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Stud High 1/2 Stud High 1/2

10-09-2008 , 06:01 PM
7 Card Stud High ($1/$2), Ante $0.10, Bring-In $0.50 (converter)

Seat 1: $41.50
Seat 2: $83.45
Seat 3: $28
Seat 4: $76.95
Seat 5: $42.50
Seat 6: $110.55
Hero: $15.25
Seat 8: $48.90

3rd Street - (0.80 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx 2___brings-in___folds
Seat 2: xx xx 6___folds
Seat 3: xx xx 3___calls___calls
Seat 4: xx xx 9___folds
Seat 5: xx xx T___raises
Seat 6: xx xx 9___folds
Hero: T A 5___calls
Seat 8: 9 8 7___calls

4th Street - (5.30 SB)

Seat 3: xx xx 3 A___checks___calls
Seat 5: xx xx T J___bets
Hero: T A 5 8___calls
Seat 8: 9 8 7 6___calls

5th Street - (4.65 BB)

Seat 3: xx xx 3 A 2___calls___calls___calls
Seat 5: xx xx T J K___raises___raises
Hero: T A 5 8 8___bets___calls___calls
Seat 8: 9 8 7 6 T___calls___raises___calls

6th Street - (20.65 BB)

Seat 3: xx xx 3 A 2 J___calls
Seat 5: xx xx T J K 3___calls
Hero: T A 5 8 8 4___checks___calls
Seat 8: 9 8 7 6 T 9___bets

River - (24.65 BB)

Seat 3: xx xx 3 A 2 J xx___
Seat 5: xx xx T J K 3 xx___
Hero: T A 5 8 8 4 xx:___
Seat 8: xx xx: 7 6 T 9 xx___

Total pot: (26.65 BB)

Did i play this correctly? Should i have folded at any point? Thanks!
Stud High 1/2 Quote
10-09-2008 , 06:38 PM
You could fold 4th.
Stud High 1/2 Quote
10-09-2008 , 08:23 PM
There were two dead clubs on 3rd, fold 4th. You have no other draw. WTF is up with 5th? A little too crazy IMO.
Stud High 1/2 Quote
10-09-2008 , 08:27 PM
Don't show the other guy's hole cards.

With two clubs gone, I'd fold this for a full bet on third. I don't think your hand is live enough to take one off on fourth, either. Your hand is worth a bet on fifth, and I'd take the cap. I'd definitely check and call sixth street and check the river whatever comes.
Stud High 1/2 Quote
10-09-2008 , 09:14 PM
By forth you've lost a lot of outs. An ace fell and a ten is dead not mentioning your clubs are gone, and unfortunately you are playing this hand solely for the flush past 4th which is busted. I say fold 4th, but I have a bad habit after reading flushes section in 7CSFAP that taking a card off if you have outs to make a hand, to draw to slim outs which is what you would be doing here.
Stud High 1/2 Quote
10-09-2008 , 10:36 PM
This hand was pretty iffy to begin with. I could see taking a card off on the turn if your draw was REALLY live and/or if you had more than 1 over to the raisor's Ten. But, as it stands, if he did raise with TT, then your Ten in the hole is pretty useless...the 5 is not going to do you much good, as it doesn't connect with the AT (when the hand starts out with a few holes in it, I think it's important to see if there are other ways/outs to draw to, and the 5 won't help you connect to a backdoor straight, so it's kind of like having a banana). Now, on 4th, you've also lost one of your Ace outs, and, the 8 that you caught is just adding another banana to the fruit bowl. You need to catch OVERCARDS when you brick off and decide to take another card off in these spots, because when you pair them, they might actually give you the best hand.

Weighing that all out, this is an easy fold on 4th.

Last edited by Rush17; 10-09-2008 at 10:42 PM.
Stud High 1/2 Quote
10-09-2008 , 10:48 PM
Thanks for all the comments.

After using the hand converter (and i used the option to remove results), i edited out a lot to remove the opponent's hole cards. I didn't realize it revealed seat 8's cards on every street. Oh well.

On 4th street (and even on 5th), the only dead club was the 6. I thought this made my club draw very live. Guess i was wrong. I suppose i called on 4th b/c there was only 1 dead club, and b/c of pot odds (3 opponents, and none of them showing anything scary).

edit: for some reason i didn't notice the dead 9 of clubs.
Stud High 1/2 Quote
10-10-2008 , 01:09 AM
Fold 3rd. 2 clubs dead, facing full bet, T is dead so just the one over(and hitting an A as opposed to say a K,J,Q means less action usually), hand not connected at all.
Stud High 1/2 Quote
