I would absolutely never check 4th. You're ahead and you've got the best board showing to boot. Bet it. I am one for getting my money in when I have the best of it.
I've seen several arguments for checking 4th but I'm not convinced that this situation is a good time to play passively when only moderately ahead on 4th street. Of course if playing passively now will result in greater profits later, then by all means, do so. But that sounds a lot like "slowplaying" to me and I don't think 4th street in razz will meet that criteria very often...
Of course I could be wrong, so convince me.
I also like the 6th street bet, for these reasons, and others...
I actually do like the bet on 6th. If he plays loose to defend, then we are ahead, and if he plays pretty snug to defend, then we are further ahead because he has paired so much. If he folds with a board pair and a king up, thats just freaking awesome for our hand. Obviously he should just about never fold.
Also, if you bet 4th and get raised, you can almost certainly put him on a nine (unless he's the type that would try a bluff raise in that spot
). This puts his hand face up to you, and you know exactly what you need to catch to improve your jack to an eight and stay in on the river: an ace, deuce, trey, or six, all but one of which are live.
Since you would probably bet sixth and either bet or call 7th anyway, the cost should be the same, but the benefits higher by betting 6th.
Comments anyone?
interesting hand and responses.