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Simple Razz buy in question Simple Razz buy in question

06-15-2008 , 03:09 AM
I got curious about how far back they can trace suit ranking - esp as my information was a while ago - found a lot of conflicting stuff here is one guy who puts spades first -(his take on the meanings of suits differs from what I was told) found another site (I forgot to mark it) that listed a bunch of games I never heard of and different kinds of rankings -

I recall a really fascinating story of how cards originated in China around 1000 A.D. with what started as tiles and moved west into India and the Arabian peninsula and ended up being brought to Spain by the Moors but really caught on in Italy -

I saw another site where some guy claims that technically since there is no set suit ranking, if you had matching straight flushes you'd split the pot -

Is there any scholar you know of that is considered the sort of ultimate authority on this? The nerd in me longs to know...
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-15-2008 , 01:17 PM
The suits have no rank in determining the winner of a poker hand. A K 9 6 3 would split the pot A K 9 6 3 if they are the best hand. The ranking of the suits are only used in determining who gets the button when opening a flop game, who gets the bring-in in a stud game, and who gets the odd chip in a split pot in a stud game. Maybe there's something else I'm forgetting, but it's only stuff like this, not determining the best hand.

I read a library book on the history of playing cards quite a few years ago. Don't really remember much of it except that they're Chinese in origin and it took them a while to get to the suits we use today.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-15-2008 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by jbrennen
From FT's website:

Player A: 2 9
Player B: 2 9

Player A was first to act. The hand history doesn't report button location (if there indeed was a button).
Here's a fragment from a Stars' HH, that made me think of this thread:

*** 4th STREET ***
Dealt to jll9696 [3d] [8s]
Dealt to Pongo Kid [9s] [Ks]
Dealt to furua [8h] [3s]
Dealt to giterdone1 [Tc] [Jh]
Dealt to faule [Ad] [9d]
jll9696: bets $0.50
Pongo Kid: folds
furua: calls $0.50
giterdone1: folds
faule: calls $0.50

furua should be low with 8h3s, right? jll9696 was first to act with 8s3d, though.

re: Are we bored? This is exactly the stuff that a bunch of elderly stud players are supposed to be sitting around arguing about.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-15-2008 , 02:49 PM
jll does have the lowest card, but I'm pretty sure that he bet first because he's immediately to the dealer's left.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-16-2008 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Andy B
jll does have the lowest card, but I'm pretty sure that he bet first because he's immediately to the dealer's left.
on both FTP and Stars, and at the WSOP, it's the player to the dealer's left to break ties for first action on 4th st and later. Binion's must be stuck in the 16th century.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-16-2008 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by SGspecial
on both FTP and Stars, and at the WSOP, it's the player to the dealer's left to break ties for first action on 4th st and later. Binion's must be stuck in the 16th century.
From Stars Razz page:
Rule Note: For the purposes of determining the bring-in in razz, ties in card rank are broken by suit, with the order being spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs (in descending order). So if the queen of hearts and queen of diamonds are visible at the beginning of the hand, and a queen is the highest card, then the queen of hearts would have the bring-in.

Each player now receives an exposed card, called "Fourth Street". The first player to act is the individual whose exposed stud cards have the lowest poker value (ignoring straights and flushes).
Which is all it says. It's always been my impression they determine who plays first on the other streets by suit, also, in case of duplicate hands.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-17-2008 , 02:10 AM
Well, it doesn't say it all, because it doesn't say what they do on fourth street in case of ties. In every casino except apparently Binion's--and that might only have been for the one day last week--it's the player to the left of the dealer. I thought that I had determined that that's how they do it on Stars, but I really don't pay that much attention, and I might be thinking of some other site.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-17-2008 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Andy B
Well, it doesn't say it all, because it doesn't say what they do on fourth street in case of ties. .
I know - it doesn't say anything specifically, but I came to the opposite conclusion you and Dan did.

I was just laughing looking at the title to this thread. Do you think the OP switched to LHE yet?

I have to email Stars now.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-17-2008 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by listening
I have to email Stars now.
Maybe PM Alex Scott as well?
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-17-2008 , 01:17 PM
I played in the same Binion's tourney, and I know at one point a decision was made based on who was to the dealer's left. I wasn't in the hand and wasn't really paying attention, but I can't think of another situation where that would be a factor.

Maybe I just had better dealers than Scotty.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-17-2008 , 02:44 PM
Hey, I want to know something else, too. Isn't being last to act considered best in terms of position? Why, in Razz, does the person with the best hand go first?
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-17-2008 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by listening
Hey, I want to know something else, too. Isn't being last to act considered best in terms of position? Why, in Razz, does the person with the best hand go first?
So that we can punish the donks on 5th that open bet 9JQ into our A5A board.

