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Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz)

09-05-2007 , 04:47 PM
Seat 1 is awesome at razz and we are all here to learn from him.

Seat 6 is a thinking player but definitely overaggressive in every type of stud game.

Razz ($30/$60), Ante $5 (converter)

3rd Street - (1.00 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx 9___calls___calls
Seat 2: xx xx 2___raises___calls
Seat 5: xx xx T___folds
Seat 6: xx xx 5___calls___calls
Hero: 2 A 6___raises
Seat 8: xx xx Q___folds

4th Street - (9.33 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx 9 7___raises___calls
Seat 2: xx xx 2 J___folds
Seat 6: xx xx 5 9___bets___raises
Hero: 2 A 6 J___calls___calls

5th Street - (9.17 BB)

Seat 1: xx xx 9 7 A___bets
Seat 6: xx xx 5 9 J___calls
Hero: 2 A 6 J 6___calls

6th Street - (12.17 BB)

Seat 1: xx xx 9 7 A K___bets
Seat 6: xx xx 5 9 J K___calls
Hero: 2 A 6 J 6 7___calls

River - (15.17 BB)

Seat 1: xx xx 9 7 A K xx___bets
Seat 6: xx xx 5 9 J K xx___folds
Hero: 2 A 6 J 6 7 K___calls

Total pot: (17.17 BB)
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 04:55 PM
Man, I don't even know what to think. The more I learn about poker the less I understand, for real.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 05:52 PM
Man, I don't even know what to think. The more I learn about razz the more I want to kill defenseless animals.
~yea I didn't realise this was the stud forum pls to be not flaming me.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 06:03 PM
Seat 1 is awesome at razz and we are all here to learn from him.

Seat 6 is a thinking player but definitely overaggressive in every type of stud game.

Razz ($30/$60), Ante $5 (converter)

3rd Street - (1.00 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx 9___calls___calls
Seat 2: xx xx 2___raises___calls
Seat 5: xx xx T___folds
Seat 6: xx xx 5___calls___calls
Hero: 2 A 6___raises
Seat 8: xx xx Q___folds

Excuse me while I ask a simple-minded question. If Seat 1 is KTBA (Known-to-be-awesome) would it make sense, since he called a raise and reraise. to put him on 529 considering the board? I'm asking what makes an "awesome" player enter a hand with a 9 in the door?
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 06:11 PM

Excuse me while I ask a simple-minded question. If Seat 1 is KTBA (Known-to-be-awesome) would it make sense, since he called a raise and reraise. to put him on 529 considering the board? I'm asking what makes an "awesome" player enter a hand with a 9 in the door?
I assumed that was tongue in cheek, since he limped showing a 9 and then called when it came back 2 to him.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 07:11 PM
i never play razz but even against any 2 reasonably bad hands isn't 5th clearly a fold
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 07:27 PM
I was going to say fold 4th when it's 2 more bets because we should expect seat 1 to cap. If we look at it in this way the pot is like 18 bets (9 to start+their 8 cap+1 we put in already). Even getting 6:1 here I thought we ran the risk of getting jammed on 5th. However now I am liking 4th. Actually I hate it, but I hate folding even more.

5th I hate too but getting 11:1 I think this may actually be the correct play. Too lazy to look at our equity but it probably isn't so awful against their range because their boards suck and our draw draw is good and surprisingly live.

7th is meh but I make worse calls constantly and somehow win the pot so whatever.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 07:46 PM
Our draw is good on 5th? We need 2 cards... I think hero's equity is around 20% here and he's probably going to have to put in 3 bets into a pot that will either be 13 bets on the end (if other opponent folds) or 15-16 (if he doesn't). If hero folds without making a 9 then it's between 14:2 and 12:2 which is a lot closer but still not great.

4th is just kinda of tragic because calling 1 is OK here I think, nice pot, good live cards, but then he gets stuck and has to call another. I assume you'd have folded if it was 2 back to you instead of one at a time?
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 08:54 PM
I assume you'd have folded if it was 2 back to you instead of one at a time?
He had to call 2 bets the second time around.

FWIW I'm folding 4th when I have to call 2 more bets but when I can look at the hand after the fact I think it may actually be correct to continue on both 4th and 5th.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 09:03 PM
I assume you'd have folded if it was 2 back to you instead of one at a time?
He had to call 2 bets the second time around.

FWIW I'm folding 4th when I have to call 2 more bets but when I can look at the hand after the fact I think it may actually be correct to continue on both 4th and 5th.
Ah, so it is. I am not a fan of this converter when it comes to figuring out the action.

5th, if it's a call, is *really really* close.

