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Razz .50/1: inevitable? Razz .50/1: inevitable?

01-17-2008 , 05:41 PM
I had a note on Seat 6 that she played a brick as a standard on 3rd. I raised her on 5th to see if she'd made her hand. When she reraised me, I thought, I should fold this. But I didn't.

What say you all?

Razz ($0.50/$1.00), Ante $0.05, Bring-In $0.25 (converter)

3rd Street - (0.80 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx 7___calls
Seat 2: xx xx K___brings-in___folds
Seat 3: xx xx 8___folds
Seat 4: xx xx 2___folds
Seat 5: xx xx J___folds
Seat 6: xx xx 2___raises
Seat 7: xx xx 3___folds
Hero: 5 A 2___calls

4th Street - (4.30 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx 7 6___calls
Seat 6: xx xx 2 4___bets
Hero: 5 A 2 7___calls

5th Street - (3.65 BB)

Seat 1: xx xx 7 6 8___calls___calls
Seat 6: xx xx 2 4 5___bets___raises
Hero: 5 A 2 7 4___raises___calls

6th Street - (12.65 BB)

Seat 1: xx xx 7 6 8 T___checks___calls
Seat 6: xx xx 2 4 5 Q___bets
Hero: 5 A 2 7 4 9___checks___calls

River - (15.65 BB)

Seat 1: xx xx 7 6 8 T xx___checks___calls
Seat 6: xx xx 2 4 5 Q xx___bets
Hero: 5 A 2 7 4 9 A___checks___calls

Total pot: (18.65 BB)

Seat 1 showed [5d 2c 7c 6d 8c Ts Ad] and lost with Lo: 7,6,5,2,A
Seat 6 showed [3s 6s 2d 4h 5s Qh Jd] and won ($18.15) with Lo: 6,5,4,3,2
Hero mucked [5h Ah 2h 7s 4s 9h Ac]
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-17-2008 , 05:51 PM
I raise 3rd but as played I think its inevitiable and I probably play it exactly the same.

There's also a special place in razz heaven for those that grimly hold on to those 8765 draws facing heat.
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-17-2008 , 06:21 PM
I probably just call 5th street because if I'm ahead, I think there's value in keeping Seat 1 around -- I don't want to scare him off, knowing that he'd need a runner-runner miracle to beat me. And if I'm behind, well obviously, I'd rather not be pumping the pot anyway.

Having seen what Seat 1 is capable of, I think it was played fine. You really hate to see Seat 6 reraise on 5th street, but you have to call her down because she could be 3-betting there without a made hand; Seat 1 is providing enough of an overlay that if Seat 5 is 3-betting with only a wheel draw, she's probably only slightly leaking value if you have a made 7, and she's getting good value if you don't.
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-17-2008 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by jbrennen
You really hate to see Seat 6 reraise on 5th street, but you have to call her down because she could be 3-betting there without a made hand;
You know, what I thought was, she would get that excited with a 9,8 or 7, all of which I would beat. What I felt was: "Crap, she made a 6."

Maybe I'm wrong, but I often raise 5th if I make a 7 or 8 to see if they raise and I often fold if they do. I keep thinking there should be a way to lose less on these hands - not raising 5th and then calling would be good. But I also think it might just be "poker overhead."
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-18-2008 , 01:57 AM
Raise 3rd all day everyday and I think the hand plays easier. As played, never... ever fold 5th, I don't really mind the raise if you think seat 6 is going to come along anyway. Worst case scenario you have a wheel draw...
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-18-2008 , 03:09 AM
Raise third for the love of Pete.
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-18-2008 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Andy B
Raise third for the love of Pete.
and while you're at it type "I've got an A and another bike card in the hole" in the chat box. With all the dead 2's and only a 7 between you and the bring-in, you did just fine there.
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-18-2008 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by SGspecial
and while you're at it type "I've got an A and another bike card in the hole" in the chat box. With all the dead 2's and only a 7 between you and the bring-in, you did just fine there.
Some might raise there with a live 7 or a live 8 (and no Ace), figuring that they're not in bad shape (or even a favorite) heads up against the opener, but they don't want to let a third player in cheaply. (7-3)-2 and (8-3)-2 could both be raising hands in Hero's third street scenario. 8-3-2 is only a 47:53 underdog against Villain's random three-card 7 or better, and 7-3-2 is a 52:48 favorite. Add in the fold equity when you get Seat 1 to lay down a hand facing two bets cold that he would have played for one bet closing the action (well, closing the action absent any stupidity from the bring-in), and the raise makes a lot of sense.

(Says the guy with a third street aggression factor > 2.0.)
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-19-2008 , 12:00 AM
Here's how I work 3rd street. Sometimes I raise big hands. Sometimes I don't. It isn't real complicated and I like it.

Stack wrote:
As played, never... ever fold 5th, I don't really mind the raise if you think seat 6 is going to come along anyway. Worst case scenario you have a wheel draw...
That's how I talked myself into staying when my instincts said FOLD.
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-19-2008 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by SGspecial
and while you're at it type "I've got an A and another bike card in the hole" in the chat box. With all the dead 2's and only a 7 between you and the bring-in, you did just fine there.
Thanks - but - what I really want to know is: would you have stayed in to the river on this hand?
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-19-2008 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Praxising
Thanks - but - what I really want to know is: would you have stayed in to the river on this hand?
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-19-2008 , 01:45 AM
and while you're at it type "I've got an A and another bike card in the hole" in the chat box.
This is $.50/1.00. Are we really worried about turning our hand face-up?
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-20-2008 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Andy B
This is $.50/1.00. Are we really worried about turning our hand face-up?
It may not hurt you at this limit, but it rarely helps. And hopefully prax won't be playing 0.50/1 forever.
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
01-20-2008 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by SGspecial
It may not hurt you at this limit, but it rarely helps. And hopefully prax won't be playing 0.50/1 forever.
From your lips to God's ear, as they say.

About the issue, though. The bad players at .50/1 are SO incredibly bad, you tend to think it's all like that. It isn't, especially on Stars. I have a lot of trouble getting action on my hands if I hit on 4th and am playing pretty much anybody I have played before because they are noticing I just don't play junk (- or, I rarely get caught playing it). And I don't want to develop a bunch of bad habits.

You know what, though? I think there are some real differences in micro and higher stakes play - but I don't have the experience to really delineate them. Maybe in future...
Razz .50/1: inevitable? Quote
