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SH-I should be getting away from this right? SH-I should be getting away from this right?

01-08-2008 , 03:30 PM
7 Card Stud High ($2/$4), Ante $0.25, Bring-In $1 (converter)

3rd Street - (1.00 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx K___calls
Seat 2: xx xx A___folds
Seat 3: xx xx 5___folds
Hero: A Q 8___calls
Seat 5: xx xx 3___brings-in___folds
Seat 6: xx xx 7___folds
Seat 7: xx xx 4___folds
Vil 8: J J 8___raises

4th Street - (4.50 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx K A___bets___calls
Hero: A Q 8 2___calls___calls
Vil 8: J J 8 J___raises

5th Street - (5.25 BB)

Seat 1: xx xx K A K___bets___calls___calls
Hero: A Q 8 2 3___calls___raises___calls
Vil 8: J J 8 J J___raises___raises

6th Street - (17.25 BB)

Seat 1: xx xx K A K 4___checks___raises___calls
Hero: A Q 8 2 3 5___bets___calls___calls
Vil 8: J J 8 J J 2___raises___raises
SH-I should be getting away from this right? Quote
01-08-2008 , 03:51 PM
When Vil 8s board pairs his board I slow down here. I can't really get rid of it, but when yo are raising and he is reraising you have to think trips or full house here. 5th is a hard spot, when seat 1 pairs his door card you have to give him credit for trips here as he has been raising the whole way. If you can C/C down but dump if your forced to call a 2 bet. I have a hard time getting away from an ace high flush personally, but you have to know your beat showing 3 spades.
SH-I should be getting away from this right? Quote
01-08-2008 , 04:05 PM
When 2 opponents with paired boards get into a raisin gotta know you're beat.
SH-I should be getting away from this right? Quote
01-08-2008 , 04:27 PM
Why did you show villians hand? At least make a spoiler box... I'm actually surprised at how aggressively he played it.
SH-I should be getting away from this right? Quote
01-08-2008 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Parallax
Why did you show villians hand? At least make a spoiler box... I'm actually surprised at how aggressively he played it.
Vil 8 played his hand perfectly.
No reason to slow against potential kings up and a flush draw. He was getting action so why not be aggressive. Seat 5 obviously had a good hand and there is no reason not to get into a raising war with quads =P
SH-I should be getting away from this right? Quote
01-08-2008 , 06:59 PM
Hero can't really be faulted for anything up to the c/3bet from the open Kings on the river. That's our bus stop. Get off. He knows he's at least getting called, so he's raising for value. Disappoint him.
SH-I should be getting away from this right? Quote
01-08-2008 , 07:48 PM
Why did you show villians hand? At least make a spoiler box
was an accident sorry.

ok...left out some info as I was playing until now.

seat 1 was a maniac and notice how he doesnt raise the preraiser. villain was unknown (credit to him for the way he played it, if he actually knew what he was up against, I just felted him btw a few minutes ago(and came back here and it looks like he was a maniac too reraising with nothing bluffing all the way, maybe he thought that his quads would cover up for further bluffing).
If I actually knew who I was playing against I would have probably folded when seat1 reraises(he did hit his full on 6th btw). I the sheep called them all the way.

Disappoint him.
What If i ended up dissapointing myself folding for another 5bb in a 40bb pot(was capped on 7th as well by villain)?!
SH-I should be getting away from this right? Quote
01-08-2008 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by TheEye
What If i ended up dissapointing myself folding for another 5bb in a 40bb pot(was capped on 7th as well by villain)?!
What hands with paired door cards will re-raise on the river that you beat?

If you say "He could have anything," then this isn't really poker and there's no point to posting here. In the long run you will do better if you assume that your opponents' betting means something, especially in a situation where it is obvious they will get called or raised. If the boards are inscrutable or the hand was played deceptively, then you can modify your interpretation, but that isn't the case here. You're staring at open pairs going crazy on the river. You're toast.
SH-I should be getting away from this right? Quote
01-08-2008 , 08:14 PM
Don't get me wrong. I have folded flushes several times in the past in such situations but I really couldn't this time as I had no idea who I was up against. There is also a small chance that I was being forced out of that hand or maybe I was up against just trips on both ends but by the time I realised that seat1 might actually have something it was too late I think to be folding for the rest. I know I played it badly thats why I am posting this hand so that you people [censored] me off to never do it again.ty

Last edited by Andy B; 01-09-2008 at 12:41 PM. Reason: Censored
SH-I should be getting away from this right? Quote
