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Razz 0.25/0.50 # (26)A # what from 4th Razz 0.25/0.50 # (26)A # what from 4th

01-07-2013 , 12:45 PM
How should I play on 4th and 5th and later? Opponent plays always bet/bet/bet.

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 Limit Razz $0.05 Ante - 7 players

3rd Street: (1.4 SB)
Hero: 2 6 A___Hero completes
Seat 2: xx xx Q____Seat 2 folds
Seat 3: xx xx 3____Seat 3 calls
Seat 4: xx xx 8____Seat 4 folds
Seat 5: xx xx 2____Seat 5 folds
Seat 7: xx xx A____Seat 7 folds
Seat 8: xx xx Q____Seat 8 brings in for $0.10____Seat 8 folds

4th Street: (3.8 SB) (2 players)
Hero: 2 6 A 6___Hero calls
Seat 3: xx xx 3 5____Seat 3 bets

5th Street: (2.9 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 2 6 A 6 8___Hero checks___Hero calls
Seat 3: xx xx 3 5 9____Seat 3 bets

6th Street: (4.9 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 2 6 A 6 8 K___Hero calls
Seat 3: xx xx 3 5 9 J____Seat 3 bets

7th Street: (6.9 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 2 6 A 6 8 K J___Hero folds
Seat 3: xx xx 3 5 9 J xx____Seat 3 bets
Razz 0.25/0.50 # (26)A # what from 4th Quote
01-07-2013 , 05:12 PM
only going to comment on 7th: if you make it to 7th and improve to a hand that beats J9, you should call unless your opponent is a super nit. you need to be good like 13%.
Razz 0.25/0.50 # (26)A # what from 4th Quote
01-08-2013 , 09:10 AM
4th u played nice. 5th i would probably bet and not check
Razz 0.25/0.50 # (26)A # what from 4th Quote
01-19-2013 , 04:31 PM
Don't know if your opponent cares but how would you play a made 8 on 5th?

Just c/c?

I would prefere leading because there is A26QQ already out. So many bad cards are dead. Only reason not to lead would be a very loose agressive opponent betting his 9xxxx here. But then i would go for a c/r here. That makes sense if you had the 8 already or like in this case there were many bad cards dead and you have a lot of good cards to hit.
Razz 0.25/0.50 # (26)A # what from 4th Quote
01-28-2013 , 08:57 PM
if you call 4th, which isn't bad, then def bet 5th. I'd say check raise as played but I wouldn't check since not many are betting a 9 into an 8. If you're calling with that pair on 4th then at least try to win the pot with aggression when your board looks good.
Razz 0.25/0.50 # (26)A # what from 4th Quote
