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 FT Satellite Token  FT Satellite Token

04-01-2008 , 02:15 AM
Without going into the sordid details of how we got to this point, my online bankroll currently consists of a single $75 satellite token on Full Tilt. I've been looking over their tournament schedule trying to determine how I might best parlay this into untold riches. Or at least enough to keep me in action for a little while. It appears that my options are roughly as follows:

Razz Tuesday night
Stud High Wednesday night
Stud/8 Thursday night
NLHE about any time I want

I assume that the the first three are weekly tournaments. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. HORSE tournaments appear to be at bad times.

If the fields for the NLHE tournaments are really soft, that's probably what I should be playing. I'm thinking that I might have a surer cash in a stud tournament, especially if I happen to show up to play that night.

I guess my question is, is there one of these tournaments where the field is particularly soft? Sounds like the razz tournament is pretty juicy, but that's definitely not my best game. If it's the softest field, I'll reread SOP some time between now and next Tuesday and take my chances. Stud high is my best game, but I've won a lot more money at stud/8, and it seems to me from my limited experience on Stars that there are a lot of bad players in stud/8 tournaments. Or maybe you guys have some other ideas.

It may just turn out that I just play in the stud tournament Wednesday night because I'm probably going to be free, and I'm not free Thursday, but any reasonably constructive feedback is appreciated.
 FT Satellite Token Quote
04-01-2008 , 02:27 AM
As much as I don't want to encourage 2+2ers to come and spoil the party, I played the stud/8 3 times and every time it was soft beyond belief, probably softer than a $10+1. I think these things are played by holdem players who are good at winning $75 tokens, which would explain all the people going nuts with all pairs and AKx type hands. The field was about 60-65 players each time, enough to give a small overlay.

The one time I saw the completed tourney lobby for stud hi, it was about 50 players, so that's an even fatter overlay / lower variance option (as they are paying 8 places no matter what) though I can't speak for how bad the players are.
 FT Satellite Token Quote
04-01-2008 , 02:34 AM
Yeah, I was going to mention short fields as another potential factor. Looks like next Thursday may be out as well, and I may not be able to hold out for longer than that. So maybe I'll just play stud on Wednesday. If I'm not working late.
 FT Satellite Token Quote
04-01-2008 , 02:46 AM
If you want my 2 cents I would play one of the 69+6 2 table SNG's. 6th gets $162 bucks and top 5 get $215 buy ins to the Sunday big dance which for a 5% commission you can trade in for real money about $200 bucks. To me this not the way to land a huge score but I think trying to satty into some cash and rebuild from there is the +ev way to go.

I had some recent success using my low limit Razz winnings to play 8 token NL sattys and then using that token to try to win a $75.00 token and parlay that into a $215 buy in which I sell for cash under full tilts new tourney $ trade in program.

FYI you can use sharkscope (5 searchs free per day) I think it cost 3 searches for the $75 tourneys to see how weak the field is as it starts to fill up. Look for about 4 or 5 fish, about 4-5 -minus roi players and three or four + players for a pretty soft field. Try to avoid any with more than 1 shark and you should be ok.

I have turned $32 (4 8+.80 buy ins) into about $200 in the last month.

Whatever you play Andy good luck!
 FT Satellite Token Quote
04-01-2008 , 08:28 AM
I played, and fortunately did quite well in the $75 razz, but i wouldn't play it
again without a token ( and certainly not with my last one ). The field was far
more difficult than the 2k and you're forced to make all sorts of unnatural
adjustments to find an edge. The fact that it's only paying out 8 doesnt make it
less frustrating ( for me ). I'd imagine stud to be the same.

I'd recommend playing horse as it's not game specific thus more donk friendly
or a nl which is always loaded and might offer you better odds to cash(?).
 FT Satellite Token Quote
04-01-2008 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by oscillator
I played, and fortunately did quite well in the $75 razz, ... The field was a little more difficult than the 2k and you're forced to play tough to find an edge. The fact that it's only paying out 8 doesnt make it less frustrating ( for me ). I'd imagine stud to be the same.

