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Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce

10-19-2008 , 09:40 PM
5 ante, 10 Bring in

I bring it in with 67(6)
Bad women with xx9 call
Seemingly tight new to game Korean complete with Ad

1 dead diamond and all my cards are live


Ace bets, I rai, 93 folds, Ace calls


He bet, I raise again


He check call

I don't improve on the river

Easy bet right?
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-19-2008 , 09:44 PM
Stud or stud/8?
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-20-2008 , 12:48 PM
This is Stud-Hi Andy, it should be at least.

Bet, yes.

And PokerJans, I live in Irvine.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-20-2008 , 02:18 PM
hmmm you've shown alot of aggression in this hand, enough that he might check call with aces up on sixth and seventh. I think I'd lean towards a free showdown here to avoid betting his hand for him if he does have two pair and avoid the possibility of a c/r if he made a big hand on the river. Of course you are missing out on getting paid off if he has bare aces. Interesting balance -- I tend to check here, but also don't play this high.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-20-2008 , 04:39 PM
Stud hi...I usually never play stud hi but I didn't recognize anyone in the game so I assumed it was probably pretty good. I was right, but then everyone lost their money in like 2 hours and went home and I had no one to play with. That game never breaks but the day I play it breaks at 4pm lol

I had two situations like this yesterday where I definitely had the best hand until the river but in both situations I felt like I might not either get called because it was obvious I had something, OR if I am called its by a hand that improved to beat mine.

In this situation I hemmed and hawed and decided to check because I suck at poker. I figured he had a pair to start or picked up a diamond draw on 4th. If I think he has a pair to start its an easy value bet IMO looking back because his second pair cards(the 6 and the 9) are dead and I have a bad board so I definitely would have gotten looked up with Aces probably. Also, if he c/r then you know he is huge(flush aiyahhh) and I can safely fold two small pair.

The reason why I posted because say instead his board is...

AdKd3hTs and they treys and tens are live? It seems be kinda thin then...

Anyway this is all hypothetical assuming my opponent had anything at all...I opened first but then he rolled a bunch of cards that equaled nothing.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-20-2008 , 04:44 PM
That game never breaks but the day I play it breaks at 4pm lol
You're just that good.

I thought this might be stud high, but I also know that PokerJans mostly plays stud/8, so I wasn't quite sure. As loathsome as I find the bet-and-fold-to-a-raise line, I think this is the spot for it.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-20-2008 , 06:32 PM
You get to show down two small for free? Against a hand that won't call if you bet unless you're beat? What's the problem again?

Check behind. You frustrate him if he wanted to c/r and win the maximum against any hand you beat except exactly dry Aces.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-20-2008 , 11:52 PM
I check behind on the river.. Out of position I bet, but in position and the way the hand was played I'm not too fond of betting.

An alternative way to play the hand is to smooth call 5th and pop it on 6th after opponent catches blank.. You'll be happy you didn't raise 5th the times he makes an open pair on 6th.. Also, once you raise 5th, if you fill up he might just fold on 6th suspecting you are full, if you just smooth call 5th and fill on 6th, it'll be hard for him to fold UI aces.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-21-2008 , 12:55 AM
assuming villain has AA, there are 35 cards left in the deck, 11 of which give villain two pair or trips, so villain has 10.37 outs to a winner.

(24 x 60) - (10.37 x 120) + (0.67 x 180) = $9

even betting and calling a raise is +EV, so checking can't be right.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-21-2008 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Merton0806
assuming villain has AA, there are 35 cards left in the deck, 11 of which give villain two pair or trips, so villain has 10.37 outs to a winner.

(24 x 60) - (10.37 x 120) + (0.67 x 180) = $9

even betting and calling a raise is +EV, so checking can't be right.
This doesn't matter if villian folds UI aces on the river every time and check/calls with aces up..
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-21-2008 , 01:32 AM
This doesn't matter if villian folds UI aces on the river every time and check/calls with aces up..
Do you really think that that's how he's going to play it?
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Andy B
Do you really think that that's how he's going to play it?
I would play it exactly this way, unless I was tilting in which case I call .. Hero raises 4th into a AK suited board, that tells me he has a pretty big hand.. Then we lead 5th again and get raised again.. 67Q isn't a huge draw heavy board, plus would a draw try to isolate 4th against an AKs board? Probably not.

OK maybe many people wouldn't fold the river, but all I'm saying is the math doesn't matter unless opponent calls the river everytime with UI aces and never check/raises aces up or better, and we can't just assume this.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-21-2008 , 03:36 AM
Everybody saying bet the river is hanging that on the notion that villain has exactly dry AA and will call with it, but common sense (as well as the hand as played) suggest that he can have a lot more hands than that.

Of those many hands, we really only want him to have AA. If he ever folds AA, then there is virtually no value a bet, given that we get called by any garfinkle two-pairs that beat us and check-raised by so much of the rest of his range for this line.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-21-2008 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by Merton0806
assuming villain has AA, there are 35 cards left in the deck, 11 of which give villain two pair or trips, so villain has 10.37 outs to a winner.

