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HU Razz: c/r b/r 5th? b/r 7th? HU Razz: c/r b/r 5th? b/r 7th?

01-31-2010 , 07:24 AM
In about 100 hands (over about 5 sessions) villain has limped 2-3 times baby vs baby, and flatted 5-6 times baby vs baby. None of these saw 6th.

A few hands before the hand I want input on...

Poker Stars $30/$60 Limit Razz $5 Ante - 2 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

3rd Street: (0.333 SB)
Hero: 7 6 4___Hero raises___Hero calls
Seat 5: xx xx 6____Seat 5 brings in for $10____Seat 5 3-bets

4th Street: (4.333 SB) (2 players)
Hero: 7 6 4 A___Hero checks___Hero calls
Seat 5: xx xx 6 7____Seat 5 bets

5th Street: (3.167 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 7 6 4 A 9___Hero checks___Hero raises
Seat 5: xx xx 6 7 Q____Seat 5 bets____Seat 5 calls

6th Street: (7.167 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 7 6 4 A 9 8___Hero bets
Seat 5: xx xx 6 7 Q T____Seat 5 calls

7th Street: (9.167 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 7 6 4 A 9 8 5___Hero bets___Hero calls
Seat 5: xx xx 6 7 Q T xx____Seat 5 raises

Final Pot: 13.167 BB
Hero mucks 7 6 4 A 9 8 5
Seat 5 shows 5 3 6 7 Q T 2 (Lo: 7,6,5,3,2)
Seat 5 wins 13.15 BB
(Rake: $1.00)

The hand:

Poker Stars $30/$60 Limit Razz $5 Ante - 2 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

3rd Street: (0.333 SB)
Hero: 4 5 2___Hero raises
Seat 5: xx xx 2____Seat 5 brings in for $10____Seat 5 calls

4th Street: (2.333 SB) (2 players)
Hero: 4 5 2 Q___Hero calls
Seat 5: xx xx 2 A____Seat 5 bets

5th Street: (2.167 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 4 5 2 Q 6___Hero bets___Hero calls
Seat 5: xx xx 2 A K____Seat 5 raises

6th Street: (6.167 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 4 5 2 Q 6 A___Hero bets
Seat 5: xx xx 2 A K 8____Seat 5 calls

7th Street: (8.167 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 4 5 2 Q 6 A 7___Hero bets___?
Seat 5: xx xx 2 A K 8 xx____Seat 5 raises

4th I'm not too worried about but let me know if it's terrible.

5th I have a few options I want to know what you think is best.

7th I'm lost.
HU Razz: c/r b/r 5th? b/r 7th? Quote
01-31-2010 , 07:36 AM
I think if you want to be less confused on 7th you have to 3 bet 5th. I think by not doing so, you're trying to disguise the strength of your hand, which I think makes 6th a mandatory 3 bet. I do probably try to check raise 6th though tbh.
HU Razz: c/r b/r 5th? b/r 7th? Quote
01-31-2010 , 08:43 AM
As played by not 3 betting 5th, i'm usually check/raising 6th. As for 7th it really depends on if the villain you are playing likes to make reasonably thin value raises, vs those players i think a bet/raise is perfect. I noticed he slow played 3rd. Was that standard for the villain?
HU Razz: c/r b/r 5th? b/r 7th? Quote
01-31-2010 , 09:59 AM
Well in the first hand the c/r on 5th is very sxc but on 7th i think a check/call is better unless u are sure there going to be calling a Ten low against your board of A489. With the c/c on 7th your inducing bluffs and saving yourself a BB (from a r/r) if he does catch because if he does catch his hand should have lower kickers.

In the second hand i guess im the same with the guys above, c/r on 6th the way u played and 7th depends on the opponent whether to put in the raise or the call.

Just my donk thoughts
HU Razz: c/r b/r 5th? b/r 7th? Quote
01-31-2010 , 10:57 AM
Hand 1:

All ok. Can vary your play a bit on a couple streets.

Hand 2:

4th street depends on villain, at worst it's a bit -EV.

I'm 3 banging 5th 100%; if for some reason I didn't, I'm definitely c/r'ing 6th.

I'm also 3 banging 7th 100%. He obv had you beat this time, but it's def necessary w/ #4.
HU Razz: c/r b/r 5th? b/r 7th? Quote
