Short-stacked Tournament Stud Scenario
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,110
300/600 level. You have 909 chips left.
You pick up (JT)J. After the bring-in, a queen in early position completes and a loose player with a king calls. The action is on you. Do you:
1) Fold
2) Raise, planning to get it all-in on third if possible.
3) Call, planning to bet into the queen on fourth if the king checks (as is likely) hoping that the queen raises so that you can get it heads up.
4) Call, planning to get it all-on on third if possible (unless someone makes an open pair).
If you pick 3, what do you do if the king bets out on a card suited to his king? What if he bets out on an unsuited card? What if he bets out on an ace?
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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You don't mention if your T is suited to a J but, assuming not, being as short as you are I put it all in there. If it's Stars, it'll crap all over your short stack anyway.
lol riggedaments
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,110
I went with option 3, although I considered option 1. I made two pair on fifth, but lost to a higher two pair on seventh.