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Stud8 - 245 suited bricks twice Stud8 - 245 suited bricks twice

11-29-2007 , 10:37 PM
First of all, what are the pros/cons of capping 3rd? The guy who 3-bets here is ChipsAhoya or whatever his sn is, and he seems to play a little spastic in Razz at least.

Now, for fifth, can I find a call here?

7 Card Stud High-Low ($10/$20), Ante $1,50, Bring-In $3 (converter)

3rd Street - (0.75 SB)

Seat 2: xx xx 2___brings-in___raises
Hero: 2 5 4___completes___calls
Seat 4: xx xx 8___calls___folds
Seat 7: xx xx 7___calls___calls
Seat 8: xx xx Q___raises___calls

4th Street - (13.75 SB)

Seat 2: xx xx 2 3___bets
Hero: 2 5 4 5___calls
Seat 7: xx xx 7 4___calls
Seat 8: xx xx Q 2___checks___calls

5th Street - (8.88 BB)

Seat 2: xx xx 2 3 T___bets
Hero: 2 5 4 5 K___checks___folds
Seat 7: xx xx 7 4 9___checks___calls
Seat 8: xx xx Q 2 T___checks___calls
Stud8 - 245 suited bricks twice Quote
11-29-2007 , 10:59 PM
Definately 3-bet 3rd multiway.

As played, 4th and 5th are correct.
Stud8 - 245 suited bricks twice Quote
11-29-2007 , 11:26 PM
the pros of capping are that u have great equity in a multiway pot with a completely 245sss. on 4th i would raise if i thought a raise wud thin the field. prob doubtful in this hand so call is fine.

i'm not so sure about folding 5th. u have the K overcard out and poss low 2 pair outs. also u have great backdoor draws and pot is pretty big.
Stud8 - 245 suited bricks twice Quote
