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I was pleased with how I played this one I was pleased with how I played this one

06-14-2008 , 10:17 AM
b]Razz[/b] ($0.25/$0.50), Ante $0.05, Bring-In $0.10 (converter)

3rd Street - (1.60 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx 3___folds
Seat 2: xx xx T___brings-in___calls
Seat 3: xx xx 4___completes___calls
Seat 4: xx xx 7___folds
Hero: 3 4 6___raises
Seat 6: xx xx 4___folds
Seat 7: xx xx 8___folds
Seat 8: xx xx 3___calls

4th Street - (9.60 SB)

Seat 2: xx xx T 8___calls
Seat 3: xx xx 4 2___bets___calls
Hero: 3 4 6 8___raises
Seat 8: xx xx 3 9___folds

5th Street - (7.80 BB)

Seat 2: xx xx T 8 2___calls
Seat 3: xx xx 4 2 Q___folds
Hero: 3 4 6 8 5___bets

6th Street - (9.80 BB)

Seat 2: xx xx T 8 2 2___calls $0.20 (all-in)
Hero: 3 4 6 8 5 A___bets

River - (10.60 BB)

Seat 2: xx xx T 8 2 2 xx___all-in
Hero: 3 4 6 8 5 A T

Total pot: (10.60 BB - $5.30)

There were an awful lot of good up cards there and I belived I was in a raise or fold situation. I think I successfully represented an awful lot more strength than I actually had; I caught well, but so did seat 3 up until his brick - I think there is a chance he paired his 2 or 4. I'd been very very tight - eschewing a few steal opportunities with good up cards but crap underneath and only seeing 4th 4 times out of 34 hands up to this point, but winning each of those pots.

Image + reraise + using the large amount of good up cards to represent an extremely stong holding = I won the hand and seat 2 was on drugs.

I just might be getting the hang of this Razz thing...

Any thoughts?
I was pleased with how I played this one Quote
06-14-2008 , 12:03 PM
Well, imo you weren't representing anything, you probably had the best hand, or near it, on every street.

You played this hand well, but, this kind of hand is quite easy to play, since you're obviously ahead for most of it and continue to catch well.
I was pleased with how I played this one Quote
06-14-2008 , 01:04 PM
I probably don't raise fourth, but if you somehow know that T8 is coming along for the ride anyway, there's value there. Nice hand.
I was pleased with how I played this one Quote
06-14-2008 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by all_in_to_all_out
Image + reraise + using the large amount of good up cards to represent an extremely stong holding = I won the hand and seat 2 was on drugs.

I just might be getting the hang of this Razz thing...
You just might! The 4th street raise was perfect - and understanding how to use image very important. When you start moving up, you'll find this really valuable.

Be advised, some higher stakes players are going to 3-bet 4th with a 9 in the hole - so as you play, keep up your player notes. Don't let 'em throw you, just stay on top of it.

I was pleased with how I played this one Quote
06-14-2008 , 11:57 PM
Thanks listening - much appreciated.

I'm really, really happy with my Razz of late - feel I've found my niche somewhat -and may move up a level or two soon, we'll see what develops- so prepare to have zillions of hands posted here!

As I recall, on 4th I basically caught as I would like to, so saw no reason not to bet. The fact it was a re-raise helps to keep up representing a monster too, kind of what I was trying to acheive by reraising 3rd.

Andy B - I knew nothing of the 10 8 guy, but even so, with a 4 card 8 I'm happy to win the pot on 4th, hence bet. If he calls, great, if he folds, I'm just as happy.
I was pleased with how I played this one Quote
06-15-2008 , 12:10 AM
You will never win the pot on fourth street. Never.
I was pleased with how I played this one Quote
06-15-2008 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by all_in_to_all_out
Thanks listening - much appreciated.

I'm really, really happy with my Razz of late - feel I've found my niche somewhat -and may move up a level or two soon, we'll see what develops- so prepare to have zillions of hands posted here!
This is great - just how I felt when I started playing Razz. Let me toss in a tiny word of caution - when it's like this, it's like having a license to print money - you seriously feel like you can't lose.

You will. Post the losers.

I'll disagree a little bit with Andy - you'll win a lot of pots on 4th, but not multis that look like this. Still, it's good to let the table know you like your hand, gives you some fold equity for later. I shamelessly stole a huge pot today at Stars micro by raising every street and shoving a player off what I was sure was a made J on the river with my delightful K6542(65). It started out as a 4-way - wait - maybe a 5-way.

Move up too far, though, and they call big pots with Js. I do.

It's going to be fun, (also horrible) and hard work.
I was pleased with how I played this one Quote
06-15-2008 , 01:13 AM
I'm talking about this specific hand. The bettor is never folding to a raise.
I was pleased with how I played this one Quote
06-15-2008 , 02:20 AM
I agree.
I was pleased with how I played this one Quote
06-15-2008 , 08:59 AM
And you aren't representing a monster - you're representing pretty much exactly what you have. (4th and beyond I mean)
I was pleased with how I played this one Quote