7th, my immediate thought is fold but really it depends on the opponent. Most opponents are not going to bet a 9 into two people on the end unless they have a board lock, and hero could have a 7 or 8 on the end, villain must know hero is drawing. So to me it smacks either of improvement on villains part of a pure bluff. Still, J high is not a good bluff-catching hand because villain could be bluffing with T high the whole way. The pot is huge and your other opponent didn't call which is nice.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 09:05 PM
Or wait, is hero playing on absolute and has a 7 with a2667?
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 09:06 PM
5th, if it's a call, is *really really* close.
what do you think seat 1 has in the hole?
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 09:15 PM
5th, if it's a call, is *really really* close.
what do you think seat 1 has in the hole?
Could be anything, right? So I give him ** in the hole (any 2, paired or not) and I give your thinking player (8- 8-) which maybe is a little generous but actually doesn't change much.;h4=&h5=

Your equity on 5th is 20%. That's pretty close given the effective odds.

If I give BOTH players ** in the hole, your equity is only 25%.

BTW, Seat 1 can have total jack crap in the hole, and even be paired, and you're STILL only at 30%. Now, 30% is not bad for the size of the pot, but you have to believe that Seat 1 definitely has nothing *at all* and that isn't true often enough. Awful players get hands too.;h4=&h5=
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 09:40 PM
5th, if it's a call, is *really really* close.
what do you think seat 1 has in the hole?
Could be anything, right?
Ehh...he's terrible, but he's playing 30/60 razz. This means he probably knows something about 'poker', just not 'razz'.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 10:06 PM
I would have flat called 3rd with a 6 showing, and my cards not particularly live, but I am not saying that is the best play.

The call of 5th is probably OK with the pot so large.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 10:09 PM
Every time I see a 30/60 Razz hand posted I get excited that maybe I will be able to find a good 30 game, as my experience is that any time a 30 game goes it is good. Much to my pleasure, I log on to Stars a bit ago and see a 4 handed game. I am now sitting out because these dirtbags are just folding every hand, not playing horribly at all.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 10:17 PM
5th, if it's a call, is *really really* close.
what do you think seat 1 has in the hole?
Could be anything, right?
Ehh...he's terrible, but he's playing 30/60 razz. This means he probably knows something about 'poker', just not 'razz'.
I guess I have no idea what you're getting at then. ** is about the best range you'll be up against, the more you tighten the range the worse it gets for you. If your opponents both have (8- 8-) in the hole then your 5th st equity is more like 15% (5:1) and it's a fold.

Unless you're fairly certain Seat one had something like (A2)9 in which case you're still in awful shape.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 10:53 PM
Unless you're fairly certain Seat one had something like (A2)9 in which case you're still in awful shape.
if that's true, I'm really not, ducy?
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 10:59 PM
Unless you're fairly certain Seat one had something like (A2)9 in which case you're still in awful shape.
if that's true, I'm really not, ducy?
No, gotta admit I don't see it. A2 is actually one of the best possibilities of any decent hand he could have because he has some of your pair cards. But I still see you as a 3:1 dog in this particular case. If he has exactly A2 you can call but I just don't see how you can put him on that for sure. Plus if he has something like (34)9 that doubly bad (now you're a 9:1 dog)

Anyway, I'm just a low level donk and at this point I'm just guessing.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-05-2007 , 11:43 PM
OP is reading the 9 for an ace in the hole. I think he needs to have it in order for the 5th st call to be correct. to make the call correct you have to know when to continue on 6th because there are scenarios where you might be dead on 6th but think you are not, which will prove to be very costly.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-06-2007 , 12:50 AM
I don't know what we gain by reraising 3rd. We have a complete and a call, so I would assume we are at best slightly ahead of either opponent. With the 6 showing and not being real live, we may not have the best hand. Having A2 rather than 45 is only a very slight advantage, assuming the cards are equally live. You have to assume the 9 will fold to the reraise. Also, with a 6 showing, you narrow your range to exactly two wheel cards, and probably atleast one 2 or 5.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:24 AM
Seat 1 is awesome at razz and we are all here to earn from him.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-06-2007 , 02:52 PM
I like the raise on third, before the awesome player realizes his hand is crap. Pure value.

Fourth is a pain in the balls. If you knew you were in second place, okay, but here you're pretty sure you're in last place. Given the live one, once you call one bet, I guess you can call the other two. It sucks though.

Fifth looks ugly, but getting 11:1 and with so many live cards to catch (3,4,5,7,8, and what the hell, 9), you're about a 2:1 favorite to improve, and if you do, you'll have half the stub to catch on the river.

Six came down about as good as possible. Easy call.

The river sucks, but it's one bet into a big pot, so I call.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-06-2007 , 08:27 PM
I like the raise on third, before the awesome player realizes his hand is crap. Pure value.
If you think there is a decent chance the 9 will limp/call multiple bets, then the reraise on 3rd is great. However, usually, you just force the 9 to play correctly.

I don't really think the reraise is bad, but I prefer to flat call, particularly since the reraise puts your hand face up, almost to the exact hole cards.
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
09-07-2007 , 01:34 AM
If the guy has an ace in the hole 100% of the time, it looks like you are even money on 5th to fold or call. If he ever has, say, a three instead of an ace, you have to fold. Right?

There has been so much thoughtful discussion amongst the micro stakers lately, it's been great. I hope we get to hear some of your thoughts on this hand. The suspense is killing me!
Hmmmmmm (30/60 razz) Quote
