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Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th

05-13-2016 , 11:23 AM
Full ring game

There is a bring-in and everyone folds to me. I complete (Q5)Q, Villain calls (xx)2 out of the bring-in. My reads on Villain is that he is a solid player but not an expert at Stud8.

Me: (Q5)Q6
Villain : (xx)2A

Villiain bets, I call

Me: (Q5)Q67
Villain: (xx)2A8

Villain bets, I Fold

My question is can I fold 4th? To me, folding 4th feels a little nitty.

Now on 5th, I debated a call but it that felt spewy. Does my potential low draw/straight draw have enough equity to call 5th as opposed to a hand like (Q5)Q6J?
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-14-2016 , 12:02 AM
A nice illustration of what can happen w/ big pairs in Stud/8, iyam, although ofc I'm raising the Queens also v. the bring-in. I think the call on 4th is ok. I wouldn't fold 5th, you have enough to see another card assuming the cards you need are live. I would snap fold w/ that Jack you used for illustrative purposes.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-16-2016 , 03:06 PM
4th street is an immediate fold. He can easily have made aces if he started with three low cards. If not he likely has a premium low draw and the pot is small. He will also have a playing advantage throuhout as he knows exactly what you have and you dont know what he has. If you always fold in spots like this on fourth you will do much much better in your plaing career.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-16-2016 , 05:10 PM
That's too tight even for me and I'm on the nitty side but I also won't put up much in the way of a defense either.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-17-2016 , 04:41 AM
i call 5th
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-17-2016 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffage
4th street is an immediate fold. He can easily have made aces if he started with three low cards. If not he likely has a premium low draw and the pot is small. He will also have a playing advantage throuhout as he knows exactly what you have and you dont know what he has. If you always fold in spots like this on fourth you will do much much better in your plaing career.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-17-2016 , 04:59 PM
Fold 4th, you are losing half the pot 45% of the time and the whole pot 30ish%. Basically if he doesnt have a 4 low, he has a pair w/3 low and obv you are toast if that pair is the Ace.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-19-2016 , 09:17 AM
I think folding 4th is one of the things good tight players do here. Continuing vs a solid player is definitely very low EV. Now if he were a spewpot, I'd probably continue. But I like to live dangerously. Given your read though, I think this is a sensible fold.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-19-2016 , 09:18 PM
I think 4th is between a call and a marginal fold.

if villain plays any 2 babies then I call on 4th ainec
if villain plays only non-razz hands then I fold on 4th and its close

5th is between a marginal call and a toss.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-24-2016 , 10:06 PM
Call me crazy, but I will raise on 4th more than I will fold. His reaction will tell me everything and I may get a free card out of it.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-25-2016 , 08:31 AM
One of the only situations in which I will call a raise if I am the forced bring in here in Stud8 against an obvious high pair is 3 cards to a low w/ an Ace!!!! And if the roles were reversed once the low catches an Ace on 4th then bets out, its a guessing game to me as to where they stand. Do they have an Ace under or do they have 4 low cards, but if it is a solid player I know they have an ace under so I just muck my hand. I hate hi pairs in stud 8, I usually just throw them away, or limp and try to make trips on the turn.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-25-2016 , 05:47 PM
I finally got around to doing a few sims and between that and Joe Tall's post folding 4th is the right play.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-25-2016 , 07:02 PM
You can throw the simulations out the window. There is no "right" answer. Folding is a weak play and I would still rather raise. So much can happen on 5th and 6th that can allow you to take away the pot. Plus, you have to take into account the player. The concept of a "solid" player can mean many things. Playing Stud8 mainly using percentages is not the way to go, but I love to play against that type of theory.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-25-2016 , 08:15 PM
ProPokerTools Stud Hi/Lo Simulation
600,000 trials (Randomized)
Hand Pot equity Scoops Wins HiTies HiWins Lo Ties Lo
Qc Qd 6h 5s27.15% 110,839190,4801030,03321
Ah As 8c 7h72.85% 384,977409,51010180,75821

ProPokerTools Stud Hi/Lo Simulation
600,000 trials (Randomized)
Hand Pot equity Scoops Wins HiTies HiWins Lo Ties Lo
Qc Qd 6h 5s50.98% 131,165472,8671225,24642
As 8c 7h 2c49.02% 119,378127,12112401,49542

One is horrible, one is meh. Pot's small, I was wrong. I'm folding that spot from now on.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-26-2016 , 01:16 PM
This is why I love 7stud8!!!!!
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-26-2016 , 02:53 PM
This thread made me smile, as I just had a spirited debate with a friend about playing split queens in Stud8. I've started being very nitty with starters like this and believe a fold on 4th street in this spot is technically correct. I don't always do it in practice, however.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-26-2016 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by beset
I don't always do it in practice, however.
A common failing.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-26-2016 , 04:43 PM
4th sets up the rest of the hand here and that rest of the hand leaves you out in left field with all the worst of the guessing. and also folding a possible winner later on if you happened to be right on 4th.
those that cant fold here and especially on 5th , think about your future at mcdonalds. although they may be going to 15 an hour in a few years.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-26-2016 , 05:49 PM
Starbucks, tho.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-26-2016 , 10:40 PM
I raise on 4th most of the time... and have no need to ever think of McDonald's. Many ways to make $$$. Aggression wins... the higher the level the better it works

I certainly hope to see you at my tables this summer with that tight approach, I need that winter beach home..
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-26-2016 , 10:56 PM
There's a lot to be said for a positive attitude, I'll give you that much.

But your strat is still bad bec you should be aiming for a summer beach home, imo.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-26-2016 , 11:37 PM
you are right about aggression wins. but must be used properly or its a big leak.

and i do have a beach house, mountain home, lake house, river house all free and clear. so maybe folding a little more does pay off.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-28-2016 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
4th sets up the rest of the hand here and that rest of the hand leaves you out in left field with all the worst of the guessing. and also folding a possible winner later on if you happened to be right on 4th.
those that cant fold here and especially on 5th , think about your future at mcdonalds. although they may be going to 15 an hour in a few years.
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
you are right about aggression wins. but must be used properly or its a big leak.

and i do have a beach house, mountain home, lake house, river house all free and clear. so maybe folding a little more does pay off.

Bouchard, you make money playing Stud8? Serious question.
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
05-28-2016 , 08:27 PM
Yes, but never get to play enough. Done very well...
Stud 8: Queens vs. Bring-in/Ace on 4th Quote
