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odds of being rolled up twice in a row? odds of being rolled up twice in a row?

01-12-2008 , 03:31 AM
Just wondering what the odds of getting rolled up trips twice in a row are. I just got rolled up 6's and then rolled up 10's. Unfortunately i was playing razz lol.
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
01-12-2008 , 03:43 AM
Is there an echo in here?
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
01-12-2008 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
Is there an echo in here?

odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
01-12-2008 , 04:48 AM
1/(17X25) squared
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
01-12-2008 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by chucky
fyp, ducy?
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
01-12-2008 , 01:07 PM
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
01-12-2008 , 02:39 PM
according to west you get rolled up trips once in 425 hands.

so to get consecutive rolled up....(1/425) x (1/425) = 1/180625 ( same as 1/(17 x 25)*2, as posted above)

odds of being rolled up, but given fact you had them last hand changes nothing. still 424-1.
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
01-12-2008 , 02:53 PM
Yes, of course, if you just had a rolled hand, your odds of getting on the next hand again is still 425:1.

However, if you are sitting at the hand before the first rolled up hand, the odds of the next 2 hands being rolled up are (425*425):1

Just like the odds of me picking up a coin right now and flipping heads twice is 25% not 50%
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
01-13-2008 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
Yes, of course, if you just had a rolled hand, your odds of getting on the next hand again is still 425:1.
hey im just catering for everyone here. when we go down to the casino, my friend ends up on the roulette machine. so i make my way over and he goes " hey its been 6 blacks in a row" and i say "obv. rigged, hey the next number just has to be red, you know to even it out and all".....he falls for it, next number is red and he now thinks he can beat the roulette machine .
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
01-14-2008 , 02:40 AM
lol nice. So I thought that's how you'd calculate it. How would you calculate something like the odds of being rolled up 2 out of the next 3 hands?
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
01-14-2008 , 03:01 AM
3! * (1/425)^2
2! 1!

or three times the previously-cited figure. An explanation can be found in this thread.
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
01-14-2008 , 07:19 AM
let Y be the number of times you are rolled up

Y - B( n , p ) where n = number of trials, and p = probability of success

so in your example, Y - B( 3 , 1/425 )

general binomial formula is :P(Y=r) = nCr x (p)*r x (1-p)*n-r

so for us its , P(Y=2) = 3C2 x (1/425)*2 x (424/425)*1

= 0.000016569

so Andy your almost right, just forgot the (1-p)*n-r bit
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
01-15-2008 , 02:41 AM
Yeah, OK, I gave the chance that one would be rolled-up two times or more in the space of three hands. The thread from four years ago makes that clear.
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
07-19-2010 , 07:47 AM
It happened once to me sonny- waaay back in the spring of '38 in a quiet little town in South Carolina. It was harvesting time as I recall it, and the circus was in town.

Me, Jimbo and the boys were playing a some cards out on the porch about 5 in the afternoon just to pass the time. That's what we used to do in those days, you see.

The game was 7-stud - one of my best. Jimbo's brother had been beating me like a red-headed step child all day and i'd been running so bad - heck I couldn't catch a cold let alone catch rolled up 6's twice in a row. But thats exactly what happened next.

Jimbo's brother Cletus had the Ace showing and I decided to just call his completed bet with my 6. Well then he hit another Ace and fired at me again and I just called him again. I knew he didnt have the set of A's because I had one on 5th and Jimbo had thrown one away earlier.

I checked called him again and again and by 7th cletus was really starting to get anxious. I raised him on the end with my 6's full of K's and raked a huge pot- mainly money I had lost to him earlier anyways.

He was furious that he'd lost all that profit but didnt expect to get a second walloping the very next hand. I showed a 6 again and looked down only to see 2 more glaring back at me with 666, the number of the devil, for the 2nd time. I guessed today was my lucky day.

This time Cletus showed the King and as was his style he bet out. I raised him this time to disguise the hand and he made some smart comment like 'Y'all caint tell me you have those darn rolled up 6's again cain ya?".

I laughed mockingly and told him that it was surely an impossibility. He continued to fire at me until all of his money ended up in the middle. I had once again filled up on 6th street with the Jack so was feeling might comfortable with my hand. Sure enough I had him beat and showed him the rolled up 6's with the 2 Jacks along side. He couldn't believe his eyes and got up in disgust- and stormed off down the road- obviously not realising yet that we were at HIS house.

Me and Maud went out for dinner that night on the winnings. Ah those were the days. I never expected that kind of thing to happen again in my lifetime but you proved me wrong today sonny- you proved me wrong...

Thanks for letting me share and recount those memories.
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
07-19-2010 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by Merton0806
hey im just catering for everyone here. when we go down to the casino, my friend ends up on the roulette machine. so i make my way over and he goes " hey its been 6 blacks in a row" and i say "obv. rigged, hey the next number just has to be red, you know to even it out and all".....he falls for it, next number is red and he now thinks he can beat the roulette machine .
Must be great having you as a friend
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
07-19-2010 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Merton0806
hey im just catering for everyone here. when we go down to the casino, my friend ends up on the roulette machine. so i make my way over and he goes " hey its been 6 blacks in a row" and i say "obv. rigged, hey the next number just has to be red, you know to even it out and all".....he falls for it, next number is red and he now thinks he can beat the roulette machine .
Not a lot of people know this but roulette existed before those electronic results boards and it was a dying game. The casinos weren't getting a lot of players and it takes up too much space.

Those boards saved the game from a casino revenue standpoint and despite the fact that it's not as bad a game as many players think it is, it usually accounts for the highest per table revenue of any casino game.
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
07-25-2010 , 09:51 PM
Odds you'll be ahead after playing both rolled up hands: 1 in 200
odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
07-25-2010 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Ramstone
Odds you'll be ahead after playing both rolled up hands: 1 in 200

odds of being rolled up twice in a row? Quote