Not so much a reason as an effect, but I think it generates more action. An open check by the strongest board doesn't happen nearly as often as it would if you could just check behind to see another card. I think you'd get a lot more people playing crap in the hole knowing that they can check behind because their board is good.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-17-2008 , 03:19 PM
It would be way too unbalanced if the best board ALSO got to act last.

Although, it's one of the reasons I love stud8 - it uses stud rules to determine who goes first, so often the best equity hand (a low hand with good high potential or a made high hand) gets to act last.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-19-2008 , 01:38 AM
The player with the best hand goes first in stud too. It's somewhat arbitrary, but if someone is showing 542 on fifth street, everyone's apt to check to him anyway. Why not speed things along and have him act first?
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-23-2008 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by listening

I was just laughing looking at the title to this thread. Do you think the OP switched to LHE yet?

Expand ???


Whenever I've played I've always had the software or the dealer to tell me that I'm the buy in or the first to act - so I've not really paid any attention to it.

The organisers of an event sent me a long list of technical questions for me to answer and this was the only one that I wasn't sure of.

The alphabetical suit order is the one I had seen (but forgotten) and needed reminding of, it's good that play on 4th street and later has been brought up because that has reminded me to send the clarification of this to the event's organisers. Thanks for the help.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-23-2008 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by beloved_ltd
Whenever I've played I've always had the software or the dealer to tell me that I'm the buy in or the first to act - so I've not really paid any attention to it.

I didn't see it corrected in this thread, but the term is bring-in, not buy-in.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by beloved_ltd
Expand ???
I'm sorry if you thought I was in any way dissing you - my comment was about how you characterized it as a "simple" question and we turned it into some epic thread that still doesn't have a resolution of all questions - (I should remember to ask Stars.) So, if you were new to Razz, you might decide HE is simpler!
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-23-2008 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Alchemist
I didn't see it corrected in this thread, but the term is bring-in, not buy-in.
see - I told you I didn't pay attention

Although I think that was more not paying attention when I wrote the thread name.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-23-2008 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by listening
I'm sorry if you thought I was in any way dissing you - my comment was about how you characterized it as a "simple" question and we turned it into some epic thread that still doesn't have a resolution of all questions - (I should remember to ask Stars.) So, if you were new to Razz, you might decide HE is simpler!
Cheers, it sounded like a "diss" but I didn't understand why? That's why I asked.

Anyway I've gone with suit order, in the WSOP last year I'm pretty sure this is how they did it for the bring-in, I can't remember how they did it for the other streets but using the same method (apart from switching high to low) seems to me more logical than left of dealer. So I've mentioned both, but recommended just using suit order (for betting only, obv., not winning the pot) - and I don't care if everywhere else does it differently - I'm following logic.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-23-2008 , 06:51 PM
Actually, I'm sure that Stars does it that way all thru the hand - it came up last year but it was in the old threads, I think. Have fun and gl.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-24-2008 , 05:45 PM
From the horse' mouth:
Thank you for contacting PokerStars.

The answer to this question is; yes, the bring-in will
be determined by
the suit, the same rule will be applied for all the

Let us know if you have further questions or concerns.
Thanks for
playing at PokerStars.


PokerStars Support Team.
Always trust the horse.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-24-2008 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by listening
From the horse' mouth:

Always trust the horse.
Originally Posted by Eratosthenes
Here's a fragment from a Stars' HH, that made me think of this thread:

*** 4th STREET ***
Dealt to jll9696 [3d] [8s]
Dealt to Pongo Kid [9s] [Ks]
Dealt to furua [8h] [3s]
Dealt to giterdone1 [Tc] [Jh]
Dealt to faule [Ad] [9d]
jll9696: bets $0.50
Pongo Kid: folds
furua: calls $0.50
giterdone1: folds
faule: calls $0.50

furua should be low with 8h3s, right? jll9696 was first to act with 8s3d, though.
Sorry to quote my own post, but am I reading this hand history fragment wrong? It looks to me like PokerStars is not using the suits to determine who is first to act on 4th here. I think jll9696 is first to act because he is to the dealer's left. I could dig up the whole hand history if you want to see it.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-24-2008 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Eratosthenes
Sorry to quote my own post, but am I reading this hand history fragment wrong? It looks to me like PokerStars is not using the suits to determine who is first to act on 4th here. I think jll9696 is first to act because he is to the dealer's left. I could dig up the whole hand history if you want to see it.
*** 4th STREET ***
Dealt to jll9696 [3d] [8s]

Dealt to furua [8h] [3s]

jll9696: bets $0.50

furua: calls $0.50

I have asked this before - it seems as if the "worst" hand is defaulted to go first - in both BI and on later streets - but they haven't tweaked it for Razz, so they are using the Stud default. In either of the other Stud games, this order would be correct.

