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HUGS AND KISSES (FEB LC)!!!!!!!!!!!! HUGS AND KISSES (FEB LC)!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-23-2010 , 06:54 PM
Not having initiative can help

Full Tilt Poker $20/$40 Limit Razz $3 Ante - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

3rd Street: (1.2 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx 3____Seat 1 completes____Seat 1 3-bets____Seat 1 calls
Seat 2: xx xx 8____Seat 2 folds
Seat 3: xx xx T____Seat 3 folds
Hero: 3 A 4___Hero calls___Hero calls___Hero calls
Seat 5: xx xx 6____Seat 5 raises____Seat 5 caps!
Seat 6: xx xx 9____Seat 6 folds
Seat 7: xx xx 7____Seat 7 folds
Seat 8: xx xx T____Seat 8 brings in for $6____Seat 8 folds

4th Street: (13.5 SB) (3 players)
Seat 1: xx xx 3 6____Seat 1 calls
Hero: 3 A 4 2___Hero checks___Hero calls
Seat 5: xx xx 6 A____Seat 5 bets

5th Street: (8.25 BB) (3 players)
Seat 1: xx xx 3 6 J____Seat 1 checks____Seat 1 calls____Seat 1 folds
Hero: 3 A 4 2 Q___Hero checks___Hero raises___Hero caps!
Seat 5: xx xx 6 A A____Seat 5 bets____Seat 5 3-bets____Seat 5 calls

6th Street: (17.25 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 3 A 4 2 Q 9___Hero checks
Seat 5: xx xx 6 A A 2____Seat 5 checks

7th Street: (17.25 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 3 A 4 2 Q 9 6___Hero bets___Hero 3-bets
Seat 5: xx xx 6 A A 2 xx____Seat 5 raises____Seat 5 calls

Final Pot: 23.25 BB
Hero shows 3d As 4d 2d Qc 9c 6h (6,4,3,2,A)
Seat 5 mucks 8d 4c 6d Ac Ah 2s 2c
Hero wins 23.175 BB
(Rake: $3.00)
02-23-2010 , 08:39 PM
I will give my side of the story. You may all think what you want. Prior to the Ftops my razz mtt backer said at the very most he would be able to buy half of my action, since his other horses had been losing. Knowing this and seriously wanting to play the tournament I took a 322$ loan from a friend who is also a stud regular, and registered for the tournament the night before. Since I had 0$ in my account there was no point in looking at my cashier so I had no idea that my mtt backer had sent me any money since my actual backer had said nothing about refilling me. Two hours into the ftops razz I check my cashier and see 322 and also check history to see who it was from and sent it back. I actually texted my backer to see if he wanted to meet up and watch me play the event at the fishbowl "the um comp. lab" and got no response, so didnt see a reason to assume I was staked for this event. Ghost I know you dont like me, but I have nothing against you, and think youre taking this a little too far. You and everyone else may believe what you want. Im not going to debate this so its your choice if you want to keep berating me here.
02-23-2010 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by asfispimp
Im not going to debate this so its your choice if you want to keep berating me here.
then leave?
02-23-2010 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by asfispimp
I will give my side of the story. You may all think what you want. Prior to the Ftops my razz mtt backer said at the very most he would be able to buy half of my action, since his other horses had been losing. Knowing this and seriously wanting to play the tournament I took a 322$ loan from a friend who is also a stud regular, and registered for the tournament the night before. Since I had 0$ in my account there was no point in looking at my cashier so I had no idea that my mtt backer had sent me any money since my actual backer had said nothing about refilling me. Two hours into the ftops razz I check my cashier and see 322 and also check history to see who it was from and sent it back. I actually texted my backer to see if he wanted to meet up and watch me play the event at the fishbowl "the um comp. lab" and got no response, so didnt see a reason to assume I was staked for this event. Ghost I know you dont like me, but I have nothing against you, and think youre taking this a little too far. You and everyone else may believe what you want. Im not going to debate this so its your choice if you want to keep berating me here.
confused, you're a reg on ftp, why would u have 0$ in your account
02-23-2010 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by RAZZ PRO A2345
then leave?
pretty sure thats what he was implying

my 2 cents on this is I once loaned asfis $800 and was payed the original $800 back plus another $100 for interest that I did not ask for or imply that he owed. I've met him twice, and he is a nice enough kid. As far as this situation goes, I'm not involved what so ever, so I can't really comment on what happened or what I might have think happened. Asfis did tell me he was playing the event on his own a couple hours before it started and that is about all I can confirm. It comes down to he said, she said, and is a complete ****ing mess.

