Originally Posted by High_SocietyA9
First off let me say that given the ironman there was a fair chance he was multi-tabling so if that is true villain will most likely play his cards face-up. So when he flats 3rd his range is mostly consisting of rough 8's, 7's and 6's I basically took wheel draws completely out of his range since we have no history and therefore no reason to play deceptively.
First, he might not have been multi-tabling, and/or it is definitely possible to play tricky when multi-tabling.
Second, there are a whole bunch of reasons that he might flat-call your raise on 3rd even with three to a wheel. Here are some:
- If he three-bets, you might be more likely to put him on an Ace or a deuce in the hole. He has one but doesn't want you to "know" it, so he flat calls.
- His outs are dead. For instance, as played, maybe he has 24 in the hole. With the door cards as they are, (24)5 is not that great of a hand -- I mean, it's certainly playable even for a cap, but it's not necessarily a jamming hand.
- He might flat-call your raise with his entire range. There are situations where I will do this, and one of those situations is villains with whom I have no history.

Another is villains who have proven that they -- like you -- will automatically take this flat-call as 100% proof that I don't have a three-card 5.
- He might be playing above his comfort level as far as the stakes go. (Admittedly, not likely at 0.50/1.00 with the ironman chip on his avatar.)
Third, why would he raise 6th street with a four card 7?