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10-15-2009 , 11:37 PM
Any Help/thoughs about how i played the hand? i have played a bit of stud8b and enjoy the game, so im looking to improve my game and increase my bankroll. so far i have been going well but im not sure if its just because im running hot or the other players are so bad...

Full Tilt Poker $1/$2 Limit Stud Hi/Lo $0.20 Ante - 7 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

3rd Street: (1.4 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx T____Seat 1 calls
Seat 2: xx xx K____Seat 2 folds
Hero: 2 5 9___Hero calls
Seat 4: xx xx 4____Seat 4 folds
Seat 6: xx xx T____Seat 6 folds
Seat 7: xx xx 4____Seat 7 brings in for $0.25
Seat 8: xx xx 7____Seat 8 folds

4th Street: (2.15 SB) (3 players)
Seat 1: xx xx T T____Seat 1 bets____Seat 1 calls
Hero: 2 5 9 4___Hero calls___Hero calls
Seat 7: xx xx 4 3____Seat 7 raises

5th Street: (4.075 BB) (3 players)
Seat 1: xx xx T T T____Seat 1 bets
Hero: 2 5 9 4 A___Hero calls
Seat 7: xx xx 4 3 7____Seat 7 calls

6th Street: (7.075 BB) (3 players)
Seat 1: xx xx T T T K____Seat 1 bets____Seat 1 3-bets
Hero: 2 5 9 4 A J___Hero calls___Hero calls
Seat 7: xx xx 4 3 7 8____Seat 7 raises____Seat 7 calls

7th Street: (16.075 BB) (3 players)
Seat 1: xx xx T T T K xx____Seat 1 bets____Seat 1 calls____Seat 1 calls
Hero: 2 5 9 4 A J 3___Hero calls___Hero 3-bets
Seat 7: xx xx 4 3 7 8 xx____Seat 7 raises____Seat 7 calls

i wasent sure if i should assume that seat 1 has/will have a boat by 7th. seat 1 was pritty donkish imo he was getting in to big pots with very bad holdings so i guessed he would spew money with just trips Vs two lows freerolling to the high. if he dose hit the boat often drawing to the flush/GS is a bit spewie leaving me with just a low draw. 7th i get a magical card giving me the wheel, i tried a slightly funky line here trying to get 3 or 4 bets from the other low drawer. do you think this line is ok or does it look to strong to get 3-bets? do you think seat 1 3-bets if i raise and seat 7 calls? (allowing me to 4-bet for max value from the beat low draw.)


Last edited by AshleyLong; 10-15-2009 at 11:47 PM.
Advice Thoughts... Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:47 PM
ur running hot !

4th is a super-snap fold.

5th is a just a snap-fold

6th is a turbo-snap-fold.
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10-15-2009 , 11:52 PM
figured as much. this was quite an unuseral hand for me i dont normally play this spewie. the table was super soft and i guess i got a bit of "god" complex, thinking i can play any cands and win...

any advice about playing stud8b in general? any good book i can read or websites with advice? some general pointers or tips would be awesome...
Advice Thoughts... Quote
10-16-2009 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by AshleyLong
any advice about playing stud8b in general? any good book i can read or websites with advice? some general pointers or tips would be awesome...
Try not to be the guy (or gal) that is somewhere in the middle of the road. If you take a better look at this hand, chasing a player who is showing open trips and another player who is showing 4 low cards is what I would call being somewhere in the middle. I know it seems hard to fold a four-flush and a really good low draw, but the thing is, if the guy is full already (or makes a fullhouse on the end) what good would it do you to hit a flush anyway? So right there, I would remove that part of your hand/draw and just look at the low component. Even though your low draw is very good, at this point, you're probably only playing for half the pot, the player going low is going to make you pay top dollar to outdraw him and the pot just doesn't justify the call.

My advice to you: play only really good low hands on 3rd---the hands that have potential into making straights/flushes. Having a low draw that contains an Ace is huge because pairing it will often give you the best high hand. Don't play a low hand just because you're dealt three low cards (ie; 873), this isn't Razz. And, for now, I'd toss all the high pairs away (excl. AA) and just concentrate on entering pots w/solid low draws.
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10-16-2009 , 10:56 PM
Fold fourth. I wouldn't fold fifth. I probably wouldn't fold sixth either. And I certainly wouldn't snag a Trey on the end.
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10-16-2009 , 11:24 PM
I wouldnt have made it past forth or fifth. Its a losing play IMO
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10-16-2009 , 11:49 PM
4th is terrible but lol @ 5th being a snap-fold after that.
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10-17-2009 , 08:21 AM
the problem with 5th is that you don't know how many bets it will cost you. if you are beat then you'll pay a lot to find out and when you are drawing live you won't win so much.

there's only 4 bets in the pot, three ways. it could easily cost another 8 bets from you just to see the end + 4 more to showdown a marginal hand.

that's upto 12 bets, possibly drawing dead - when even if you have neutral pot equity that's only worth 1.3 bets.

/ fold 5th.
Advice Thoughts... Quote
10-17-2009 , 09:58 AM
the problem with 5th is that you don't know how many bets it will cost you.
True, but many of these people suck, so it's only going to cost you one bet a pretty good chunk of the time.

If I'm seat 1, I never have a pair in the hole. If a full house is part of his range, the so is a whole lot of crap that we're drawing live against. Dinking around on twodimes, I found a lot of scenarios where we were in good shape, and not that many where we're hurting, and I was generally giving opponents more credit than they deserve. I'm taking all raises on fifth and not minding it that much.
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10-17-2009 , 03:03 PM
Given how extremely live spades are, i guess his range is going to have alot more FD's than usual, and we're doing very well whenever we're against spades, but i still think 5th is a fold because id expect 5th to be capped so often and 6th when we catch bad.

I think you played 7th very well, its v unlikely that you would have a high hand worth raising so i don't think the low should 3bet you with anything less than a 6low, and then if the other guy isnt full you will only win 2 bets. The way you played it i think you always get 3bets when he isnt full and 4bets when he is.
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10-18-2009 , 04:26 AM
4th was a good time to get out as the pot was too small there to take one off.
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10-18-2009 , 11:04 AM
the result of the hand was seat 7 showed 87K in the hole and seat 1 had just trips (the cards are shuffled) and i ended up scooping the whole pot.

thinking back on the hand, the table was very weak so i kinda got in to the impression that i can play any draws etc well and crush the table, rather the waiting for a hand and then getting max value.

Thanks for your replys etc...
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10-18-2009 , 03:44 PM
I guess I am the only one who folds 3rd. If I'm feeling optimistic (always unwarranted) and I play 3rd, I can't really fold 4th cause I hit something. After that, I can't let go of the hand.

Like Andy, I can't river a 3, but can catch a high heart so that I'll pay off the set, who has hit a full...
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10-18-2009 , 05:11 PM
I fold 3rd in a heartbeat with the 9 up. And I'm not exactly a nit.
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10-20-2009 , 12:54 AM
While I don't think folding third is terrible, it would never occur to me to do so in this game. You've got two babies, hearts are live, the ante is relatively high, and the bring-in is low. Your opponents are likely to be passive and not particularly observant. I play this on third and like it.
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