Last edited by Andy B; 02-24-2010 at 02:02 PM.
02-23-2010 , 09:55 PM
I will say that I let asf borrow the entry fee into the razz ftops the day before the tourney, which he promptly repaid the day after.

Although I refuse to get involved in the timing of the transfers between him and his backers, I can think of no reason why he'd ask for me a $322 loan (he was unable to deposit, and he had said his cashier was at zero) if he was expecting to receive tourney funds ahead of time. Additionally, from my interactions with asf I don't see him as the type of guy to pull a scummy move. Just my 2 cents.
02-23-2010 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by aufgeschwemm
Not having initiative can help

Full Tilt Poker $20/$40 Limit Razz $3 Ante - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

3rd Street: (1.2 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx 3____Seat 1 completes____Seat 1 3-bets____Seat 1 calls
Seat 2: xx xx 8____Seat 2 folds
Seat 3: xx xx T____Seat 3 folds
Hero: 3 A 4___Hero calls___Hero calls___Hero calls
Seat 5: xx xx 6____Seat 5 raises____Seat 5 caps!
Seat 6: xx xx 9____Seat 6 folds
Seat 7: xx xx 7____Seat 7 folds
Seat 8: xx xx T____Seat 8 brings in for $6____Seat 8 folds

4th Street: (13.5 SB) (3 players)
Seat 1: xx xx 3 6____Seat 1 calls
Hero: 3 A 4 2___Hero checks___Hero calls
Seat 5: xx xx 6 A____Seat 5 bets

5th Street: (8.25 BB) (3 players)
Seat 1: xx xx 3 6 J____Seat 1 checks____Seat 1 calls____Seat 1 folds
Hero: 3 A 4 2 Q___Hero checks___Hero raises___Hero caps!
Seat 5: xx xx 6 A A____Seat 5 bets____Seat 5 3-bets____Seat 5 calls

6th Street: (17.25 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 3 A 4 2 Q 9___Hero checks
Seat 5: xx xx 6 A A 2____Seat 5 checks

7th Street: (17.25 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 3 A 4 2 Q 9 6___Hero bets___Hero 3-bets
Seat 5: xx xx 6 A A 2 xx____Seat 5 raises____Seat 5 calls

Final Pot: 23.25 BB
Hero shows 3d As 4d 2d Qc 9c 6h (6,4,3,2,A)
Seat 5 mucks 8d 4c 6d Ac Ah 2s 2c
Hero wins 23.175 BB
(Rake: $3.00)
Wow I would love to know who villian was there.
02-23-2010 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Pro Merc
pretty sure thats what he was implying

-also bass ur a ****ing idiot

my 2 cents on this is I once loaned asfis $800 and was payed the original $800 back plus another $100 for interest that I did not ask for or imply that he owed. I've met him twice, and he is a nice enough kid. As far as this situation goes, I'm not involved what so ever, so I can't really comment on what happened or what I might have think happened. Asfis did tell me he was playing the event on his own a couple hours before it started and that is about all I can confirm. It comes down to he said, she said, and is a complete ****ing mess.
cool, explain it to me why he would have 0$ then? is it standard to withdraw your entire roll so that you dont have anything to grind with despite being a winning reg?
02-23-2010 , 10:12 PM
I staked asfispimp and he was good with it. Didn't have any problems with him. Not the coolest guy in the world, but I think it's only right to add that I never had problems with him during the time that he was backed by me.

