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Razz bringin defence and calldown Razz bringin defence and calldown

02-12-2009 , 11:58 AM
b]Razz[/b] ($2/$4), Ante $0.25, Bring-In $1 (converter)

3rd Street - (0.75 SB)

Seat 3: xx xx T___folds
Seat 4: xx xx 9___raises
Hero: 6 7 K___brings-in___calls
Seat 6: xx xx T___folds
Seat 7: xx xx J___folds
Seat 8: xx xx 5___folds

4th Street - (2.75 SB)

Seat 4: xx xx 9 Q___bets
Hero: 6 7 K K___calls

5th Street - (2.38 BB)

Seat 4: xx xx 9 Q Q___bets
Hero: 6 7 K K T___calls

6th Street - (4.38 BB)

Seat 4: xx xx 9 Q Q 5___bets
Hero: 6 7 K K T 4___calls

River - (6.38 BB)

Seat 4: xx xx 9 Q Q 5 xx___bets
Hero: 6 7 K K T 4 J___calls

Total pot: (8.38 BB)
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-12-2009 , 12:03 PM
4th seems horrendous to me...Giving villian a pretty raggedy hand here he is still way ahead.

cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
7c Kc Kd 6d 134314 26.86 365654 73.13 32 0.01 0.269
8c Th 9h Qd 365654 73.13 134314 26.86 32 0.01 0.731
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-12-2009 , 12:27 PM
When you brick 4th, I think you should fold even when villain bricks
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-12-2009 , 01:49 PM
bring in defence is marginal IMO. Your hole cards are a tad rough. I would need something closer to 34 or 45 to defend here and really have a good 4th street to continue past that.

Now that you have called, yea fold 4th street. You really need to be competitive here to continue and you both bricking is not competitive.
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by JerBear77
bring in defence is marginal IMO. Your hole cards are a tad rough. I would need something closer to 34 or 45 to defend here and really have a good 4th street to continue past that.

Now that you have called, yea fold 4th street. You really need to be competitive here to continue and you both bricking is not competitive.
How good of a hand does the completer need to have, given his position? How does betgo's hand play against that range?
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-12-2009 , 02:31 PM
Unless he has a pair in the hole a majority of the time you should be through with this on Fourth. He will not have been dealt a pair nearly often enough for you to continue. Even then you're a dog but probably >< 40 percent.

I'll go ahead and assume this is a lc brag and say nh.
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-12-2009 , 03:17 PM
third is fine and should probably be standard, fourth and fifth are lolbad
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-12-2009 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by adanthar
third is fine and should probably be standard, fourth and fifth are lolbad
Originally Posted by Parallax
4th seems horrendous to me...Giving villian a pretty raggedy hand here he is still way ahead.

cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
7c Kc Kd 6d 134314 26.86 365654 73.13 32 0.01 0.269
8c Th 9h Qd 365654 73.13 134314 26.86 32 0.01 0.731
+2 (btw, run the same sim on propokertools giving villain random hole cards to see hero's actual equity).

Originally Posted by electrical
Unless he has a pair in the hole a majority of the time you should be through with this on Fourth. He will not have been dealt a pair nearly often enough for you to continue. Even then you're a dog but probably >< 40 percent.

I'll go ahead and assume this is a lc brag and say nh.

+3. I gotta say I'm a little disenchanted here. I saw a post by betgo, the first in months, and got all juiced up but ???
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-12-2009 , 08:48 PM
Yeh, pretty bad mistake. Someone commented on it, so I posted it.

Folding 3rd is really bad. On 4th, the problem is not that we both bricked, but that both of my bricks are worse. If I pair on any street, it is almost impossible to win.
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-13-2009 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by betgo
River - (6.38 BB)

Seat 4: xx xx 9 Q Q 5 xx___bets
Hero: 6 7 K K T 4 J___calls

Total pot: (8.38 BB)
I do this exact thing. Would have here. Probably a good reason to never do it. Except - when you do, and especially when you win - every person at the table will, from then on in perpetuity, call you down with the most outrageously bad hands.

I love this play.
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-13-2009 , 03:49 PM
Fold fourth.

You have hardly any equity.
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-13-2009 , 06:50 PM
I play it the same
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-13-2009 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Sp00n
I play it the same as...
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-13-2009 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Sp00n
I play it the same
That makes me feel better. I wasn't the only one who didn't realize how bad KK is.

Won the hand of course.
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-14-2009 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by betgo
That makes me feel better. .
Here now! Howcum when I said I'd play it that way it didn't make you feel better?!

um - nevermind
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-14-2009 , 03:48 AM
The only thing that matters is what you will do with KK on 4th next time.
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-14-2009 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by listening
I do this exact thing. Would have here. Probably a good reason to never do it. Except - when you do, and especially when you win - every person at the table will, from then on in perpetuity, call you down with the most outrageously bad hands.

I love this play.
Of course calling on 4th screams "bat**** crazy" and will ensure you some loose action, but isn't there are difference between inducing opponents to call you down when you show two paint cards on 4th vs. showing something actually scary?
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
02-16-2009 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by SGspecial
Of course calling on 4th screams "bat**** crazy" and will ensure you some loose action, but isn't there are difference between inducing opponents to call you down when you show two paint cards on 4th vs. showing something actually scary?
I'm not sure, again, I know just what you are asking - but if you play obviously bad hands, they just assume your xxA23 has a (J9) behind it. I've had 'em raise scary boards of mine with obvious junk - and get mad when I had what I repped.
Razz bringin defence and calldown Quote
