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FT matrix HORSE sngs FT matrix HORSE sngs

11-02-2008 , 09:37 AM
Has anyone given any thought to strategy modifications when playing these?

Cliff notes version: Full Tilt recently introduced a Matrix concept for sngs. (For a better and longer explanation see the FT web site.) In a nutshell: you play 4 sngs against the same group of 7 other players but there is a side bet (matrix board) where you recieve points (used towards winning the side pool) by knocking players out, placing in the individual table tournaments and surviving longer then other players.

This format would seem to promote loose play due to the points awarded for knocking a player out but also induce tight play due to points for lasting longer. In the SNG forum some players feel the reduced varience is inducement enough to play these.

Any thoughts?

PS Yes I am aware that the only posts I make in this forum are weird tournament strategy questions.
FT matrix HORSE sngs Quote
11-03-2008 , 04:21 PM
I would say you will reduce variance, but lower your winrate, too. You will have to play higher to make up for it, I think.

That being said, it seems like a fun idea, with the side prize pool and all. Not fun enough, that I've actually played one, though.
FT matrix HORSE sngs Quote
11-03-2008 , 04:42 PM
I played a couple omaha and hold em ones just for fun...they are kind of fun in that you can see a lot quicker how your opponents play and you can get some extra cash by winning 1 of the 4 if you bomb in one of the others since you can still make top 3 of the matrix part. Strategy wise, I think it plays like any knockout type tourney; there is extra incentive to gamble with a short stack I think and OTOH in this format you want to outlast too so you don't want to take chances as a short stack until you have to.

That all being said, I would rather just play a cash game or one sng and some other things as the action moves too fast for me if I make it to final 2 or 3 on all 4 tables.
FT matrix HORSE sngs Quote
11-03-2008 , 04:47 PM
I think I'll do one for fun, but I don't see it as being all that profitable. I've done a few NL ones and in general made money, but not very much. It would be very cool to scoop the whole pot by winning all 4 games, but mostly I would reasonably expect around 150% of buy in to be my best result.
FT matrix HORSE sngs Quote
11-04-2008 , 01:43 PM
I can't play three tables of hold'em, let alone four tables of HORSE.
FT matrix HORSE sngs Quote