Last edited by Andy B; 02-24-2010 at 02:05 PM.
02-23-2010 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Pro Merc
pretty sure thats what he was implying

-also bass ur a ****ing idiot

my 2 cents on this is I once loaned asfis $800 and was payed the original $800 back plus another $100 for interest that I did not ask for or imply that he owed. I've met him twice, and he is a nice enough kid. As far as this situation goes, I'm not involved what so ever, so I can't really comment on what happened or what I might have think happened. Asfis did tell me he was playing the event on his own a couple hours before it started and that is about all I can confirm. It comes down to he said, she said, and is a complete ****ing mess.
we can say he asked for a stake was sent the money for it hours before. then sent it back 3 hours in once he was in top ten.... and hes a doshh for reporting things he has no business reporting all that said he may really of not known btw not arguing with u merc
02-23-2010 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by bass3p
cool, explain it to me why he would have 0$ then? is it standard to withdraw your entire roll so that you dont have anything to grind with despite being a winning reg?
Fell asleep during a bunch of high stakes sng's imo. You will know after you try to chug a few beers and play poker.
02-23-2010 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by RAZZ PRO A2345
we can say he asked for a stake was sent the money for it hours before. then sent it back 3 hours in once he was in top ten.... and hes a doshh for reporting things he has no business reporting all that said he may really of not known btw not arguing with u merc
RP afaik you are going off 2nd hand info on this as well, so it's not really your place to act like an authority figure on the situation. Also, your behavior during the tourney was really childish and inappropriate considering you didn't know the details.

Edit: Also, why does the timing of sending the money back matter? Would it look less "suspicious" if he sent it back after a top 10 finish or something? Maybe he just didn't realize it until that time and he happened to be in a good chip position? We all know that being top 10 in chips 3 hours into an ftops doesn't really mean much.
02-23-2010 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Parallax
RP afaik you are going off 2nd hand info on this as well, so it's not really your place to act like an authority figure on the situation. Also, your behavior during the tourney was really childish and inappropriate considering you didn't know the details.

Edit: Also, why does the timing of sending the money back matter? Would it look less "suspicious" if he sent it back after a top 10 finish or something? Maybe he just didn't realize it until that time and he happened to be in a good chip position? We all know that being top 10 in chips 3 hours into an ftops doesn't really mean much.
actually yes timing is everything i dont c how u dont understand that... and afaik u only know what asfis doosh told u so gg btw acting childish on the rail come on now the guy just screwed a friend of mine yea i went and said go f urself and i dont give a **** and how is it 2nd hand info what i said is facts mendi and doosh bag will tell you he asked for a stake got it hours before was in top ten 3 hours in and sent back that simple thats what happened
02-23-2010 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by ceegee
I'm going to WSOP June 1st through July 7th and you can def bet I'll be playing Stud somewhere at sometime.
Well played.

I'll be there for a week if I can swing it (probably can). I'll probably try to get there around an event I'd like to play, like stud8 or razz. However, note that the side games are really good and you may not want to get up to play a tournament. imo.
02-23-2010 , 10:56 PM
I have school all summer (bleh), but might try flying in for the razz event. At this point, is that event still +EV? So many 2p2ers in it I assume...although a lot of these kiddies are <21.
02-24-2010 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Parallax
I have school all summer (bleh), but might try flying in for the razz event. At this point, is that event still +EV? So many 2p2ers in it I assume...although a lot of these kiddies are <21.
Event is massively +EV. I thought my starting table was pretty bad and I had Rainman, Alobar, Carlos Mortensen, and another guy who FT'd the event. I saw nothing that impressed me in the least bit at the other tables I was at.

And it's definitely fun meeting all the 2+2 guys. We had like 10 people to dinner during the break which was cool.
02-24-2010 , 01:28 AM
Are kids allowed? To the dinner anyways? =)
02-24-2010 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Hi?
And it's definitely fun meeting all the 2+2 guys. We had like 10 people to dinner during the break which was cool.
Yeah that was definitely a lot of fun. Anyone who goes to vegas during the WSOP, do yourself a favor and just post on the forum before hand and try to meet up with a few people. It's definitely worth taking some time to puts faces to the names.

