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8/b 25c/50c 4th street 8/b 25c/50c 4th street

10-25-2008 , 10:28 PM
7 Card Stud High-Low ($0.25/$0.50), Ante $0.05, Bring-In $0.10 (converter)

3rd Street - (1.60 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx T___folds
Seat 2: xx xx K___raises
Seat 3: xx xx 3___folds
Hero: 8 2 4___calls
Seat 5: xx xx J___folds
Seat 6: xx xx A___calls
Seat 7: xx xx 2___brings-in___folds
Seat 8: xx xx 3___calls___calls

4th Street - (6.00 SB)

Seat 2: xx xx K K___bets___raises___calls
Hero: 8 2 4 6___raises___raises
Seat 6: xx xx A 5___calls___calls
Seat 8: xx xx 3 3___calls___calls
8/b 25c/50c 4th street Quote
10-25-2008 , 10:34 PM
It is not often I feel qualified to provide advice instead of asking for it, but this is an easy one. Fold third and even though you've played it, fold fourth too. Most of the low cards are dead and you're only playing for half the pot anyway.
8/b 25c/50c 4th street Quote
10-25-2008 , 11:11 PM
When a player raises, and you look down at an offsuit 842, you really need to consider a few things before you committ any of your chips, because, you don't want to get in the habit of playing any 3 low cards just because this is a high/low game.

Your're looking for ideal siuations w/hands that have good scoop potential, or, if you think there may be another player going for low, then you'll probably want to be playing/drawing to a better low than his. Of course, sometimes it will be hard to tell if you're really drawing to the best/worst low, so you want to make sure, that when you DO play a speculative low hand, that all or most of the other players have acted already, which will greatly reduce the chances of it being reraised. In this hand, you still had an Ace behind you (THE scariest card in this game, and, you also had the bring-in as well). Not a good spot for you.

I will say that this hand is playable, but you need to find better spots for it. (Get Ray Zee's High/Low book).

As played, I'd like to know what your thoughts were on 4th street. Did you really think you had the best low draw? You have an A5 behind you still...if he has a 4 card low, he's calling. And if the KK has trips, he's raising. So, here you stand a great chance at costing yourself 3 bets with a so-so hand opposed to just calling and see if anything good develops on 5th. This is a bad spot to try and represent a hand, and/or to try and knock someone out.
8/b 25c/50c 4th street Quote
10-25-2008 , 11:25 PM
Probably fold third and, like, don't raise fourth.
8/b 25c/50c 4th street Quote
10-26-2008 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by Rush17
As played, I'd like to know what your thoughts were on 4th street. Did you really think you had the best low draw? You have an A5 behind you still...if he has a 4 card low, he's calling. And if the KK has trips, he's raising. So, here you stand a great chance at costing yourself 3 bets with a so-so hand opposed to just calling and see if anything good develops on 5th. This is a bad spot to try and represent a hand, and/or to try and knock someone out.
I think because noone bet out and the A didn't raise that people had an assortment of 3 card lows, those of which im ahead of on the low side.

Just to clarify some things here, correct them if im wrong.

1) If im the favorite or the only low draw on board, get as much money in as possible. If its 3way and im the winner on one of the sides same thing applies.

2) Razz hands that do not have st8/flush potential should be played very sparingly if there are low cards (6-A) to act. Be hesitant to raise anything if there is an A to act as they are capable of jamming.

Would then an A door with a razz hand be a raise for me for deception??

3) if i have something like a A345 all suited be a spot to jam then if the 2s are live and the suit is live?? I have nothing but the potential to scoop.

I suppose in this game to relate to LHE which is the game that im comming from.....if hands more potential to be strong (two overs with a gutter/two overs with a FD) those hands are played more strong then hands that are best now and have the potential to be getting killed later ( 9s on a AQJ board/ JT on a QJT one suit board).
8/b 25c/50c 4th street Quote
10-26-2008 , 12:10 PM
If you have the only low hand, you should try to get as much money into the pot as possible. If you have a rough made hand on fifth and believe that you're up against two smooth draws, you should probably take it easy, though. You're not going to knock them out, and you may not even have an edge.

Being ahead for low may not be enough for you to want to force the action. There is an example in Ray Zee's book--which is a smashing read by the way--where QQ bets fourth street and a Seven draw calls. You have a Six draw, but should only call, because while you're the favorite for your side, you're not a 2:1 favorite.

There are razz hands and then there are razz hands. I generally think of razz hands as being hands that have little or no high potential such as 732. 764 with three Fives gone is pretty much a razz hand. A hand with a live Ace has some high potential, so I'm much more inclined to play those--often strongly depending on what I figure I'm up against.

3) if i have something like a A345 all suited be a spot to jam then if the 2s are live and the suit is live?? I have nothing but the potential to scoop.
I'd be jamming fourth and fifth street at a minimum.
8/b 25c/50c 4th street Quote
10-26-2008 , 05:19 PM
yuck. you can play 824 as a steal and maybe vs multiple high hands, -and as long as you are not the bi, this spot still sucks.

here with a 3 already in the pot, a single high hand that raised and ace & bi left to act this is a pretty trivial muck. 4th is a fold for only one bet, too. everybody catched perfect. there is absolutly no reason for you to stick around.

stud/8 is about scooping pots. your hand plays for low only and pretty poorly at that.
8/b 25c/50c 4th street Quote
10-27-2008 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Andy B
If you have the only low hand, you should try to get as much money into the pot as possible. If you have a rough made hand on fifth and believe that you're up against two smooth draws, you should probably take it easy, though. You're not going to knock them out, and you may not even have an edge.

Being ahead for low may not be enough for you to want to force the action. There is an example in Ray Zee's book--which is a smashing read by the way--where QQ bets fourth street and a Seven draw calls. You have a Six draw, but should only call, because while you're the favorite for your side, you're not a 2:1 favorite.

There are razz hands and then there are razz hands. I generally think of razz hands as being hands that have little or no high potential such as 732. 764 with three Fives gone is pretty much a razz hand. A hand with a live Ace has some high potential, so I'm much more inclined to play those--often strongly depending on what I figure I'm up against.

I'd be jamming fourth and fifth street at a minimum.

So on 3rd street, should my seen 4th be close to the 40 to 50 range or more toward the 20 to 30 range....seems like its probably tighter than i have in my mind then...
8/b 25c/50c 4th street Quote
10-27-2008 , 12:51 PM
You should probably be seeing fourth street something like 18-25% of the time depending on game conditions.
8/b 25c/50c 4th street Quote
