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defending the bring in stud variants against late position opens defending the bring in stud variants against late position opens

08-18-2015 , 12:12 PM
i often get in iffy spots when i defend my bring in against late position openers with weakish hands. i also tried folding those as a standard, but i feel like i fold to much like this.

do you defend a dry small pair in stud hi against a lateposition opener or a raggy (hidden) ace? What about a 3 offsuited connected cards, like 856o? what about a 2 flush and one broadwaycard like Kh7h2s
do yo defend 2 lowcards against a late position opner in stud h/l? do you play highcards against a late position opener?
do you defend a highcard and 2 babys against a late position opner in razz?
defending the bring in stud variants against late position opens Quote
08-19-2015 , 12:29 AM
I always defend BI in razz with 2 wheels vs steal HU
defending the bring in stud variants against late position opens Quote
