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Razz HUSNG 200/400 Razz HUSNG 200/400

02-15-2009 , 11:56 PM
Tournament - Razz (200/400), Ante 30, Bring-In 50 (converter)

Seat 1: 1,616
Hero: 1,384

3rd Street - (0.30 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx K___brings-in___calls
Hero: A 4 5___completes

4th Street - (2.30 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx K J___checks
Hero: A 4 5 Q___checks

5th Street - (1.15 BB)

Seat 1: xx xx K J 6___bets
Hero: A 4 5 Q K___???

If it means anything at all villain has been super aggressive. As you can see there are only 460 chips in the pot as villain bets 400.
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-16-2009 , 12:02 AM
bet 4th
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-16-2009 , 12:16 AM
Why on earth do you check 4th?

I don't really see how you can be better than a flip now although since you checked 4th he probably thinks you have a brick down so you might have an opportunity to make a hand and have him spew at you because he figures J low is good.
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-16-2009 , 12:24 AM
Feeling lucky?

Flipping in most cases I'd think.
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-16-2009 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
since you checked 4th he probably thinks you have a brick down so you might have an opportunity to make a hand and have him spew at you because he figures J low is good.
This is why I checked 4th. The only reason I hate checking 4th is because I bricked 5th and he hit.

I am really more concerned about whether I should be instafolding 5th or calling.
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-16-2009 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by ItchyKnee
This is why I checked 4th. The only reason I hate checking 4th is because I bricked 5th and he hit.

I am really more concerned about whether I should be instafolding 5th or calling.
You really should be more concerned about missing a bet on 4th. He almost never bets at you and you lose a lot. Control of the hand and value. 5th You've put yourself into a bad spot but I am calling.
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-16-2009 , 02:09 AM
everyone already made the point that you ****ed yourself on 4th... but as played, this is a pretty obv fold on 5th actually.. if you call 5th, you are pretty much committing your stack behind imo.. move on to the next hand and use his aggressiveness at these high limits to pwn himself. (you play on stars, he must be decent to have gotten to 200/400 with you? as starz levels are lolsoslow)
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-16-2009 , 05:42 AM
you can't be tricky when the blinds are this high, if that's what you were trying for.
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-16-2009 , 11:05 AM
betting 4th folding 5th, dont get me wrong in my tilt mode i will call 5th
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-16-2009 , 12:06 PM
folding fifth is almost as bad as not betting fourth/passing on 40/60's when putting in < 33% of the chips is not a good way to win money at poker
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-16-2009 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by perdanny
betting 4th folding 5th, dont get me wrong in my tilt mode i will call 5th
It goes without saying that if I had bet 4th and he called, there is exactly zero chance I will fold 5th.
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-16-2009 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by adanthar
folding fifth is almost as bad as not betting fourth/passing on 40/60's when putting in < 33% of the chips is not a good way to win money at poker
+1. You are basically either flipping for the SNG win vs playing 1200 vs 1800 resulting stacks with less than flipping chances for the win at 200/400.
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-16-2009 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by adanthar
folding fifth is almost as bad as not betting fourth/passing on 40/60's when putting in < 33% of the chips is not a good way to win money at poker
Are you assuming villain will shut down after 5th?
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-17-2009 , 11:49 AM
bet 4th, fold 5th.
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-17-2009 , 01:25 PM
bet 4th and you in no means fold fifth!
First of all this hand should of been dead before it.
But you deff call 5th, and then 6th street will give so much info, and guidance...
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
02-17-2009 , 06:07 PM
It's a decision of folding or getting it in. Calling on 5th and folding on Sixth is pretty spewy. Vs. his best range we're a 56-44 dog. If he's calling with like any two under 8 or 7, we're flipping.

But really, when is he ever betting into you on 4th with KJ showing?
Razz HUSNG 200/400 Quote
