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HORSEMENT: Stud8, raise or call? HORSEMENT: Stud8, raise or call?

02-16-2010 , 10:25 PM
Full Tilt Poker $5 + $0.50 Limit Stud Hi/Lo Tournament - t60/t120 Limit + t10 - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (): t2273 M = 13.37
Seat 2: t2280 M = 13.41
Seat 3: t3015 M = 17.74
Seat 4: t1432 M = 8.42
Seat 5: t1679 M = 9.88
Seat 6: t1174 M = 6.91
Seat 7: t2363 M = 13.90
Seat 8: t4531 M = 26.65

3rd Street: (1.333 SB)
Hero: 7 4 A___Hero completes
Seat 2: xx xx J____Seat 2 folds
Seat 3: xx xx A____Seat 3 folds
Seat 4: xx xx K____Seat 4 folds
Seat 5: xx xx 3____Seat 5 brings in for $20____Seat 5 calls
Seat 6: xx xx 8____Seat 6 folds
Seat 7: xx xx 9____Seat 7 calls____Seat 7 calls
Seat 8: xx xx A____Seat 8 calls____Seat 8 calls

4th Street: (5.333 SB) (4 players)
Hero: 7 4 A 6___Hero bets
Seat 5: xx xx 3 J____Seat 5 calls
Seat 7: xx xx 9 8____Seat 7 calls
Seat 8: xx xx A 9____Seat 8 checks____Seat 8 calls

5th Street: (4.667 BB) (4 players)
Hero: 7 4 A 6 6___Hero bets___Hero 3-bets___Hero calls
Seat 5: xx xx 3 J 7____Seat 5 calls____Seat 5 folds
Seat 7: xx xx 9 8 K____Seat 7 raises____Seat 7 caps!
Seat 8: xx xx A 9 7____Seat 8 folds

6th Street: (13.667 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 7 4 A 6 6 2___Hero raises___Hero caps!
Seat 7: xx xx 9 8 K 9____Seat 7 bets____Seat 7 3-bets____Seat 7 calls

7th Street: (21.667 BB) (2 players)
Hero: 7 4 A 6 6 2 3___Hero calls
Seat 7: xx xx 9 8 K 9 xx____Seat 7 bets

Final Pot: 23.667 BB
Hero shows 7d 4d Ad 6d 6c 2h 3h (HI: a pair of Sixes; LO: 6,4,3,2,A)
Seat 7 shows 8s 8d 9c 8c Kh 9s 5c (HI: a full house, Eights full of Nines)
Seat 7 wins 11.833 BB
Hero wins 11.833 BB

After pairing the six, should I have gone for the overcall to induce a call from the third player or raise to protect my hand and get the other draws out?
HORSEMENT: Stud8, raise or call? Quote
02-16-2010 , 10:55 PM
as far as "protecting your hand"....well, your 6's are obv. not the best hand at this point, but, you def. have the best draw and you'll probably scoop it if you hit your flush and esp. if you hit a baby diamond.

on 5th: if you're trying to weigh which choice is more optimal (raise for value, or, call to try and keep the other player in) I go for a raise here; even though I really want volume w/this super draw, in these low buy-in things, players play all types of junky hands and tend not to read hands very well so for that reason, i want to jam as many chips into the center as i possibly can.
HORSEMENT: Stud8, raise or call? Quote
02-19-2010 , 07:48 PM
I do not believe that Rush17 is wrong. I think it's a fairly close call that could go either way, especially if there were just a bit more info.

However, I would have probably gone for the overcall with your hand on fifth. You have such a good draw, I'd want to get as much money in the pot as possible, and if I thought going for the overcall would accomplish that, then I'd do it. Your raising opponent looks trips-ish so you're not always going to win if you make the flush (because he'll sometimes make a boat). Therefore I'd want to get that extra bet from the overcall in for when I make a low but don't win the high.
HORSEMENT: Stud8, raise or call? Quote
02-19-2010 , 10:42 PM
no, raise 5th, b/c you don't want him taking half of your pot if you make a big flush or something else. also, your equity is enormous anyway...

al letting the guy overcall doesn't get you money if you make a low and don't win the high unless he makes an 8 or somehow you make a better 7 which seems unlikely. plus, he may call two cold anyway. you can't call 5th.

I also like raising 7th to be a dick.
HORSEMENT: Stud8, raise or call? Quote
02-19-2010 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by ChipsAhoya
I also like raising 7th to be a dick.
+1, not even to be a dick tho. You never know if he will accidentally misclick fold.
HORSEMENT: Stud8, raise or call? Quote