Also, after I got back home I realized/found out that I'd spent a lot of time at the tables with regs from other forums that I didn't really know that well. I actually left a few tables when I realized most of the people remaining were online regs.
02-24-2010 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Hi?
Event is massively +EV. I thought my starting table was pretty bad and I had Rainman, Alobar, Carlos Mortensen,
True story: When Carlos took 2nd in razz in 2006, I was railbirding the final table for a while. I starting talking to a guy next to me, who said he was a friend of Carlos', and he told me they played razz sometimes in their home game. He was shocked that Carlos made it that far because he usually sucked at it, and when I later analyzed the reports of some hands he played I saw nothing to change that impression.
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
It's definitely worth taking some time to puts faces to the names.
This is what I'm worried about.
02-24-2010 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by finknik
Are kids allowed? To the dinner anyways? =)
dude I snuck in last year when I was only 17 during the summer one day to watch day 5 I believe of the main event... All you need to do is not shave, put on a legit shirt, and some legit shades and somewhat look old. I wore a FT jersey the next day and got ID'd
02-24-2010 , 12:18 PM
i am a faily active in the staking forum and I have a few horses of my own. Asfispimp is one.
Asfispimp has been playing cash game and sngs on my stake since early Dec of last year. Things have been working very well between us except for the latest downswings. We talk on aim constantly and shipping money back and forth without any issue. I honestly don’t view him as the type of person that would scam a backer. he is still playing on my stake as of now. Often times, he would ship back the stake to me so he can focus on his school work (so he does have $0 in his account). I suspect what happened is the result of miscommunication and misunderstanding.
02-24-2010 , 02:09 PM
I don't know what the appropriate forum would be for staking disputes, but this ain't it. Take it elsewhere. Thanks.
02-24-2010 , 02:25 PM
Should I wear a cowboy hat in the stud events like gabe kaplan?
02-24-2010 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Andy B
I don't know what the appropriate forum would be for staking disputes, but this ain't it. Take it elsewhere. Thanks.
It wasn't to settle disputes. It was to warn the razz community about a potential scammer.
02-24-2010 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by asfispimp
I will give my side of the story.
while its true we've had our problems in the past, this is absolutely not a personal matter. im not the type to harbor grudges, especially after being apologized to, and as of late ive been amiable and friendly with you at the tables. i've always tried my best to be on good terms with the people i surround myself in as peace of mind is priority to me. this lifestyle can be very difficult at times. i had hoped you had grown up, and i do pull for people to learn from their mistakes and succeed. a healthier community is good for me.

that said, im definitely an ethics snob, especially when it comes to how people should treat others, and i am not the type to sit back when someone does something that could have a serious negative effect on my friends or peers. so **** yeah im going to tell people to watch their backs when something like this happens, especially when it involves someone familiar enough with the community to maneuver through it. this isnt ****ing fun for me.

as far as im concerned everything about the way this whole thing went down looks ****ty. if you have an agreement where you ask for a stake and you settle on a backer telling you if he chooses to stake you he'll send the funds, then its your responsibility to check your account balance or whatever before the event starts. i obviously find it hard to believe you didnt, and if i were in your shoes, and i had some sudden account balance epiphany going into the third hour with a top 10 stack, id suck it up and play backed anyhow because i ****ed up. regardless of what happened, you clearly didnt do yourself any favors in how you acted afterwords, and if you thought you might have something thats going to need clearing up, you probably shouldve considered doing so before posting looking for a stake immediately after.

after it happened i got as much info as i could at the time before warning a few of my friends/peers in private that i know do backing, and when i was made aware of the thread i double fact checked with the backer, and anyone else who might be involved ( besides you ) offhand to not be too hasty.

its your responsibility to be thorough in your poker affairs, and its our responsibility to watch each others backs