If you send me the HH, I'll be happy to contact Stars (in a timlier fashion) and see what they have to say. In this case, distance from the Dealer is coincidental, imo.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-25-2008 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by listening
I have asked this before - it seems as if the "worst" hand is defaulted to go first - in both BI and on later streets - but they haven't tweaked it for Razz, so they are using the Stud default. In either of the other Stud games, this order would be correct.

If you send me the HH, I'll be happy to contact Stars (in a timlier fashion) and see what they have to say. In this case, distance from the Dealer is coincidental, imo.
I finally see what you are saying...they are using the suits method for determining first to act--they are just doing it wrong(for razz)!

Here's the full hh:

PokerStars Game #18154317935: Razz Limit ($0.50/$1.00) - 2008/06/15 - 12:56:10 (ET)
Table 'Astrid II' 8-max
Seat 1: nutOmatic ($45.50 in chips)
Seat 2: jll9696 ($25.80 in chips)
Seat 3: Pongo Kid ($30.60 in chips)
Seat 4: jfkpayette ($6.95 in chips)
Seat 5: furua ($14.10 in chips)
Seat 6: giterdone1 ($12.80 in chips)
Seat 7: faule ($20.05 in chips)
Seat 8: santorio1 ($98.05 in chips)
nutOmatic: posts the ante $0.05
jll9696: posts the ante $0.05
Pongo Kid: posts the ante $0.05
jfkpayette: posts the ante $0.05
furua: posts the ante $0.05
giterdone1: posts the ante $0.05
faule: posts the ante $0.05
santorio1: posts the ante $0.05
*** 3rd STREET ***
Dealt to nutOmatic [5c Th Qh]
Dealt to jll9696 [3d]
Dealt to Pongo Kid [9s]
Dealt to jfkpayette [7h]
Dealt to furua [8h]
Dealt to giterdone1 [Tc]
Dealt to faule [Ad]
Dealt to santorio1 [9h]
nutOmatic: brings in for $0.25
jll9696: calls $0.25
Pongo Kid: calls $0.25
jfkpayette: folds
furua: calls $0.25
giterdone1: calls $0.25
faule: raises $0.25 to $0.50
santorio1: folds
nutOmatic: folds
jll9696: calls $0.25
Pongo Kid: calls $0.25
furua: calls $0.25
giterdone1: calls $0.25
*** 4th STREET ***
Dealt to jll9696 [3d] [8s]
Dealt to Pongo Kid [9s] [Ks]
Dealt to furua [8h] [3s]
Dealt to giterdone1 [Tc] [Jh]
Dealt to faule [Ad] [9d]
jll9696: bets $0.50
Pongo Kid: folds
furua: calls $0.50
giterdone1: folds
faule: calls $0.50
*** 5th STREET ***
Dealt to jll9696 [3d 8s] [7c]
Dealt to furua [8h 3s] [5d]
Dealt to faule [Ad 9d] [6s]
furua: checks
faule: checks
jll9696: checks
*** 6th STREET ***
Dealt to jll9696 [3d 8s 7c] [2c]
Dealt to furua [8h 3s 5d] [6h]
Dealt to faule [Ad 9d 6s] [8c]
furua: checks
faule: bets $1
jll9696: calls $1
furua: calls $1
*** RIVER ***
furua: checks
faule: checks
jll9696: checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
jll9696: shows [6c 8d 3d 8s 7c 2c 2d] (Lo: 8,7,6,3,2)
furua: shows [5h 4c 8h 3s 5d 6h Jc] (Lo: 8,6,5,4,3)
faule: shows [2s 3c Ad 9d 6s 8c Kc] (Lo: 8,6,3,2,A)
faule collected $7.30 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $7.65 | Rake $0.35
Seat 1: nutOmatic folded on the 3rd Street
Seat 2: jll9696 showed [6c 8d 3d 8s 7c 2c 2d] and lost with Lo: 8,7,6,3,2
Seat 3: Pongo Kid folded on the 4th Street
Seat 4: jfkpayette folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)
Seat 5: furua showed [5h 4c 8h 3s 5d 6h Jc] and lost with Lo: 8,6,5,4,3
Seat 6: giterdone1 folded on the 4th Street
Seat 7: faule showed [2s 3c Ad 9d 6s 8c Kc] and won ($7.30) with Lo: 8,6,3,2,A
Seat 8: santorio1 folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
06-25-2008 , 10:18 PM
After I ante out of this tournament, I'll put something together or Stars - thanks for finding it.
Simple Razz buy in question Quote
