvious? he had AA and the low guy had a low and a flush." Well, I didn't have AA, but 3322 is exactly the same hand.
stud8 hand Quote
10-20-2008 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Rush17
Side note: was this the 20/40 2-way kill game @ HP? If it was, did you remember if you played with a girl named, Robin? She's a regular in that game and always tells me how great the games are (she recently moved out there from NJ and always begs me to visit).
I have played with Robin. She is very nice and definitely one of the few people there that have a clue.
stud8 hand Quote
10-21-2008 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by blumpkin
I have played with Robin. She is very nice and definitely one of the few people there that have a clue.

Yes, she is very nice. Tell her CAP from AC says "hello" next time you see her.

stud8 hand Quote