(24 x 60) - (10.37 x 120) + (0.63 x 180) = $9

even betting and calling a raise is +EV, so checking can't be right.

error in maths
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-21-2008 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by frappeboy
I would play it exactly this way, unless I was tilting in which case I call .. Hero raises 4th into a AK suited board, that tells me he has a pretty big hand.. Then we lead 5th again and get raised again.. 67Q isn't a huge draw heavy board, plus would a draw try to isolate 4th against an AKs board? Probably not.
this probably means that you wouldn't raise with aces up on 7th, ty for making the river bet more profitable:

(24 x 60) - (10.37 x 60) + (0.63 x 60) = $24.5 per trial
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-21-2008 , 09:26 AM
prob should also consider diamonds as possible outs for villain. Good debate though.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-21-2008 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by frappeboy
An alternative way to play the hand is to smooth call 5th and pop it on 6th after opponent catches blank.. You'll be happy you didn't raise 5th the times he makes an open pair on 6th.. Also, once you raise 5th, if you fill up he might just fold on 6th suspecting you are full, if you just smooth call 5th and fill on 6th, it'll be hard for him to fold UI aces.
Well if the idea is that we are waiting until 6th to raise because we are afraid our opponent might improve or we might pair 6 or 7? Even if we pair 6 or 7 on 6th why would that be more difficult for him to fold UI Aces?

I raised 5th because I have the best hand almost always. That is solid pokering IMO

Last edited by PokerJans; 10-21-2008 at 11:56 PM. Reason: Edit PS - this is live poker. Not all, but some players call wth 1 pair on the end.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-22-2008 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by PokerJans
Well if the idea is that we are waiting until 6th to raise because we are afraid our opponent might improve or we might pair 6 or 7? Even if we pair 6 or 7 on 6th why would that be more difficult for him to fold UI Aces?

I raised 5th because I have the best hand almost always. That is solid pokering IMO
Raise 6th because we get one raise in with the best hand.

Since he called 4th and led 5th, he is very likely to lead 6th, and we can get the same amount of $$ in.

If he breaks into open AA or KK though on 6th, you will be very glad you didn't raise 5th.

You aren't likely to lose him no matter what you hit on 6th, but waiting one more street to raise will save you tons in the long run.

Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-22-2008 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Sevenfold
Raise 6th because we get one raise in with the best hand.

Since he called 4th and led 5th, he is very likely to lead 6th, and we can get the same amount of $$ in.

If he breaks into open AA or KK though on 6th, you will be very glad you didn't raise 5th.

You aren't likely to lose him no matter what you hit on 6th, but waiting one more street to raise will save you tons in the long run.

Exactly.. This line of waiting till 6th street is very useful to know whenever u have 2 small pair and are likely to be in position the rest of the hand.. Unless opponent is really passive and will check 6th UI, its best to wait till 6th to put in the raise.. The only time I don't use this line is when my board is developing draw heavy, in which case we might catch a scare card on 6th that forces him to check.. For instance if I had (54)547, I'd raise 5th against a big pair since there are many cards I can catch to scare him on 6th.. Plus with a board like that our hand is much more disguised when we raise.. In this particular hand, your board is definitely not draw heavy so opponent will likely bet 6th.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-22-2008 , 04:47 AM
if he catches diamond on 6th, does everybody still raise? ih he makes open pair, do we fold?

i like the raise on 5th
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-22-2008 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by frappeboy
For instance if I had (54)547, I'd raise 5th against a big pair since there are many cards I can catch to scare him on 6th.. Plus with a board like that our hand is much more disguised when we raise..
This sequence tightens villain's river calling range considerably, making a river bet with two small pair pretty bad. In the hand as played, the only value comes from villain paying off with one pair, and that's even less likely with a scary board unless villain is a special case.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-22-2008 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Merton0806
if he catches diamond on 6th, does everybody still raise? ih he makes open pair, do we fold?

i like the raise on 5th
Why do you like a raise on 5th?

If he breaks into (XX)AK6A, are you happy you raised 5th? Is there now so much money in there that you figure you must call?

So in essence, you are saying that if you raise on 5th, you have bloated the pot so much that you have to call down regardless of his 6th street card? So you want to raise 5th so you can justify any further calls? I don't like this strategy.

But to answer your first question, if he drops a diamond on 6th and leads, I don't raise, and I will be very happy not to have raised 5th.

If he breaks into any open pair, I fold and will be very happy not to have raised 5th.

There is absolutely no reason that a 5th street raise is better than a 6th in this case, and many reasons why a 6th is.

Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-22-2008 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by electrical
You get to show down two small for free? Against a hand that won't call if you bet unless you're beat? What's the problem again?

Check behind. You frustrate him if he wanted to c/r and win the maximum against any hand you beat except exactly dry Aces.
Why do you pay off a river check raise? No one has ever checked raise bluffed this river in this game, imo. This is live poker, they'll call you with one pair often enough.

Bet and fold to a raise.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-22-2008 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Joe Tall
Why do you pay off a river check raise? No one has ever checked raise bluffed this river in this game, imo. This is live poker, they'll call you with one pair often enough.

Bet and fold to a raise.
While I never play stud this high, and I generally hate exploitable strategies like bet/fold, here this is the way to go imo.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
10-22-2008 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by SGspecial
While I never play stud this high, and I generally hate exploitable strategies like bet/fold, here this is the way to go imo.
1. This isn't online poker where you should see more showdowns.
2. I don't recommend repeating the line in the same session.
Easy value bet? 30-60 Commerce Quote