I'd recommend playing horse as it's not game specific thus more donk friendly
or a nl which is always loaded and might offer you better odds to cash(?).

This is as constructive as my feedback gets
 FT Satellite Token Quote
04-01-2008 , 08:51 PM
If you want my 2 cents I would play one of the 69+6 2 table SNG's. 6th gets $162 bucks and top 5 get $215 buy ins to the Sunday big dance which for a 5% commission you can trade in for real money about $200 bucks. To me this not the way to land a huge score but I think trying to satty into some cash and rebuild from there is the +ev way to go.
I like this suggestion a lot, although I find it somewhat distasteful that they charge juice for using the win for something other than that specific tournament seat. On Stars, you can unregister and use the tournament dollars for whatever. In any case, I'll probably find one of these at some point in the next week.

I'd recommend playing horse as it's not game specific thus more donk friendly
or a nl which is always loaded and might offer you better odds to cash(?).
The HORSE ones were on Friday and/or Saturday nights, as I recall. If I'm playing poker on one of those nights, it's going to be at Canterbury. They also have one very late on Sundays, and I do work for a living.
 FT Satellite Token Quote
04-02-2008 , 12:22 AM
Sordid details plz
 FT Satellite Token Quote
04-02-2008 , 12:47 AM
I should probably buy PokerTracker, if only to provide graphs.

Late November: Andy B buys in for $100 on Stars. Two and a half weeks later, he has run it up to $2600. Highlights include winning $700 in an evening playing $5/10 stud and running really good three-tabling $3/6 6-max LHE. Andy B is up for the year for the only time in 2007 (I think). Andy B then slowly figures out that maybe he's not quite so masterful at 6-max LHE as he imagined himself to be. Back into the red for 2007, breaking a streak of 21 consecutive winning years. Last losing year before that was 1985, when Andy B played once, with a bunch of seniors on the night of his junior prom, and lost $3.

Down but not out, Andy B keeps playing and has around $1000 in early February. At this time trades for $150 on Full Tilt for reasons that elude him. Dusts that off while deciding that he doesn't like FT anyway. Proceeds to run/play bad on PS, mostly at low-limit stud, finishing himself off in little sit-n-gos. Current bankroll sits at $.10 and 61 FPP.

Meanwhile, Andy B finally figures out something that FT points can be used for other than basketball jerseys. Plays in 300-point super that awards six $75 chips. Plays well, occasionally pays attention, and gets chip. Plays in a couple more 600-point, one-table satellites, taking the silver medal in one. Hasn't seen anything worthwhile to use his remaining 200 points on. Has high hopes for Not Lolo's satellite.
 FT Satellite Token Quote
04-02-2008 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Andy B
I like this suggestion a lot, although I find it somewhat distasteful that they charge juice for using the win for something other than that specific tournament seat. On Stars, you can unregister and use the tournament dollars for whatever. In any case, I'll probably find one of these at some point in the next week.
I may be off on this, but it was my understanding that the T$ on FTP were good for any Tournament that they offered, similar to how PS does it.

The only difference was that PS allows "sales" of the T$ from customer to customer and FTP has decided to only allow sales of them back to FTP for 5% juice.
 FT Satellite Token Quote
04-02-2008 , 04:02 AM
T$: use them for any tournaments.

And agree, these sats are quite juicy to play: tight is very right, you don't have to stress yourself in top 3, players will suicide so many times that there is a nice advantage.
 FT Satellite Token Quote
04-02-2008 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Gallopin Gael
I may be off on this, but it was my understanding that the T$ on FTP were good for any Tournament that they offered, similar to how PS does it.

The only difference was that PS allows "sales" of the T$ from customer to customer and FTP has decided to only allow sales of them back to FTP for 5% juice.
Gael is correct! If you want to play tourneys no juice. But if you want cash for ring games then you must pay the juice.

Good luck Andy! I have had some success in these and I hope you have success in this one too.
 FT Satellite Token Quote
